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Friday January 31, 2014
News Articles

Was Michael Hastings' Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It's Possible
HP | Mike Hogan | 06/24/13 older

Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is "consistent with a car cyber attack." Clarke said, "There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers" -- including the United States -- know how to remotely seize control of a car.

"What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it's relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn't want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn't want the brakes on, to launch an air bag," Clarke told The Huffington Post. "You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it's not that hard." ... Read more

Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident "Consistent with a Car Cyber Attack"
RedIce | Kurt Nimmo | date

"There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers" -- including the United States -- know how to remotely seize control of a car," Clarke said.   On Saturday, Infowars.com posted a video of a talk presented by Dr. Kathleen Fisher, a program manager for DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies. Fisher admitted that the Pentagon has researched remotely controlling cars through hacking on board computers.

In 2011, Car and Driver magazine published an article substantiating the Pentagon research. "Currently, there's nothing to stop anyone with malicious intent and some ­computer-programming skills from taking command of your vehicle. After gaining access, a hacker could control everything from which song plays on the radio to whether the brakes work," writes Keith Barry, citing research conducted by the Center for Automotive Embedded Systems Security, a partnership between the University of California San Diego and the University of Washington. ... Read more
CNN: Was Michael Hastings Death An "Accident"? (06/20/13) [2:40]

*What can NSA Really Do! Quite A Lot. To Protect And Infect or Wrist Slitting Depressing (30C3) (12/30/13) [1:02:15]

This Guy Needs A Clue: A Member Of The 1% Declares It 'Great' That 3.5 Billion Are In Poverty.
upworthy.com | Brandon Weber | date

It's like he's a living example of rich white male privilege: "Anybody can be me!"   Just to be clear, I'm not jealous of his wealth. Or what he had to do to get it. But many of those 3.5 billion in poverty never even get a chance to try to "be somebody." Once we level that playing field, we can start talking about "looking up to the 1%."

This clip came from "The Lang & O'Leary Exchange" on the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. The guy in the clip, Kevin O'Leary, is one of the investors on "Shark Tank." Jump to
Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people living in poverty is 'fantastic news' (01/21/14) [1:11]

[My Comment] I find this interview sad! If someone has a bigger brother to look-up-to, or a better-off friend to look-up-to, that is a good thing... especially if that friend can help with encouragement and possibly physical help. But, when you have people working their brains out for $2.00 a day (Pacific Rim), or even $40-$60.00 a day (US), and the other person is making $1,000.00 a day (being conservative) ... I don't think it is going to act as an inspiration. The guy in the video is a shit and totally clueless.

Obama's Weak Enviro Agenda Is Suicide for Humanity -- Here's the Stark Future We Face
AlterNet | Tara Lohan | 01/29/14

Are there any self-respecting environmental organizations out there that are still behind President Obama? After his State of the Union on Tuesday it's hard to imagine there could be. In his address, Obama proudly declared, "The 'all the above' energy strategy I announced a few years ago is working, and today America is closer to energy independence than we have been in decades."

Based what we know from the most recent climate science, Obama's "all-of-the-above" energy policy is actually suicidal. To say that we're approaching a dangerous precipice would be too optimistic or simply unrealistic. For a decade we were peering over the edge, but now we're falling—how long and how hard depends on what we do this year and in the next few years. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, January 31 [15:13]
DN | "We Will Not Break The Law To Enforce The Law": NYC to Reform Stop & Frisk, End Racial Profiling (01/31/14) [6:24], Part 2 [21:51]
*DN | Wallace Shawn on Artistic Solidarity: As Glenn Greenwald Can't Return to U.S., I Took My Play To Him (01/31/14) [2:24]
*TRNN | Gerald Epstein: Why is the Fed Pushing Interest Rates Higher? (01/30/14) [16:31]
*TRNN | Dr. Elizabeth Cochran: Seismologist: Fracking Injection Wells Linked to Earthquakes (01/31/14) [9:38]
Secret | Security State
C-Span2 | Journalist Michael Hastings Interview: The Reporter Who Took Down Stanley McChrystal (2011) [1:22:14]
Charlie Rose | Jeremy Scahill's Dirty Wars & JSOC (06/28/13) [25:40]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Domestic News - Friday (01/31/14) [1hr]
International News - Friday (01/31/14) [1hr]
TYT News
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart | Lindsey Graham predicts the world's end, and two inches of snow brings Atlanta to a standstill. (01/30/14) [5:58], Part 2 [2:21]
*Wealth Inequality
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
[Comment] This pretty much speaks for itself. At 1:05, I get a rude awakening. At 1:41, he starts talking about you. At 2:24, he says a "bad" word. At 3:50, he kind of breaks my brain. At 4:50, he lets you know how broke you really are. At 5:20, he rubs it in. And at 5:50, he points out that reality isn't close to what we think it is.
*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
Click to zoom chart
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
InfoWars | Sgt. Biggs On Military Life and Why Michael Hastings was Murdered (09/13/13) [46:35]
Truthloader - Manufacturing consent
Truthloader | Manufacturing consent - how Edward Bernays hacked democracy (01/27/14) [8:45], Part 2 [7:38], Part 3 [8:49]

Truthloader | Massive NSA spying program revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden (06/10/13) [8:05]
Propaganda, Public Relations, Advertising ->Corporate Media
Noam Chomsky on Nazi Propaganda and the "Bewildered Herd" (12/10/13) [8:04]
Noam Chomsky Documentary "Manufacturing Consent The Political Consent of Mass Media" (1988) [2:47:38]
How Political Power Uses Propaganda to Distract the Public: Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent (1989) [2:38:07]
Rule of Law
How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful: Noam Chomsky & Glenn Greenwald (08/05/13) [1:09:51]
C-Span | Private Security Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan: Erik Prince Testimony - Legal Issues (2007) [4:39:38]
Other Info
Oil Discovery and Distribution of Wealth in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (1968) [52:06]
#DirtyWars, #JSOC, #SealTeamSix, #Drones, #Obama, #Terrorism, #DeathPenalty

01.31.2014. 13:12

Thursday January 30, 2014
News Articles

Edward Snowden has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize
Washington Post | Brian Fung | 01/29/14/span>

Edward Snowden spent the last year revealing some of the government's most tightly held secrets, kicking off a massive debate about the proper role of America's intelligence services. Now, a pair of Norwegian politicians have nominated the NSA leaker for a Nobel Peace Prize.   In their nomination letter, Baard Vegar Solhjell and Snorre Valen, who hail from the Socialist Left party, said Snowden's revelations "contributed to a more stable and peaceful world order." ... Read more

James Clapper Suggests Journalists Could Be Edward Snowden's 'Accomplices'
HP | Michael Calderone | 01/29/14

"Snowden claims that he's won and that his mission is accomplished," Clapper said, according to a transcript from the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, posted by the Washington Post. "If that is so, I call on him and his accomplices to facilitate the return of the remaining stolen documents that have not yet been exposed, to prevent even more damage to U.S. security." ...

... Guardian national security editor Spencer Ackerman, among others, questioned on Twitter whether Clapper was referring to journalists.   HuffPost put the question to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which didn't rule out that journalists could be considered "accomplices." ... Read more

[Comment] Now who perjured themselves before Congress? I thought that was illegal? So why isn't James Crapper in jail?
*ProPublica | Has the Gov't Lied on NSA Snooping? Let's Go to the Videotape [2:53]

*Booz Allen Hamilton: Far Worse Than Blackwater
activistpost.com | Tommy Paine | 2013 older

Lost in the Edward Snowden debate is a critical look at his former employer, the company doing the spying on Americans in the first place: Booz Allen Hamilton.

Booz Allen Hamilton is a government contractor, with 99% of its revenue coming from the US government. Not only does it receive money from the NSA, but also the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and ... the IRS. In addition, Booz Allen is heavily connected to the CIA. ... Read more | full article in pup-up window
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Does Bush work for Carlyle, who owns Booz Allen, who get huge defense contracts?

*Truthloader | What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden (10/07/13) [11:47]
*Truthloader | Who are The Carlyle Group, and what is their relationship with Booz Allen Hamilton? (08/16/13) [9:18]

WSJ Defends Paranoid Rich Guy Who Thinks The Poor Are Nazis, Naturally
HP | Emily Peck | 01/30/14

Perkins, who co-founded the firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in the 1970s, made his explosive comments in a letter to the WSJ over the weekend. "I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its 'one percent,' namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the 'rich,' " he wrote.   An epic Internet freakout ensued. Fortunately, the gallant WSJ op-ed page, owned by News Corp., where Perkins was until recently a board member, came to his rescue.

The Nazi comparison was "unfortunate," admitted the WSJ's editorial team, in a piece pubbed late Wednesday night. But the WSJ also declared Perkins' larger point -- that the super-rich are demonized by the press and "liberals" -- right on target. The outraged response to his letter proves the point, the WSJ triumphantly noted. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, January 30 [12:22]
DN | Sharif Abdel Kouddous: 3 Years After Revolution, Egypt Faces Deadly Polarization & Growing Militancy (01/30/14) [10:26]
DN | Debate: Is Ukraine's Opposition a Democratic Movement or a Force of Right-Wing Extremism? (01/30/14) [22:23]
Cute Video
State of the Union, Same Old Story? [1:12]
*TRNN | John Nichols of Nation magazine: 94 year-old Pete Seeger's music was stronger than the forces that sought to silence him (01/29/14) [11:41]
Pete Seeger
*TRNN | Janet Redman: Obama's Energy Plan Cannot Seriously Address The Impending Climate Crisis (01/30/14) [8:35]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm The Latest Trends In Wearable Technology (01/30/14) [1hr]
This week, consumers who are both fashion conscious, technologically savvy -- and wear glasses -- got welcome news. Google Glass will now be available for prescription lenses. These glasses, which allow people to shoot video and check email, are on the leading edge of so called "wearable technology". The new trend includes everything from smart watches to bracelets that monitor fitness. What could be done on our smart phones can be accomplished from smaller and smaller gadgets. But whether consumers are convinced to buy may have less to do with functionality and more to do with personal style. Diane and her panel of guests discuss new trends in wearable technology.

  1. Cecilia Kang technology reporter, The Washington Post.
  2. Bill Wasik senior editor, WIRED. His cover article for the January issue is called "Heads Up: Why Wearable Tech Will Be As Big As The Smartphone."
  3. Marlene Morris Towns teaching professor of marketing, Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business. She is also the academic director at the Georgetown Institute for Consumer Research.
  4. Thad Starner technical lead/manager, Google's Project Glass. He is director of the Contextual Computing Group at Georgia Tech.
Click to zoom - The Carlyle Group
Click to zoom - Booz Allen Hamilton
Click to zoom - Booz Allen Hamilton Revolving Door
Click to zoom - Major Cause of Death
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart: | Obama Now in the 'F*ck It' Stage of His Presidency (01/28/14) [8:51]
Jon Stewart | slams Obama's domestic spying program [8:36]

01.30.2014. 12:18

Wednesday January 29, 2014
News Articles

Silicon Valley fights to keep its Dutch Sandwich and Double Irish loopholes
magazine | Cyrus Farivar | 01/20/14

Last year, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- a group of the world's top economies -- decided it was time to crack down on international tax shenanigans through meaningful reform. These legal loopholes allow major tech corporations to move money around on paper through a series of shell corporations in Ireland, Bermuda, and the Netherlands. The companies save big, and "best" of all, it's currently legal! This widespread strategy of moving money around involves two specific tactics better known as the "Dutch Sandwich" and the "Double Irish."

Lots of companies engage in these strategies -- Apple, Google, Amazon, Adobe, and Microsoft to name a few. How beneficial are they? Google's overseas tax rate was 2.4 percent in 2009, the lowest of all American tech companies when measured by market capitalization. This shifting move saves the company billions of dollars annually. In October 2013, Google is now moving even more money through a shell corporation in Bermuda -- reaching a total of €8.8 billion ($11.91 billion) in 2012, 25 percent more than it did in 2011. ... Read more

Legendary Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, Tom Perkins, Says Criticism Of The Super-Rich Is Like Nazis Going After The Jews.
Here is poor old Tom Perkins sailboat
[Comment] The Presidents State of the Union Address (SOTU) had a lot about Income Inequality. Problem is words can be hard to follow, and people tend to tune out. I find charts and graphs much easier to follow and understand.
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DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, January 29 [12:50]
[Comment] I love Jeremy Scahill interviews. He is such a good Investigative Journalist, so he knows the facts first hand, and he presents the facts in such a clear and concise manner.
*DN | In SOTU, Obama Tells Divided Congress to Expect Executive Action in Face of Continued Obstruction (01/29/14) [10:25]<- Jeremy Scahill @ 6:50
*DN | "A Silent Coup": Jeremy Scahill & Bob Herbert on Corporate, Military Interests Shaping Obama's SOTU (01/29/14) [14:51]<- Jeremy Scahill @ 8:05
DN | Five Years of the "Same Rhetoric": Immigration Activist Faults Obama's SOTU, Deportation Policy (01/29/14) [3:48], Part 2 [7:03]
*DN | "Dirty Wars" Filmmaker Jeremy Scahill on the "Drone President" & Obama's Whitewashing of NSA Spying (01/29/14) [4:41]<- Jeremy Scahill @ 1:26
Farmed and Dangerous Official Trailer (01/26/14) [2:18]
Two music videos and some 20 million YouTube views later, Chipotle is taking its pseudo-commercial campaign against factory farming to new lengths: Next month, the restaurant chain will debut a scripted comedy, "Farmed and Dangerous," on Hulu.
*TRNN | David Cay Johnston: Put in historical context, a $10.10 minimum wage is still substantially lower than it was in the 1960s. Obama's Address Fails to Look at Roots of Income Inequality (01/29/14) [8:14]
*TYT News
[Comment] I got caught up listening to all the TYT News snippits... so here they are. You might not like Cenk when he get sarcastic, but the discussions are usually right on.
State of the Union Address (SOTU)
TYT | Debating the 2014 State Of The Union Speech by President Obama (01/28/14) [10:27]
TYT | Republican Response Summed Up In 60 Seconds (01/28/14) [0:53]
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers from Spokane, Washington delivered the Republican response to the President's State of the Union Address. In a speech ranging from God to the Bible to prayer, she offered a classic Republican take on the important issues of the day.
TYT | 'Our Cancer Drug Is For Rich Westerners, Not Poor Indians' (01/28/14) [6:19]
Uh ho, I hear TPP just around the corner.
TYT | The Head-Spinning Reason Conservatives Are Upset About This Ad (01/28/14) [9:09]
TYT | If You Thought Republicans Were Sexist Hypocrites Before, Wait Till You See This (01/28/14) [11:45]
TYT | Pete Seeger: His Music Changed Hearts, His Life Changed Lives (01/28/14) [5:05]
TYT | Google Doesn't Want You To Google This... paid 2.4% in taxes (01/28/14) [9:38]
TYT | Koch Empire Retools, Rearms and Renames | Dark Lords Of Influence (09/27/14) [6:21]
TYT | A Sensible Safe Smart Gun Law - Guess Who Hates It (09/27/14) [4:20]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm An Update On The State Of The U.S. Economy (01/28/14) [1hr]
Inequality for All by Robert Reich
Robert Reich | Inequality for All (full) [1:30:11]
*Wealth Inequality
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.29.2014. 14:25

Tuesday January 28, 2014
News Articles

Boehner warns Obama headed for 'brick wall'
CNN | CNN's Dana Bash | 01/28/14

House Speaker John Boehner warned President Barack Obama that he will "run into a brick wall" by using his executive power and bypassing Congress, as the White House has signaled the President intends to do. "We're just not going to sit here and let the President trample all over us," said Boehner.

"This idea that he's just going to go it alone, I have to remind him we do have a constitution. And the Congress writes the laws, and the President's job is to execute the laws faithfully. And if he tries to ignore this he's going to run into a brick wall." ...

RIGHT, as if Congress has done anything useful this year.
Read more

MSNBC | Chuck Todd: Majority of Americans believe Obama's second term won't improve [3:12]

My Fox News Nightmare: How I Tortured Myself with The Propaganda of Ignorance
AlterNet | John Haggerty | 01/28/14

So here's what happened when I watched 3 hours of Fox every day for a month.

