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Friday July 29, 2016
News Articles

Over $100,000: That's How Much Big Finance Rips You Off
AlterNet | Lynn Stuart Parramore | 07/28/16

New research shows that the average U.S. household loses over $100,000 to destructive activities of bankers and financiers.

America's financial system is broken for all but a few at the top; that much is plain. The rest sense that we are stuck on the minus end of some great financial formula, but given the complexity and size of Big Finance, it's hard to pin down exactly why it happens and how it all adds up.

Enter economist Gerald Epstein of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has dived in and crunched the numbers, and the results are eye-popping. Epstein and his colleague Juan Antonio Montecino look at exactly how families, taxpayers and businesses get ripped off by dubious financial activities and tally up the costs in a new paper for the Roosevelt Institute, "Overcharged: The High Cost of Finance." ... Read more

TYT | Hillary Clinton Democratic National Convention Speech. TYT Analysis (07/29/16) [26:23]
TYT | Hillary Clinton Democratic National Convention Speech. The Young Turks Reaction (07/29/16) [56:51]
TYT | Former GOP Congressman Admits He'd Vote Bernie Over Trump (07/28/16) [2:57]
TYT | TYT Interview with Bernie Sanders (full) (05/27/16) [43:08]
TYT | The Young Turks - Live from the Democratic National Convention! Day 4 (07/28/16) [6:07:38]

A Transgender Woman Just Made History at the Democratic National Convention
MotherJones | P.R. Lockhart | 07/28/16

On the final day of the Democratic National Convention, Sarah McBride used her position as the first transgender person to speak at a major-party convention to argue that despite advances in LGBT rights, the fight for equality must continue.

"Will we be a nation where there is only one way to love, only one way to look, and only one way to live?" McBride asked the audience, which included the largest transgender delegation in convention history.

The 25 year-old Delaware native, who is the national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, made headlines in April after she posted a photo of herself from inside a women's bathroom in a government building in Charlotte, North Carolina, defying a controversial state law that mandates people use the bathrooms that match the biological sex they were assigned at birth. ... Read more

A Transgender Woman Just Made History at the Democratic National Convention (07/28/16) [9:34]

And Now: The "Closest, Nastiest, Most Unpredictable" Campaign You Can Imagine
ZeroHedge | author | 07/29/16

America's about to endure the closest, nastiest, most unpredictable presidential election in more than three decades. Not since Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan ran against each other in 1980 has the choice been so stark, the warnings from each candidate about the other so dire, the likely outcome so murky. As this year's political conventions end, there's no clear favorite. But watch the polls next week. The leader in the first polls conducted entirely after the convention ends has won the White House every time since 1948. ... Read more

Why Social Fragmentation Suits The Powers That Be
ZeroHedge | author | 07/29/16

Ours is an Age of Fracture (the 2011 book by Daniel Rodgers) in which "earlier notions of history and society that stressed solidity, collective institutions, and social circumstances gave way to a more individualized human nature that emphasized choice, agency, performance, and desire."

A society that is fragmenting into cultural groups that are themselves fracturing into smaller units of temporary and highly contingent solidarity is ideal for Elites bent on maintaining political and financial control.

A society that has fragmented into a media-fed cultural war of hot-button identity-gender-religious politics is a society that is incapable of resisting concentrations of power and wealth in the hands of the few at the expense of the many. ... Read more

Other videos
*Climate Change in Bangladesh (2016 ) [26:25]
Saudi Arabia Uncovered (2016) [52:24]
Living With ISIS (2016) [2:04:11]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, July 29 [10:31]
DN | Hillary Clinton Becomes First Woman to Accept Major-Party Presidential Nomination in U.S. History (07/29/16) [5:28]
*DN | Kshama Sawant vs. Rebecca Traister on Clinton, DNC & Possibility of a Female President, Part 1 (07/29/16) [21:12], Part 2 [9:05]
DN | Nuns on the Bus at the DNC: Sister Simone Campbell on Abortion Rights, Wealth Gap, Kaine in Honduras (07/29/16) [17:06]
TRNN | Ex Counselor to Bill Clinton: Hillary's Economic Justice Incompatible with Her Corporate Relationships (07/29/16) [22:37]
TYT | President Obama's DNC Speech: So Good Even Republicans Liked It (07/28/16) [10:31]
TYT | The Best Way To Attack Donald Trump (07/28/16) [5:57]
*TYT | Trump's DNC Critique Is Textbook Projection (07/28/16) [6:24]
TYT | Why Andrew Cuomo Isn't Hillary's VP (07/28/16) [3:22]
RT | They discuss energy transition, San Diego's 2035 plan, walkable cities, and urban burbs. They also examine Saudi Arabia's plan to float Saudi Aramco and go solar. (E946) (07/28/16) [25:43]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Thom discusses whether the DNC will get rid of superdelegates with superdelegate Christine Pelosi, how Biden and Obama talked up Bernie Sanders in their speeches with The nation's John Nichols, and the contrast between the two conventions with Representative Mark Pocan. (full) (07/28/16) [57:42]
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/29/16) [1hr]
Last night, as Hillary Clinton became the first woman to accept a major party nomination for president, she called out to a diverse and optimistic nation, in stark contrast to Donald Trump's America. She urged Democrats to look to the future with courage and confidence--not fear. But she warned that the nation was at a "moment of reckoning." Her call for unity closed out a convention that began with a cyberhack that points to Russia and forced the resignation of Democratic Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Donald Trump says he was being sarcastic when he urged Russian hackers to hunt down Clinton's missing emails. And charges are dropped against police officers in the death of Freddie Gray. A panel of journalists joins guest host Indira Lakshmanan for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (07/29/16) [1hr]
American officials say they believe Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails. The U.N. expresses caution about a Russian plan to allow civilians and unarmed rebels to leave Aleppo, Syria. And Turkey ramps up a crackdown on the media and military. A panel of journalists joins guest host Indira Lakshmanan for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
Aljazeera | The Stream - Disunity among the Democrats (07/28/16) [25:00]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.29.2016. 10:57

Thursday July 28, 2016
News Articles
DNC Beatdown on 'Homegrown Demagogue' Obama: Trump's 'Not Really A Facts Guy'... Only Offers 'Slogans And Fear'... Kaine: 'A Slick-Talking, Empty-Promising, Self-Promoting, One-Man Wrecking Crew'... Panetta: 'Asked Our Troops To Commit War Crimes... Endorses Torture... Praises Dictators From Saddam To Putin'... Bloomberg: 'A Con'... Biden: Trump 'Has No Clue, Period'...

America Is Pretty Damn Great Already, Biden Says In Fiery DNC Speech
HP | Jeffrey Young | 07/27/16

The vice president warns Donald Trump will weaken American security and turn off allies.

Vice President Joe Biden offered a counterargument to the premise of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's case for the White House with an emphatic declaration that the America is great already ? and that a Trump presidency would jeopardize that. ... Read more

TYT | TYT Summary: 2016 Democratic National Convention Day 3 (07/27/16) [14:29]
TYT | Joe Biden Speech At Democratic National Convention 2016. The Young Turks Reaction (07/28/16) [21:01]
TYT | Barack Obama Speech At Democratic National Convention 2016. The Young Turks Reaction (07/28/16) [45:05]

Mainstream Media May Never Understand Sanders' Political Revolution, but That's Not Stopping It from Spreading
AlterNet | Steven Rosenfeld | 07/27/16

It was the third daily press conference by the Bernie Delegates Network and dozens of political reporters were baffled by the answers they were hearing from the podium.

No, they won't tell anyone to stop dissenting on the convention floor. No, they were not satisfied with the platform changes and commitment to eliminate most of the superdelegates. Nor were many pleased with Tuesday's roll call where delegate vote totals for Sanders and Clinton were read, because they included superdelegates -- distorting the votes of the people. ... Read more

Credit Suisse: We Have Never Had So Many Traders Saying "We Are Totally Lost"
ZeroHedge | author | 07/28/16

In his latest Global Equity Strategy update piece, Credit Suisse strategist Andrew Garthwaite takes a random walk across Wall Street's trading desks, and confirms what many know: namely, that nobody actually knows anything. ...

"we have never had so many client meetings starting with statements such as 'we are totally lost'."
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Hand in the Wind by Bell Plaines (music)
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, July 28 [11:33]
DN | Former VT Delegate Who Joined Sanders at Roll Call: "How Do We Move Forward Without Compromise?" (07/28/16) [21:28]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
ColbertReport | WERD: The Lesser of Two Evils (06/28/16) [6:45]
TRNN | Linda Sarsour and T.M. Scruggs reac: Will Patriotism and Optimism Defeat Trump? (07/28/16) [23:55]
TRNN | Danny Glover: Democratic Party Leadership in Damage Control (07/28/16) [25:04]
TYT | Coalition Of 57 Explain Why Bernie Supporters Are Upset At DNC (07/28/16) [7:03]
RT | 'They have a history of corruption': Clinton Cash documentary author Peter Schweizer (07/27/16) [12:23]
"Clinton Cash" Documentary (07/23/16) [1:04:56]
Fact Sheet for "Clinton's Cash"
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*DR | Day Three At The DNC: President Obama Makes His Case For Hillary Clinton (07/28/16) [1hr]
If there were two unifying themes to the third night of the DNC it was this: why Donald Trump is not qualified to lead the country and why Hillary Clinton is. A series of speakers -- Vice President Joe Biden, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine -- hammered home both points and offered some of the most pointed attacks yet on the Republican nominee's character and credentials. But President Obama was the man of the night. He painted a hopeful and optimistic America which is in stark contrast to the one Donald Trump describes, and Obama delivered a full throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Guest host Indira Lakshmanan and her panel discuss the latest from the DNC.
*DR | The Lure Of Minimalism (07/28/16) [1hr]
A battle is being waged across the nation this summer -- in closets, garages, attics, even drawers. It's a struggle against...stuff. For some, the goal is to declutter, for others it's much more -- a desire to pare down on material objects and prioritize experiences instead. In a messy and complex world, many of us are seeking simplicity, but try as we may, getting it isn't simple. Marie Kondo's "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" has sold nearly 6 million copies, while the duo known as "The Minimalists" attract 4 million visitors annually to their website and have just released a new film that tries to get us to focus on "the important things." The appeal of minimalism...and why it's so difficult to achieve.
Minimalism: A Documentary (trailer) (01/20/14) [1:10]
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Can the US and Russia sculpt a ceasefire in Syria? (07/26/16) [24:50]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.28.2016. 12:52

Wednesday July 27, 2016
News Articles

Democratic Convention Day 2 Takeaways: History Is Made
NYTimes | Alexander Burns | 07/26/16

After formally voting to nominate Hillary Clinton, Democrats capped the occasion with a surprise appearance by their new standard-bearer. Mrs. Clinton briefly addressed the convention from New York, hailing the vote as a historic moment for American women.

  1. Bill Clinton's 'change' pitch - Former President Bill Clinton's speech offered an intimate tribute to Mrs. Clinton, describing for a rapt audience their courtship and early marriage -- and their upward climb together in politics.
  2. Leaning into the Russian connection - Mr. Trump was rarely mentioned on Tuesday night; the night's headliner, Mr. Clinton, did not mention him at all. But the most prominent speakers who went after Mr. Trump attacked him on a notable theme: his friendly stance toward President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
  3. A careful message on policing and civil rights - Republicans had a simple message last week on policing, led by Mr. Trump's blunt calls for stronger "law and order." Democrats had to deliver a more nuanced set of views -- voicing the party's mounting concerns about racial bias in policing, while paying tribute to law enforcement amid a rash of police killings.
  4. The revolution peters out - ??
  5. It was '90s night in Philadelphia - For a party with an image of relative youth and dynamism, the Democrats showcased a very familiar set of faces. At times, the speaking lineup could have come out of a Democratic convention in 1996 or 2000
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TYT | Bernie Sanders Overpowers The Boos In Moving DNC Speech (07/26/16) [10:08]
TYT | Trump: "Pocahontas" Elizabeth Warren Has A Fresh Mouth (07/26/16) [3:54]
TYT | Protesting Bernie Sanders Delegates Speak Out (07/26/16) [12:55]
TYT | The Young Turks - Live from the Democratic National Convention! (07/26/16) [5:36:35]

Durable Goods Orders Crash Most In 2 Years - Longest Non-Recessionary Streak Of Declines In US History
ZeroHedge | author |07/27/16

Despite the longest winning streak for US macro data in US history, Durable Goods Orders collapsed in June. The 4% MoM plunge (vs -1.4% exp) is the biggest drop since Aug 2014. This represents a 6.6% YoY crash - the biggest drop since July 2015. The drop appears driven by plunge in airplane orders (non-defense aircraft and parts). Worse still, core durable goods orders extended their annual declines to 18 months straight - the longest non-recessionary streak of declines in US history. ... Read more
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Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98% And The Worst Is Yet To Come
ZeroHedge | author |07/27/16

Never has Germany's lending giant Deutsche Bank looked this miserable, and according to its latest earnings release, the pain is set to get even worse. ... Read more

The Staggering, Semi-Secret, $70 Billion Annual U.S. Global Arms Business
AlterNet | William Hartung | 07/26/16

When American firms dominate a global market worth more than $70 billion a year, you'd expect to hear about it. Not so with the global arms trade. It's good for one or two stories a year in the mainstream media, usually when the annual statistics on the state of the business come out.

