----- Whistle Blowers
Edward Snowden - Terminal F | 2015 | 58:09
----- Military
No End in Sight: Iraq's descent into chaos | | 2007 | 1:02:00
The War You Don't See by John Pilger | | 2010 | 1:36:33
Two Days in October | PBS American Experience | 2010 | 1:17:47
In a jungle in Vietnam, a Viet Cong ambush nearly wiped out an American battalion, prompting some in power to question whether the war might be unwinnable. On a campus in Wisconsin, a student protest against the war spiraled out of control, marking the first time that a campus anti-war demonstration had turned violent. .For watching more American Experience series please subscribe my channel.
Whistle Blowers
Woody Harrelson discusses "The Most Dangerous Man in America" [4:17]
The Most Dangerous Man in America with Daniel Ellsberg , Part 1 | | | 43:25, and
Part 2 | 43:25
In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a leading Vietnam War strategist, concludes that America's role in the war is based on decades of lies. He leaks 7,000 pages of top-secret documents to The New York Times, a daring act of conscience that leads directly to Watergate, President Nixon's resignation and the end of the Vietnam War. Ellsberg and a who's-who of Vietnam-era movers and shakers give a riveting account of those world-changing events.
Snowden (full) | | | 1:34:06
Edward Snowden was given no script approval, nor did he receive any payment for Snowden, says director Oliver Stone. This movie tells the story of the former NSA operative and how he came to reveal that the U.S. government was secretly monitoring domestic telephone calls.
More Whistle Blowers
William Binney - NSA
Sibel Edmonds - FBI
Russ Tice - NSA
Thomas Andrews Drake - NSA
John Kiriakou - CIA
Wendell Potter - CIGNA
Wikileaks - Julian Assange
Some Less Known History
Prescott Bush's 1933 fascist coup attempt in the US - Business Coup stopped by Smedley Butler | | 28:04
Smedley Butler Exposes Fascist Take-over of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Administration | 1:23
No End in Sight | | 2007 | 1:02:00
No End in Sight is a 2007 documentary film about the American occupation of Iraq. The film marks the directorial debut of Academy Award-winning documentary film producer Charles H. Ferguson. To a large extent the film consists of interviews with the people who were involved in the initial Iraqi occupation authority and the ORHA (the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, later replaced by the CPA, the Coalition Provisional Authority). Thirty-five people are interviewed who have since become disillusioned by what they experienced at the time.
The War You Don't See by John Pilger, Part 1 | | 2010 | 1:37:00, and
Part 2
The War You Don't See is a 2010 British documentary film written, produced and directed by John Pilger with Alan Lowery, which challenges the media for the role they played in the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine conflicts. Reviewer Peter Bradshaw states that, "The force of his film is in its contention that the colossal scale of civilian casualties is, within the grammar of news, downgraded in importance so that it doesn't figure as news at all, but as all-but-invisible deep background to be ignored".
Absurd Amount of Money Wasted!
2.3 TRillion Dollars Missing from DOD Day before 911 | 09/10/01 | 3:57
**Daily Ticker | Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For | 2014 | 5:32
Dr. Mark Skidmore, of Michigan State University, as he talks about $21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget | 12/02/17 | 33:32
The 2018 NDAA approves $700 billion for the Pentagon. This was done despite the fact that a recent report on the budgets of the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, found that between the two departments, they have lost over $21 trillion in the last 17 years.
Daylight Robbery - What Happened To The $23billion? | BBC Panorama | 06/10/08 | 58:23
The extent to which some private contractors have profited from the conflict and rebuilding has been researched by BBC Panorama using United States and Iraqi government sources.
Based on information from these sources, the programme can reveal that as much as $23billion is not properly accounted for in Iraq.
In the run-up to the invasion one of the most senior officials in charge of procurement in the Pentagon objected to a contract potentially worth $7billion that was given to Halliburton, a Texan company with links to the White House. Unusually only Halliburton got to bid -- and won.
Depleted Uranium | Agent Orange | War Crimes??
$2 Billion NSA Utah Data Center, also known as the
Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center
Size - Many, many football fields
Speed - 27,000 trillion calculations a second

Ever wonder how fast the computer is in the NSA Utah Data Center: it can do 27,000 trillion calculations a second.
Storage - enough data to fill up the US
Ever wonder what 42 trillion file cabinets stacked together would look like?
According to a report by NPR, the NSA data center in Utah will be capable of saving 5 Zettabytes (5 billion Terabyte). Assuming that a filing cabinet with 60 files (30,000 pages of paper) uses up 0.4 m2, which would correspond to 120 MB of data, the printed out Utah data center would use up 17 million square kilometers.
An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity | 06/24/16 | 18:35
Economic Hitmen Cartoon | 04/27/17 | 2:23
According to investigative journalist Tim Shorrock:
...what we have today with the intelligence business is something far more systemic: senior officials leaving their national security and counterterrorism jobs for positions where they are basically doing the same jobs they once held at the CIA, the NSA and other agencies-- but for double or triple the salary, and for profit. It's a privatization of the highest order, in which our collective memory and experience in intelligence -- our crown jewels of spying, so to speak -- are owned by corporate America. Yet, there is essentially no government oversight of this private sector at the heart of our intelligence empire. And the lines between public and private have become so blurred as to be nonexistent.
United States Intelligence Agencies
Pilger traces the growing integration of the state and media back to World War One. In the US, the secretive Committee on Public Information was set up in 1917 by US President Woodrow Wilson to “sell the war to the masses”. One of its most influential members was public relations-propaganda pioneer Edward Bernays. “The intelligent manipulation of the masses is an invisible government which is the true ruling power in this country”, Bernays wrote. The “hide the facts and manipulate emotions to scare the hell out of people” philosophy lay behind First World War posters such as “Destroy this Mad Brute” (1917).
John Pilger’s The War You Don’t See: An indictment of news reporting as state propaganda | | 01/04/11 | article