One October evening, in the midst of the 2013 government shutdown, I watched Bill O'Reilly work himself into something of a state. He sat at his desk, his hands palms upward, fingers slightly curved, as if cupping something in them. "I want Hagel." he said, staring into the camera. "I want Hagel. I want him." A casual observer might interpret this moment as O'Reilly expressing his fierce but tender desire for Chuck Hagel, the Secretary of Defense. More experienced O'Reilly viewers, however, will recognize it as a signal that the unfortunate Hagel had plummeted downward in O'Reilly's estimation from pinhead to evildoer. (There are only three kinds of people in Bill O'Reilly's world: good hardworking Americans, pinheads--people who are not actually malevolent but who are too stupid to understand the way the world really works--and evildoers.) ... Read more

A Holodeck Videogame Designed to Train Soldiers
Wired Magazine | Allen McDuffee | 01/28/14

Last week, the Army Contracting Command issued a Sources Sought notice for companies interested in demonstrating "mature technologies" for military training. Northrop Grumman thinks its Virtual Immersive Portable Environment (VIPE) Holodeck just may be the answer.

Using commercial, off-the-shelf hardware combined with gaming technology, the VIPE Holodeck 360 degree virtual training system provides users with a high-fidelity immersive environment with a variety of mission-centric applications, including simulation and training, mission rehearsal and data visualization. The VIPE Holodeck can support live, virtual and constructive simulation and training exercises including team training, cultural and language training and support for ground, air and remote platform training. Off-the-shelf technology keeps costs down while also making future upgrades and maintenance easy to perform and affordable, says Northrop. ... Read more
VIPE Holodeck. The Virtual Immersive Portable Environment is the most realistic, cost effective virtual training system available. [2:46]

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, January 28 [10:27]
DN | "We Shall Overcome": Remembering Folk Icon, Activist Pete Seeger in His Own Words & Songs, Part 1 (01/28/14) [16:42], Part 2 [17:32], Part 2 [11:19]
Pete Seeger: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? [4:22]
TRNN | Bill Black: Emerging Market Financial Crises Raise Concerns About Another Global Recession (01/28/14) [5:56]
*5 part interview with economist Gar Alperovitz on the direction that America should take to help improve the economy.
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm An Update On The State Of The U.S. Economy (01/28/14) [1hr]
TYT News
TYT | Wendy Davis A 'Coke Whore' Tweets Former GOP Official ... (01/27/14) [4:29]
TYT | Privileged Republican Senator Dismisses 'War On Women' But Here Are The Facts (01/27/14) [7:28]
TYT | Wow, Fox News Is SCREWED (01/27/14) [4:57]
TYT | Critics Of The Rich Are Like Nazis, Says Famed Tech Investor (01/27/14) [6:58]
TYT | The Vatican's 'Gay Lobby' Isn't Just For Priests & Bishops (09/27/13) [4:08]
TYT | "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing a school board in Louisiana, alleging officials at one of its schools harassed a sixth-grader because of his Buddhist faith and that the district routinely pushes Christian beliefs. (09/27/13) [4:06]
TYT | Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas): The Most Unbearable Man In America (09/15/13) [5:06]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Diagrams & Dollars: Modern Money Illustrated [3:39]
This short, easy to follow book explains the basic concepts underlying the debate about the possibilities and implications of Modern Money Theory. The explanations are illustrated with simple diagrams, making the concepts easy to "see". The explanations are targeted to the "non-economist" with a serious interest in the current debate about fiscal policies and National Budgets.
Modern Money Illustrated.pdf (right-click and choose: Save Link As)
Carl Sagan Cosmo
Carl Sagans Cosmos - Ep01 - The Shores Of The Cosmic Ocean [1:05:06]
The Philadelphia Experiment 1984 [1:37:07]
HC | The True Story Of The Philadelphia Experiment 2001 [42:56]
Entertaining Videos
Time Travel: Al Bielek Travels to the 28th Century [34:06]
The Time Shifters [1:28:00]
Peter, Paul and Mary
Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind [3:01]
Peter, Paul & Mary - If I Had A Hammer (1963) [2:08]

01.28.2014. 16:05

Monday January 27, 2014
News Articles

Edward Snowden, v 1.0: NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells All
ReasonTV | William Binney | 01/10/14

"Where I see it going is toward a totalitarian state," says William Binney. "You've got the NSA doing all this collecting of material on all of its citizens - that's what the SS, the Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB, and the NKVD did."

Binney is talking about the collection of various forms of personal data on American citizens by the National Security Agency (NSA), where he worked for 30 years before quitting in 2001 from his high-placed post as technical leader for intelligence. A registered Republican for most of his life, Binney volunteered for military service during the Vietnam War, which led to his being hired by the NSA in the early '70s.

In 2002 - long before the revelations of Edward Snowden rocked the world - Binney and several former colleagues went to Congress and the Department of Defense, asking that the NSA be investigated. Not only was the super-secretive agency wasting taxpayer dollars on ineffective programs, they argued, it was broadly violating constitutional guarantees to privacy and due process.

The government didn't just turn a blind eye to the agency's activities; it later accused the whistleblowers of leaking state secrets. A federal investigation of Binney - including an FBI search and seizure of his home and office computers that destroyed his consulting business - exonerated him on all charges.

"We are a clear example that [going through] the proper channels doesn't work," says Binney, who approves of Edward Snowden's strategy of going straight to the media. At the same time, Binney criticizes Snowden's leaking of documents not directly related to the NSA's surveillance of American citizens and violation of constitutional rights. Binney believes that the NSA is vital to national security but has been become unmoored due to technological advances that vastly extend its capabilities and leadership that has no use for limits on government power. "They took that program designed [to prevent terrorist attacks] and used it to spy on American citizens and everyone else in the world," flatly declares Binney.
ReasonTV | Edward Snowden, v 1.0: NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells All (01/10/14) [50:12]
We're like addicts of horror. Trying to get bigger and bigger kicks from nastier and nastier NSA stories. We are drunk from it.

TPP Wikileaked: US Watering Down Enviro Protections in Secret Trade Deal
Bill Moyers | John Light | 01/16/14

Another chapter in the tale of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) -- a secret international trade deal being pushed by the Obama administration and described by critics as "NAFTA on steroids" -- has once again been Wikileaked. This one deals with the environment, and it shows that, by and large, the US is caving on environmental standards it had previously set for international trade agreements.

... The TPP is a deal negotiated by the US, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Brunei, Australia, Vietnam, Peru, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico and Japan. The complete text has not been released to the public, but the Obama administration is rushing to get it finalized as part of a strategic "pivot to Asia." The agreement had previously been criticized for increasing corporate control over the Internet, copyrights and patents and potentially having the same negative effect on the US job market as NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement entered into 20 years ago. ... Read more

Part Three: Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Literacy
BillMoyers | Neil deGrasse Tyson | 01/24/14

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson unwittingly triggered a controversy in the blogosphere last week when he said this on our show: "If you have a religious philosophy that is not based in objective realities that you then want to put in the science classroom, then I'm going to stand there and say no, 'I'm not going to allow you in the science classroom.'" ... Read more

The Constant Presence of U.S. Drones in the Sky Traumatize and Ruin Lives on the Ground
AlterNet | H.H. Bhojani | 01/23/14

Nabila's drawings are like any other nine-year-old's. A house rests besides a winding path, a winding path on which wander two stick figures. Tall trees, rising against the back drop of majestic hills. Clouds sprinkled over a clear sky.

Nabila's drawings are like any other nine-year-old's. With one disturbing exception.   Hovering over the house, amidst the clouds, above the people, are two drone aircraft. ... Read more

Click to zoom chart
Approx. 4,000 oil platforms in the Gulf
DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, January 27 [11:33]
DN | Bill Moyers on Dark Money, the Attack on Voting Rights & How Racism Stills Drives Our Politics (01/27/14) [18:30]
Just wait until you see what happens 30 seconds in! [2:03]
Bill Moyers
BillMoyers | Peter Edelman on Waging Another War on Poverty (01/14/14) [1:15]
*BillMoyers | Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Literacy, Part 3 (01/24/14) [26:46]
BillMoyers | Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change (11/15/12) [31:42]
Surveillance State
To Protect And Infect or Wrist Slitting Depressing
*30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2 (12/30/13) [1:02:15]
30C3 | The Four Wars - Terror, whistleblowers, drugs, internet by Annie Machon (12/29/13) [25:00]
The Four Wars, by Annie Machon - Although Assange's talk was EPIC, this one, in my humble opinion, was the most inspiring and revealing talk I had the opportunity to watch at 30C3. It's that kind of thing that sounds almost obvious after you hear it, but you never had thought about it before. It's just 25 minutes.
*ProPublica | Has the Gov't Lied on NSA Snooping? Let's Go to the Videotape [2:53]
Money for Nothing
ReasonTV | Federal Reserve, Not Free Market, Caused Crisis says "Money for Nothing" Filmmaker Jim Bruce (12/09/13) [9:49]
*Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve (full) (2013) [1:43:41]
Money for Nothing website
Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve - Exclusive Director Interview (11/18/13) [29:09]
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The Biggest Bank Heist Ever! (2011) [49:42]
Holding Area For Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Reason.tv - I like their interviews
Reason TV | Unconstitutional Presidential Power Grab - Road To Tyranny (01/22/14) [12:50]
Reason TV | Federal Reserve, Not Free Market, Caused Crisis says "Money for Nothing" Filmmaker Jim Bruce (12/09/13) [9:49]
PressTV - PressTV is Iranian, but the story lines are clear and all the facts are well known!
PressTV | The Carlyle Group, the Bush family and 9/11 (03/21/13) [25:42]
The Carlyle group is one of America's ten biggest military contracting firms. This firm specializes in what they call 'crony capitalism'. That means they make money by gaining access to the world's leading decision-makers.

The Carlyle group was founded in the late 80s by a fellow named Rubenstein. It is a highly influential multi-sector group, mostly defense related companies and corporations. In the 90s, it started bringing on board the Bush family and Bin Laden family. The two families became the key members of their board. The Group stands accused of involvement in and benefiting from 9/11 attacks..

The Carlyle Group operates in four business areas: Corporate private equity, defense, market strategies and fund of funds, through its AlpInvest subsidiary..

In its 2010 annual report, Carlyle reported assets in excess of $150 billion under management diversified over 84 distinct funds.
Truthloader - I like their short, clear and fact filled videos
Does Bush work for Carlyle, who owns Booz Allen, who get huge defense contracts
Truthloader | What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden (10/07/13) [11:47]
Truthloader | Who are The Carlyle Group, and how are they connected to bin Laden? (08/16/13) [9:18]
Secret Groups
Truthloader | Bilderberg 2013 - Your guide to 'The Bilderberg Group' (05/30/13) [8:34]
Journalist & Whistleblowers
Truthloader | The War on Whistleblowers (11/12/13) [6:14]
Truthloader | Massive NSA spying program revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden (06/10/13) [8:05]
Truthloader | Edward Snowden reveals the US 'black budget' of secret intelligence spending (08/30/13) [3:38]
Truthloader | Climate change could be far more serious than thought (01/03/14) [1:37]
Other Earth Threatening
Truthloader | How to start a war (01/07/14) [13:01]
Truthloader | Canada's Tar Sands: The most destructive project on Earth? (11/26/13) [7:50]
Truthloader | A race for what's left of the planet: The Arctic battleground (10/07/13) [11:47]
Truthloader | Who are Monsanto and are they really evil? (12/03/13) [11:09]
Truthloader | Israel's nuclear weapons: the open secret (12/25/14) [8:42]
Brother Nathan - I like how Nathan speaks his mind
Brother Nathan | The Fed's Pipeline To Israel (09/06/13) [7:17]
GMO Monsanto
The World According to Monsanto (08/30/13) [1:49:04]
The Sick Story of GMO - Genetically Engineered Food - People As Lab Rats (08/30/13) [1:24:58]
Monsanto - The Most Evil Corporation in the World - What Everyone Must Know about GMOs (04/02/13) [1:01:49]

01.27.2014. 14:38

Friday January 24, 2014
News Articles

Wall Street Regulators Still "Funded at a Level to Fail"
Bill Moyers | staff | 01/21/14

In 2011, the government's Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission issued an exhaustive report on the roots of the 2008 crash. It concluded that lax regulation and the inadequate enforcement of existing regulations lay at the heart of the meltdown.

More than 30 years of deregulation and reliance on self-regulation by financial institutions, championed by former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and others, supported by successive administrations and Congresses, and actively pushed by the powerful financial industry at every turn, had stripped away key safeguards, which could have helped avoid catastrophe. This approach had opened up gaps in oversight of critical areas with trillions of dollars at risk, such as the shadow banking system and over-the-counter derivatives markets. ... Read more

It came out in the Johnson tapes that Nixon had deliberately scuttled Johnson's negotiations with the North Vietnamese. Johnson was very close to an end of the Vietnam War, and Nixon sends an emissary to the North Vietnamese saying, if you sign with Johnson, I'm the next president. I'm not going to go along with the agreement, but I will make the deal with you. And so the North Vietnamese don't make the deal with Johnson, and, of course, Nixon doesn't make the deal, and tens of thousands of Americans are killed, but hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodians. And same thing; I mean, people say, well, could--would a president of mine really deliberately do such a thing? And the answer is: yeah.

Biography Argues Roger Ailes Uses Fox To Divide Nation
magazine | author | date

Roger Ailes is a hero to the political right and a boogeyman to the left for leading the Fox News Channel to be the top rated force in cable news. The competition is not even close. A new biography argues Roger Ailes has used Fox to divide the nation.

NPR's David Folkenflik has reported extensively on Fox for this network and in his own book, "Murdoch's World." As David reports, the book, "The Loudest Voice in the Room," paints a picture of Ailes as a television news executive operating unlike any of his rivals. ... Read more
NPR | Biography Argues Roger Ailes Uses Fox To Divide Nation (01/22/14) [5:59]

Glenn Beck: I made an awful lot of mistakes at Fox & played a role in helping tear the country apart (01/22/14) [1:59]

How The 0.01 Percent Underwrites, And Undermines, Politics
HP | Paul Blumenthal | 01/24/13

Just four days after being named Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate in August 2012, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made a pilgrimage to Las Vegas to meet the man who had, overnight, become his biggest benefactor: casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.

Throughout the 2012 campaign, the octogenarian Adelson was both everywhere and nowhere -- perhaps the greatest example of an Oz-like wizard pulling the political strings behind the scenes. He appeared in public with Romney just once, at a fundraiser that Adelson hosted for the GOP nominee during a visit to Jerusalem. But he poured more than $150 million into a network of political groups that backed Republican candidates.

Adelson was not alone, however, among the small circle of Republican mega-donors. In June 2012, billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch invited dozens of the country's wealthiest individuals to their annual "donor" conference in San Diego. There they raised nearly $400 million in three days, money they would later churn through a web of conservative nonprofit groups -- shielding the identities of the donors in the process. Two weeks after the conference, David Koch held a fundraiser for Romney at his home in the Hamptons, which guests paid between $50,000 and $75,000 to attend. ... Read more

One of Congress's Most Pro-Israel Lawmakers Isn't Pro-Israel Enough for AIPAC
Thecable.ForeignPolicy.com | John Hudson | 01/23/14

A recent letter attacking Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is causing an internal brouhaha at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, The Cable has learned. The powerful lobbying outfit, known for its disciplined non-partisan advocacy for Israel, recently issued an action alert about the Florida congresswoman's waffling on Iran sanctions legislation. The letter urged members to contact Wasserman Schultz and cited a disparaging article about her in a conservative website founded by a prominent Republican political operative.

That AIPAC was driving hard for new Iran sanctions legislation surprised no one. But its use of a right-wing blog to target a well-connected Jewish Democrat with a long history of support for Israel raised eyebrows among some current and former AIPAC officials. It also raised concerns that AIPAC's open revolt against the White House's Iran diplomacy could fray its relations with liberal Democrats on the Hill.