It's not that no one writes about aspects of the arms trade. There are occasional pieces that, for example, take note of the impact of U.S. weapons transfers, including cluster bombs, to Saudi Arabia, or of the disastrousdispensation of weaponry to U.S. allies in Syria, or of foreign sales of the costly, controversial F-35 combat aircraft. And once in a while, if a foreign leader meets with the president, U.S. arms sales to his or her country might generate an article or two. ... Read more

DN | Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order (07/26/16) [36:23]
DN | Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous: Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green?, Part 1: (07/26/16) [26:45], Part 2 [7:59]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | Cartoon Hillary Clinton Answers Questions From Republicans (06/26/16) [6:52]
Stephen Colbert | Jeff Daniels on the Republican Party: "These Are The Guys Who Gave You Sarah Palin" (07/27/16) [7:48]
TRNN | Salon.com's Ben Norton says: 'Lesser of Two Evils' Argument Not Resonating with DNC Protestors (07/27/16) [8:46]
RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy talk to Das, author of 'A Banquet of Consequences: The Reality of Our Unusually Uncertain Economic Future', about the structural changes needed to halt the decline in real wages. (E945) (07/26/16) [25:45]
RT | CrossTalk: Who would have thought Russia and Vladimir Putin would play such an important role in the American presidential election? The media treadmill claims Trump is under Putin's spell. And Hillary Clinton blames the Russian president for still another scandal. (07/27/16) [24:39]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Thom discusses the GOP neocons supporting Hillary Clinton with The Daily Beast's Eleanor Clift, gun control and privacy issues with Senator Ron Wyden, and LGBT rights with Senator Tammy Baldwin. (full) (07/26/16) [56:57]
*DR | Democratic National Convention Day Two: Uniting The Party (07/27/16) [1hr]
Day two of the Democratic National Convention: Bill Clinton takes the stage as party leaders scramble to gain the support of Bernie Sanders fans and present a united front against Republican nominee Donald Trump.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.27.2016. 08:49

Tuesday July 26, 2016
News Articles

Michelle Obama: Who Do You Want As Your Children's Role Model?
HP | Kate Sheppard | 07/25/16

First lady Michelle Obama on Monday asked Americans to decide who they want serving as a role model for their children ? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This election, Obama said during her speech at the Democratic National Convention, "is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives." ... Read more

TYT | TYT Summary: Democratic National Convention Day 1 (07/25/16) [12:21]
TYT | Tensions Flare On The Floor Of The 2016 Democratic National Convention (07/26/16) [8:42]
TYT | DWS Replacement Donna Brazile Also Against Bernie Wing Of Party (07/26/16) [6:10]
Aljazeera | UpFront: What does the world really think about a President Donald Trump? (07/23/16) [2:32]

Clinton Cash: "Devastating" Documentary Reveals How Clintons Went From "Dead Broke" To Mega Wealthy
ZeroHedge | author | 07/26/16

Clinton Cash, a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book, has been posted to YouTube for all to view free just in time for the DNC. Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being "dead broke" after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation. This wealth was accumulated during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors. ... Read more
"Clinton Cash" Documentary (07/23/16) [1:04:56]

Fact Sheet for "Clinton's Cash"

Islam Vs The West - Has A Neo-'Operation Gladio' Been Started?
magazine | author | date

How should France answer to the horror in Nice? The country is now deeply entrenched in a long-term war with few hopes of dodging future attacks. The anger of the French population is understandable. But booing a prime minister at the commemoration ceremony for the loss of innocent lives is not the smartest idea. No intelligence service could have prevented the Nice attack as nothing in the profile of the lunatic who drove over 84 people could have suggested a potential link to terrorism. -- Al Jazeera

We've been writing regularly about the meme of "evil Islam" and our perspective that it is propaganda -- a dominant social theme -- intended to create military tension, further authoritarianism and even, eventually, wider wars setting the West against Islam. ... Read more

Operation Gladio: The Secret War (older) [4:05]
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
15 Years Of Terror: Timeline map of terrorist attacks since 2001 (07/25/16) [0:46]
DN | EXCLUSIVE: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Releasing DNC Emails That Ousted Debbie Wasserman Schultz (07/25/16) [16:17]
DN | Part 1: Clinton vs. Bernie Debate: As Turmoil Rocks Democrats, How Can Progressives Move Forward?, Part 1 (07/25/16) [10:37], Part 2 [8:06] TRNN | Portia Boulger, Featured in Viral Video Viewed by Millions, Explains her Anger at DNC (07/25/16) [13:24]
RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy talk first to Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante about Americans renouncing their citizenship as a solution to bank embargoes and double taxation. (E944) (07/23/16) [25:45]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Debbie Done at DNC! (full) (07/25/16) [50:38]
Thom discusses the similarities between the 1968 presidential election and the 2016 race with former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, what Hillary's picking of Tim Kaine means with former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, and the Koch Brothers role in last week's Republican Convention with the Center for Media and Democracy's Lisa Graves. Tonight's Progressive Roundtable discusses the resigning and booing of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, how the DNC voted to keep superdelegates, and why Michael Bloomberg is speaking at the DNC Convention.
*DR | Update On The Democratic National Convention (07/26/16) [1hr]
Democrats began their convention in Philadelphia struggling to unite behind Hillary Clinton, following email leaks that showed party officials tried to undermine Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). But by the end of last night, a series of positive and personal speeches by First Lady Michelle Obama, Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) energized the crowd and tried to turn the focus toward uniting behind Clinton and defeating Donald Trump. But Sanders' impassioned support for Clinton still drew boos, and his supporters vowed to continue protesting today. Guest host Derek McGinty and guests discuss the latest on the Democratic National Convention and party efforts to unify behind Clinton.
DR | Matthew Dallek: "Defenseless Under The Night" (07/26/16) [1hr]
Historian Matthew Dallek looks at the history behind the Office of Civilian Defense, the country's first agency for homeland security, and the competing visions of those tasked with spearheading the department: New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Aljazeera | UpFront: Will Donald Trump win the US presidential election? (07/22/16) [24:52]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.26.2016. 09:55

Monday July 25, 2016
News Articles

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
HP | Marina Fang | 07/24/16

After mounting pressure from party officials, Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation on Sunday, sending the party into turmoil ahead of its convention this week.

In a statement, the Florida congresswoman said that she will step down immediately after the convention. "I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America's future. I look forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory," she said. "Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention." ... Read more

How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
defenseone.com | Patrick Tucker | 07/24/16

Evidence suggests that a Russian intelligence group was the source of the most recent Wikileaks intel dump, which was aimed to influence the U.S. election.

Close your eyes and imagine that a hacking group backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin broke into the email system of a major U.S. political party. The group stole thousands of sensitive messages and then published them through an obliging third party in a way that was strategically timed to influence the United States presidential election. Now open your eyes, because that's what just happened.

On Friday, Wikileaks published 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. They reveal, among other things, thuggish infighting, a push by a top DNC official to use Bernie Sanders' religious convictions against him in the South, and attempts to strong-arm media outlets. In other words, they reveal the Washington campaign monster for what it is. ... Read more

Here's How Clinton and Trump Stack Up on National Security, Russia, ISIS and More
defenseone.com | Jonathan Masters | 07/24/16

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a leading architect of the Obama administration's strategic rebalance to Asia as well as the so-called "reset" in U.S. relations with Russia. Donald Trump is a prominent businessman and real estate mogul who has raised U.S. strength and competitiveness as chief issues and generated controversy over his views on immigration reform. Here's where they both stand on national defense, China, Iran, ISIS, North Korea, Russia, immigration and Cuba. ... Read more

Trump Surges In Latest CNN Poll, Takes 3 Point Lead Over Hillary
ZeroHedge | author | 07/25/16

Accelerating the post-Trump speech/RNC convention "bounce" we noted over the weekend, CNN today reports that Trump has taken a dramatic 48% - 45% head-to-head lead over Hillary in the latest CNN/ORC Poll, conducted July 22-24. This represents a substantial 6% surge in support for Trump since the last poll conducted on July 16, and opens up Trump's largest lead over Clinton since September 2015. ... Read more

Your Tim Kaine VP Primer: 7 Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton's Running Mate
AlterNet | Justine Morris / Salon | 07/23/16

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on Friday announced Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate. Kaine is a more traditional (read: less progressive) politician than some of the other top picks, but also significantly less controversial. Here are some things you need to know about him:

  1. Kaine is currently the junior senator from Virginia, having been elected in 2012. Before that he served as the governor, lieutenant governor, and mayor of Richmond.
  2. He's Catholic, but interestingly, still pro-choice. While he has previously admitted to having "a faith-based opposition to abortion".
  3. One of the things that put Kaine over the edge in terms of a strong VP pick is the fact that he's from Minnesota, but has served Virginia, which should help strengthen Clinton's position in battleground states in both the South and Midwest.
  4. He speaks fluent Spanish -- he has delivered speeches on the Senate floor in Spanish.
  5. Kaine supports strong action on climate change, decrying both climate change deniers and what he has termed "leadership deniers."
  6. He's been married to his wife, Anne Bright Holton, since 1984. They met while at Harvard Law and she is currently serving as the Secretary of Education in Virginia. The couple has three children together.
  7. Kaine is a member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, and opposed the Obama administration's efforts to use the existing Authorization for Use of Military Force to expand action against ISIS in Iraq.
Read more

Noam Chomsky: America Is on the Decline - Guess Who's to Blame?
AlterNet | Alexandra Rosenmann | 07/15/16

"The United States is a victim of self-inflicted wounds which are significantly harming the economy and society in many ways," Chomsky recently stated, though he also admitted that, "even with the neoliberal policies, since President Reagan and comparable to Europe, The US remains, in realistic terms, the richest country in the world and has enormous advantages Still a position of overwhelming power, but "not as what it was, in particular, with regard to Latin America." ...

... "Anyone who's not living under a rock knows that we're facing potential environmental catastrophe and not in the distant future. All over the world, it's the indigenous communities trying to hold us back: first nations in Canada, indigenous people in Bolivia, aboriginies in Australia, tribal people in India. It's phenomenal all over the world that those who we call 'primitive are trying to save those of us who we call 'enlightened' from total disaster," said Chomsky. ... Read more

Noam Chomsky on the economic war on Latin America (07/13/16) [41:10]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, July 25 [11:31]
John Oliver - LastWeekTonight
*John Oliver | Republican National Convention (07/24/16) [11:31]
Samantha Bee - Full Frontal
Samantha Bee | RNCinCLE Check-in Day 4 (07/21/16) [1:29]
Samantha Bee | Nice to Meet You, America (07/21/16) [8:11]
TRNN | Vijay Prashad discusses whether Turkey's failed coup was a false flag operation, a badly botched but real attempt providing Erdogan an opportunity to purge the Turkish state of its secular components (07/25/16) [12:03]
TRNN | People for Bernie Call For Civil Disobedience at the DNC (07/23/16) [14:46]
TRNN | DNC - Protest Rally Day 1 (07/24/16) [2:45:54]
TRNN | A new promo video from Paul Jay and the TRNN team (07/23/16) [7:20]
TYT | Wikileaks Proves DNC Conspired Against Bernie Sanders! (07/23/16) [5:02]
TYT | Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React (07/24/16) [1:58]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*DR | What's Ahead At The Democratic National Convention (07/25/16) [1hr]
The Democratic National Convention kicks off today in Philadelphia after a weekend of headlines -- some welcomed by the party, some not so much. On Saturday Hillary Clinton celebrated her chosen running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, in front of TV cameras in Florida. But the mood turned darker just a day later when Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned after the release of nearly 20,000 leaked party emails. Some of them indicated favoritism toward Clinton as she battled Bernie Sanders for the party nomination. We talk about the email controversy, the vice presidential candidate and what to expect at the convention this week.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.25.2016. 09:46

Friday July 22, 2016
News Articles
Some of Today's Headlines
AMERICAN NIGHTMARE... DARK... H.W. Speechwriter: 'Very Dark And Frightening'... Garry Kasparov: Sounded Straight Out Of Russia... David Duke: 'Couldn't Have Said It Better!'... Speech Riddled With Inaccuracies... Andrew Sullivan: 'Massive Lies And Distortions, Crammed With Incoherence'... Republicans Have Made A World-Historical Mistake...
TYT | Donald Trump Republican National Convention Speech TYT Summary (07/21/16) [13:23]
TYT | Trump Threatens To Ignore NATO Treaty Unless Countries Pay Money (07/21/16) [12:25]
TYT | The Young Turks - Live from the Republican National Convention!, Part 4 (07/21/16) [6:00:20]
Real Time with Bill Maher
Bill Maher Live RNC Special Edition: July 21 (07/21/16) [29:15]

The Day After Ron Johnson Spoke At The RNC, He Learned The Koch Brothers Had Ditched Him
HP | author | date

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson (R) has been trailing his Democratic opponent Russ Feingold for much of the campaign, but Republicans have held out hope that outside money could close the gap.

Those hopes took quite a blow on Wednesday, the day after Johnson addressed the Republican National Convention. The Koch-backed Freedom Partners Action Fund, which had previously reserved $2.2 million in air time for Johnson, yanked its ad buy completely. ... Read more

Donald Trump
His paternal granddad -- who came to America at 16 with little more than a name he later changed -- lived a true rags-to-riches life, leaving his widow and three kids a modest fortune when he died, new records show.

Fred Trump, born Friedrich Drumpf, in Kallstadt, Germany, in 1869, had an estate worth $500,000 in today's dollars when he died in Queens on May 30, 1918, at age 49.

Trumped - A Nation On The Brink Of Ruin... And How To Bring It Back
ZeroHedge | author | 07/22/16

"... the real disease is bad money and towering debts. The actual culprits are the Wall Street/Washington policy elites who have embraced statist solutions which aggrandize their own power and wealth. That much, at least, Donald Trump has right." ... Read more

Trump's Lackey Just THREATENED Republican Delegates!!
thepoliticalinsider.com | author | date

Whenever there is a dirty political trick that benefits the Trump campaign but isn't directly connected to the campaign, you can be sure that his longtime friend and scumbag lackey Roger Stone is involved.

Trump ostentatiously "fired" Roger Stone at the beginning of the campaign, but he's been causing a ruckus to help Trump ever since. His latest is a brazen threat of violence against Republican delegates who don't do what the thug Trump campaign wants them to do. ... Read more

Aljazeera | Inside Story - What's the Republicans' message by nominating Trump? (07/21/16) [25:25]
Aljazeera | The Caliph: Division, Part 2 (07/22/16) [48:43]
For almost 13 centuries, from the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 to the overthrow of the last Ottoman caliph in 1924, the Islamic world was ruled by a caliph.

Translated from the Arabic 'Khalifa', the word 'caliph' means successor or deputy. The caliph was considered the successor to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a term that has, at times, been abused.

In June 2014, a militant group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL or ISIS) declared the establishment of a caliphate and proclaimed its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a caliph. This proclamation was rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world's Muslims.

ISIL had attempted to appropriate a title imbued with religious and political significance -- and in doing so had cast a dark shadow over a rich history.

This is the story of the caliph, a title that originated 1,400 years ago and that spanned one of the greatest empires the world has ever known.

The Caliph: Foundation, Part 1 () [48:55]
DN | Have You Seen George W. Bush? John Kasich? John McCain? Looking for the GOP No-Shows at the RNC (07/21/16) [7:01]
*DN | Did Donald Trump Pick Mike Pence to Appease the Koch Brothers & the Religious Right? (07/21/16) [6:50]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*ColbertReport | Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert's Late Show Desk (06/21/16) [13:30]
*TRNN | Bill Black responds to House Speaker Paul Ryan's speech, and says the RNC chairperson has created a false image about the reality of unemployment, interest rates, and inflation (07/22/16) [11:43]
TRNN | Norman Solomon of Bernie Delegates Network say: Many Sanders Delegates Ready to Fight Over VP Pick (0722/16) [18:52]
TRNN | Paul Jay says: Donald Trump, The Raw and Naked Face of a System That Showers Speculators with Obscene Riches (07xx/16) [5:37]
TYT | Matt Taibbi: The GOP Killed Itself, Democrats More Smug Than Ever (07/21/16) [4:51]
TYT | What Will Happen At The Democratic National Convention (07/21/16) [6:25]
RT | CrossTalk: Post-coup attempt realities: With Turkish President Erdogan firmly in control, he has demanded a cleansing of the military and many social institutions. What kind of Turkey does he intend to create? (07/21/16) [23:44]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Trump Is Changing on Global Trade... (07/21/16) [11:36]
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/22/16) [1hr]
Note: video starts at 8:00m on the Progressbar
The Republican National Convention ends with a divided GOP. Hillary Clinton prepares to select her running mate. And Roger Ailes resigns from Fox News over sexual harassment allegations. A panel of journalists joins guest host Frank Sesno for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (07/22/16) [1hr]
Turkey declares a state of emergency and arrests thousands after a failed coup. Donald Trump suggests he'd put conditions on protecting NATO allies. And Russia loses an appeal in a sports doping case. A panel of journalists joins guest host Frank Sesno for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.22.2016. 10:03

Thursday July 21, 2016
News Articles
Some of Today's Headlines
Ted Cruz... 'Vote Your Conscience'... Delegates Go Nuclear... 'One State Chairman Had To Be Held Back'... Heidi Cruz Escorted Off Floor By Security For Her Own Safety... Cruz Buries The Hatchet -- In Trump's Back... Report: Trump Team 'Actively Whipped' Uproar... PHOTO: Trumps Frozen With Fury... Cruz 'Turned Away' By Sheldon Adelson... Christie Rages: 'Awful And A Disgrace'... Ivanka 'Stonefaced'... Peter King Lashes Out: Cruz 'A Fraud And Self-Centered Liar'... 'Forfeited All Right To Ever Be Considered For President'...

*The Cruz Fallout: "An Extraordinary Scene The Like Of Which Has Not Been Seen In A Generation"
ZeroHedge | author | 07/21/16

"The Republican National Convention careened off the rails on Wednesday night as Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump from the stage and was met with deafening boos. It was an extraordinary scene of disunity, the like of which has not been seen at a party convention in a generation." ... Read more

TYT | TYT Summary Of Day 3 Of The 2016 Republican National Convention (07/21/16) [22:15]
TYT | Ted Cruz BOOED Off Stage At RNC (07/21/16) [7:01]
TYT | Newt Gingrich: Every American Should Be Terrified (07/21/16) [2:57]
TYT | The Young Turks - Live from the RNC! - Part 3 (full) (07/20/16) [5:40:35]
Rogue: Astronaut Cuts Trump Endorsement From Original Speech

Trump Campaign Trying to Silence 'Art of the Deal' Ghostwriter?
NBC News | author | date

Tony Schwartz, ghostwriter of Donald Trump's book "The Art of the Deal," told MSNBC Wednesday that the Trump campaign sent him a cease and desist letter in response to his comments about the Republican candidate. Schwartz, a former journalist, was employed by Trump to ghostwrite his memoir in 1987. In an interview with MSNBC, Schwartz described the Republican candidate for president as "having no heart and no soul."

The writer told the New Yorker this month that he genuinely believes "if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization." ... Read more

Bill O'Reilly Reveals How Trump Can Defeat Clinton (07/20/`6) [1:51]

DOJ Moves To Seize Stolen Money Used To Finance 'Wolf Of Wall Street'
HP & Reuters | author | 07/20/16

U.S. prosecutors sued on Wednesday to seize more than $1 billion in assets they said were tied to an international scheme to launder money stolen from the Malaysian state fund 1MDB, which was overseen by Prime Minister Najib Razak, and used to finance the Hollywood film "Wolf of Wall Street" and to buy property and famous works of art.

Civil lawsuits filed in federal court did not name Najib, referring instead to "Malaysian Official 1." Some of the allegations against this official are the same as those in a Malaysian investigation over a $681 million transfer to his personal bank account. The sovereign wealth fund 1MDB and the Malaysian prime minister's office had no immediate comment. Najib has consistently denied any wrongdoing. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, July 21 [12:33]
DN | Chris Christie Stages Mock Trial of Hillary Clinton Despite Corruption Charges Dogging His Own Staff (07/20/16) [12:02]
One of the most animated moments of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night came during a speech by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who was a finalist to be Donald Trump's running mate. Christie staged a mock trial of Hillary Clinton. During his speech about Hillary Clinton, Republican delegates repeatedly broke into chants of "Lock her up!" But Christie is immersed in his own scandal. Five of the governor's appointees have drawn the attention of federal prosecutors over corruption allegations. and one of his close allies has just pleaded guilty to federal bribery charges. After Christie's speech, Hillary Clinton tweeted, "If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you." We speak with Bob Hennelly, a political analyst and investigative reporter in New Jersey.
DN | Meet Trump VP Pick Mike Pence, Crusader Against Safe Legal Abortion and LGBTQ Rights (07/20/16) [13:44]
We look at the record of Donald Trump and his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, on LGBT rights and restricting women's access to reproductive healthcare with Dawn Laguens, executive vice president and chief experience officer of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
TRNN | Retired police Neill Franklin and Michael Woods Jr. discusses: Baltimore Cops React to RNC Sheriff Clark and Obama's Call for 'Goodwill and Open Hearts' (07/21/16) [25:21]
TRNN | Protesters Build Human Wall Around the RNC (07/21/16) [2:03]
*RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy talk first to former banker, now author, Nomi Prins, about a solution to the revolving door between Wall Street and DC. They discuss whether or not Hillary Clinton's highly paid speeches to Goldman Sachs matter and whether or not Wall Street expects anything in return for its contributions to her campaign. (E943) (07/21/16) [25:47]
RT | CrossTalk: An international tribunal in The Hague has ruled overwhelmingly against China's territorial claims in the South China Sea. Beijing not only rejects this ruling, it even refused to participate in this case. (07/20/16) [23:41]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*DR | Latest From Cleveland: The GOP's Challenge To Unify And Expand Its Appeal (07/21/16) [1hr]
This week's GOP convention highlights fractures in the Republican party. Now with its nominee Donald Trump officially chosen, the party tries to unify and broaden its appeal beyond its base that many say is too dominated by white men. Updates from Cleveland, and where the GOP goes from here.
DR | Latest From Cleveland: The GOP's Challenge To Unify And Expand Its Appeal (07/21/16) [1hr]
Since the Supreme Court's Citizen's United ruling six years ago, the flow of so-called dark money into federal elections has been well documented. A much less recognized phenomenon is spending by outside groups in state and local elections -- mayoral races, public utility commission contests, school board votes. In 2014 the amount spent by unidentified donors on these smaller stages was nearly 40times the amount spent just four years earlier. And, critics say, a little money in these elections can go a very long way. A discussion about concerns over money and influence in state and local politics.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.21.2016. 09:55

Wednesday July 20, 2016
News Articles
Some of Today's Headlines
DONALD J. WHO?... GOP NOMINATES TRUMP -- AND THEN IGNORES HIM... RNC NIGHT 2: Speakers Spend More Time Bashing Clinton Than Praising Trump... Ryan And McConnell Barely Mention His Name... Hillary Hate Turned Up To 11... MOB JUSTICE: Convention Convulses With 'Lock Her Up' Chants... Christie Blames Clinton For Kidnappings... And Attempts Show Trial... Carson Ties Clinton To Lucifer...

Donald Trump's Running Mate Is Still A Mystery To Most Republicans
HP | Amanda Terkel | 07/20/16

Donald Trump managed to pick a running mate who is, in many ways, his complete opposite. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is low-key and liked by the establishment, and has spent his career focused on social issues like fighting abortion and gay rights. And unlike the famous real estate mogul, most people have no idea who Pence is.

"I had never heard of him," said Caroline Curtis, 19, a delegate aid from Firestone, Colorado. "From what I can tell, from just a few little interviews I've seen, he seems OK." ... Read more

*TYT | TYT Summary Of Day 2 Of The 2016 Republican National Convention (07/20/16) [22:31]
TYT | Live from the RNC - Day 1 (full) (07/18/16) [5:30:37]
TYT | Live from the RNC - Day 2 (full) (07/19/16) [5:30:42]

Earth Just Experienced The Hottest June Ever Recorded
HP | Dominique Mosbergen | 07/20/16

This marks the 14th consecutive month of record-breaking global temperatures.

Last month was the hottest June ever recorded, according to both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This marks the 14th month in a row that global heat records have been broken. It's the longest streak of record-breaking temperatures since reporting began in 1880.

... The scorching temperatures of the past several months were partly fueled by this year's powerful El Niño. However, these effects have been fading in strength, clearly revealing the impact of global warming. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

The Oddly "Inconsistent" Event That Has Turkey Wondering If The Entire Coup Was Staged
ZeroHedge | author | 07/20/16

According to the official narrative, there was an attack on Saturday morning by helicopter-borne commandos against a resort hotel in Marmaris. Erdogan was meant to be staying there. But the attack took place nearly an hour after every news channel in Turkey beamed images of Mr Erdogan addressing the nation from the airport in Istanbul, some 750km away. ... Read more

A Failed Coup, An Unrecognized Republic, And Triggers For A Global Economic Meltdown
ZeroHedge | author | 07/20/16

The country is one giant powder keg... and the fuse is already lit. I'm talking about Turkey. When the next global crisis explodes, there's a good chance Turkey will be involved somehow. Turkey was founded from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. It's where Europe meets Asia. Naturally, it's a geopolitically significant country. Today, it's at the epicenter of many crises that are destabilizing the world... the migrant disaster in Europe, the ongoing carnage in Iraq and Syria, the conflict with ISIS, and the new Cold War with Russia.

Bad Blood -- There's one aspect of Turkey and its myriad of crises that nobody is talking about. That brings us to Greece, Turkey's historical rival, and where a number of the coup plotters fled after their recent failed putsch. It's no secret that the Greeks and Turks have been at each other's throats since at least the 16th century. ... Read more

Remember to Buckle-up
Click picture to zoom in
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, July 20 [10:37]
*DN | John Nichols: The GOP is More United in Disdain for Hillary Clinton Than in Support for Donald Trump (07/20/16) [11:09]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*ColbertReport | Day 1: So Much Drama In The RNC (06/18/16) [7:38]
ColbertReport | The RNC Is Like Christmas In July (07/19/16) [3:12]
ColbertReport | Hungry For Power Games: Republican National Convention Edition (07/18/16) [4:25]
TRNN | Jill Stein, Leader of the Green Party: RNC Celebrating the 'Theatre of the Absurd' (07/20/16) [14:51]
TRNN | Scholar Henry Giroux discusses: Trump and the Fascistization of America, Part 1 (07/20/16) [20:03]
TRNN | Scholar Henry Giroux discusses: Trump and the Enablers of American Authoritarianism, Part 2 (07/20/16) [23:06]
TYT | RNC Speaker: Obama Is A Muslim (07/20/16) [7:50]
TYT | Iowa Rep Steve King: "Sub-Groups" Don't Contribute To Civilization (07/20/16) [19:25]
TYT | Melania's Plagiarism: Republicans Squirm To Change Subject (07/20/16) [7:25]
TYT | Republicans Plagiarized A LOT Of Lines At RNC (07/20/16) [10:05]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*DR | Republican National Convention: Analysis Of Trump's Plans For The Economy And Creating Jobs (07/20/16) [1hr]
It's official. Donald Trump is the Republican Party's nominee for president. The theme of the second night of the convention was billed as "Make America Work Again." But jobs and the economy were far from front and center. Instead, speakers such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie blasted Hillary Clinton. And Donald Trump's children told stories portraying him as a caring father and steadfast businessman. Guest host Frank Sesno and his panel discuss the Republican National Convention -- and how Trump's campaign messaging resonates with voters.
*DR | Environmental Outlook: New Efforts To Save African Lions (07/20/16) [1hr]
The trophy killing of Cecil the Lion last year by an American dentist in Zimbabwe brought new attention to the plight of African lions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service gave legal protection to African lions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and several airlines have since banned shipments of trophies of lions and other big game. Yet many conservationists and big cat experts says the real threat to lions is habitat loss and communities who retaliate -- and understandably so -- against these big cats who kill their livestock. Guest host Frank Sesno and a panel of guests look at new efforts to save lions.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Bill Maher | on Saudi involvement in 9/11: 28 pages prove 'we definitely attacked the wrong country' () [8:52]
Top 10 Fastest Computers in the World 2016, and How much faster is a supercomuter than a PC or iPad (02/19/16) [9:26]

07.20.2016. 17:40

Tuesday July 19, 2016
News Articles

GOP Convention Speakers Declare Everything Is Awful, Then Go On To Prove It
HP | Kate Sheppard | 07/19/16

Even with appearances by pop stars, the first night of the convention mostly dwelled on fear and disaster.