"In the 40 years I've been involved with AIPAC, this is the first time I've seen such a blatant departure from bipartisanship," said Doug Bloomfield, AIPAC's former chief lobbyist. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, January 24 [12:12]
DemocracyNow at Sundance Film Festival
DN | South Sudan Reaches Ceasefire, But Will Nascent State Survive Oil-Fueled Neo-Colonialism? (01/24/14) [20:48]
DN | We Are the Giant: Bahrain's Top Family of Activists Pays Heavy Price for Challenging US-Backed Gov't (01/24/14) [11:24]
DN | Romantic Comedy "Obvious Child" Offers Groundbreaking Cinematic Take on Abortion (01/24/14) [12:27]
TRNN | Mr. Alperovitz: President Truman used the A-bomb to make a "diplomatic" point to the Soviet Union, not out of military necessity, Part 2 (01/24/14) [14:28]
TRNN | Federal Oversight Board: NSA Program Ineffective & Illegal (01/24/14) [8:57]
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe & former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the implications of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's assessment, considering report commissioned by Congress.
TRNN | Intelligence Officials Make Direct Threats on Snowden's Life (01/24/14) [9:50]
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe & former CIA analyst Ray McGovern point to the brashness of intelligence officials who went on the record to threaten Snowden's life, reflecting a culture of disregard for the Constitution and due process.
*ProPublica | Has the Gov't Lied on NSA Snooping? Let's Go to the Videotape [2:53]
Bill Moyers
BillMoyers | New Hampshire Rebellion Against Corruption in Politics (01/22/14) [3:24]
BillMoyers | James Balog on Capturing our Disappearing Glaciers (10/11/12) [26:56]
Chasing Ice with James Balog Lecture (01/16/14) [1:06:11]
*Chasing Ice (full) (2012)
Roger Ailes biography
CNN | "The Loudest Voice In The Room", Roger Ailes biography by Gabriel Sherman (01/22/14) [10:16], Part 2 [11:11]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Domestic News - Friday (01/24/14) [1hr]
International News - Friday (01/24/14) [1hr]
Inequality for All
*Robert Reich | Inequality For All Official (trailer) (2013) [1:48]
Robert Reich | Inequality for All (full) [1:30:11]
The Wolf of Wall Street
*The Wolf of Wall Street Official (trailer) (06/16/13) [2:14]
The Wolf of Wall Street (full) [2:59:49]
Academy Conversations: "The Wolf of Wall Street" (01/03/14) [12:54]
ET | The real "Wolf of Wall Street" speaks out on film, DiCaprio's portrayal (01/21/14) [2:10]
*Daily Ticker | Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.24.2014. 18:36

Thursday January 23, 2014
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
News Articles

*People Pressure Is Making Fast Tracking the TPP Politically Toxic. GOOD!
Truthdig | author | date

The White House is calling January "TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) Month" and has made it their task to pass Fast Track. President Obama needs Fast Track to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). When Congress returned this month, a bill was quickly introduced after delays of more than a year.

The lies begin with title of the bill: "The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014." Bi-partisan? In the House there was only one sponsor, Republican David Camp (MI). The Republicans demanded the Democrats add a sponsor before it was introduced, but due to public pressure, they could not find one. ... Read more
TPP Fast Track Protest at Senate Finance Committee Hearing (01/17/14) [3:30]

TRNN | Leaked TPP Document Reveals No Regard for Environment in Trade Agreement (01/16/14) [12:30]

Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules: State Wants You To Choose Between Your Weed, Your Gun
HP | staff | 01/22/14

The Illinois Department of Public Health on Tuesday unveiled their proposed rules for the state's medical marijuana pilot program -- including several proposals that are receiving significant backlash from marijuana advocates.

... Among the proposals are that medical marijuana users would need to pay a $150 annual fee to participate in the program by getting a special photo ID, in addition to agreeing to be fingerprinted, undergoing a criminal background check and relinquishing their right to own a gun, the Associated Press reports. ... Read more
TYT | Pot Smokers Must Choose: Guns Or Pot? (01/22/14) [5:29]

The next article is highly endorsed by the NSA

Google Glass goes X-rated: App lets wearers see sex through their partner's eyes
DailyMail | Victoria Woollaston | 01/21/14

Forget mirrors on the ceiling or handheld cameras, couples can now use the wearable technology to record their most intimate moments. The app also lets couples see sex through their partner's eyes by streaming the view from their respective device. ...

... If the wearable tech is connected to smart lamps, or other household devices, for example, wearers can control music, lighting and even search the web for sexual positions and other inspiration. ... Read more
TYT | Google Glass Could Make Sex Creepy Or Amazing (01/22/14) [4:11]

*Oxfam: 85 richest people as wealthy as poorest half of the world
TheGuardian | Graeme Wearden | 01/20/14

The world's wealthiest people aren't known for travelling by bus, but if they fancied a change of scene then the richest 85 people on the globe -- who between them control as much wealth as the poorest half of the global population put together -- could squeeze onto a single double-decker.

The extent to which so much global wealth has become corralled by a virtual handful of the so-called 'global elite' is exposed in a new report from Oxfam on Monday. It warned that those richest 85 people across the globe share a combined wealth of £1tn, as much as the poorest 3.5 billion of the world's population. ... Read more

85 Individuals Hold as Much Wealth as All of World's Poorest Citizens [1:04]
CNBC | Richest 85 people have more money than bottom 3.5 billion... [3:42]
$170 Million HOTEL Keeps RICH & POWERFUL ELITE, Super SAFE at Davos World Economic Forum. [2:04]

New Yorker | Paige Williams | 01/23/14

For the past twenty-one years, L. Brooks Patterson has governed Oakland County, a large, affluent suburb of Detroit. Oakland County embodies fiscal success as much as Detroit does financial ruin, and Patterson, the county executive, tends to behave as though his chief job in life were to never let anyone forget it. One week in September, he gave me an extended tour of his empire, in a chauffeured minivan. Near the end of the first day, we headed toward Lake St. Clair, at the mouth of the Detroit River, for a party on a yacht. Patterson sat in the front passenger seat. Over his shoulder, he said, "Anytime I talk about Detroit, it will not be positive. Therefore, I'm called a Detroit basher. The truth hurts, you know? Tough shit."

... Patterson told me, "I used to say to my kids, 'First of all, there's no reason for you to go to Detroit. We've got restaurants out here.' They don't even have movie theatres in Detroit--not one." He went on, "I can't imagine finding something in Detroit that we don't have in spades here. Except for live sports. We don't have baseball, football. For that, fine--get in and get out. But park right next to the venue--spend the extra twenty or thirty bucks. And, before you go to Detroit, you get your gas out here. You do not, do not, under any circumstances, stop in Detroit at a gas station! That's just a call for a carjacking." ... Read more

*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, January 23 [10:24]
*TRNN | Mr. Alperovitz: Understanding the Imperialist System Changed My Life (01/23/14) [23:29]
How Vietnam War made it clear there was no way to a more rational capitalism and there had to be fundamental change.
TRNN | Russell Mokhiber: Previously Unreported Second Chemical Spilled into West Virginia River (01/23/14) [8:20]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm New Chemical Identified In West Virginia's Elk River Spill (01/23/14) [1hr]
Surveillance State
$2 Billion NSA Utah Data Center, also known as the NSA Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center
Ever wonder how fast the computer is in the NSA Utah Data Center: it can do 27,000 trillion calculations a second.
Ever wonder what 42 trillion file cabinets stacked together would look like?

According to a report by NPR, the NSA data center in Utah will be capable of saving 5 Zettabytes (5 billion Terabyte). Assuming that a filing cabinet with 60 files (30,000 pages of paper) uses up 0.4 m², which would correspond to 120 MB of data, the printed out Utah data center would use up 17 million square kilometers.
*Enemy Of The State (1998) (full movie) [2:12:12]
The Untold History Of The US by Oliver Stone
The Untold History Of The United States by Oliver Stone, E01 [58:00], E02, E03, E04, E05, E06, E07, E08 , E09, E10
  1. E01: World War II
    New series features events that at the time went under reported, but shaped America's history. The first chapter explores the birth of the American Empire by focusing on FDR, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.
  2. E02: Roosevelt, Truman, & Wallace
    Historical upset of Harry Truman replacing Henry Wallace as Roosevelt's Vice President. Exploration of the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union and the beginnings of the Cold War.
  3. E03: The Bomb
    The strategies behind the U.S. atomic bombings of Japan are explored as well as the new mythology that emerged from the war. The bombing haunted the Soviets and mistrust towards the Allies grew quickly.
  4. E04: The Cold War: 1945-1950
    The equation changes: specific month-by-month causes of the Cold War emerge and it is not entirely clear who started it.
  5. E05: The '50s: Eisenhower, The Bomb & The Third World
    Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles replace Truman. Stalin dies but relations with the Soviet Union turn colder.
  6. E06: JFK: To The Brink
    JFK and the Bay of Pigs; on the brink of total war during Cuban Missile Crisis; early Vietnam; JFK's attempts at peace with Khrushchev; JFK assassinated.
  7. E07: Johnson, Nixon & Vietnam: Reversal Of Fortune
    Cataclysm in Vietnam as the war reaches a turning point - there's no going back. The betrayal by Richard Nixon.
  8. E08: Reagan Gorbachev & Third World-Rise of the Right
    Carter's dreams of change give way to Ronald Reagan. Gorbachev redeems Reagan and fresh opportunities for peace arise. The debate over Reagan's legacy.
  9. E09: Bush & Clinton: Squandered Peace-New World Order
    George W. Bush's doctrine of endless war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the continued cannibalization of the U.S. economy. Squandered chances given by the end of the Cold War. A new USA, the National Security Fortress.
  10. E10: Bush & Obama - Age of Terror
    The meaning of events up to today. Obama and the destiny of the American Empire.
Lamborghini Veneno SOUND! Start Up + Driving On The Road! [7:41]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.23.2014. 12:04

Tuesday January 21, 2014
News Articles

The NSA can hijack your Wi-Fi from 8 miles away
dailydot.com | Sarah Weber | 12/30/13

Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum elaborated on what he's learned about NSA spying tactics and tools during a lecture at the Chaos Communications Congress in Hamburg.

Appelbaum co-wrote a Der Spiegel report published Sunday that sheds light on what the NSA can access, including your iPhone, your newly purchased laptop computer, and most major security architecture. But in his lecture, Appelbaum dropped this nugget: The NSA can tap into your wireless signal from up to eight miles away. ... Read more

The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV: Agency director says it will 'transform' surveillance
dailymail.co.uk | Rob Waugh | 03/16/12 older, but good

When people download a film from Netflix to a flatscreen, or turn on web radio, they could be alerting unwanted watchers to exactly what they are doing and where they are. Spies will no longer have to plant bugs in your home - the rise of 'connected' gadgets controlled by apps will mean that people 'bug' their own homes, says CIA director David Petraeus.

Everything from remote controls to clock radios can now be controlled via apps - and chip company ARM recently unveiled low-powered, cheaper chips which will be used in everything from fridges and ovens to doorbells. The resultant chorus of 'connected' gadgets will be able to be read like a book - and even remote-controlled, according to CIA CIA Director David Petraeus, according to a recent report by Wired's 'Danger Room' blog. ...

  1. Devices connected to internet leak information
  2. CIA director says these gadgets will 'transform clandestine tradecraft'
  3. Spies could watch thousands via supercomputers
  4. People 'bug' their own homes with web-connected devices

Read more

Inside TAO: Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit
spiegel.de | Staff | 12/30/14

he NSA's TAO hacking unit is considered to be the intelligence agency's top secret weapon. It maintains its own covert network, infiltrates computers around the world and even intercepts shipping deliveries to plant back doors in electronics ordered by those it is targeting.

It was thanks to the garage door opener episode that Texans learned just how far the NSA's work had encroached upon their daily lives. For quite some time now, the intelligence agency has maintained a branch with around 2,000 employees at Lackland Air Force Base, also in San Antonio. In 2005, the agency took over a former Sony computer chip plant in the western part of the city. A brisk pace of construction commenced inside this enormous compound. The acquisition of the former chip factory at Sony Place was part of a massive expansion the agency began after the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

On-Call Digital Plumbers. One of the two main buildings at the former plant has since housed a sophisticated NSA unit, one that has benefited the most from this expansion and has grown the fastest in recent years -- the Office of Tailored Access Operations, or TAO. This is the NSA's top operative unit -- something like a squad of plumbers that can be called in when normal access to a target is blocked. Read more

$2 Billion NSA Utah Data Center, also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center
Ever wonder how fast the computer is in the NSA Utah Data Center: it can do 27,000 trillion calculations a second.
Ever wonder what 42 trillion file cabinets stacked together would look like?

According to a report by NPR, the NSA data center in Utah will be capable of saving 5 Zettabytes (5 billion Terabyte). Assuming that a filing cabinet with 60 files (30,000 pages of paper) uses up 0.4 m², which would correspond to 120 MB of data, the printed out Utah data center would use up 17 million square kilometers.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Warnings From NAFTA
HP | Dean Baker | 01/20/14

With the New Year the corporate lobbyists and the Obama administration are stepping up their drive for passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the new trade deal being negotiated in secret by the United States and eleven countries in the Pacific region. The key at the moment is Congressional approval of fast-track authority. This would give any agreement a straight up or down vote on an accelerated timetable.

Fast-track authority would virtually guarantee passage since members would face intense pressure from corporate contributors and the media, in both the news and opinion sections, to support the deal. Failure to support a deal would mean that a member would be labeled a protectionist Neanderthal (name-calling is standard fare in Washington when pushing for trade deals) in addition to being badly under-funded in their re-election campaign. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, January 21 [14:28]
*DN | Internet's Own Boy: Film on Aaron Swartz Captures Late Activist's Struggle for Online Freedom (01/21/14) [7:31], Part 2 [21:44], Part 3 [11:57]
One year ago this month, the young Internet freedom activist and groundbreaking programmer Aaron Swartz took his own life. Swartz died shortly before he was set to go to trial for downloading millions of academic articles from servers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology based on the belief that the articles should be freely available online. At the time he committed suicide, Swartz was facing 35 years in prison, a penalty supporters called excessively harsh. Today we spend the hour looking at the new documentary, "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz." We play excerpts of the film and speak with Swartz's father Robert, his brother Noah, his lawyer Elliot Peters, and filmmaker Brian Knappenberger.
*To Protect And Infect or Wrist Slitting Depressing
I started out with 30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2, 3rd video down, and was AMAZED at all the techniques the NSA has to steal our information that I never knew existed!
*30c3: Through a PRISM, Darkly - Everything we know about NSA spying (12/30/13) [1:03:34]
*30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 1 (12/30/13) [1:02:16]
*30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2 (12/30/13) [1:02:15]
*30c3: keynote with Glenn Greenwald (12/30/13) [55:52]
*TRNN | Norman Solomon: Owner's Ties ($600 million "Computing Cloud" contract) to CIA Puts The Washington Post's Credibility in Question (01/21/14) [7:11]
Norman Solomon: Owner of Washington Post & Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos holds a $600 million contract with the CIA and such links put American journalism in dangerous terrain.
*TRNN | Michael Ratner: By portraying NSA surveillance as "patriotic," President Obama ignores the violations of Americans' constitutional rights (01/21/14) [16:37]
TRNN | Yves Engler: Canadian Government Bent On Expanding Weapon Sales Globally (01/21/14) [7:11]
Mass Media News
*NPR Morning Edition | Biography Argues Roger Ailes Uses Fox To Divide Nation (01/20/14) [5:50]
Roger Ailes is a hero to the political right and a boogeyman to the left for leading the Fox News Channel to become the top-rated force in cable news -- the competition is not even close. Ailes and Fox refused to cooperate with author Gabriel Sherman.
Yes, More 9/11 Videos
Ken Jenkins | "Perspective on 9/11" (2004) [58:22]
Ken Jenkins and the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance were in the 911Truth movement before it had a name. This video compilation was Ken's early contribution to help others understand that there were many events that were not as the media presented them including Pearl Harbor, JFK and MLK. A clip from "Aftermath" asks a number of important questions.
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm New Health Risks From Cigarette Smoking (01/21/14) [1hr]
Click to zoom picture
Click to zoom picture
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.21.2014. 14:44

Monday January 20, 2014
News Articles

Germany Has Recovered A Paltry 5 Tons Of Gold From The NY Fed After One Year
ZeroHedge | author | 01/19/14

On December 24, we posted an update on Germany's gold repatriation process: a year after the Bundesbank announced its stunning decision, driven by Zero Hedge revelations, to repatriate 674 tons of gold from the New York Fed and the French Central Bank, it had managed to transfer a paltry 37 tons. This amount represents just 5% of the stated target, and was well below the 84 tons that the Bundesbank would need to transport each year to collect the 674 tons ratably over the 8 year interval between 2013 and 2020. The release of these numbers promptly angered Germans, and led to the rise of numerous allegations that the reason why the transfer is taking so long is that the gold simply is not in the possession of the offshore custodians, having been leased, or worse, sold without any formal or informal announcement. However, what will certainly not help mute "conspiracy theorists" is today's update from today's edition of Die Welt, in which we learn that only a tiny 5 tons of gold were sent from the NY Fed. The rest came from Paris. ... Read more

How the U.S. Uses Surveillance and Scandal to Advance Its Global Control
AlterNet | Alfred McCoy | 01/19/14

... Not only does such surveillance help gain intelligence advantageous to U.S. diplomacy, trade relations, and war-making, but it also scoops up intimate information that can provide leverage -- akin to blackmail -- in sensitive global dealings and negotiations of every sort. The NSA's global panopticon thus fulfills an ancient dream of empire. With a few computer key strokes, the agency has solved the problem that has bedeviled world powers since at least the time of Caesar Augustus: how to control unruly local leaders, who are the foundation for imperial rule, by ferreting out crucial, often scurrilous, information to make them more malleable. ... Read more

What I learned from a week on food stamps: Paul Ryan couldn't be any more wrong
Salon | Sarah Gray | 01/19/14

... It has been 50 years since President Lyndon B. Johnson -- the architect of the modern food stamp -- set out to "conquer poverty" in America. Some, like Rep. Paul Ryan, are ready to declare the "War on Poverty" a failure, and gut funding for things like food stamps. What their objections ignore, however, is that SNAP is vitally important to 47 million Americans -- one sixth of our country, from rural plains to swelling cities. And the program works. ...

... Cantor et al. would be wise to know that 41 percent of SNAP recipients are in a household generating income. Yet, for some "able-bodied" workers, a meager income is still not enough to put food on the table. Employees of Wal-Mart and McDonalds, for example, are major beneficiaries of SNAP. (A 2012 Daily Kos article reported that 80 percent of Wal-Mart's employees benefit from SNAP. One Wal-Mart in Canton, Ohio, even held a food drive for their fellow employees struggling to afford the cost of Thanksgiving dinner.) Those SNAP beneficiaries who are not employed include children, the disabled and the elderly. It is estimated 25 percent of households that benefit from SNAP include an elderly family member, and 72 percent of such households include children. In fact, at some point in their childhood, a full half of America's children will be fed with food stamps. In 2011, only 11 percent of food-stamp recipients in New Jersey were single, childless, non-disabled, non-elderly adults. ... Read more

Garbage Island [20:48], Part 2 [20:54], Part 3 [20:54]
Richard Wolff | Global Capitalism: June 2013 Monthly Update (06/12/13) [1:49:51]

DemocracyNow Daily News
Happy Martin Luther King Day
TRNN | King's Teachings on US Imperialism Opened My Eyes to Radical Thought. Activist Dayvon Love tells Paul Jay how MLK's teaching that American blacks must be anti-imperialist, Part 1/4 (01/19/14) [14:02]
TRNN | Glenn Ford | Direct Action Must Be Remembered As Part of Dr. King's Legacy (01/20/14) [8:46]
Global Warming
*Chasing Ice (2012)
HC | Six degrees could change the world
Nuclear Age
A Time Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 [5:08]
*Trinity and Beyond [1:31:39]
*The fog of war - Robert McNamara [1:46:42]
Peter Jennings - The Missiles of October: What the World Didn't Know (1992) [1:26:01]
Peter Jennings - Hiroshima: Why the Bomb was Dropped (1995) [1:26:01]
Thirteen Days [2:19:38]
The film is set during the two-week Cuban missile crisis in October of 1962, and it centers on how President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and others handled the explosive situation.
Why We Fight (2005) [1:35:24]
*Dirty Wars by Jeremy Scahill (2013) [1:26:21]
Invisible Empire [2:14:01]
*The Untold History Of The US by Oliver Stone
*The Untold History Of The United States Episode 01 [58:00], Episode 02 [58:00], Episode 03 [58:00], Episode 04 [58:00], Episode 05 [58:00], Episode 06 [58:00], Episode 07 [58:00], Episode 08 [58:00], Episode 09 [58:00], Episode 10 [58:00]
SHADE the Motion Picture (2013) [1:33:29]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Invisible Empire [2:14:01]
Conspiracy (1942 Wannsee Conference, Where Nazi officials meet to decide "Final Solution of the Jewish Question") (2001) [1:35:50]
Conspiracy is a television film which dramatizes the 1942 Wannsee Conference. The film delves into the psychology of Nazi officials involved in the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" during World War II. It is an English-language adaptation of the German film The Wannsee Conference (1984) which is a must see for anyone who appreciates WW2, Holocaust historical films.

The movie was written by Loring Mandel (inspired after viewing a 1984 documentary on the subject), directed by Frank Pierson, and starred an ensemble cast, including Kenneth Branagh as Reinhard Heydrich and Stanley Tucci as Adolf Eichmann. Branagh won an Emmy Award for Best Actor, and Tucci was awarded a Golden Globe for his supporting role as Eichmann.
The Rise of Hitler [2:32:27]

01.20.2014. 15:48

Friday January 17, 2014
News Articles

Fearmongers Trying to Kill Talk of Reforming the NSA
AlterNet | David Sirota | 01/16/14

In order to have a genuinely constructive debate, data must be compiled, evidence must be amassed and verifiable truths must be presented. This truism is particularly significant when it comes to debates about security and liberty. When public policy disputes involve such grave issues, facts are a necessity. Without facts, we get the counterproductive discourse we are being treated to right now -- the one hijacked by National Security Administration defenders throwing temper tantrums, tossing out fear-mongering platitudes and trying to prevent any scrutiny of the agency. ... Read more

Adam Lanza calls in radio station a year before Sandy Hook shooting and gives bizarre interview
nydailynews.com | Matthew Lysiak | 01/15/14

Documents reveal how Lanza, a year before Newtown massacre, used the pseudonym 'Smiggles' on a message board to talk about calling an Oregon college radio station and masking his voice to liken Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik, to an abused chimpanzee that ripped Connecticut woman Charla Nash's face off.

Using the name Greg and apparently taking pains to disguise his voice, Lanza weighed-in on mass murder by comparing "a teenage mall shooter" to Travis, a chimpanzee who became infamous after ripping the face off a Connecticut woman in 2009. ... Read more

Adam Lanza calls in radio station a year before Sandy Hook shooting and gives bizarre interview [7:34]

Navy's 757-Sized Drone Will Provide Big-Time Surveillance
Wired Magazine | Allen Mcduffee | 01/07/14

A new drone with the mammoth wingspan of a Boeing 757 is set to give the U.S. Navy some serious surveillance power. Northrop Grumman and the Navy say they've just completed the ninth flight trial of the Triton unmanned aircraft system (UAS), an improvement upon its predecessor in the Air Force, the Global Hawk.

With its 130-foot wingspan, Triton will provide high-altitude, real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) from a sensor suite that supplies a 360-degree view at a radius of over 2,000 nautical miles, allowing monitoring from higher and farther away than any of its competitors. ... Read more

60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History
Buzzfeed | By Gregory D. Johnsen | 01/17/13

Written in the frenzied, emotional days after 9/11, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force was intended to give President Bush the ability to retaliate against whoever orchestrated the attacks. But more than 12 years later, this sentence remains the primary legal justification for nearly every covert operation around the world. Here's how it came to be, and what it's since come to mean.

That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.
Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, January 17 [11:15]
DN | We Want To Fight For This Cause": Nuclear Refugees From Fukushima Join Anti-Nuke Protests (01/17/14) [8:58], Part 2 [22:27], Part 3 [2:40], Part 4 [10:45]
TRNN | Kevin Zeese: Leaked TPP Document Reveals No Regard for Environment in Trade Agreement (01/16/14) [12:31]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Domestic News - Friday (01/17/14) [1hr]
International News - Friday (01/17/14) [1hr]
TYT News
TYT | Newtown Shooter Adam Lanza's Troubling Interview (01/16/14) [5:51]
TYT | Having Kids Destroys Lives, Study Confirms (01/16/14) [5:18]
TYT | What Was Actually In The Benghazi Report? (01/16/14) [7:06]
Movie News - Devil's Due
After a mysterious, lost night on their honeymoon, a newlywed couple finds themselves dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything for posterity, the husband begins to notice odd behavior in his wife that they initially write off to nerves, but, as the months pass, it becomes evident that the dark changes to her body and mind have a much more sinister origin.
Devil's Due (trailer) (12/06/13) [1:27]
Devil Baby Attack [1:48]
Devil's Due website
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart | Senators imperil the prospect of peace with Iran because of immaturity and a lack of self-control (01/15/14) [5:18]
Jon Stewart | In this exclusive, unedited interview, "Duty" author Robert Gates assesses the political morass in Washington and champions the judicious use of force abroad (01/15/14) [7:15], Part 2 [4:14], Part 3 [6:30], Part 4 [1:22]
Wealth and Income Inequality in America
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
4 Reasons To Hold George W. Bush Accountable For War Crimes (01/15/14) [7:04]
How much did George Bush and his administration know about what Osama bin Laden was planning(2012)[10:37]
On the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the New York Times ran an opinion piece that actually brought some new info to light on how much George Bush and his administration knew about Osama bin Laden and what he had planned... (2012) [10:37]
Creating SmartPhone Apps
Click pic to zoom and read entire article

01.17.2014. 14:38

Thursday January 16, 2014
News Articles

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
National Health Federation | Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. | 04/18/12 older

The Internet is littered with stories of 'chemtrails' and geoengineering to combat 'global warming' and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many­dozens every day are littering the skies.

My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum. ... Read more

Click pic to zoom and read entire article

Still no Bankers in Jailed, BUT Nun Faces up to 30 Years for Breaking Into Weapons Complex, Embarrassing the Feds
MotherJones | Josh Harkinson | 01/15/14

Nestled behind a forested ridgeline on the outskirts of Knoxville, Tennessee, is the sprawling Y-12 National Security Complex, America's "Fort Knox" of weapons-grade uranium. The complex's security cameras and machine gun nests are designed to repel an attack by the world's most feared terrorist organizations, but they were no match for Sister Megan Rice, an 83-year-old Catholic nun armed with nothing more than a hammer and bolt cutters. ... Read more

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Could Save Taxpayers Billions
Mother Jones | Erika Eichelberger | 01/13/14

When banks and other corporations are accused of breaking the law, the government often settles cases instead of going to trial. In the wake of the financial crisis, for example, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and government banking watchdogs have settled cases against banks that helped tank the economy. Regulatory agencies have argued that settlements are adequate tools to enforce the law, but Warren has protested. She notes that many settlements are tax-deductible. Other deals are confidential, meaning the public has no idea whether the terms of the agreement are fair. ...

  1. JPMORGAN CHASE - In October, JPMorgan reached a record-breaking $13 billion settlement with the DOJ over the dicy financial products that it created and sold in the run up to the financial crisis. But JPMorgan will be allowed to soften the blow by claiming up to $4 billion in tax deductions from the settlement.
  2. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS - In 2000, the health care company Fresenius Medical Care Holdings entered into a $486 million settlement agreement with the federal government over allegations that it defrauded Medicare and other federal health care programs. Last year, a court allowed Fesenius to write off $50 million of that settlement payment.
  3. BP - BP, the company responsible for the massive 2010 Gulf oil spill, entered into a settlement that year with the federal government that set up a $20 billion clean up fund. BP was able to deduct $10 billion of that settlement.
  4. HSBC - Last year, the banking giant HSBC settled charges that it turned a blind eye to billions of dollars of money laundering by entering into a $1.9 billion settlement with the federal government. The DOJ has not yet disclosed whether the settlement is tax-deductible, but if it is, taxpayers will lose $700 million.
  5. EXXON - Exxon got a $576 million tax deduction on its $1.1 billion Alaska oil spill settlement, which saved the oil giant half of the cost of the deal.
  6. MARSH & MCLENNAN - In 2005, the insurance brokerage firm Marsh & McLennan reached an $850 million settlement with New York state regulators over bid-rigging and conflicts of interest. The firm was eligible for up to a $298 million tax write-off.
Read more

Founder of WV Chemical Spill Company Is a Twice-Convicted Felon
truth-out.org | Mark Karlin | 01/13/14

According to the Charleston Gazette (West Virginia), "Freedom Industries, the company responsible for contaminating the water of 300,000 Kanawha Valley residents, was founded by a two-time convicted felon [and] benefited from the 2009 federal stimulus." ... Read more
TYT | Meet The Felon Behind The WV Chemical Spill (01/15/14) [4:44]

Green Zones: A Map of the US Military's Golf Courses
MotherJones | Eric Wuestewald | 01/16/14

Pentagon currently operates at least 194 golf courses and 2,874 holes of golf worldwide.

... According to MWR officials, military golf courses must "generally" be self-supporting; however, they are quite expensive to run. As journalist Nick Turse pointed out in 2008, fairways and greens regularly need refurbishing. The US Golf Association estimates a standard 18-hole course can cost around $384,000 to $636,000 a year in maintenance fees. (Building a golf course can cost $1.6 to $4.5 million.) Last year, the Pelican Bay Golf Course at Florida's Tyndall Air Force Base shut down after running a $270,000 average annual deficit since 2006. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, January 16 [12:03]
DN | Okinawa's Revolt: Decades of Rape, Environmental Harm by U.S. Military Spur Residents to Rise Up (01/16/14) [20:13]
DN | Japan's Peace Boat Journeys to Confront Buried Crimes of the Past & Build Ties for a Hopeful Future (01/16/14) [14:23]
*DN | Japan Remains Hotbed of TPP Protest as U.S. Tries to Fast-Track Trade Deal, Crush Environmental Laws (01/16/14) [9:28]
I love UK's Nigel Farage, he just speaks his mind. Hopefully it doesn't get him shot.
*Nigel_Farage | Big Banks, Big Business and Big Bureaucrats Run the EU (01/15/14) [2:30]
With Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras settling into his role as EU President, UKIP's Nigel Farage stunned the "Goldman Sachs puppet" with a 150-second tirade of truthiness he has likely never experienced. Farage sacrastically remarks how Greeks "will be dancing in the streets" at Samaras' 'successful' negotiation on MiFiD reminding him that "60% of youth are unemployed and the neo-nazi party are on the march." Europe is now run by "big business, big banks, and big bureaucrats," Farage goes on.
*TRNN | Toby Jones: Are the Saudi's Fueling a Sunni-Shia War? Part 2 (01/16/14) [17:37]
TRNN | NC Republicans Raise Taxes on Working Families While Giving Huge Tax Breaks to Millionaires and Corporations (01/16/14) [6:40]
Diane Rehms Show - Geo-Engineering
Diane Rehm The Future Of Open Access To The Internet (01/16/14) [1hr]
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates: "Duty: Memoirs Of A Secretary At War" (01/16/14) [1hr]
TYT News

*Want to Cut Government Spending? Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
finance.yahoo.com | Lauren Lyster | 11/25/13

If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department.

Special Enterprise Reporter Scot Paltrow unearthed the "high cost of the Pentagon's bad bookkeeping" in a Reuters investigation. It amounts to $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for. The year 1996 was the first that the Pentagon should have been audited under a law requiring audits of all government departments. Oh, and by the way, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with this law. ... Read more
*Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
TYT | Shocking Government Waste at The Defense Department (11/30/13) [7:11]

Stalin's Jews
ynetnews.com | Sever Plocker | 2006

Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf." ... Read more
Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism (07/30/13) [14:36]

01.16.2014. 13:58

Wednesday January 15, 2014
News Articles
I thought the following article was interesting, because it showcases what some ingenious people can do with a website. The other thought that came to mind... how can the government spend between 350-500 million dollars on the "Affordable Care Act" troubled website and no-one be called-to-the-carpet for their incompetency?

Top Free Classes Connects More Students to MOOCs Through Convenient, User-Friendly Directory
PRNewswire | author | 01/15/14

TopFreeClasses.com will help you find and compare MOOC courses from Coursera, Udacity, edX, Stanford, MIT, and many others.

A new trend in distance education is the Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC. In the past year, MOOCs have seen a huge surge and Top Free Classes has connected more students to MOOCs than ever before. With an estimated 10 million people who have registered for MOOCs thus far, the MOOC providers only expect the number of courses and participants to increase in the next year. Top Free Classes has experienced this growth firsthand and has helped facilitate emerging trends in the MOOC industry.

Besides the sheer amount of MOOCs now available, there have been several other developments as well. Credit granting MOOCs have been growing in different capacities, and various accreditation schemes are emerging. When MOOCs first began offering classes, it was the computer science classes that were most common, but this year has seen humanities classes take the lead of largest category of MOOCs.