But the real crazy on display Monday wasn't the funny kind: It was the convention speakers' dark view of an America teetering on the brink of failure that can only be saved by a Trumpian vision of exclusion and division.

The stated theme of the convention's opening night was "Make America Safe Again." But the real theme was fear. ... Read more

TYT | TYT Summary Of Day 1 Of The 2016 Republican National Convention (07/18/16) [13:02]

Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All
Newyorker | Jane Mayer | date

"The Art of the Deal" made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth -- and regrets it.

Last June, as dusk fell outside Tony Schwartz's sprawling house, on a leafy back road in Riverdale, New York, he pulled out his laptop and caught up with the day's big news: Donald J. Trump had declared his candidacy for President. As Schwartz watched a video of the speech, he began to feel personally implicated.

... "I put lipstick on a pig," he said. "I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is." He went on, "I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization." ... Read more

First Ever Secretary-General Debate in the UN's 70 Year's History.
Watch the first ever Secretary-General debate in the UN's 70 year's history. (07/18/16) [2:25:35]

Erdogan Unleashes Unprecedented Crackdown: Fires All University Deans; Suspends 21,000 Private School Teachers
ZeroHedge | author | 07/19/16

In an unprecedented move, Erdogan has taken his putsch to the next level, and after sacking 20,000 government workers, army, police and ministry workers, he has purged a mind-blowing 40,000 educators working for Turkey's private school and univeristy system. ... Read more

Erdogan Goes Too Far, Market Warns As Lira, Turkish ETF Suddenly Tumble
Aljazeera | Inside Story - What's behind Turkey's failed coup? (07/16/16) [25:00]
Aljazeera | Inside Story - What will Turkey's failed coup mean for its relations? (07/18/16) [25:10]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | The Forgotten History of WWII (07/18/16) [7:23]
Roger Thiel, America's Homefront Air War: the Civil Air Patrol against German submarines in World War II joins Thom. When Americans think of World War Two - they probably think of the beaches of Normandy - the jungles of the South Pacific or the deserts of North Africa. But did you know that some of the most epic moments of the Second World War happened right off the coast of the US?
HC | Hitler's Plans for North America | World War 2 () [52:10]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, July 19 [11:10]
*Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Full Frontal | with Samantha Bee at The Republican National Convention (07/18/16) [8:16]
*At the evangelical convention in Colorado, Christians remind us to "love they neighbor, as long as they're not a Muslim." (07/18/16) [4:36]
Cleveland is totally 100% definitely maybe almost sort of mostly prepared for the RNC. (07/18/16) [7:45]
TRNN | Baris Karaagac and Ariel Salzmann discuss the July 15th coup attempt and say the Turkish president will use the crisis to eliminate all dissent from the judiciary and the military (07/19/16) [14:35]
TRNN | Journalist Amber Stearns says: Who is Trump VP Pick Indiana Governor Mike Pence? (07/19/16) [10:21]
TYT | "The Art Of The Deal" Ghostwriter Speaks Out Against Trump (07/18/16) [2:49]
TYT | #GOPSoWhite: Paul Ryan's Selfie With Interns Goes Viral (07/18/16) [6:20]
*RT | Keiser Report: Dmitry Orlov, author of The Collapse Gap, about a "pathway to a different future." Orlov suggests that "150 strong" can solve many of the problems present in our economies and societies (E942) (07/19/16) [25:44]
*DR | Update On The GOP Convention In Cleveland (07/19/16) [1hr]
The 2016 Republican convention began last night with a focus on security anxieties, sharp attacks on Hillary Clinton, and support for traditional social policies. Melania Trump, wife of presumptive nominee Donald Trump, provided a respite from the largely negative perspectives offered by other speakers on America's place in the world, U.S. immigration policies that compromise our safety and accusations that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton belongs behind bars, but there are charges of plagiarism: Join us for an update on the convention and GOP's quest for party unity.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.19.2016. 12:14

Monday July 18, 2016
News Articles

3 Officers Dead, 3 Injured In Baton Rouge Shooting
HP | Nina Golgowski | 07/17/16

One witness says men were shooting at each other in a parking lot and "it turned into a gun battle" when police showed up.

Three Baton Rouge, Louisiana, officers were killed and another three were injured Sunday while responding to a shooting in the city, less than two weeks after a local man was shot to death by police in a case that drew national attention. East Baton Rouge Sheriff Sid Gautreaux, speaking at an afternoon press conference, said a gunman responsible for the killings was fatally shot by responding officers within minutes of the first 911 calls just before 9 a.m. ... Read more

Murdered Baton Rouge Cop's Sister: "It's Coming To The Point Where No Lives Matter"

US Declassifies Secret 9/11 Documents Known as the '28 Pages'
ABC NEws | Justin Fishel | 07/15/16

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Former Sen. Bob Graham, one of the authors of the report produced by the Joint Congressional Inquiry in December of 2002, had been pushing for the classified pages to be released since the day they were made secret. He said he still harbors suspicion that these men were being helped by senior Saudi connections and told CBS News in April it is "implausible" to believe these two hijackers "could've carried out such a complicated task without some support from within the United States."

The declassified documents are also of great interest to the lawyers representing family members of 9/11 victims who have brought a lawsuit against the Saudi government, alleging it provided financial support to al-Qaeda. They feel unseen evidence in these documents pointing to Saudi involvement could bolster their case. ... Read more

28 Pages - declassified.pdf
Trump's Ghostwriter: If He 'Gets The Nuclear Codes... It Will Lead To The End Of Civilization'

Turkish Prosecutors Raid Incirlik Airbase Housing US Warplanes And 50 Nuclear Bombs
ZeroHedge | author | 07/18/16

The saga surrounding the Turkish Incirlik air base, which is not only the headquarters to the US 39th Air Base Wing but also vaults over 50 B1 nuclear bombs, and is critical to all US missions not only against ISIS but the entire middle east continues. Moments ago, Turkey's state-run news agency says seven prosecutors, charged with investigating a foiled coup, have entered the Incirlik Air Base. ... Read more

Turkish Stocks Crash Most In 3 Years, Give Up Brexit Gains

We've Entered An Era Of Rising Instability And Uncertainty
ZeroHedge | author | 07/18/16

And there you have our future, visible in the 13th, 16th and 18th century price-revolution waves which preceded ours. It is hubris in the extreme to think we have somehow morphed into some new kind of humanity far different from those people who tore down the Bastille in a great frustrated rage at prices for energy and bread they could no longer afford. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

The Untold Truth Of NCIS (07/12/16) [5:24]

Meet CHIP, the $9 computer
extremetech.com | author | older, 05/12/15

Next Thing's CHIP could be the next big little thing: A $9 literally chip-sized BYOP (Bring Your Own Peripherals) computer that runs a variant of Debian Linux. The hardware design is Open Hardware, meaning you can study and learn how it works and modify the design, if you want to fabricate your own tiny computer. With nearly a month of backing left, it's nearing $1 million in Kickstarter funding -- far exceeding its target goal of $50,000. Read more
Chip The 9 Dollar Computer () [1:37]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, July 18 [14:06]
*TRNN | Turkey in Crisis: Understanding the Erdogan/ Gulen Split (07/16/16) [23:11]
TRNN | Odious Debt and the Betrayal of the Popular Will in Greece (07/18/16) [25:35]
TRNN | Gerald Epstein discusses: his new report titled 'Overcharged: The High Cost of High Finance', which describes how the financial system is a net drag on the American economy (07/18/16) [11:35]
TRNN | Donald Trump: The Raw and Naked Face of a System That Showers Speculators with Obscene Riches (07/16/16) [5:37]
TYT | Pokémon Go EXPLAINED (07/17/16) [4:57]
TYT | "Trumpified" Republican Platform: Less Porn More Wall (07/17/16) [4:11]
TYT | Why Megachurch Pastor Would Vote Trump Over Jesus (07/17/16) [4:58]
*RT | In this special episode of the 2016 Summer Solutions series of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy talk to Dr. Michael Hudson about a solution to prevent the debt parasites from sucking the life force from the productive economy. (E941) (07/17/16) [25:45]
*RT | CrossTalk: Turkey on the brink: after a failed coup attempt the country is in disarray. And President Erdogan is exacting his revenge against the military and those deemed disloyal. Where does Turkey go now? (07/18/16) [24:11]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Military Coup Underway in Turkey (full) (07/16/16) [57:55
*DR | Aftermath Of The Failed Coup In Turkey And The Bastille Day Attack In France (07/18/16) [1hr]
It's been a bloody few weeks in the U.S.--and across the globe. France is once again grieving after 84 people were killed when an attacker plowed a truck through a crowd of revelers in Nice. Then just hours later, news out of Turkey: a coup attempt, which ultimately failed--but not before more than 250 people lost their lives. We look at what happened in both places and what the events mean for U.S. security.
*DR |Republican National Convention: The Week Ahead In Cleveland (07/18/16) [1hr]
The Republican National Convention begins Monday at a moment when the national mood is one of fear and mourning. Sunday brought more police-related violence, with three officers shot dead and several more wounded in Baton Route, Louisiana--the same city where Alton Sterling was killed by police two weeks ago. More and more, the presidential candidates are forced to put issues of gun violence and racial tension front and center. We'll talk about what we're likely to see this week from Donald Trump, the delegates and the Republican Party.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.18.2016. 12:46

Friday July 15, 2016
News Articles
Some of Today's Headlines
MILE-LONG RAMPAGE TRUCK DRIVER ID'ED 84 Dead... 50 In Critical Condition... Dozens Injured... At Least 50 Children Hospitalized... French-Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel Identified As Driver... Horrifying Video Shows Truck Heading Toward Crowd... Witnesses Relive The Horror: 'Carnage On The Road'... 'Bodies Everywhere'... Killer Drove With Lights Off To Maximize Body Count... Was A Local Resident... AFP: Authorities Raided His Apartment... Truck Loaded With Guns, Grenades... Some Were Fake... Unknown Motive... No Groups Have Claimed Responsibility...

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel Identified As Driver Of Truck In Nice Attack
HP | Michael McLaughlin | 07/15/16

A truck driver who killed and injured dozens in Nice, France, on Thursday has been identified as a 31-year-old French-Tunisian named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, according to French media and CBS News. He was from the Tunisian town of Msaken, Reuters reports.

The white truck barreled into a large crowd that had gathered on a promenade to watch a Bastille Day fireworks display in the Mediterranean city. Witnesses said bodies were scattered over a mile down the road. The driver stopped and bolted out of the truck to shoot at pedestrians, according to the TV station French 24. ... Read more

RT | Nice attack eyewitness: 'Everybody ran for shelter' (07/14/16) [2:01]
TYT | BREAKING: Dozens Killed In Truck Attack In France (07/14/16) [8:29]

*A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives
NYTimes | Louise Story | older 12/11/10

On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan. The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable -- and controversial -- fields in finance. They also share a common secret: The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.

Drawn from giants like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the bankers form a powerful committee that helps oversee trading in derivatives, instruments which, like insurance, are used to hedge risk. ... Read more

Bank's Money-Making Machine | NYTimes | older 12/12/10

*Derivatives, The Breakfast of Banksters
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Michele Bachmann Says Jews Will Be Free To Say 'Merry Christmas' When Donald Trump Is President
magazine | author | date

Former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) returned to the spotlight this week with an unusual definition of "religious liberty." Apparently, it's a land where people of all faiths can come together and say "Merry Christmas."

Over the weekend, Bachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Donald Trump "gets and understands religious liberty." To show how much Trump "gets and understands" it, Bachmann shared an anecdote she said came from a meeting with the reality-TV-star-turned-GOP-presidential-candidate.

"He even said, 'I don't understand, when I was growing up, everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas,'" she explained. "'New York City, there are a lot of Jews, and they would even say Merry Christmas. Why can't we even say Merry Christmas anymore?'"