Top Free Classes was created in mid-2012 as a response to the growing number of classes offered and the difficulty of finding interesting classes. It serves as a convenient one-stop destination for discovering new classes, checking out other students' opinions, and sharing experiences. For more information, please visit http://www.topfreeclasses.com.

House Republicans Demand Cuts for Wall Street Watchdogs in Budget Deal
Bill Moyers | Dan Roberts at Guardian | 01/14/14

The Guardian’s Dan Roberts reports that Republicans had backed off of their previous demand for deeper cuts to the food stamp program, settling instead for partially defunding Wall Street regulators. ... Read more
Click pic to zoom and read entire article

Why Conservatives’ Old Divide-and-Conquer Strategy -- Setting Working Class Against the Poor -- Is Backfiring
Bill Moyers | Robert Reich’s blog | 01/10/14

For almost forty years Republicans have pursued a divide-and-conquer strategy intended to convince working-class whites that the poor were their enemies. The big news is it’s starting to backfire.

Republicans told the working class that its hard-earned tax dollars were being siphoned off to pay for “welfare queens” (as Ronald Reagan decorously dubbed a black single woman on welfare) and other nefarious loafers. The poor were “them” -- lazy, dependent on government handouts and overwhelmingly black -- in sharp contrast to “us,” who were working ever harder, proudly independent (even sending wives and mothers to work, in order to prop up family incomes dragged down by shrinking male paychecks) and white.

It was a cunning strategy designed to split the broad Democratic coalition that had supported the New Deal and Great Society, by using the cleavers of racial prejudice and economic anxiety. It also conveniently fueled resentment of government taxes and spending. ... Read more
Click pic to zoom and read entire article

A Quiet Win for Banks on Borrowing
Slate | Matthew Yglesias | 01/14/14

International regulators just took a dive. America shouldn’t follow their lead.

Basel is a bit of a sleepy town, even by boring Swiss standards. And Basel regulations on bank derivatives holdings is a topic seemingly purpose-designed to put the general public to sleep. And yet, it’s through such dull-sounding mechanisms and obscurantist slogans that the financial sector manages to slip through the fingers of populist outrage and set the stage for future crises.

... The U.S., thankfully, is free to proceed with tougher rules than the global regulatory standard. But citizens should be on the lookout lest the same bogus arguments that prevailed in Basel carry the day in Congress, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve. ...

... The big lie of leverage regulations is that a strict rule could "curtail lending" and that laxer ones will "keep lending flowing to the economy." This is simply not the case. The issue isn’t what kind of lending (or, more broadly, investment) banks can do. It’s how can they finance that lending -- specifically, to what extent new lending will have to be financed with new borrowing versus cash. ... Read more

longer-term state of the real (not financial) economy
Click pic to zoom

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, January 15 [12:08]
DN | Shock Doctrine in Japan: Shinzo Abe's Rightward Shift to Militarism, Secrecy in Fukushima's Wake (01/15/14) [11:20]
DN | From Atomic Bombings to Fukushima, Japan Pursues a Nuclear Future Despite a Devastating Past (01/15/14) [20:13]
*DN | For Fukushima's Displaced, a Struggle to Recover Lives Torn Apart by Nuclear Disaster (01/15/14) [12:21]
*TRNN | Toby Jones: Al Qaeda and the Saudi Agenda (01/15/14) [19:37]
Toby Jones tells Paul Jay that the Saudis use of terrorism is driven by a fear of democracy and a desire to be the regional and oil hegemony.
Click pic to zoom into map
A Book on Living With Anxiety
NPR Freshair | Scott Stossel: Fear Of Fainting, Flight And Cheese: One Man's 'Age Of Anxiety' (1hr)
3 Countries left with no Rothchild Central Bank
North Korea
North Korea
North Korea
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (2013) [43:34]
Diane Rehms Show - Geo-Engineering
Diane Rehm The Risks Of Credit And Debit Cards And How To Safeguard Consumers (01/15/14) [1hr]
*Clive Hamilton: "Earthmasters" (01/15/14) [1hr]
In an effort to deal with the effects of global climate change, scientists and engineers are developing new technologies that aim to manipulate the weather and control the Earth’s temperature. It sounds like science fiction, but the growing field of geoengineering aims to alter clouds, store carbon dioxide deep in the ocean and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the planet. An Australian expert on global warming argues that these new technologies dramatically alter our relationship with the earth. In a new book, "Earthmasters," he says geoengineering could cause more harm than good.
*What in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) [1:37:44]
*Why in the World are They Spraying? (2012) [1:12:55]
*What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts (04/07/13) [50:13]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
The Gilded Age [33:27]
The Entrepreneurs Who Built America, Part 1 [1:26:05]
Part 2 [1:28:03], Part 3 [1:27:50], Part 4 [1:28:21]
This 4 part series focuses on Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan and Henry Ford and how their industrial innovations and business empires revolutionized and, as alluded to in the title, "built" America.
A History of the Middle East since WWII [1:23:57]

01.15.2014. 12:48

Tuesday January 14, 2014
News Articles

Wall Street May Win As Federal Reserve Prepares To Punt On Physical Commodities
HP | Shahien Nasiripour | 01/13/14

Big banks are poised to reap a significant victory in their fight to maintain lucrative businesses hoarding, selling and trading physical commodities as the Federal Reserve prepares to punt on the issue, people familiar with the matter said.

... Some federal financial regulators said the move may be a way for the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors in Washington to evade calls to curb banks' risk-taking. It would come despite years of internal warnings at the Fed that Wall Street's expansion into metals and energy puts the U.S. economy at risk in the form of higher prices due to alleged market manipulation and endangers the financial system because of the possibility that a catastrophic incident such as an oil spill would lead counterparties to flee the affected bank and put it at risk of failure. ... Read more

Lawmakers unveil massive $1.1 trillion spending bill in bipartisan compromise
Washington Post | Lori Montgomery | 01/13/14

Congressional negotiators unveiled a $1.1 trillion funding bill late Monday that would ease sharp spending cuts known as the sequester while providing fresh cash for new priorities, including President Obama's push to expand early-childhood education.   The 1,582-page bill would fully restore cuts to Head Start, partially restore cuts to medical research and job training programs, and finance new programs to combat sexual assault in the military. It would also give all federal workers a 1 percent raise. ... Read more

Homeland Security's Future Home: A Former Mental Hospital
BloombergBusinessweek | Devin Leonard | 07/25/13 older

Chris Mills frequently gives tours of St. Elizabeths Hospital, a former mental institution where the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is building a $4.5 billion headquarters. It's the largest construction project in the District of Columbia since the Pentagon was completed in 1943. So there's a lot of ground to cover.

[Propaganda] He says DHS is currently scattered in 50 locations throughout the capital. After its dismal performance in Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the agency decided it would be better able to fight terrorists and respond to natural disasters if its leaders worked side by side in one place. "We really needed a consolidated headquarters," Mills says. ... Read more

The Case for Abolishing the DHS
BloombergBusinessweek | Charles Kenny | 07/15/13

On Friday, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano resigned to take up a post running California's university system. With her departure, there are now 15 vacant positions at the top of the department. That suggests it would be a particularly humane moment to shut the whole thing down. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was a panicked reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks. It owes its continued existence to a vastly exaggerated assessment of the threat of terrorism. The department is also responsible for some of the least cost-effective spending in the U.S. government. It's time to admit that creating it was a mistake.

In 2002 the George W. Bush administration presented a budget request for massively increased spending on homeland security, at that point coordinated out of the Office of Homeland Security. "A new wave of terrorism, involving new weapons, looms in America's future," the White House said. "It is a challenge unlike any ever faced by our nation." In proposing a new cabinet-level agency, Bush said, "The changing nature of the threats facing America requires a new government structure to protect against invisible enemies that can strike with a wide variety of weapons." Because of "experience gained since Sept. 11 and new information we have learned about our enemies while fighting a war," the president concluded that "our nation needs a more unified homeland security structure."

More than a decade later, it's increasingly clear that the danger to Americans posed by terrorism remains smaller than that of myriad other threats, from infectious disease to gun violence to drunk driving. Even in 2001, considerably more Americans died of drowning than from terror attacks. Since then, the odds of an American being killed in a terrorist attack in the U.S. or abroad have been about one in 20 million. The Boston marathon bombing was evil and tragic, but it's worth comparing the three deaths in that attack to a list of the number of people in the U.S. killed by guns since the December 2012 massacre in Newtown, Conn., which stood at 6,078 as of June. ... Read more

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is consolidating its headquarters in the National Capital Region (NCR) at St. Elizabeths Campus in the Anacostia neighborhood of southeast Washington, DC. The DHS's current facilities are spread among more than 40 buildings in the Washington, DC area. In an effort to provide a more unified, secure campus that brings together its executive leadership and operational management, DHS's new headquarters will allow for more efficient incident management response and command-and-control operations. The GSA proposes to develop a secure facility for DHS at St. Elizabeths, a National Historic Landmark (NHL) and former Government-run hospital for the insane. St. Elizabeths is divided into two campuses, the West Campus and the East Campus. While DHS's headquarters will be housed on both, it will function as one unified campus.
DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, January 14 [12:31]
*DN | Erin Brockovich: After Chemical Spill, West Virginians Organizing "Stronger Than I've Ever Seen" (01/14/14) [13:49]
DN | West Virginia Water Crisis: Behind Chemical Spill, Gaping Holes in State and Federal Regulation (01/14/14) [8:38]
DN | Dog Whistle Politics: How Politicians Use Coded Racism to Push Through Policies Hurting All (01/14/14) [16:48]
TRNN | AIPAC Still Trying to Torpedo Iran Nuke Deal (01/14/14) [6:14]
As preliminary Iran Nuke deal is finalized and set to go into effect next Monday, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC) is pushing for Congress to pass new sanctions against Iran which would violate and likely nullify the historic agreemen.
*Part 2 (01/10/14) [17:05]
*ProPublica | Has the Gov't Lied on NSA Snooping? Let's Go to the Videotape [2:53]
OK, at some point all of these people lied to Congress. Isn't that called perjury and don't people go to jail for that?
Aljazeera | Empire: NSA and the One Trillion Dollar scam [47:46]
The Essence Of The Banking Industry
The Essence Of The Banking Industry... (2009) [1:43]
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (2013) [43:34]
Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street Interview - Leonardo DiCaprio (2013) [3:15]
The Wolf of Wall Street: Director Martin Scorsese Official Movie Interview (2013) [5:37]
Bill Moyers
*Bill Moyers | Robert Reich: Inequality for All (interview) (09/20/13) [56:47]
Reich: How Unequal Can America Get? [59:46]
Aftershock: The next economy and America's future (09/22/10) [5:25]
Bill Moyers | Richard Wolff: Taming capitalism run wild [56:47]
Bill Moyers | Chris Hedges: Sits Down With Bill Moyers [56:47]
More News
Ring of Fire | Washington Gridlock A Blessing For The Rich (01/13/14) [10:09]
Ring of Fire | These Corporations Are Spying On You (01/08/14) [8:19]
Ring of Fire | Global Elites Terrified By Income Inequality (12/19/13) [12:26]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Update On The West Virginia Chemical Spill And The Safety Of Other States' Water Supplies (01/14/14) [1hr]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.14.2014. 11:14

Monday January 13, 2014
News Articles

FBI Drops Law Enforcement as 'Primary' Mission
ForeignPolicy.com/ | John Hudson |01/05/14

The FBI's creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new. But quietly and without notice, the agency has finally decided to make it official in one of its organizational fact sheets. Instead of declaring "law enforcement" as its "primary function," as it has for years, the FBI fact sheet now lists "national security" as its chief mission. ... Read more

NSA Surveillance Lawsuit Tracker
ProPublica | Kara Brandeisky | updated01/09/14

The recent disclosure of sweeping surveillance by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has prompted a new wave of legal challenges to the U.S. government's intelligence-gathering programs. Here is a list of key legal challenges to government surveillance and secrecy. ... Read more

Bailout Tracker
ProPublica | Paul Kiel | updated 10/10/14

Below is a complete breakdown of the latest numbers in our bailout database. We’re tracking every dollar and every recipient for both the broader $700 billion TARP bill and the separate bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. ... Read more

*Want to Cut Government Spending? Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
finance.yahoo.com | Lauren Lyster | 11/25/13

If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department.

Special Enterprise Reporter Scot Paltrow unearthed the "high cost of the Pentagon's bad bookkeeping" in a Reuters investigation. It amounts to $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for. The year 1996 was the first that the Pentagon should have been audited under a law requiring audits of all government departments. Oh, and by the way, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with this law. ... Read more
*Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
TYT | Shocking Government Waste at The Defense Department (11/30/13) [7:11]

Polar Vortex - The Sequel
Sky News reports that America is set to be hit by another blast from the polar vortex although this time Niagara falls may not freeze, as temperatures are likely to be higher than last week's extreme conditions. "The polar plunge is expected to move south from Canada, bringing colder air and sub-zero temperatures to the US this week. Forecasters say it will sweep over the lower Mississippi Valley and Midwest on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then hit the East on Thursday. The main thrust of the cold air will follow up a couple of days later."

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, January 13 [13:47]
DN | Noam Chomsky on Legacy of Ariel Sharon: Not Speaking Ill of the Dead "Imposes a Vow of Silence" (01/13/14) [8:50], Part 2 [15:08]
DN | Noam Chomsky: Sabra & Shatila Massacre That Forced Sharon's Ouster Recalls Worst of Jewish Pogroms (01/13/14) [8:54]
DN | Rashid Khalidi & Noam Chomsky: For Peace Today, US Must End Support for Sharon's Expansionist Legacy (01/13/14) [12:24]
*Robert Reich | Inequality For All Official (trailer) (2013) [1:48]
Robert Reich | Inequality for All (full) [1:30:11]
*The Wolf of Wall Street Official (trailer) (06/16/13) [2:14]
The Wolf of Wall Street (full) [2:59:49]
South Africa | Outcry Against Banking Practices with Michael Tellinger (05/07/12) [7:40]
TRNN | NAFTA Strengthened Canada's Corporate Class (01/10/14) [6:01]
*TRNN | Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines (01/10/14) [21:46]
TYT News
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Understanding How Unemployment Insurance Works (01/13/14) [1hr]
Lets Make A Difference
I started my websites so I could organize interesting YouTube videos into useful categories that I could refer to when I was talking to friends. Then I wanted to capture Daily News so I could accummulate the news into Magaine Pages. Now, I want to hammer on issues that are so urgent that we change, but are just flowing away in yesterdays news. I always wanted to write a program so readers could pick an issue, easily find their congressional representatives, and easily send an email or letter to their legislature.

In the left column you will see two websites from SunlightFoundation.com, one website was made with Politico.com, while the other was made with BillMoyers.com.

In the right column are Issues that we need to pay attention to and WRITE our govenment representatives

In the next couple of days I'm going to create short tutorials, using and Issue from the right column and sending an email/or letter to my representatives from the left column.
OpenCongress.org - Find your representatives
Click to zoom
Open Congress - Legislation in Congress - Bills
Click to zoom
Open Congress - Senators
Click to zoom
Open Congress - Representatives
Click to zoom
Click to zoom

OpenState.org - Discover Politics in Your State
Discover Politics in Your State
Is Your State Legislator a Member of ALEC?

Many of the laws that affect us most directly -- from taxes to marriage equality to voter ID -- are made at the state level. The idea that change begins with the states is one of the founding principles of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. In state houses around the country, hundreds of ALEC "model laws" are proposed or enacted that would, among other things, dilute collective bargaining rights, make it harder for some Americans to vote and limit corporate liability for harm caused to consumers.

Click to zoom
Is Your State Legislator an ALEC Member?
Pick Your ALEC Politician

Issues | and Supporting Information/Videos
Global Warming
 Still working on this!!

Corporatocracy, Globalization - Free vs Fair Trade
*FOUR HORSEMEN is an independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works. [1:38:54]
John Perkins reveals the Corporatocracy (02/17/13) [17:16]
TRNN | Tim Wise: 20 Years on, Mexico is NAFTA's Biggest Lie (01/03/14) [11:00]
TRNN | Tim Wise: NAFTA + US Farm Subsidies Devastates Mexican Agriculture (12/20/10) [8:23]
TTP - Secret Trans-Pacific-Partnership Agreement
TRNN | Kevin Zeese: Wikileaks: TPP Revelations Prove US in "Left Field" With Trade Deal (12/15/13) [10:07]
TRNN | Kevin Zeese: Wikileaks: Exposes the TPP as a Capitulation to Corporate Interests (11/15/13) [9:06]
WikiLeaks | Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) (11/13/13) (article & pdf)
WikiLeaks | Second release of secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement documents (12/09/13) [pdf]
Wealth and Income Inequality in America
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council) Explained in 5 Minutes [5:00]
The task forces as of 2011 are:
  1. Civil Justice Task Force.
  2. Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force.
  3. Education Task Force.
  4. Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force.
  5. Health and Human Services Task Force.
  6. International Relations Task Force.
  7. Public Safety and Elections Task Force.
  8. Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force.
  9. Telecommunications and Information Technology Task Force.
ALEC at SourceWatch.org website
Budget | Military Budget
Reuters | Scott Paltro: Billions in Pentagon spending down a black hole (11/18/13) [4:38]
Vice | The Business of War: SOFEX (08/05/12) [20:10]
 Still working on this!!

NSA | Security/Surveillance State
ProPublica | Has the Gov't Lied on NSA Snooping? Let's Go to the Videotape [2:53]
OK, at some point all of these people lied to Congress. Isn't that called perjury and don't people go to jail for that?
 Still working on this!!

 Still working on this!!

Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

01.13.2014. 13:05

Friday January 10, 2014
News Articles
Note: I realize that some of the videos, and accompanying articles, have older dates. The methods used by Iceland to maintain their democracy, i.e. jail the banksters, was inspiring and I had to follow the trail.

U.S. to let spy agencies scour Americans' finances
Reuters | Emily Flitter | 03/13/13

The Obama administration is drawing up plans to give all U.S. spy agencies full access to a massive database that contains financial data on American citizens and others who bank in the country, according to a Treasury Department document seen by Reuters.

The proposed plan represents a major step by U.S. intelligence agencies to spot and track down terrorist networks and crime syndicates by bringing together financial databanks, criminal records and military intelligence. The plan, which legal experts say is permissible under U.S. law, is nonetheless likely to trigger intense criticism from privacy advocates.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation already has full access to the database. However, intelligence agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, currently have to make case-by-case requests for information to FinCEN. Read more

Why today's Cyprus bailout could be the start of the next financial crisis
WashingtonPost | author | 03/16/13

It is a bad day to have your money deposited in a bank in the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus. And it may just mean some bad days ahead for the rest of us.

Early Saturday, the nation reached an agreement with international lenders for bailout help. Part of the agreement: Bank depositors with more than 100,000 euros ($131,000) in their accounts will take a 9.9 percent haircut. Even those with less in savings will see their accounts reduced by 6.75 percent. That's right: Anyone with money in a Cypriot bank will have significantly less money when the banks open for business Tuesday than they did on Friday. ... Read more

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows
Bloomberg | David Reilly | 01/28/10

We're talking about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose role as the most influential part of the federal-reserve system -- apart from the matter of AIG's bailout -- deserves further congressional scrutiny.

The New York Fed is in the hot seat for its decision in November 2008 to buy out, for about $30 billion, insurance contracts AIG sold on toxic debt securities to banks, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co., Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank AG, among others. That decision, critics say, amounted to a back-door bailout for the banks, which received 100 cents on the dollar for contracts that would have been worth far less had AIG been allowed to fail. ... Read more

The banks in this group, which is affiliated with a new derivatives clearinghouse, have fought to block other banks from entering the market, and they are also trying to thwart efforts to make full information on prices and fees freely available.

A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives
NYT | Louise Story | 12/11/10

On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan. The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable -- and controversial -- fields in finance. They also share a common secret: The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.

Drawn from giants like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the bankers form a powerful committee that helps oversee trading in derivatives, instruments which, like insurance, are used to hedge risk. The banks in this group, which is affiliated with a new derivatives clearinghouse, have fought to block other banks from entering the market, and they are also trying to thwart efforts to make full information on prices and fees freely available.... Read more

Honor Killing In Michigan: Iranian Sanaz Nezami Savagely Beaten By Islamic Husband -- Family Watches Death Online
ItMakesSenseBlog.com | author | 01/08/14

... In August, Nezami married Nima Nassiri in Turkey and lived with him temporarily in the Los Angeles area, where he was born and raised. Her sister said the two met over the Internet.

Nezami, a native of Tehran, had a bachelor's degree in engineering and a master's in French translation. She wanted a doctorate degree in environmental engineering. The newlyweds drove from California and found a rental home in November in Michigan. Nezami stayed in touch with family through e-mail, text message and video.

Leaving her family in Iran, she took off with Nima Nassiri. Keeping in touch with her family via the internet ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, January 10 [12:50]
DN | Amiri Baraka (1934-2014): Poet-Playwright-Activist Who Shaped Revolutionary Politics, Black Culture (01/10/14) [47:23]
*TRNN | Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines (01/10/14) [21:46]
Banks & Iceland
Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Government Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers.

Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland's financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country's direction.

It has been a revolution without weapons in Iceland, the country that hosts the world's oldest democracy (since 930), and whose citizens have managed to effect change by going on demonstrations and banging pots and pans. Why have the rest of the Western countries not even heard about it?
TYT News
G. Edward Griffin - Norman Dodd - Banking
Bill Still - Banking
*Bill Still | The Secret of Oz - Winner (2010) [1:56:25]
*Bill Still | The Money Masters (1996) [3:29:20]
Banking | Derivatives
*Janet Tavakoli: Understanding Derivatives and Their Risks () [54:26]
*PressTV | Wall Street casino: The derivatives crisis (04/25/13) [26:04]
Note: I do know that PressTV originates from Iran. But, the facts and numbers in the video are relatively correct, and the video is very comprehensive and well organized. Besides, most of the experts interviewed are respected American economists and historians.

The derivatives market is the Las Vegas of the world's financial super elite, worth anywhere between 2 to 8 quadrillion dollars compared to about 70 trillion dollars of world GDP. We look at the so-called financial innovations of Wall Street from Collateralized Debt Obligations to Mortgage Backed Securities.
*PressTV | The International Banking Cartel (11/15/12 - 04/25/13) [25:36], Part 2 [26:04], Part 3 [24:50]
Note: I do know that PressTV originates from Iran. But, the facts and numbers in the video(s) are relatively correct, and the video is very comprehensive and well organized. Besides, most of the experts interviewed are respected American economists and historians.

A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations. Governments at the service of the major banks.
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Domestic News - Friday (01/10/14) [1hr]
International News - Friday (01/10/14) [1hr]
Other Videos
TYT | Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Song Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts (03/27/13) [7:11]
TYT | Millionaire Teen Says It's Easy to Make Money (03/27/13) [6:40]

01.10.2014. 12:34

Thursday January 09, 2014
News Articles

Rockefeller, Morgan, and War
Ludwig von Mises Institute | Murray N. Rothbard | 11/01/11, older

Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy (1984)

During the 1930s, the Rockefellers pushed hard for war against Japan, which they saw as competing with them vigorously for oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia and as endangering the Rockefellers' cherished dreams of a mass "China market" for petroleum products. On the other hand, the Rockefellers took a noninterventionist position in Europe, where they had close financial ties with German firms such as I.G. Farben and Co., and very few close relations with Britain and France.

The Morgans, in contrast, as usual deeply committed to their financial ties with Britain and France, once again plumped early for war with Germany, while their interest in the Far East had become minimal. Indeed, US ambassador to Japan Joseph C. Grew, former Morgan partner, was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt administration genuinely interested in peace with Japan.

World War II might therefore be considered, from one point of view, as a coalition war: the Morgans got their war in Europe, the Rockefellers theirs in Asia. Such disgruntled Morgan men as Lewis W. Douglas and Dean G. Acheson (a protégé of Henry Stimson), who had left the early Roosevelt administration in disgust at its soft-money policies and economic nationalism, came happily roaring back into government service with the advent of World War II. Nelson A. Rockefeller, for his part, became head of Latin American activities during World War II, and thereby acquired his taste for government service.

After World War II, the united Rockefeller--Morgan--Kuhn, Loeb eastern Establishment was not allowed to enjoy its financial and political supremacy unchallenged for long. "Cowboy" Sun Belt firms, maverick oil men and construction men from Texas, Florida, and southern California began to challenge the eastern Establishment "Yankees" for political power. While both groups favor the Cold War, the Cowboys are more nationalistic, more hawkish, and less inclined to worry about what our European allies are thinking. They are also much less inclined to bail out the now Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and other Wall Street banks that loaned recklessly to Third World and Communist countries and expect the US taxpayer -- through outright taxes or the printing of US dollars -- to pick up the tab. ...
Read more

NPR Freshair
John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were the forefathers of using covert operations to upset foreign governments -- with the aim of overthrow.

They learned the reach of American power abroad when they were partners at an influential New York law firm. Later, with John Foster Dulles serving as secretary of state and Allen Dulles as CIA chief, they shared power in the President Dwight Eisenhower's administration.

In August, the CIA in ousting the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, back in 1953. That was just the first in a long line of foreign governments toppled by the influential brothers during the Cold War.

In The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War, journalist Stephen Kinzer examines their rise to power and how their personal relationship influenced their professional partnership.
Click to download the pdf

The Quiet Coup
theAtlantic | Simon Johnson |05/01/09, older - but good

The 2008 Crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government -- a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises. If the IMF's staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform. And if we are to prevent a true depression, we're running out of time. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, January 09 [12:43]
*DN | 50 Years After LBJ's "War on Poverty," a Call for a New Fight Against 21st Century Inequality (01/09/14) [21:08]
DN | As U.S. Rushes Weapons to Iraq, New Assault on Fallujah Threatens Explosion of Sectarian Conflict (01/09/14) [11:21]
*All Wars Are Bankers' Wars [43:33]
*TRNN | Raed Jarrar: Sectarian War Arises in Iraq as Violence Kills 250+ in a Single Week (01/09/14) [10:56]
Growing violence in Iraq is the result of the US-backed central government cracking down on grassroots Sunni protestors in Ramadi.
Thom Hartmann & Ring of Fire News
RingOfFire | Papantonio: These Corporations Are Spying On You (01/04/14) [8:19]
RingOfFire | Papantonio: The Ugly, Disgusting Story About The Kochs (07/18/13) [9:14]
The Koch brothers have perfected the right wing "bounce" concept, where they take advantage of all facets of the right wing noise machine. Mike Papantonio and Thom Hartmann help expose the Koch brothers' tactics, and discuss the ways in which people can fight back.
RingOfFire | The Koch's Media Machine (08/01/13) [12:46]
RingOfFire | Do Progressives Have a new Secret Weapon Against Wall Street? (12/17/13) [9:17]
Koch Brothers Exposed
*Robert Greenwald | "Koch Brothers Exposed" (12/17/13) [9:17]
Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch -- two of the world's richest and most powerful men -- is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs' corruption--and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy.

10 Shocking Facts on the Kochs
  1. Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States -- which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
  2. The Kochs are the oil and gas industry's biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone.
  3. From 1998-2008, Koch-controlled foundations gave more than $196 million to organizations that favor polices that would financially enrich the two brothers. In addition, Koch Industries spent $50 million on lobbying and some $8 million in PAC contributions.
  4. The Koch fortune has its origins in engineering contracts with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.
  5. The Kochs are suing to take over the Cato Institute, which has accused the Kochs of attempting to destroy the group's identity as an independent, libertarian think and align it more closely with a partisan agenda.
  6. A Huffington Post source who was at a three-day retreat of conservative billionaires said the Koch brothers pledged to donate $60 million to defeat President Obama in 2012 and produce pledges of $40 million more from others at the retreat.
  7. Since 2000, the Kochs have collected almost $100 million in government contracts, mostly from the Department of Defense.
  8. Koch Industries has an annual production capacity of 2.2 billion pounds of the carcinogen formaldehyde. The company has worked to keep it from being classified as a carcinogen even though David Koch is a prostate cancer survivor.
  9. The Koch brothers' combined fortune of roughly $50 billion is exceeded only by that of Bill Gates in the United States.
  10. The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs accused Koch Oil of scheming to steal $31 million of crude oil from Native Americans. Although the company claimed it was accidental, a former executive in this operation said Charles Koch had known about it and had responded to the overages by saying, "I want my fair share, and that's all of it."
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Where Gun Control Efforts Stand Today (01/09/14) [1hr]
Former Rep. Gabby Giffords was injured in a mass shooting in Arizona three years ago. But gun control efforts have stalled at the federal level. Where the debate stands today.
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Cool Videos
Graf Zeppelin 1929 Around Globe Trip [1:22:43]
Graf Zeppelin LZ127 Airship 21500 Mile Voyage Around The World. Includes rare high quality black & white footage from places around the globe just before the great depression. A brief glimpse into the buzzling life of great cities before things went down hill.
PBS NOVA | Wings of Madness [51:26]
In the early 1900s, the most acclaimed celebrity in Europe, and arguably the world, was a fashionable, frail, Brazilian-born aviator named Alberto Santos-Dumont. The first to fly an airplane in Europe, Santos also built and flew the first practical dirigibles, or powered balloons. At a period when most balloons were at the mercy of the wind and many still thought the airplane an impossibility, Santos's bold exploits created a sensation. He was the spiritual father of aviation, and at the same time, a flying P.T. Barnum, intrepidly demonstrating his incredible flying machines in Paris, London, New York, and St. Louis.

01.09.2014. 11:58

Wednesday January 08, 2014
News Articles

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - in pictures
theGuardian | Daniel Beltra | 12/09/13

It was one of the world's most destructive environmental disasters in human history: in April 2010 an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig killed 11 men and sent 210m gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, causing a black tide covering 68,000 square miles of ocean and spreading along 16,000 miles of coastline. ... Read more
Click to zoom

Most people think the Deepwater Oil Spill is done and over with, right? But, what ever happed to the submerged Dead Zone that measures miles in size?

Noam Chomsky: The Richest Countries Are Racing Us Towards Disaster While 'Primitive' Societies Are Trying to Stop It
AlterNet | Natasha Lennard | 12/29/13

Q: This year's revelations about the scope of surveillance-state activity are certainly not the first major leaks you've seen draw scrutiny on government spying. Is there something particular or unique, in your view, about the NSA revelations?

Q: Do you think revelations about sprawling surveillance have prompted much significant self-reflection from the American public about the workings of our state apparatus and our use of technology?
A: ...
Read more

*Want to Cut Government Spending? Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
finance.yahoo.com | Lauren Lyster | 11/25/13

If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department.

Special Enterprise Reporter Scot Paltrow unearthed the "high cost of the Pentagon's bad bookkeeping" in a Reuters investigation. It amounts to $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for. The year 1996 was the first that the Pentagon should have been audited under a law requiring audits of all government departments. Oh, and by the way, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with this law. ... Read more
*Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For
TYT | Shocking Government Waste at The Defense Department (11/30/13) [7:11]

The Black Budget
Washington Post | author | date

Read more

Inside the 2013 U.S. intelligence 'black budget'
Washington Post | author | date

The pages in this document appear in the summary of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's multivolume FY 2013 Congressional Budget Justification -- the U.S. intelligence community's top-secret "black budget." It covers many of the high-profile agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, as well as lesser-known programs, including those within the Treasury, State and Energy Departments. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, January 08 [12:07]
*DN | "It Was Time to Do More Than Protest": 1971 Burglars Who Exposed FBI Spying Reveal Their Names (01/08/14) [25:26], Part 2 [7:42]
TRNN | Yves Engler: Canada's Top Spy Watchdog Lobbies on Behalf of Northern Pipeline (01/08/14) [7:49]
TYT News
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm What To Expect From Congress This Election Year (01/08/14) [1hr]
Congress begins 2014 with a full agenda, including a vote on extending unemployment benefits, negotiating the debt ceiling and prospects for immigration reform. Diane and her guests discuss what to expect from Congress this election year.
MSNBC Chris Hayes - Al l In
Chris Hayes | The GOP's 'poverty agenda'. The fight for unemployment benefits (01/07/14) [7:33], Part 2 [3:11], Part 3 [7:23]
  1. Bill O'Reilly: Marijuana truther
  2. Senator Rubio isn't fooling anyone
  3. Is it Communism if conservatives support it?
  4. Money for being a US citizen?
More segments on the MSNBC website
MSNBC Rachel Maddow
*Rachel Maddow | Senate Democrats push for help to unemployed (01/07/14) [21:37]
In three years, from 1961 to 1963, we increased our nuclear arsenal by 50%, to 10,000 of nuclear bombs ...