Bachmann also said Trump had "1950s sensibilities" and "1950s common sense," and warned that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would bring "certain destruction" and "catastrophic decline" and a "godless United States that will walk into certain catastrophe." ... Read more
TYT | Bachman Desperately Tries Selling Trump To Evangelicals (07/14/16) [5:42]

America's a Super Power -- But What Does That Mean If the Entire World Is Falling Apart?
AlterNet | Tom Engelhardt / TomDispatch | 07/14/16

Vladimir Putin recently manned up and admitted it. The United States remains the planet's sole superpower, as it has been since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. "America," the Russian president said, "is a great power. Today, probably, the only superpower. We accept that." ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, July 15 [7:52]
*DN | As Bastille Day Attack in France Kills 84, Is the War on Terror a "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy"? (07/15/16) [12:17]
*DN | Exclusive: Meet Yale Dishwasher Corey Menafee, Who Smashed Racist Stained-Glass Window (07/15/16) [11:11]
DN | Craig Steven Wilder on How Georgetown & U.S. Catholic Church Expanded Thanks to Slave Holdings (07/15/16) [2:19]
TRNN | Dr. Joeri Rogelj discusses: Countries' Pledges to Cut Emissions Won't Stay Within 2 Degrees Limit Set by UN Paris Agreement (07/15/16) [6:05]
TYT | Bernie Sanders Responds To Supporters Who Feel Betrayed By Hillary Endorsement (07/14/16) [4:25]
*TYT | Trump's Running Mate: Who Is Mike Pence? (07/14/16) [9:21]
TYT | Why Mike Pence's Nomination Is TERRIBLE For Women (07/14/16) [7:10]
RT | activist Bianca Jagger discusses: Chilcot report didn't address key issue why did UK & US really go to war (07/14/16) [15:45]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*ThomHartmann | How to Rein In the Robber Barons Again (07/15/16) [6:54]
While workers are only earning 10% more than they did in 1978 - top CEOs like Jamie Dimon are earning over 940% more today than they would have back then. I'll tell you how we can rein in these modern day robber barons - in tonight's Daily Take.
ThomHartmann | Are the Bubbles About to Burst? (07/15/16) [11:05]
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/15/16) [1hr]
U.S. leaders react to an apparent terror attack in Nice, France that killed at least 80. Citing the tragedy, Donald Trump delays the announcement of his Vice Presidential pick. Ahead of next week's Republican National Convention, new polls show the race between Trump and Hillary Clinton is tightening. In a speech in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders endorses Clinton and vows to help keep Trump out of the White House. And across the country, a week of mourning: funerals are held for Dallas police officers killed in last week's shooting, and for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the two men shot by police in Minnesota and Louisiana. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (07/15/16) [1hr]
A truck drives into a crowd at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France killing over 80. The French president is calling it a terror attack. Britain's new Prime Minister Theresa May appoints her cabinet. Boris Johnson, the leading pro-Brexit supporter, gets the job of foreign secretary. An international tribunal at The Hague rejects China's claims to rights in the South China Sea. In Venezuela, where food shortages are growing worse, the military is put in charge of the distribution of food and medicine. And after days of bloodshed there's a fragile truce in South Sudan. Diane and her guests discuss the international week in news.
Aljazeera | The Caliph - Part 1: Foundation - Featured Documentary (07/14/16) [48:54]
Aljazeera | 101 East: Afghanistan: Medics Under Fire (07/14/16) [25:45]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
More News

The Writing Is On The Wall (Again)
ZeroHedge | author | 07/15/16

Yesterday, the S&P 500 hit a new all-time high. And the Dow just hit a new record close as well. If you haven’t sold yet, dear reader, this may be one of the best times ever to do so. ... Read more

07.15.2016. 11:34

Thursday July 14, 2016
News Articles

Robert Reich: 7 of the Big Legacies of Bernie Sanders' Historic Campaign
AlterNet | Robert Reich / RobertReich.org | 07/12/16

Bernie Sanders's campaign is now officially over, but the movement he began is still just beginning. He's provided it seven big legacies:

  1. Bernie has helped open America's eyes to the power of big money corrupting our democracy and thereby rigging our economy to its advantage and everyone else's disadvantage.
  2. Bernie has shown that it's possible to win elections without depending on big money from corporations, Wall Street, and billionaires.
  3. Bernie has educated millions of Americans about why we must have a single-payer health-care system and free tuition at public universities, and why we must resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act and bust up the biggest banks.
  4. The Sanders campaign has brought millions of young people into politics, ignited their energy and enthusiasm and idealism.
  5. The movement Bernie ignited has pushed Hillary Clinton to take more progressive positions on issues ranging from the minimum wage to the Trans Pacific Partnership, the XL Pipeline, Wall Street, and Social Security.
  6. He's taught Americans how undemocratic the Democratic Party's system for picking candidates really is.
  7. Seventh is the real possibility Bernie has inspired of a third party -- if the Democratic Party doesn't respond to the necessity of getting big money out of politics and reversing widening inequality, if it doesn't begin to advocate for a single-payer healthcare system, or push hard for higher taxes on the wealthy - including a wealth tax - to pay for better education and better opportunities for everyone else, ...
Read more

Massive heat dome forecast to bake much of U.S. by late next week
WashingtonPost | Jason Samenow | 07/13/16/span>

A huge, hot area of high pressure is forecast to develop over the central United States next week, which may result in the nation's most significant heat wave of the summer.

... It is too soon to say exactly how hot temperatures will be, but initial indications are that the central United States may face some of the country's hottest weather with respect to normal. Record heat is certainly a possibility, although exactly how many records fall and where won't come into focus for several more days. ... Read more
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Hillary's New Attack Ad (07/14/16) [1:49]

Trump's Shocking Surge Continues: Ties Hillary In Latest NYT Poll
ZeroHedge | author | 07/14/16

Following yesterday's chaotic polling data, the latest NYT/CBS poll provides a post-email-gate reality check as Hillary Clinton's 6-point lead has evaporated leaving Trump tied nationwide, leading the "reckless" former secretary of state on the economy and jobs, trade, and national security. Perhaps more worrying for the Clinton campaign is the rise in negativity with 67% of voters saying she is not honest and trustworthy. ... Read more

How Business School Is a Driving Force in America's Increasingly Unequal Society

"We Shouldn't Be At New All Time Highs" - Even Larry Fink Doesn't Get It
ZeroHedge | author | 07/14/16

"I don't think we should be at new [stock] highs... We are seeing investors worldwide pausing, we are seeing quite a large sum of money being pulled out of equities over the last year. And yet we are at record highs. That's just a sign of how much money is being taken out by central banks in their bond purchases, and stock repurchases from companies." ... Read more

Central Bank Wonderland is Complete and Now Open for Business -- The Epocalypse Has Fully Begun
ZeroHedge | author | 07/14/16

Summer vacation is here, and the whole global family has arrived at Central-Bank Wonderland, the upside-down, inside-out world that banksters and their puppet politicians call "recovery." Everyone is talking about it as wizened traders puzzle over how stocks and bonds soared, hand-in-hand, in face of the following list of economic thrills:

  1. Britain voted to exit the EU, and a handful of other nations are talking openly along similar lines. One major crack in the European Union just happened, and others are forming. (Brexit is the name of this new Earthquake ride near the gates of Wonderland.)
  2. Italy's oldest bank (also the world's oldest bank, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena) faces bankruptcy unless it gets bailed out. The bank that has survived the greatest tests of time (founded in 1472 before Columbus sailed the ocean blue) is going down unless it finds a savior! Italy's prime minister is screaming for tax-payer bailouts. At the same time, one of Germany's oldest banks and one of the largest -- Deutsche Bank -- has just about become a penny stock and faces the likelihood of imminent collapse if not bailed out, too. (Welcome to Wonderland's zombie freak show of the world's oldest walking-dead banks dying again.)
  3. Gold and silver have been soaring as though people are fleeing to safety (in Wonderland's Bouncy House of Coins).
  4. People are also fleeing to safety in bonds, bringing the US 10-year bond down to a 1.318% yield, its lowest yield in history. (Hit me on the head with a hammer like a pop-up gopher, and watch me smile.)
  5. In many nations around the world, government bonds have been selling hotter than bombs in Syria even with negative interest rates, meaning you lose money every day you hold them. (The bonking game of bigger gophers for the near-sighted so that Wonderland remains handicap accessible.)
  6. In Switzerland, people are cuing up in the ticket line to give the government their money to hold for a fifty year ride now that the Swiss 50-year bond has turned negative. (Wonderland's biggest gopher for the totally blind. You don't just hit this one; it takes you the ride of your life for the rest of your life. We call it "Gopher Broke.")
  7. US jobs crashed in May, causing stocks to drop, but rebounded in June, causing stocks to rise, so that May is now seen as an unexplained anomaly. (Welcome to Ripley's House of Unexplained Economic Mysteries.)
  8. The Great Britain Pound crashed to a thirty-year low against the dollar. (Enjoy your ride on the currency bumper cars!)
  9. Japan's decade of quantitative wheezing has accomplished so little that they're going to cough up more of the same all over again because it was so much fun the first five times. (House of Bodily Humors and Horrors.)
  10. Central banks in Europe say they need to and will crank their own quantitative easing back up, so effective have all previous rounds been. (And, so, the merry-go-round spins and the calliope plays its happy music in Euro Dizzyland.)
  11. Falling oil prices, which contributed significantly to January's spectacular stock market plunge, are going back down the pipeline while oversupply is building rapidly at the bottom again with the buildup reaching its highest point in ten weeks. (Wonderland's log ride through oil with more than one crude splash.)
  12. Venezuela and Brazil are collapsing into economic chaos. (It's more fun than that bungy-jumping vehicle for two at the carnival.)
  13. Etc. (I know, darn! Just as he was on a roll. Well, hang on...)
Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, July 14 [13:18]
TRNN | Alexandr Buzgalin says: Why is the Capitalist West Fighting with Capitalist Russia? (07/14/16) [27:04]
TRNN | Bill Black says: New British PM Appoints Brexit Proponent Boris Johnson to Foreign Secretary (07/14/16) [7:19]
*TYT | Trump Beating Clinton In Multiple Swing States (07/13/16) [7:12]
TYT | 2016 Republican Party Platform = More Theocracy, Less Democracy (07/13/16) [9:12]
TYT | Republicans Respond To Trump Attacks From Supreme Court Justice (07/13/16) [9:55]
TYT | George W. Bush Dances At Dallas Police Memorial Service (07/13/16) [7:04]
*RT | Max and Stacy talk to Jim Rickards, author of The New Case for Gold, about gold as a solution to the world's debt problems. (E940) (07/14/16) [25:48]
*Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*ThomHartmann | GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Not Climate Change? (07/13/16) [6:42]
*ThomHartmann | Billions of Gallons of Fracking Waste Into Gulf? (07/13/16) [5:11]
*ThomHartmann | Has Big Ag Bought Another Victory? (07/13/16) [9:45]
*DR | Controversy Over Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Comments About Donald Trump (07/14/16) [1hr]
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made headlines this week by publicly criticizing Donald Trump. She called him "a faker" who "has no consistency." And she joked that if trump were to become president, she might move to New Zealand. Trump fired back with a tweet labeling her comments "very dumb" and calling for her to resign. On Thursday, Ginsburg apologized, saying her comments were "ill-advised." Still, critics of the justice's behavior--and there are many--say she's setting a dangerous precedent by taking sides in an election year. But Ginsburg also has many supporters: liberals and conservatives who worry about what a Trump presidency could do to the nation. We discuss the controversy.
DR | Robert P. Jones: "The End Of White Christian America" (07/14/16) [1hr]
Throughout much of the history of the United States, white Protestant Christians set the tone both culturally and politically. But demographic changes over the last few decades have transformed the country. As recently as 2008, white Christians made up the majority of the American population. Six years later, the number had dropped seven points to 47 percent. A religious scholar tracks these changes in a new book. He says understanding this shift can help explain everything from the rise of Donald Trump to the heated rhetoric of the same sex marriage debate.
Aljazeera | Al Jazeera World - Israel's Great Divide (07/13/16) [46:51]
Jewish people living in Israel today are largely divided into three main groups: Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi.

The Ashkenazim are from Germany, France and Eastern Europe. The term "Ashkenazi" comes from the Hebrew word for Germany. Most American Jews today are Ashkenazim, descended from those who arrived from Europe in the mid-1800s and early 1900s.

The Sephardim are from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East. The term "Sephardi" comes from the Hebrew word for Spain. Many Jews fled Spain after the end of Muslim rule there in 1492.

Sephardic Jews are often subdivided into Sephardim and Mizrahim, from North Africa and the Middle East. The term "Mizrahi" comes from the Hebrew word for eastern.

Israel's Great Divide explores the deep-rooted tension between Israel's Ashkenazi Jews and the Sephardi and Mizrahi communities.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.14.2016. 10:17

Wednesday July 13, 2016
News Articles

Donald Trump Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Mind Is Shot,' Demands She Resign From Supreme Court
HP | Ed Mazza | 07/13/16

Donald Trump is firing back at Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, claiming her mind is "shot" and calling on her to retire. In the past week, Ginsburg has made a series of comments about the Republican presidential candidate that were unusually frank for a sitting Supreme Court justice.

On Tuesday, she told CNN that Trump was a "faker." "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego," Ginsburg said. "How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that." ... Read more
CNN | Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn't back off Trump criticism (07/12/16) [2:25]

Donald Trump/companies has/have launched 1900 law suits since 1970's, and has been a defendant in 1300 more.

Fed's Mester Says Helicopter Money "The Next Step" In US Monetary Policy
ZeroHedge | author | 07/13/16

"We're always assessing tools that we could use," Mester told the ABC's AM program. "In the US we've done quantitative easing and I think that's proven to be useful. "So it's my view that [helicopter money] would be sort of the next step if we ever found ourselves in a situation where we wanted to be more accommodative. ... Read more

Why Helicopter Money Won't Push Stocks Higher
ZeroHedge | author | 07/13/16

In effect, helicopter money turns the entire economy into a Ghost City. Things look busy and productive until the day the helicopter money runs out. From that day on, everything crashes back to reality and tumbleweeds are soon blowing down empty streets. ... Read more

Japan emperor intends to abdicate 'in a few years'
Reuters | Elaine Lies | 07/13/16

Japanese Emperor Akihito, who has spent much of his time on the throne trying to heal the wounds of World War Two, intends to abdicate in a few years, public broadcaster NHK and other domestic media said on Wednesday, a step that would be unprecedented in modern Japan. ... Read more

Japan uses 24 billion pairs of chopsticks every year
The largest Japanese community outside of Japan is in Brazil
Shinto Kanamara Matsuri Festival
Shinto Kanamara Matsuri (2014) [4:16]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
ColbertReport | Hungry For Power Games: Bernie Sanders (06/13/16) [6:57]
ColbertReport | Fox News Personnel Will Be Equipped With Gas Masks During Conventions (06/13/16) [2:36]

EU launches sanctions procedure against Spain, Portugal on deficits
France24.com | author | 07/12/16

Eurozone finance ministers agreed Tuesday to officially begin a sanctions procedure against Spain and Portugal for doing too little to fix their rule-breaking deficits.

The ministers "found that Portugal and Spain had not taken effective action in response to its recommendations on measures to correct their excessive deficits", a statement said. ... Read more
RT | EU launches sanctions procedures against Spain & Portugal (07/12/16) [2:56]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, July 13 [9:42]
TRNN | Phyllis Bennis says: DNC Platform Retains Traditional Militarism, Shows Weakness of Anti-War Movement (07/13/16) [18:46]
TRNN | Billy Curry and Annabel Park discuss: How Will Sanders's Endorsement Affect the Policy Fight at the Convention? (07/13/16) [19:43]
TYT | Bernie Supporters Respond To Hillary Endorsement (07/12/16) [7:17]
TYT | Unconscious Racial Bias: It's Everywhere (07/12/16) [9:26]
TYT | Bill O'Reilly Certain MLK Would Hate Black Lives Matter (07/12/16) [9:38]
RT | CrossTalk: Public opinion polls are often wrong, but there is no denying some things are going very wrong for Donald Trump and his presidential ambitions. (07/13/16) [23:11]
RT | Max and Stacy talk to John Ackerman, professor, columnist and the Mexican Law Review's editor-in-chief, about the economic relationship between Mexico and the United States. (E939) (07/12/16) [25:40]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Bernie's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the bizarre GOP platform which endorses things like gay conversion therapy, and Trump's tax plan for the rich. ... (full) (07/12/16) [59:29]
*DR | Theresa May Becomes Britain's New Prime Minster (07/13/16) [1hr]
Politics in Britain has had all the elements of a Shakespeare drama. Less than a month ago, the country voted to leave the European Union, sending domestic politics into a tailspin. The conservative Prime Minister David Cameron immediately announced he would step down, and the contest to replace him had candidates falling on their swords left and right. In the end, Theresa May, the UK's Home Secretary, won the race. She officially assumes the role today. While may didn't support Brexit she has said she will move forward with the plan. Diane and her guest discuss the new leader in Britain.
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Territorial tussles in the South China Sea (07/12/16) [25:00]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

07.13.2016. 12:18

Tuesday July 12, 2016
News Articles

America Is Looking Increasingly Frazzled on the World Stage
AlterNet | Vijay Prashad / FRONTLINE | 07/11/16

On June 22, France's outspoken ambassador to the United States, Gérard Araud, said: "The next President will face a multipolar world where the U.S. will be the main but not the only power. Realism is the only possible agenda." It is unusual for such a close ally of the U.S. to make this statement. After all, it has been one of the pillars of the U.S.' self-identification that it is the major force in the world. Political leaders in the U.S. routinely speak of the country as the greatest in the world, the only country with truly global ambitions and with global reach. U.S. military bases litter the continents of the world, and U.S. warships move from ocean to ocean, bearing terrifying arsenals. When the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed in 1991, it became self-evident that the U.S. was the sole remaining superpower. Unipolarity defined the world order. So what is it that makes the French ambassador speak of a multipolar world? ... Read more

GOP PLATFORM WEIGHS IN: Guns Less Dangerous Than Porn
TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) view by an Insider

Hillary Clinton is and always has been in favor of the TPP, despite what she's saying to get elected. If you don't get that, you're as dumb as her advisors think you are.

An acquaintance from my days in the Clinton administration, who has been advising Hillary, phoned this morning.

ACQUAINTANCE: "Don't you think your blog post from last night was a bit harsh?"

ME: "Not at all. The Democratic Party is shooting itself in the foot by not officially opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership."

ACQ: "But you know why. The Party can't take a stand opposite the President's. He's the leader of the Party, for chrissake. And he wants the TPP."

ME: "Yeah, because he sees the TPP as a way to limit China's economic influence. So he made a Faustian bargain with big global corporations who want more protection for their foreign investments. But he's wrong. The TPP won't crimp China. Global corporations will give China whatever it wants to gain access to the Chinese market. The TPP ...."

ACQ: "Look, it doesn't matter what you or I think. The President wants the TPP, and the Party isn't going to oppose him."

ME: "You mean Hillary won't oppose him."

ACQ: "Hillary won't, and Debbie [Wasserman Schultz] won't, and neither will Nancy [Pelosi] or Harry [Reid] or Dick [Durbin] or Chuck [Schumer].

ME: "But it's terrible policy. And it's awful politics. It gives Trump a battering ram. Obama won't be president in six months. Why risk it?"

Hillary's Lead Over Trump Shrinks To Just 3% As Two-Thirds Of Voters Find Her "Dishonest And Untrustworthy"
ZeroHedge | author | 07/12/16

Following yesterday's report that a majority of Americans disapprove of FBI director Comey's decision on Hillary Clinton, it is perhaps not surprising that the Democrat's lead over Donald Trump has shrunk substantially in the latest NBC poll, and is now leading the presumptive Republican candidate by just three points after several days of "controversy" following FBI Director James Comey's recommendation that no criminal charges be brought against the former secretary of state over her use of a private email server. ... Read more

Who's Most Afraid Of Contagion From Italy's Bank Meltdown?
ZeroHedge | author | 07/12/16

Contagion is the reason Italy's banking crisis is all of a sudden Europe's biggest existential threat. Greece's intractable problems are out of sight, out of mind; Brexit momentarily spooked investors and bankers; but Italy's banking woes have the potential to wipe out investors and undo over 60 years of supranational state-building in Europe. ... Read more

Stockman Rages: Ben Bernanke Is "The Most Dangerous Man Walking This Planet"
ZeroHedge | author | 07/12/16

Ben Bernanke is one of the most dangerous men walking the planet. In this age of central bank domination of economic life he is surely the pied piper of monetary ruin. At least since 2002 he has been talking about "helicopter money" as if a notion which is pure economic quackery actually had some legitimate basis. But strip away the pseudo scientific jargon, and it amounts to monetization of the public debt----the very oldest form of something for nothing economics. ... Read more

Dow Surges 1,300 Points Post-Brexit To Record High
ZeroHedge | author | 07/12/16

From 17,036 post-Brexit lows, The Dow Jones Industrials Average has soared over 1300 points in 2 weeks to push above its May 2015 intraday record high (18,351.35). ... Read more
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, July 12 [11:01]
DN | As Sanders Endorses Clinton, How Far Left Has He Pushed the Democratic Party Platform? (07/12/16) [10:51]
DN | Filmmaker Josh Fox: Sanders Pushed Party Platform to Left, But We Failed on TPP, Medicare, Gaza (07/12/16) [5:54]
DN | "Divergent" Star Shailene Woodley on Bernie Sanders, DNC Caravan & Speaking Out in Hollywood (07/12/16) [15:06]
TRNN | Mosul Offensive Will Create More Refugees, Displacement, and Humanitarian Disaster (07/11/16) [11:46]
TYT | Over Half The Country Thinks Hillary Should Be Indicted (07/11/16) [6:14]
TYT | Sarah Palin Doesn't Understand What Black Lives Matter Means (07/11/16) [8:08]
TYT | Media Meltdown After Hillary Said This About Republicans... (07/11/16) [8:34]
TYT | Rudy Giuliani: The Real Danger Is Black Kids! (07/11/16) [7:18]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Climate Denier Rubio Clueless on FL Toxic Algae (07/08/16) [6:03]
ThomHartmann | The Green Slime Attacking the Atlantic Coast (07/08/16) [9:46]
*DR | Political Leadership In A Time Of Deep National Divisions (07/12/16) [1hr]
President Obama leads an interfaith service in Dallas today and meets with the families of police officers shot and killed last week. Earlier in the week two black men were shot by police in Minnesota and Louisiana sparking protests in many cities across the country. Yesterday at a meeting with law enforcement leaders at the White House the president said he considered the killing of the police officers a hate crime and spoke of the need to support law enforcement and, at the same time, to acknowledge concerns about racial bias. The presumptive presidential candidates have weighed in as well. Join us to talk about political leadership in a polarized debate.
DR | Interior Secretary Sally Jewell On 100 Years Of National Parks And Challenges Ahead. (07/12/16) [1hr]
On Aug. 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the act that created the National Park Service. One hundred years later, it protects more than 400 parks and monuments, from Yellowstone to Gettysburg and the Stonewall Inn, the first national landmark honoring the fight for gay rights. Still, there are challenges, like a $12 billion maintenance backlog and an ongoing ethics scandal. And some say a lack of funding could threaten America's rich conservation legacy. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell talks with Diane about her vision for preserving green spaces for the next generation.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.12.2016. 11:02

Monday July 11, 2016
News Articles

'We Want Safety, Dignity and Justice': Black Lives Matter Protests Build Nationwide
AlterNet | Sarah Lazare | 07/11/16

"We don't have the same rights as our white counterparts," 17-year-old Myra Richardson, a student at Baton Rouge Magnet High School, told AlterNet over the phone. "There are still things holding us back. How can we call America the land of the free?"

Richardson is one of countless young people who took to the streets from Miami to New York to Minneapolis over the weekend to rally under the banner of Black Lives Matter, braving heavily armed police deployments and a charged political environment in which they are being demonized for exercising their right to protest. ... Read more

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
NYTime | Jo Becker | 04/23/15

The headline on the website Pravda trumpeted President Vladimir V. Putin's latest coup, its nationalistic fervor recalling an era when its precursor served as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin: "Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World."

The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world's largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One. ... Read more

In Africa, the U.S. Military Sees Enemies Everywhere
TheIntercept | Nick Turse | 07/11/16

From East To West, across Africa, 1,700 Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, and other military personnel are carrying out 78 distinct "mission sets" in more than 20 nations, according to documents obtained by The Intercept via the Freedom of Information Act.

"The SOCAFRICA operational environment is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous," says Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc, using the acronym of the secretive organization he presides over, Special Operations Command Africa. "It's a wickedly complex environment tailor-made for the type of nuanced and professional cooperation SOF [special operations forces] is able to provide." ... Read more

[PHOTOS] Moving Photographs of Japanese American Internees, Then and Now
MotherJones | Photographs by Paul Kitagaki JR. | 06/15

"We were citizens, but now we were not."

In early 1945, the federal government started to open the internment camps where it had held 120,000 Japanese Americans for much of World War II. Seven decades later, photographer Paul Kitagaki Jr. has been tracking down the internees pictured in wartime images by photographers like Dorothea Lange (who photographed Kitagaki's own family -- see below). So far, he's identified more than 50 survivors, often reshooting them in the locations where they were originally photographed. ... Read more

Corbett | 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money () [59:27]
9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! () [43:28
BBC | WikiLeaks The Secret Life of a Superpower () [59:28], Part 2 [59:35]
Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters 'Thugs' And 'Rioters'
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, July 11 [13:35]
DN | Death, Abuse and Sexual Assault: The Horrific and Unregulated Private Prison Extradition Industry (07/11/16) [16:59]
DN | As Protests Erupt Nationwide, New Video of Off-Duty NYPD Cop Killing Delrawn Small Sparks Outrage (07/11/16) [15:14]
TRNN | White-Collar Crime Kills and Maims More Than the Crimes of the Poor (07/10/16) [10:50]
TRNN | Vijay Prashad discusses: Syria's Complex Chessboard and its Continuing Tragedy (07/10/16) [11:13]
TRNN | Democrats Reject Sanders Opposition to TPP (07/09/16) [4:38]
TYT | Is Trump TRYING To Lose? (07/09/16) [5:31]
TYT | Remembering The Slain Dallas Officers (07/08/16) [3:55]
TYT | Former Congressmen Threatens Obama After Dallas (07/08/16) [15:42]
Note: I like Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian and is why I post a lot of TYT videos. Sometimes they have guests on which I don't feel so comfortable with.
RT | CrossTalk: the Chilcot Report and Hillary's non-indictment. Also NATO's confab in Warsaw -- reviving an old conflict? And, The House of Cards known as Washington's Syria policy. (07/11/16) [24:26]
Note: I don't always agree with issues discussed on RT:CrossTalk, but I think it is important to see what other people (countries/cultures/communities) are thinking.
RT | RAW: Devastating typhoon Nepartak wreaks havoc in Eastern China (07/10/16) [1:00]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Is the TPP Debate A Test for Our Democracy? (07/08/16) [6:35]
*DR | The Latest On The Shootings In Dallas, Louisiana and Minnesota (07/11/16) [1hr]
Thousands of protesters took to the streets over the weekend nationwide after three days of fatal gun violence between African-American men and police. In the space of two days, two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota were killed by police. The shootings were caught on video and seen by millions. Then, a day later, a black war veteran killed five officers in a retaliatory sniper attack. Diane and a panel of guests discuss the latest on the shooting investigations, and look at continuing tensions over deadly police force against black Americans and the movement for justice.
Aljazeera | Counting the Cost: Brexit fallout, The global economic impact (07/09/16) [26:00]
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Can India match China's economic influence in Africa? (07/10/16) [25:20]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.11.2016. 12:45

Friday July 08, 2016
News Articles
Some Headlines
'A VICIOUS, CALCULATED AND DESPICABLE ATTACK' ... Snipers Ambush Dallas Cops Near Peaceful Protest... 5 Officers Killed... 6 Injured... Civilian Also Wounded... Snipers Fired On Police From Above... 'Everyone Was Screaming'... City Locked Down After Hail Of Gunfire... Bomb Squad Searches For Possible Explosives... 3 Suspects In Custody, 1 Dead... Video Captures Torrent Of Shots... Deadliest Day For Police Since 9/11...