Senator Jeff Merkley talks with Rachel Maddow about the push to extend unemployment benefits and the Democratic focus on issues of economic inequality.
*Rachel Maddow | US investigating drone strike in Yemen. Michael Isikoff, NBC News investigative correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about the U.S. looking into a drone strike blamed for killing Yemeni civilians. (01/07/14) [8:21]
More segments on the MSNBC website
Jon Stewart - Daily Show
Jon Stewart | Colorado lays down the ground rules for its "brand new" recreational weed industry (01/07/14) [3:33]
*Jon Stewart | Bill O'Reilly takes on the drugs and texting phenomenon gripping America's youth (01/07/14) [4:33]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
New World Order - NWO
UFOTV | The New World Order - A 6000 Year History [1:42:08]
Dark Secrets of the Order [1:38:38]
Greg Palast | Bush Family Fortunes [1:02:03]
Webster Tarpley | The Elites Plan for Global Extermination [55:10]
Lyndon LaRouche's | Tragedy and Hope lecture [2:50:13]
Stephen Kinzer's book "The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War"
The University of Scranton | Stephen Kinzer's book | The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War [1:02:03]
Stephen Kinzer's book provides us with a glimpse into the overt and covert policies of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles during the Eisenhower administration and how their actions and "secret world war" shaped and changed the trajectory of 6 countries and created a pattern of interventions that benefited U.S. interests that linger with us until today.
Stephen Kinzer | Upheaval as Opportunity - Proposals for a New American Role in the Middle East [1:28:18]
The JFK Cover-up: E. Howard Hunt Interview [14:37]
Russian Revolutionaries
The Russian Revolutionaries 1/3 - Joseph Stalin [2:11:05]
The Russian Revolutionaries 2/3 - Vladimir Lenin [43:39]
The Russian Revolutionaries 3/3 - Leon Trotsky [1:28:11]
Crown Corporation
Luciferian Crown Empire - Crown Temple - City of London Corporation - Jesuit Merchants [7:54]
OaklandLYM | Britains Invisible Empire: The Empire Today - Jeff Steinberg [1:00:42]
Britains Invisible Empire: The Empire Today - Jeff Steinberg
Zionist - Dual Citizenship
The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy [6:10]
The Neocon / Zionist Coup and Why It Matters to Americans [19:09]
David Icke - Rothschild Zionism [24:53]
The Israeli Lobby -- Total Jewish Zionist Control of the USA [49:22]
Barbara Honegger | Behind the Smoke Curtain - The 9/11 Pentagon Attack [3:04:47]

01.08.2014. 12:39

Tuesday January 07, 2014
News Articles

Everything You Wanted to Know About the 'Polar Vortex' That's Engulfed Much of N. America with Freezing Temps
AlterNet | Emily Atkin | 01/06/14

On Sunday night, a reporter for The Weather Channel stood in a Minnesota snowstorm, talking about local efforts to move homeless children into heated shelters. "How cold is it supposed to get?" the anchor, back in the studio, asked. The reporter replied: " Colder than Mars."

Indeed, recent temperatures across the U.S. have been Mars-like. Forecasts in the midwest call for temperatures to drop to 32 below zero in Fargo, N.D.; minus 21 in Madison, Wis.; and 15 below zero in Minneapolis, Indianapolis and Chicago. Wind chills have been predicted to fall to negative 60 degrees -- a dangerous cold that could break decades-old records. ... Read more
What is the polar vortex and what causes it? (01/06/14) [2:19] Millions face coldest weather in decades (01/07/14) [2:37]

*'Polar Vortex' - Meteorology can be confusing, but these 2 experts break down the science behind our current crazy (01/06/14) [7:11]
BBC | A heat wave in central and north Australia has forced farmers to slaughter livestock (01/03/14) [2:01], Note: 50 Celsius = 122 Fahrenheit
*BBC | 2013: Australia's Hottest Year On Record (01/05/14) [2:01]

Inside the Right-Wing Love Affair with Conspiracy Theories
AlterNet | CJ Werleman | 01/04/14

The New York Times recently published what is arguably the most comprehensive examination of the events that took place leading up to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. The six-part, multimedia report (see below) is not only the most exhaustive account of the tragedy ever published by a major news organization, it is also completely apolitical. In other words, it revealed the truth. Yet right-wing conspiracy theorists refuse to believe it.

While the article hardly paints the administration in a positive light, it makes clear that right-wing, echo chamber-generated conspiracy theories have no basis in reality. Central to the right's Benghazi narrative was the claim that President Obama, facing a fight for reelection, chose to lie and conceal the truth on Benghazi. In other words, the administration "knew" it was a carefully planned and orchestrated attack carried out by al-Qaeda, but instead chose to spin the story that it was a spontaneous protest carried out by a mob of Islamists, who were reacting to the release of anti-Muslim YouTube documentary. ... Read more

The Facts About Benghazi
NYT | staff | 12/30/13

An exhaustive investigation by The Times goes a long way toward resolving any nagging doubts about what precipitated the attack on the United States mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. ... Read more

Click to zoom
“Security Arc” forms amidst Mideast terror
DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, January 07 [12:26]
DN | Weather Whiplash: As Polar Vortex Brings Deep Freeze, Is Extreme Weather Linked to Climate Change? (01/07/14) [9:57]
DN | From Sandy to Haiyan, Year of Extreme Weather Brings More Coverage of Climate Change (01/07/14) [11:58]
*DN | From Funding Climate Deniers to Shadowy Groups, Koch Brothers Network Spent $400 Million in 2012 (01/07/14) [14:15]
More News
Senator Bernie Sanders Says NSA Is Spying On ALL Members Of Congress! (01/06/14) [8:14]
News (old, older, but enlightening)
FORAtv | Noam Chomsky: Courts have given big business personhood, while deigning personhood to illegal immigrants [4:12]
FORAtv | Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany [3:19]
*Prof. Antony C. Sutton | Wall Street, Nazis & the Bolshevik Revolution [40:00]
Blackwater which has historic links with the Order of Malta [6:11]
Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers | North Carolina: Battleground State (01/03/14) [47:11]
This week on Moyers & Company, "State of Conflict: North Carolina" offers a documentary report from a state that votes both blue and red and sometimes purple (Romney carried it by a whisker in 2012, Obama by an eyelash in 2008). Now, however, Republicans hold the governor's mansion and both houses of the legislature and they are steering North Carolina far to the right: slashing taxes on corporations and the wealthy, providing vouchers to private schools, cutting unemployment benefits, refusing to expand Medicaid and rolling back electoral reforms, including voting rights.
60 Minutes
60 Minutes | The Cleantech Crash: Despite billions invested by the U.S. government in so-called "Cleantech" energy, Washington and Silicon Valley have little to show for it. (01/05/14) [13:49]
TYT News
TYT | Climate Change or Just Hot/Cold Weather? (07/11/12) [4:50]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Four Years After Citizens United: The State Of Money In Politics (01/07/14) [1hr]
In January 2010, the Supreme Court handed down their landmark Citizens United ruling, dramatically altering campaign finance in America. The decision allowed corporations and labor unions to spend unlimited money directly on politics and it created an explosion in so called 501(c)(4)s, nonprofits named for where they fall in the tax code. As these organizations have become some of the biggest spenders in politics today, new questions are arising in DCand around the country about how--and whether--money in politics should be reined in. Four years after Citizens United: how we pay for politics and the state of campaign finance reform.

  1. Lawrence Lessig professor, Harvard Law School and director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. He is leading "The New Hampshire Rebellion" in support of campaign finance reform.
  2. Matea Gold reporter covering money and politics, The Washington Post.
  3. Bradley Smith chairman and founder, Center for Competitive Politics. He is a professor at the West Virginia University College of Law.
MSNBC Chris Hayes - Al l In
Chris Hayes | Battle lines drawn ahead of benefits vote (01/06/14) [2:52], Part 2 [10:15]
Chris Hayes | Deep freeze heats up climate change-deniers (01/06/14) [7:58]
More segments on the MSNBC website
MSNBC Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow | Democrats seek icebreaker for frozen Congress (01/06/14) [19:03]
More segments on the MSNBC website
Pretty wild
Flyboard [6:12]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I run across a lot of videos, with a lot of them being repeats. But there are names that stick out and I try to collect as many videos of theirs I can.
  1. G. Edward Griffin
  2. Prof. Antony C. Sutton
  3. Professor Carroll Quigley
Banks & Oil & Corporatocrcy
Aljazeera | Secret of the Seven Sisters - Desert Storms [47:30]
Aljazeera | Secret of the Seven Sisters - The Black El Dorado [47:30]
Aljazeera | Secret of the Seven Sisters - The Dancing Bear [47:30]

The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy [55:18]
Master of the Universe [47:23]
Four Horseman of the Banking Cartel. They rule the World [51:05]
Global New World Order Government Through Central Banking [14:10]
Corporatism Explained [17:18]
CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America's Middle Class [1:41:52]
Ralph Nader, The Road to Corporate Fascism [54:16]
G. Edward Griffin
G. Edward Griffin | The Capitalist Conspiracy [47:04]
G. Edward Griffin | Super rich are in a conspiracy to rule the world (2007) [1:27:20]
Prof. Antony C. Sutton
Prof. Antony C. Sutton | Wall Street, Nazis & the Bolshevik Revolution [40:00]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope (audio book)
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | Europe's Shift to the Twentieth Century [27:39]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | The Russian Empire to 1917 [1:57:08]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | Stalinism, 1924-1939 [58:28]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | World War II: Tide of Aggression, 1939-1941 [5:06:04]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | World War II: Ebb of Aggression, 1941-1945 [7:28:42]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | Cold War: American Atomic Supremacy, 1945-1950 [5:46:13]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | Cold War: Race for the H-Bomb, 1950-1957 [9:34:16]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | The New Era, 1957-1964 [8:20:31]
Tragedy And Hope, subtitled "A History Of The World In Our Time" is an epic and scholarly work of history written by Professor Carroll Quigley. The book covers the period of roughly 1880 to 1963 and is multidisciplinary in nature though perhaps focusing on the economic problems brought about by the First World War and the impact these had on subsequent events. The book has attracted the attention of conspiracy theorists due to suggestions in numerous places in the book that a secret society known as the Round Table has had considerable influence of the policies of the British and American governments over the course of the first half of the twentieth century.
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope | Changing Economic Patterns [4:18:28]
Professor Carroll Quigley | Tragedy And Hope (full) (audio book)

01.07.2014. 11:30

Monday January 06, 2014
News Articles

Koch-Backed Political Network, Built To Shield Donors, Raised $400 Million In 2012 Elections
HP & WashingtonPost | author | 01/05/13

The political network spearheaded by conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch has expanded into a far-reaching operation of unrivaled complexity, built around a maze of groups that cloaks its donors, according to an analysis of new tax returns and other documents. ...

... But they have substantial firepower. Together, the 17 conservative groups that made up the network raised at least $407 million during the 2012 campaign, according to the analysis of tax returns by The Washington Post and the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics. ... Read more
Click to zoom

$500 Billion In 2013 Corporate Buybacks: Half Of QE

How Right-Wing Radicals -- From Nixon to Paul Ryan -- Have Deceived America
AlterNet | Paul Rosenberg | 01/06/14

From Nixon to Reagan to Gingrich to Bush to Paul Ryan and Chris Christie today, leaders who've shifted America to the right have been aided by moderating misrepresentations. In the case of Reagan, it was not just the man, but conservatism itself that received the flattering reinterpretation. That was a difference that mattered; it goes to the heart of why Reagan is the American right's touchstone. But the more general process of misrepresenting and reinterpreting increasingly radical ideological figures as if they were normal, everyday pragmatic problem-solvers is one that's been a repeated leitmotif in America's political trajectory since Richard Nixon's political resurrection in 1968. ... Read more

Climate Change - Don't just look outside!

Meanwhile, In The Non "Polar Vortex" World...
ZeroHedge | author | 01/06/14

While America is preparing to usher in the coldest days of the 21st century, some other places around the globe are hardly as worried. Below is a photo from Rio's Ipanema beach over the weekend, where temperatures hit 51 degrees. Celsius. ... Read more

Austrailia - Click to view
Temperatures in an Australian outback town have soared above 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit). The heatwave in Oodnadatta has forced residents to stay inside, as one woman recorded 54 (129.2 F) degrees on her thermometer. A local official described the heat in the town as "like stepping into an oven." Temperatures will drop overnight, but only to 34 (93.2 F) degrees. Elsewhere in Australia, bushfires are still raging in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, where firefighters are doing what they can to get the blazes under control. Electricity has been cut to parts of the island and generators are being ferried over to provide power. Report by Mark Morris.
Argentinean - Click to view
A heatwave affecting Argentina has left at least seven people dead - most of them elderly - in the past week, officials say. The heat has been compounded by power cuts, which have prevented many people from using air conditioning. In Santiago del Estero and other northern provinces temperatures have soared to over 45C (113F). Meteorologists say it has been the worst heatwave in the region since records began in 1906.

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, January 06 [13:42]
DN | Rethinking Marijuana: As Colorado Opens World's First Pot Retail Stores, NY To Allow Medical Usage (01/06/14) [8:57]
More News
*Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy (10/03/07) [7:36]
A plane did not hit PENTAGON () [6:11]
*TRNN | David Bacon: By Pushing the TPP, Obama is Repeating the Mistakes of NAFTA (01/06/14) [6:23]
TYT News
NPR FreshAir
coming up: Scott Stossel shares a personal, medical and pharmaceutical history of anxiety, and discusses his new book My Age of Anxiety, Monday on NPR's Fresh Air.
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm The U.S. National Security Apparatus (01/06/14) [1hr]
President Barack Obama faces a full agenda on his return to work today. One of the top items: reforming the National Security Agency. While on vacation, he considered the recommendations of a task force he appointed to improve operations at the NSA. The president is soon expected to announce possible changes to controversial spying programs -- some of which have been in place since 9/11. While many privacy advocates have praised the task force recommendations, some say they don't go far enough. And others worry that tinkering too much with our nation's surveillance programs could pave the way for another attack. Diane and her guests discuss a rethinking of national security.

  1. Richard Clarke former counterterrorism official, currently a consultant for ABC News, adjunct faculty member at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and author of "Against All Enemies" and "The Scorpion's Gate."
  2. Tom Gjelten national security correspondent, NPR, and author of "Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba: The Biography of a Cause."
  3. Marc Rotenberg executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and teaches Information Privacy Law at Georgetown University Law Center.
  4. Stewart Baker attorney at Steptoe and Johnson, former general counsel at National Security Agency and former assistant secretary of policy at Department of Homeland Security.
MSNBC Chris Hayes - All In
MSNBC Chris Hayes - All In
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: Lots of videos below. Some of them I have just found but feel are really good. For an example: look at the 'Truthloader' videos, in sequence, to get a feeling why a lot of people feel the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Government was so corrupt.

Others videos have been around for a while, but still have a lot of good information. Again for an example try:
  1. Corbett Report | Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks? (09/02/13) [1:00:41]
  2. 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! () [43:29]
  3. 9-11 Ripple Effect () [1:36:16]
  4. Guns & Butter | Kevin Ryan "Another Nineteen - Investigating Legitimate 9-11 () [2:00:06]
Nuclear War
Effects of a nuclear bomb (2013) [4:13]
A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 [5:08]
Nuclear Weapon Effects on People And Property [15:11]
Pentagon, NSA and the Security State
Top Secret ; The Pentagon [40:54]
Rumsfeld 1 day before 9/11 - 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing from DOD [3:57]
September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense of the USA declared war on the Pentagon bureaucracy over an alleged $2.3 trillion in unaccounted for funds on expenses, the next day 9/11 happened and the previous day's headlines were over-shadowed by the start of the Bush administration's modern-day crusade the 'War on Terror' supported by the mythical 'Coalition of the Willing' in search of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' and 'Taliban fighters'.
Cynthia McKinney Nails Donald Rumsfeld On The Missing Trillions [9:17]
Truthloader | Who are The Carlyle Group, and how are they connected to bin Laden? [9:18]
Truthloader | What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden [7:17]
Truthloader | A history of NSA wiretapping, Prism, Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake [10:41]
2013 U.S. intelligence budget
These tables are found in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's budget for 2013. They detail spending requests for intelligence agencies and programs, as well as personnel breakdowns by pay grade, language expertise, and years of service.
Truthloader | Edward Snowden reveals the US 'black budget' of secret intelligence spending [3:38]
Truthloader | Bilderberg 2013 - Your guide to 'The Bilderberg Group' [8:34]
Al Jazeera | David Frost | Donald Rumsfeld gives a very raw interview [23:42]
Corbett Report | Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks? (09/02/13) [1:00:41]
What Happened to the Planes and Passengers on 9/11 [14:49]
the Miracle of stairwell B () [48:00]
Children of 911 revealed (2011) [44:54]
9/11 Emergency Room [47:29]

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! () [43:29]
9-11 Ripple Effect () [1:36:16]
Guns & Butter | Kevin Ryan "Another Nineteen - Investigating Legitimate 9-11 () [2:00:06]
9/11 The Lost Tapes full documentary - September 11 2001 () [44:38]

911 In Plane Site [1:12:12]
9/11 - Painful Deceptions () [1:58:28]
9/11 - The Falling Man [1:11:26]
Other 9/11
NBC News Coverage of the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks () [1:36:54]
Top Secret ; The Pentagon () [40:54]
Michael Ruppert: The grand chessboard [43:04]

01.06.2014. 13:29

Friday January 03, 2014
News Articles

Americans Forecast Downhill Slide To 2050
HP | Connie Cass | 01/03/14

Ask people to imagine American life in 2050, and you'll get some dreary visions. Whether they foresee runaway technology or runaway government, rampant poverty or vanishing morality, a majority of Americans predict a future worse than today. ...