Snipers Kill 5 Police Officers During Dallas Protest
HP | Nick Visser | 07/07/16

Dallas Police Chief David Brown said early Friday three suspects were in custody. and police were still in negotiations with another suspect, who was being uncooperative and at times exchanging gunfire with officers in a parking garage.

"He told negotiators that the end is coming, and he is going to hurt and kill more of us," Brown said, noting the man had also claimed there were bombs around the structure. "We are being very careful in our tactics so that we don't injure any of our officers in harm's way." ...

  1. At least 12 police officers and two civilians were shot by snipers in Dallas.
  2. One of the suspects said he was upset about recent police shootings and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers, the police chief said.
  3. Police detonated a robot bomb to kill the suspect after attempting to negotiate.
  4. President Barack Obama called the attack "vicious, despicable, and calculated."
Read more

How To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Shot By Police: Don't Be Black

Witnesses Record Horror Of Dallas Attack
HP | Daniel Marans | 07/08/16

Citizens captured on camera some of the most horrific scenes from Thursday night's ambush-style massacre of police in Dallas, Texas.

The grim footage of the deadliest day for U.S. police since Sept. 11, 2001, attests to the ways social media and handheld cameras have revolutionized the way we experience major news events. Michael Kevin Bautista, a participant in the Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas on Thursday evening, streamed video of the shootout between the gunmen and city police officers on Facebook live. ... Read more
Dallas Police Shooting (07/07/16) [0:45]

Would Donald Trump really drop out for $150 million?
Politico | Ben Schreckinger | 06/19/16

How much would it cost to get Donald Trump to give up his presidential run and walk away? "I bet if someone offered him $150 million to drop out, he would," one former Trump adviser told POLITICO, unprompted, during an interview Friday.

Asked about whether Trump would drop out, another former Trump adviser, Jim Dornan said he believes the presumptive GOP nominee would be willing to cut a deal. "Yeah, probably," Dornan, a veteran Republican operative who worked for Trump last spring on an abortive effort to set up a super PAC, replied via text message -- adding there would be plenty of interest in buying him out. "The Kochs would be the first in line." ... Read more

ExxonMobil May Have Friends in High Places, but Fraud Is Not Constitutionally Protected
AlterNet | Elliott Negin | 07/05/16

When a handful of attorneys general launched investigations of ExxonMobil for climate fraud, I wonder if they had any idea that they would be attacked for attempting to stifle the company's right of free speech.

After all, if ExxonMobil publicly downplayed warnings by its own scientists about the threat posed by burning fossil fuels in its communications with investors and the general public, it very well may have committed fraud, which is not protected by the First Amendment. ... Read more

Environmentalists Uncover Documents Revealing Feds Quietly Permitted Gulf Fracking
AlterNet | Sabrina Canfield / Courthouse News | 07/08/16

Federal regulators quietly gave the green light to more than 1,200 oil company fracking operations in the Gulf of Mexico between 2010 and 2014, according to documents environmentalists obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

At least 630 wells were fracked along the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama during that four-year period, and more than 76 billion gallons in fracking waste were dumped into the Gulf in 2014 alone, the documents show. ... Read more

Europe's Bank Crisis Arrives In Germany: €29 Billion Bremen Landesbank On The Verge Of Failure
ZeroHedge | author | 07/07/16

It appears that some shipping loans gone bad could be the catalyst for Europe's banking crisis to finally breach the most impenetrable border of all, that of Germany. Because it is in Germany where we find what may be the next domino to fall as part of Europe's latest banking crisis incarnation: Bremen Landesbank, whose contingent convertible bonds have just cratered as a result of speculation that the bank's bailout is suddenly in jeopardy. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, July 08 [12:07]
*TRNN | The Empire Files: NYT's James Risen on Fighting Censorship & War (07/07/16) [26:06]
Having just ended a seven-year legal battle, where he bravely faced jail time to protect his inside sources, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist James Risen joins Abby Martin to talk about his case and the stories he wrote that were such a threat to the US war machine and its national security state.
*TRNN | Michael Hudson says: Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation? (07/08/16) [9:34]
*TYT | Republicans To FBI Director: Why Didn't You Charge Hillary? (07/07/16) [6:13]
TYT | Ivanka Trump Being Considered For VP (07/07/16) [3:12]
TYT | Trump Might Drop Out...For A Price (07/07/16) [7:48]
RT | CrossTalk: Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has been trying to find its new role. Its operations in Afghanistan and Libya were disasters. Now NATO has focused on what is described as "Russian aggression." Does NATO create its own security risks? (07/08/16) [24:11]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/08/16) [1hr]
DR | YouTube | DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/08/16) [1hr]
YouTube video starts at 1:50 on the Progressbar
Snipers in Dallas kill five police officers and wound five others along with one civilian. This at the end of a protest that had gathered in reaction to the fatal shootings of African-American men by police in Baton Rouge and Minnesota. Also this week, Congress questions the FBI director about his decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over an email server. And we get the latest job numbers. A panel of journalists joins guest host Indira Lakshmanan for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR |Friday News - International (07/08/16) [1hr]
Leaders of two dozen NATO countries convene a two-day summit in Warsaw. President Obama announces the U.S. will keep a force of 8,400 troops in Afghanistan. And the fallout from Brexit continues. A panel of journalists joins guest host Indira Lakshmanan for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.08.2016. 13:23

Thursday July 07, 2016
News Articles

*Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man, Leaves Victim's Girlfriend To Record Tragic Aftermath
HP | Carla Herreria | 07/07/16

Police shot and killed a man Wednesday in the St. Paul suburb of Falcon Heights, Minnesota, and his girlfriend recorded the aftermath in a graphic video shot using the Facebook Live feature.

The video shows the man bleeding from gunshot wounds as his girlfriend films from the driver's seat. The police officer "shot him three times because we had a busted tail light," the woman filming can be heard saying. ... Read more
Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man, Leaves Victim's Girlfriend To Record Tragic Aftermath (07/07/16) []

Tony Blair Got It Wrong: He And George W. Bush Did Fuel Terrorism
HP | Akbar Shahid Ahmed | 07/06/16

Tony Blair, Britain's former prime minister and George W. Bush's chief ally in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, spent Wednesday playing defense after a damning government inquiry blasted his decision to go war.

The 2.5 million-word Chilcot report that was years in the making accused Blair of trusting flawed intelligence, demonstrating bad judgment and resisting peaceful alternative ways to deal with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Relying on previously undisclosed documents and seven years' worth of research, the inquiry offered a resounding critique of Blair's approach to Iraq. ... Read more

Italian Banks Crash To New Lows Despite Passing Self-Defined Stress-Test
ZeroHedge | author | 07/07/16

Have no fear, Banco Popolare has run its own stress test (on itself) and has stated that it is "resilient to shocks." However, it appears investors do not believe them as Italian banks, led by Monte Paschi (which as a reminder is under a short-sale ban) plunged to new record lows. ... Read more
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Glyphosate Sprayed on GMO Crops Linked to Lake Erie's Toxic Algae Bloom
AlterNet | Lorraine Chow / EcoWatch | 07/07/16

Glyphosate, the controversial main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup and other herbicides, is being connected to Lake Erie's troubling algae blooms, which has fouled drinking water and suffocated and killed marine life in recent years....

... "For every acre of Roundup Ready soybeans and corn that you plant, it works out to be about one-third of a pound of P [phosphorus] coming down the Maumee," Spiese told the agricultural publication. ...

... Approximately 1,000 metric tonnes (about 2.2 million pounds) of Roundup is applied in the Lake Erie watershed per year, and it is being detected in adjacent waterways particularly in the spring, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) noted from McKay and Bullerjahn's study. The researchers also found that the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in the lake are capable of using phosophonates. ... Read more

Are George Bush and Tony Blair War Criminals?
Wikileaks | Collateral Murder (Journeyman Pictures) () [39:28]
Invasion of Iraq: How the British and Americans got it wrong () [1:19:35]
BraveNewFilms | Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers () [1:15:23]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, July 07 [11:10]
*TRNN | Col. Andrew Bacevich says: Presidential Candidates Push American Supremacy, Not National Defense (07/06/16) [21:00]
*TRNN | Professor Sabah Alnasseri says: U.S.-Controlled Chaos and Corruption Fuels ISIS Terrorism in Iraq (07/06/16) [14:28]
*TRNN | British Inquiry Finds Iraq War Lacked Legal Justification (07/06/16) [5:19]
TYT | Chelsea Manning Attempts Suicide In Prison (07/06/16) [7:16]
*RT | Max and Stacy discuss the threats to the global financial system posed by Deutsche Bank and all Italian banks. In the second half, Max interviews Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics about Deutsche Bank's massive derivatives book. (E937) (07/07/16) [25:45]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | We're Guinea Pigs In The Giant Fracking Experiment (07/07/16) [12:36]
*DR | The Fallout From Two Separate Shooting Deaths Of African-American Men At The Hands Of Police (07/07/16) [1hr]
An African-American man is killed by police in Minnesota, the aftermath captured on video. The Justice Department investigates the shooting death of another black man by Baton Rouge police. The latest on the incidents and what they mean for race and policing.
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Could war in Iraq have been averted? (07/06/16) [25:00]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.07.2016. 11:50

Wednesday July 06, 2016
News Articles

UK Inquiry Releases Scathing Report On Iraq War
HP & WorldPost | Reuters | 07/06/16

British Prime Minister Tony Blair told U.S. President George W. Bush eight months before the 2003 invasion of Iraq "I will be with you, whatever", and relied on flawed intelligence and legal advice to go to war, a seven-year inquiry concluded on Wednesday.

It strongly criticized Blair on a range of issues, saying the threat posed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction had been over-hyped and the planning for the aftermath of war had been inadequate. ... Read more

Iraqi Who Toppled Saddam's Statue Says Blair, Bush Should Be Put On Trial
HP & WorldPost | Reuters | 07/06/16

The Iraqi man who was filmed attacking Saddam Hussein's statue with a sledgehammer when U.S. troops stormed into Baghdad in 2003 said Iraq was in a better shape under his rule and George W. Bush and Tony Blair should be put on trial "for ruining" it.

... The report said that "policy on Iraq was made on the basis of flawed intelligence and assessments", and that claims that Iraq posed a threat by possessing weapons of mass destruction were "presented with unjustified certainty". It said that the turmoil unleashed in Iraq since the invasion should have come as no surprise. ... Read more

Obama to keep 8,400 troops in Afghanistan through end of term
WashingtonPost | Missy Ryan | 07/06/16

President Obama announced another revision to his Afghanistan withdrawal plans on Wednesday, saying the United States would leave 8,400 troops when he steps down next year in the latest acknowledgment that his hopes for ending the long war there have not worked as planned.

Obama, who came into office promising to end the wars started by his predecessor, has already changed his timetable for removing troops from Afghanistan several times in an indication of the Taliban's continued strength and the weaknesses of local security forces. . .. Read more

*Aljazeera | Going Underground: Chilcot Report Special (07/06/16) [27:05]
*Aljazeera | Inside Story - Is ISIL embracing a new approach? (07/06/16) [25:00]

EU Banks Crash To Crisis Lows As Funding Panic Accelerates
ZeroHedge | author | 07/06/16

The signs are everywhere - if you choose to look - Europe's banking system is collapsing (no matter what Draghi has to offer). From record lows in Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse to spiking default risk in Monte Paschi, the panic in Europe's funding markets (basis swaps collapsing) is palpable. ... Read more
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Clinton seizes opening as Trump alienates big business
CNN | MJ Lee | 07/05/16

Hillary Clinton has an opportunity that has eluded Democratic presidential nominees for decades: Being the candidate of big business.

In an election already rocked by bizarre twists and turns, Donald Trump's speech meant to galvanize working-class voters in the Rust Belt last week exposed a yawning divide between the billionaire and the business community -- a powerful force in U.S. presidential elections that has historically aligned itself with the Republican Party.

As Trump railed against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and threatened to withdraw the U.S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other leading business lobbies publicly condemned the GOP presumptive nominee. Their warning: Trump's policies would spell economic disaster. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, July 06 [9:01]
*DN | Iraqi Exile: U.K. Iraq Inquiry Confirms the War Was Based on a Lie (07/06/16) [7:39]
*TRNN | Phyllis Bennis and Paul Jay discuss recent terrorist attacks and that both likely presidential candidates propose more of the same failed U.S. policy (07/06/16) [12:39]
*TRNN | Chris Hedges: Saudi Wahhabism a Tool of U.S. Foreign Policy (07/06/16) [15:04]
*TRNN | Bill Curry and Terry O'Neill to discuss: Hillary Clinton's Emails and the Dangers of Conducting Diplomacy in Private (07/06/16) [15:21]
*TYT | UK A Mess After Brexit Vote (07/05/16) [5:04]
*TYT | Hundreds Killed In Deadly Suicide Bombing (07/05/16) [6:32]
*TYT | Hillary Clinton Avoids Criminal Charges (07/05/16) [14:06]
TYT | Big Business Backs Clinton Over Trump (07/05/16) [6:35]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | FBI: Hillary Was "Extremely Careless"... (full) (07/05/16) [57:04]
*DR | Recent Terror Attacks Around The World Raise Questions About ISIS And Security (07/06/16) [1hr]
On July 4, bombings rocked three cities in Saudi Arabia. Two days earlier the deadliest car bomb this year exploded in Baghdad. On July 1 in Dhaka, Bangladesh gunmen held hostages at a bakery killing 22. Just over a week ago, three suicide attackers killed 41 people at Istanbul's airport. ISIS claimed responsibility for some of these attacks. For others, they did not -- but officials suspect the terrorist group's involvement. ISIS had vowed to make the holy month of Ramadan deadly and as it came to a close, they have done just that. Diane and her guests discuss new attacks from ISIS and security questions for the U.S.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.06.2016. 11:55

Tuesday July 05, 2016
News Articles

Suicide Bombings Hit Three Saudi Cities In One Day
HP & WorldPost | Reuters | 07/04/16/span>

Suicide bombers struck three cities across Saudi Arabia on Monday, killing at least four security officers in an apparently coordinated campaign of attacks as Saudis prepared to break their fast on the penultimate day of the holy month of Ramadan.

The explosions targeting U.S. diplomats, Shi'ite worshippers and a security headquarters at a mosque in the holy city of Medina followed days of mass killings claimed by the Islamic State group in Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq. The attacks all seem to have been timed to coincide with the approach of Eid al-Fitr, the holiday that celebrates the end of the Islamic holy month. ... Read more

If the Russian president could design a candidate to undermine American interests -- and advance his own -- he'd look a lot like Donald Trump.
Slate | Franklin Foer | 07/04/16

Vladimir Putin has a plan for destroying the West--and that plan looks a lot like Donald Trump. Over the past decade, Russia has boosted right-wing populists across Europe. It loaned money to Marine Le Pen in France, well-documented transfusions of cash to keep her presidential campaign alive. Such largesse also wended its way to the former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi, who profited "personally and handsomely" from Russian energy deals, as an American ambassador to Rome once put it.

There's a clear pattern: Putin runs stealth efforts on behalf of politicians who rail against the European Union and want to push away from NATO. He's been a patron of Golden Dawn in Greece, Ataka in Bulgaria, and Jobbik in Hungary. Joe Biden warned about this effort last year in a speech at the Brookings Institution: "President Putin sees such political forces as useful tools to be manipulated, to create cracks in the European body politic which he can then exploit." Ruptures that will likely multiply after Brexit -- a campaign Russia's many propaganda organs bombastically promoted. ... Read more

RT | Fallujah a harrowing ghost town after ISIS evicted in devastating battle for Iraqi city (07/05/16) [1:06]

The Bond and Currency Markets Scream "DANGER" But Stocks Are Always Last to "Get It"
ZeroHedge | author | 07/05/16

The rally last week was likely end of the quarter performance gaming and little else. Fund managers have to report their returns every quarter. With the markets gyrating throughout 2Q16, fund managers were highly incentivized to gun the markets higher in order to redeem the quarter.

However, bonds (the smart money) weren't buying it at all. Indeed, bonds really haven't been buying any of this rally since March. ... Read more

A Look Inside Europe's Next Crisis: Why Everyone Is Finally Panicking About Italian Banks
ZeroHedge | author | 07/05/16

Back in May 2013, we wrote an article titled "Europe's EUR 500 Billion Ticking NPL Time Bomb" in which we laid out the biggest danger facing European banks: non-performing loans. As of this moment, that time bomb may have finally gone off: as the WSJ writes overnight, the Brexit damage to the rest of Europe "could be more immediate and potentially more serious. Nowhere is the risk concentrated more heavily than in the Italian banking sector." Indeed, "Brexit could lead to a full-blown banking crisis in Italy." Here's why. ... Read more

Elizabeth Warren's Kick-Ass Speech Tells It Like It Is: What Should Hillary Do?
AlterNet | Don Hazen | 07/02/16

Yesterday, straight off her high-profile campaign appearance Monday with Hillary Clinton, Sen. Elizabeth Warren gave a keynote address about industry consolidation in the American economy at a conference at the Capitol put on by New America's Open Markets program. Though the speech has so far gotten only a modicum of attention--the press being more interested in litigating Donald Trump's Pocahontas taunts--it has the potential to change the course of the presidential contest.

Warren is, of course, famous for her attacks on too-big-to-fail banks. But in her address yesterday, entitled "Reigniting Competition in the American Economy," she extended her critique to the entire economy, noting that, as a result of three decades of weakened federal antitrust regulation, virtually every industrial sector today--from airlines to telecom to agriculture to retail to social media--is under the control of a handful of oligopolistic corporations. This widespread consolidation is "hiding in plain sight all across the American economy," she said, and "threatens our markets, threatens our economy, and threatens our democracy." ... Read more
Senator Warren Asks Education Secretary King About Accountability for Student Loan Servicing (06/30/16) [3:07]

*DR | Update On Congress And The Presidential Campaigns (07/05/16) [1hr]
Those Pesky Emails
WikiLeaks: Says "We Have Upcoming Leaks About Hillary" (06/14/16) [7:42]
Wikileaks To Release "Enough Evidence" to Indict Hillary Clinton? (06/15/16) [3:51]
Russia Is Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails (06/15/16) [0:58]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, July 05 [9:57]
John Oliver
HBO | John Oliver: Independence Day (04/03/16) [2:38]
TRNN | Bill Black and Stephanie Kelton tell Paul Jay that the public-private partnership model is a disaster, and increased infrastructure spending combined with austerity would throw the economy into a recession (07/05/16) [21:43]
TRNN | Bernie Sanders policy advisor Warren Gunnels says though there were losses in the DNC platform draft over TPP and fracking, there were victories for progressives over federal reserve policy, financial regulation, and the death penalty (07/05/16) [16:17]
TRNN | Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas says: TTIP: A Grave Threat to the Domestic & International Order (07/05/16) [12:35]
*TYT | 7 In 10 Americans Believe Economy Is Rigged (07/02/16) [11:52]
Click picture to zoom in
TYT | Brexit Fallout: Why UK Should Embrace Diversity (07/03/16) [3:02]
RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy discuss NIRP absurdity as negative yielding sovereign bonds top $11.7 trillion whilst futures spike on banks buying back their own shares. (E936) (07/05/16) [25:47]
*RT | CrossTalk: The Brexit ricochet effect continues with no end in sight. Washington now says it's willing to cooperate with Russia in Syria. Also, Turkey's new diplomatic offensive. And still another email scandal. (07/04/16) [23:49]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Thom looks back at some of the best science stories from the week: His interview with climatologist Michael Mann on how we really don't need climate data anymore because of the constant extreme weather events... (full) (07/01/16) [58:01]
Aljazeera | Counting the Cost: Beyond Brexit: What matters most to global economies (07/02/16) [25:30]
Aljazeera | Going Undeground: Britain's Future Post-Brexit (EP 362) (07/02/16) [28:36]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.05.2016. 13:10

Friday July 01, 2016
News Articles

It Took 40 Years and Millions of Lives Destroyed for Elites to Admit That Neoliberalism Has Failed
AlterNet | Benjamin Dangl | 06/02/16

Last week a research wing of the International Monetary Fund came out with a report admitting that neoliberalism has been a failure. The report, titled "Neoliberalism: Oversold?" is hopefully a sign of the ideology's death. They were only about 40 years late. As Naomi Klein tweeted, "So all the billionaires it created are going to give back their money, right?"

Many of the report's findings which strike to the core of the ideology echo what critics and victims of neoliberalism have been saying for decades. "Instead of delivering growth," the report explains that neoliberal policies of austerity and lowered regulation for capital movement have in fact "increased inequality." This inequality "might itself undercut growth..." and as a result, "policymakers should be more open to redistribution than they are." ... Read more

IMF | Neoliberalism: Oversold? .pdf

Milton Friedman -- "It never occurred to me at the time that I was helping to develop machinery that would make possible a government that I would come to criticize severely as too large, too intrusive, too destructive of freedom. Yet, that is precisely what I was doing.

Neoliberalism and its effect on the world:

  1. The rule of the market
  2. cutting expenditures for social services
  3. deregulation
  4. privatization
  5. eliminating the concept of "the public good" or"community
Naomi Klein | Naomi Klein on Global Neoliberalism () [14:27]
John Pilger | Neo-Liberalism: The Ideology behind Contemporary Globalization () [7:10]
Noam Chomsky | Noam Chomsky Globalization and Neoliberalism () [1:57:19]
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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | Trump Spams The United Kingdom (06/30/16) [4:47]
Stephen Colbert | Fun With Presidential Polling (07/01/16) [1:31]
The Anti-Globalization Brexplosion: "If You Ain't Got Nuttin', You Got Nuttin' To Lose"

Recusal? Loretta Lynch 'Removes' Herself From FBI Probe Of Hillary Emails
ZeroHedge | author | 07/01/16

Under increasing pressure to formally recuse herself from the Hillary Clinton email probe, following the exposure of her shockingly ill-advised one-on-one with Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch has come out with a statement as close to 'recusing herself' - admitting cause - as is legally possible, in effect removing herself from the investigation's findings. Lynch announced that she "expects to receive and accept the determinations and findings of the Department's career prosecutors and investigators," in the email probe. ... Read more

Disintegration: How Greedy Neoliberalism and Deadly Wars Are Destroying Modern Life
AlterNet | Patrick Cockburn / Tom Dispatch | 06/28/16

We live in an age of disintegration. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Greater Middle East and Africa. Across the vast swath of territory between Pakistan and Nigeria, there are at least seven ongoing wars -- in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and South Sudan. These conflicts are extraordinarily destructive. They are tearing apart the countries in which they are taking place in ways that make it doubtful they will ever recover. Cities like Aleppo in Syria, Ramadi in Iraq, Taiz in Yemen, and Benghazi in Libya have been partly or entirely reduced to ruins ... Read more

These Are The Possible Future Leaders Of Britain After A Tumultuous Week
WorldPost & HP | Charlotte Alfred | 06/30/16

Political drama continued to roil the U.K. this week after the British vote to exit the European Union, also known as Brexit. Boris Johnson, the Brexit champion and former London mayor who was widely tipped to be the next British prime minister, bowed out of the running on Thursday morning. His shock announcement leaves the race to replace U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who stepped down last week after losing the referendum vote, wide open.

In the U.K., the prime minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament. That means members of the Conservative party will select their new legislative leader and the next British national leader at the same time, at least until a new general election is called. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, July 01 [12:41]
*TRNN | Poll: Most Americans Believe the Economy is Rigged Against Them (07/01/16) [9:48]
TRNN | Activist and author Kris Hermes and ACLU's Steve David discusses a recent victory against free speech restrictions on protests in Cleveland, and the long history of mass arrests and harassment against political speech (06/30/16) [13:13]
TRNN | activist Julio Lopez says: Puerto Rico 'Rescue' Bill to Reinforce Colonial Relationship with US (06/30/16) [12:09]
*TYT | Establishment "Bewildered" Bernie Wants Policies Not Personal Gain (06/30/16) [9:19]
*TYT | Hillary Sold Board Seat To Rich Donor (06/30/16) [13:15]
Donor promised to make Clinton 'look good' if appointed to board | McClatchy | article | 06/27/16
TYT | Why Boris Johnson Gave Up His Shot At Prime Minister (06/30/16) [10:49]
TYT | Trump Illegally Fundraising From Foreign Governments (06/30/16) [6:14]
UK Pols To Trump: Stop Clogging Our Inboxes With Your 'Intemperate Spam'! | TPM | article | 06/28/16
RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy discuss the housing market 'freak show' put on by central bankers. (E934) (06/30/16) [27:56]
RT | CrossTalk: The topic of Russia was headlined before and during the Brexit campaign and continues to be prominent afterwards. Will Russia benefit from this democratic vote? (07/01/16) [24:24]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Ambassador Dr. Alison Thompson, Third Wave Volunteers joins Thom. Over the last 5 years - around 11 million refugees have fled Syria to refugee caps in neighboring countries. (06/30/16) [10:17]
ThomHartmann | Richard Heinberg, Post Carbon Institute/Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for 100% Clean Energy. (06/30/16) [6:20]
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (07/01/16) [1hr]
DR | Friday News - Domestic (YouTube) (07/01/16) [1hr]
Note: YouTube starts at 3:30 on the Progressbar
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will accept FBI recommendations on the inquiry into Hillary Clinton's email server. Republicans say a meeting between Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week compromised the independence of the investigation. The Pentagon lifts its ban on transgender people serving openly in the military. Donald Trump calls for economic independence in speeches on trade. And the Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion restrictions. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (07/01/16) [1hr]
Turkey arrests more than a dozen people in anti-ISIS raids after the Istanbul airport bombings. EU leaders meet to grapple with a future without Britain. And Colombian troops work to demobilize FARC rebels after a peace deal. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Is chaos the new normal in US politics? (06/29/16) [24:50]
Aljazeera | Inside Story - How divided is the UK post-Brexit vote? (07/01/16) [24:50]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

07.01.2016. 14:01

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Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about. 
But I have a modest standard of living so I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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