... Overall, 54 percent of those surveyed expect American life to go downhill, while 23 percent think it will improve, according to a December survey from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. ... Read more

NSA Hackers Get the 'Ungettable' With Rich Catalog of Custom Tools
Wired Magazine | Kim Zetter | 12/30/13

The National Security Agency's elite team of hackers spends its time shopping a secret high-end catalog of custom tools designed to subvert firewalls, servers, and routers made by U.S. firms, impersonate a GSM base station to intercept mobile phone calls, or siphon data from a wireless network

Hackers in the Tailored Access Operations division get the "ungettable" data the NSA can't otherwise obtain from tapping undersea cables or collecting bulk data from companies like Yahoo and Google. They do this by by installing backdoors and other implants remotely or by physically intercepting hardware being delivered to customers and planting backdoors in firmware. ... Read more

The world's 2170 billionaires control a total of $33 trillion in Net Worth, roughly double the US GDP and about half of the world's entire GDP.

"Rich Will Keep Getting Richer In 2014" - In 2013, Top 300 Billionaires Added Half A Trillion In Net Worth
ZeroHedge | author | 01/02/14

All the pundits who preach an economic recovery in the US always fall strangely silent when asked to share their thoughts on the following chart (taken from the St. Louis Fed), showing the annual change in real disposable income per capita in the US. What seems to stump them most is that aside from the 2012 year end aberration (due to accelerated distribution of dividends ahead of the 2013 tax hikes) is that in November the series finally posted its first Y/Y decline (-0.1%) since the Lehman collapse. ... Read more
Click to zoom

Not only have the world's richest been the biggest beneficiaries of the monetary and fiscal policies since 2009, with the current 2170 global billionaires representing a 60% increase since 2009 according to UBS, but their consolidated net worth has more than doubled from $3.1 trillion in 2009 to $6.5 trillion now. At the same time, the net worth of the "bottom 90%" of the world's not so lucky population, has declined. Yet, somehow, the Fed is still revered.

Fiat gets full control of Chrysler for $4.35 billion
Reuters | Agnieszka Flak | 01/02/14

Fiat's $4.35 billion deal to gain full control of Chrysler Group LLC sent its shares to a near 2-1/2-year high on Thursday, despite doubts over whether the Italian carmaker could use the merger to cut losses in Europe.

Investors welcomed the deal struck by Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne, under which Fiat will buy the 41.46 percent of the No. 3 U.S. automaker it does not already own, without raising funds from the stock market. ... Read more

DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, January 03 [13:00]
*DN | NAFTA at 20: Lori Wallach on U.S. Job Losses, Record Income Inequality, Mass Displacement in Mexico (01/03/14) [11:59]
The North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada went into effect 20 years ago this week on January 1, 1994. The massive trade pact was signed into law by President Bill Clinton amidst great promise that it would raise wages, create jobs and even improve health and environmental safety standards. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs have vanished as companies sought lower wage workers in Mexico. Meanwhile, NAFTA has generated more poverty in Mexico, forcing millions of citizens to migrate to the United States in search of work. We speak to Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch and author of the new report, "NAFTA at 20."
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch -- NAFTA at 20.pdf
DN | Zapatista Uprising 20 Years Later: How Indigenous Mexicans Stood Up Against NAFTA "Death Sentence" (01/03/14) [12:05]
More News
US Big Winter Storm Brings Snow, Cold to Northeast, 2014 Snowstorm slams northeastern United States (01/03/14) [1:36]
75% French 'Millionaire Tax' to become law (01/02/14) [2:51]
*TRNN | Tim Wise: 20 Years on, Mexico is NAFTA's Biggest Lie (01/03/14) [11:00]
*PBS | NEED TO KNOW | After NAFTA (10/31/11 older, but interesting) [13:56]
TRNN | Michael Ratner: New York Times recognizing Snowden should spur backing of other whistleblowers (01/03/14) [11:07]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Domestic News - Friday (01/03/14) [1hr]
International News - Friday (01/03/14) [1hr]
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Cobert | JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon comes under fire for sending an excessively decadent Christmas card (12/19/13) [3:04]
World Bank - Massive Corruption

World Bank Whistleblower Reveals Massive Corruption
HP | Kevin Lawton | 05/29/13

You need to know about this woman! Former Senior Counsel to the World Bank, Karen Hudes, unleashed recent interviews that should shatter any remaining fairytales about a functional and law-abiding system of banking and government. The good news is that she's part of a network of World Bank whistleblowers, working tirelessly to bring out the facts. And in her recent interviews, she names the names of people who are actively suppressing the facts, exposes the media for being one giant corporate shill, and reveals that all of the U.S. governors and attorneys general have been notified.
Read more

The World Bank: Rejecting "The Rule of Law"
Veteran Today | Karen Hudes (with Jim Fetzer) | 03/27/13

I learned that Karen Hudes, who earned her J.D. at Yale, our most distinguished School of Law, and an M.Phil. in economics at the University of Amsterdam, which is also a formidable institution, had been removed from her position as Senior Counsel for the World Bank because of her efforts to expose corruption and reaffirm the rule of law in the form of appropriate standards of accounting, I was dumbfounded. ... Read more

*Sean Stone | Karen Hudes Arrested at the World Bank for Whistleblowing (08/30/13) [4:23]
*Sean Stone | Buzzsaw : World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen Hudes (full) (06/01/13) [27:48]
World Bank | Karen Hudes | Veterans Today (article)
The network of global corporate control.pdf
InfoWars | World Bank Whistleblower Harrassed By DoJ (09/08/13) [43:44]
Karen Hudes (https://twitter.com/KarenHudes) studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on? In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules.
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Ross Perot vs. Al Gore NAFTA Debate (1993) [1:14:25]
Noam Chomsky Interview on NAFTA, Reagan, etc (1993) [48:12]
Zeitgeist Movement
*Zeitgeist Addendum (full) (2008) [2:03:07]
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (full) (2011) [2:21:41]
The bankers & corporations conspiracy to take-over the whole world [14:58]
Click to zoom
Bankers and Corporations Conspiracy (text)
Zeitgeist (full) (2007) [1:59:23]
Karen Hudes - world bank
*Sean Stone | Karen Hudes Arrested at the World Bank for Whistleblowing (08/30/13) [4:23]
*Sean Stone | Buzzsaw : World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen Hudes (full) (06/01/13) [27:48]
World Bank | Karen Hudes | Veterans Today (article)
The network of global corporate control.pdf
Chronology of the cover-up.pdf
World Bank Whistleblower makes Startling Confession Karen Hudes (10/13/13) [23:44]
Project Camelot | Interview with Karen Hudes - World bank Whistleblower (08/01/13) [1:56:21]
Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness when US Dollar Loses International Currency Status (09/18/13) [34:27]
InfoWars | World Bank Whistleblower Harrassed By DoJ (09/08/13) [43:44]
Karen Hudes (https://twitter.com/KarenHudes) studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on? In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules.
The Failure of Press Coverage
One reason it is so difficult to end the corrupt regime at the World Bank is because there has been virtually no press coverage. It is possible to conclude from this that democracy in the United States has been weakened by the reduction in the number of corporations who own the bulk of US media outlets (from 50 to 5 in less than twenty years.) Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, The Goldman Sachs Group along with a few others use interlocking corporate ownership to control 40 percent of total wealth and 60 percent of global revenues.

This concentration of power rests on disproportionate corporate investments of one percent of all corporations. Theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, using natural systems mathematical modeling and comprehensive data on the actual corporate ownership of 43,000 transnational corporations, discovered this concentration of power. When questions are raised about "who controls the world", this one percent looks like a very promising candidate. The crux of the matter is that the corporations control the mass media and, through the mass media, control the politicians.

01.03.2014. 18:51

Thursday January 02, 2014
News Articles

Half Of Americans Think Our Democracy Needs 'A Lot Of Changes' Or A Complete Overhaul
HP | Charles Babington | 01/02/13

Americans enter 2014 with a profoundly negative view of their government, expressing little hope that elected officials can or will solve the nation's biggest problems, a new poll finds.

Half say America's system of democracy needs either "a lot of changes" or a complete overhaul, according to the poll conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Just 1 in 20 says it works well and needs no changes. ... Read more

Edward Snowden Clemency: The New York Times, The Guardian Urge Obama To Help NSA Whistleblower
HP | author | 01/02/14

The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Guardian published editorials on Wednesday, urging the Obama administration to treat Edward Snowden as a whistleblower and offer him some form of clemency.

Seven months ago, the former National Security Administration contractor stole as many as 1.7 million highly classified documents about the U.S. government's surveillance program and released the information to the press. The files revealed how the NSA forced American technology companies to reveal customer information, often without individual warrants, and how data from global phone and Internet networks was secretly intercepted. ... Read more

Ex-CIA chief Michael Hayden: Edward Snowden leak worse than Bradley Manning's
Politico | Tal Kopan | 08/02/13 older

Former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden says that Edward Snowden's leaks are worse than what Bradley Manning released, but he says they are both emblematic of a new generation with different views of government transparency.

Talking about Snowden on Friday, one day after Russia granted him temporary asylum and three days after Manning was convicted of espionage but not aiding the enemy, Hayden said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Snowden does not understand how much damage he's done. ... Read more

The Real Reason the Middle Class Is Dead
AlterNet | Edward McClelland | 01/01/14

Let me tell you the story of a 1965 "unskilled" worker in America who lived better than most of today's college graduates. ... Read more

Why Is the IRS Fighting Efforts to Unmask Karl Rove and U.S. Chamber Political Money Laundering?
AlterNet | Steven Rosenfeld | 12/31/13

An IRS whistleblower lawsuit that attempts to finger an overseas non-profit affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as a dark money conduit that put tens of millions into Karl Rove's hands during the 2010 elections may soon die in an obscure federal court--unless the judge allows evidence-gathering over the IRS's objections.

Robert Jacobson, a Tuscon, Arizona physician who brought the lawsuit, believes that a nonprofit created by the State Department in conjunction with the U.S. Chamber to build a much-ridiculed exhibition at the 2010 Shanghai Expo in China had another purpose--diverting large slices of the $70-plus million in donations to Rove for campaigns to retake the House. The idea was that money from GOP-friendly corporations and even the Chinese government would evade oversight by flowing through barely regulated nonprofits. ... Read more

Ken Langone To Cardinal: The Pope Better Watch What He Says
crooksandliars.com | Susie Madrak | 12/31/13

Cardinal Dolan is someone who, in my kinder moods, I might describe as a "right-wing corporate bootlick." So the thought of him having to explain to self-centered billionaires that OF COURSE Pope Francis didn't mean to criticize them puts me in a happy mood. But billionaires like wingnut Langone (who's famously tight with a buck when it comes to his employees) really should reflect on the pope's economic message, because yes, he really was talking about people like him: ... Read more
Ken Langone To Cardinal: The Pope Better Watch What He Says (12/31/13) [0:50]

Sheila Bair's graph of the year: For many Americans, there's been no recovery at all
WashingtonPost | author | 12/30/13

For 2013, we asked some of the year's most interesting, important and influential thinkers to name their favorite graph of the year -- and why they chose it. Here's Sheila Bair's.

This chart, drawn from a report by the Sentier Research Group, shows that for a large number of American households, there has been no economic recovery. Caught in a vice of chronic unemployment and falling wages, real median household income (excluding capital gains and losses but including cash government benefits) has declined 4.4% since the "recovery" began in 2009. For many households, the drop has been more severe. For African-American households, it is 10.9%. For those under 25 years old, it is 9.6%. For single females with children, it is 7.5%. ... Read more
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Wealth and Income Inequality in America
*Wealth Inequality in America [6:25]
*Wealth Inequality in the World [3:51]
DemocracyNow Daily News
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, January 02 [14:08]
DN | Public Advocate Letitia James: Time to Tackle "Gilded Age of Inequality" in New York City (01/02/14) [2:46]
TRNN | Alex Rogers: New Report: World's Oceans and Marine Life Face Unprecedented Peril (01/01/14) [7:04], Part 2 [7:35]
TYT News
Michael Hayden & Chertoff Group
Michael Hayden on Politico
Michael Hayden on WashingtonPost
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Chertoff Group website
Harvey Wasserman: Fukushima (11/25/13) [3:08]
Harvey Wasserman: MoveOn Action (website)
Corporatocracy, globalization - Internationally and now Domestically.
John Perkins reveals the Corporatocracy (02/17/13) [17:16]
Diane Rehms Show
Diane Rehm Coverage Begins Through The Affordable Care Act (01/02/14) [1hr]
More Articles

Could The Fed Lose Control Of The Frankenstein Economy It Has Created?
ZeroHedge | author | 01/02/14

A longtime correspondent emailed me last week about the apparent contradiction between a Federal Reserve that has had the power for five years to counteract any decline and my call for a market decline in 2014: why would the Fed allow a market it has pushed higher for five years to ever fall?

It's an excellent question, as it summarizes the key question: is there any limit on "don't fight the Fed?" Can the Fed push assets higher essentially forever? And if so, why did it fail to do so in 2008? ... Read more

Climate Change Worse Than We Thought, Likely To Be 'Catastrophic Rather Than Simply Dangerous'
HP | Nick Visser | 12/31/13

Climate change may be far worse than scientists thought, causing global temperatures to rise by at least 4 degrees Celsius by 2100, or about 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a new study.

The study, published in the journal Nature, takes a fresh look at clouds' effect on the planet, according to a report by The Guardian. The research found that as the planet heats, fewer sunlight-reflecting clouds form, causing temperatures to rise further in an upward spiral.

That number is double what many governments agree is the threshold for dangerous warming. Aside from dramatic environmental shifts like melting sea ice, many of the ills of the modern world -- starvation, poverty, war and disease -- are likely to get worse as the planet warms. ... Read more

Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Europe in the Early 1900's
George, Nicholas, Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins () [48:24]
When Queen Victoria died in 1901, she left behind an extended family network that spanned nine European thrones. This dynasty was the very pinnacle of high society and family members referred to themselves as 'The Club'. But from the moment Queen Victoria died, 'The Club' was doomed. Long-forgotten royal correspondence, admiralty telegrams and secret service records discovered by historian Dr Andrew Cook reveal an amazing trail of events leading from the build-up to war, through King George's astonishing refusal of asylum to his cousin Tsar Nicholas, to a previously unknown desperate rescue plan involving the British secret service, and a mission to deepest Siberia to try and save the Tsar and his family.
European Royal Families - Old Footage () [28:43]
HC | Mein Kampf The Story of Adolf Hitler () [44:53]
BBC | The Evil Behind Adolf Hitler () [46:56]
The Rise Of Hitler () [2:32:26]
Auschwitz - The Blueprint of Genocide () [46:49]
Project Paperclip

01.02.2014. 12:36

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Newer Documentaries You Might Not Have Seen

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Documentaries You've Never Seen

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Good YouTube Documentaries

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Great YouTube Docs. (small | pop-up)
Good YouTube Docs. (big | full screen)

Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about. 
But I have a modest standard of living so I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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