News Articles
News Organizations Grapple With 2016 Presidential Race In Which Everyone Is Running It was Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Tuesday, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania on Wednesday, and ex-New York Gov. George Pataki on Thursday. After the announcement-free Friday, the political media circus that already has traveled this week to Burlington, Vermont; Cabot, Pennsylvania; and Exeter, New Hampshire, will arrive Saturday in Baltimore, where former Maryland Gov, Martin O'Malley becomes the second Democratic challenger to Hillary Clinton. ... The ballooning field has placed news organizations in uncharted territory and forced upon them difficult editorial decisions. How do you cover a Republican race that could swell to 16 candidates? How do you distinguish between the newsworthiness and the side-show? ... Read more Euronext Breaks: All Derivative, Currency Future Trading Halted Usually the market breaks don't take place until after the selling begins. Today, someone in Europe got triggerhappy, and as a result moments ago the Euronext broke. Or perhaps this is just another drill for the "big one".
SERVICES IMPACTED: Market Data, Trading
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MARKET: Euronext Derivatives Markets PRODUCT: Commodity Futures, Commodity Options, Currency Futures, Currency Options, Individual Equity Options Brussels, BEL20 Futures, PSI Futures, BEL20 Options, Index Dividend Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, Belgian Single Stock Futures CATEGORY: Data issue Due to a market data issue, trading has been halted on the BO,BF,FF,FO,MF,YF,YO,RF,ZF,ZO,SF exchanges until further notice. As a consequence, all orders other than GTC's were removed from these products. We are working to resolve this issue and we will provide an update as soon as possible regarding the expected pre-opening time and resumption of trading. America Has No Enemy More Lethal Than The Neocon Those men who wrote our Constitution made it perfectly intelligible to anyone who cared to read it. They also left some flexibility in its articles to ensure that as time passed and circumstances changed the document would remain viable as the indispensable protector of the republic they created and of the liberty of citizens. In recent decades, however, Americans have been treated to an endless stream of politicians, academics, lawyers, and pundits who describe the opaqueness of the Founder's Constitution and the need for "experts" to decipher or infer what the document means. But their words are lies, there are no such things as universal values. There is only one value common to all men in all times and that is the universal lust for gaining and exercising arbitrary power, and that power is exactly what the Jacobin/Neocon crowd is after. ... Read more ![]() Pulitzer Prize winner Hedrick Smith's new book is an extraordinary achievement, an eye-opening account of how, over the past four decades, the American Dream has been dismantled and we became two Americas. In his bestselling The Russians, Smith took millions of readers inside the Soviet Union. In The Power Game, he took us inside Washington's corridors of power. Now Smith takes us across America to show how seismic changes, sparked by a sequence of landmark political and economic decisions, have transformed America. As only a veteran reporter can, Smith fits the puzzle together, starting with Lewis Powell's provocative memo that triggered a political rebellion that dramatically altered the landscape of power from then until today. This is a book full of surprises and revelations--the accidental beginnings of the 401(k) plan, with disastrous economic consequences for many; the major policy changes that began under Jimmy Carter; how the New Economy disrupted America's engine of shared prosperity, the "virtuous circle" of growth, and how America lost the title of "Land of Opportunity." Smith documents the transfer of $6 trillion in middle-class wealth from homeowners to banks even before the housing boom went bust, and how the U.S. policy tilt favoring the rich is stunting America's economic growth.
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![]() DN | The Enron of Sports: FIFA's Upheaval, from Corruption Arrests to Rising Death Toll in Qatar (05/29/15) [19:28] Jon Stewart
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TRNN | Mr. Appy, author of "American Reckoning: "America Does Bad Things for Good Reasons": the Vietnam War and American Exceptionalism, Part 1 (05/26/15) [20:43]
TRNN | Christian Appy: "America Does Bad Things for Good Reasons", Part 2 (05/27/15) [21:46] ![]() ![]() TRNN | Climate science expert D. Raghunandan and climate activist Anjali Appadurai discuss: India's Heat Wave Fueled by Western & Indian Energy Policies (05/29/15) [16:09] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
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![]() ThomHartmann | Hedrick Smith on the State of the American Economy... (05/28/15) [3:59] ThomHartmann | Caller: My Strategy for dealing with Fox News Addicts... (05/28/15) [2:01] |
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
05.29.2015. 10:25

News Articles
Why Baltimore Blew Up It wasn't just the killing of Freddie Gray. Inside the complex legal infrastructure that encourages -- and covers up -- police violence When Baltimore exploded in protests a few weeks ago following the unexplained paddy-wagon death of a young African-American man named Freddie Gray, America responded the way it usually does in a race crisis: It changed the subject. Instead of using the incident to talk about a campaign of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal searches and arrests across decades of discriminatory policing policies, the debate revolved around whether or not the teenagers who set fire to two West Baltimore CVS stores after Gray's death were "thugs," or merely wrongheaded criminals. ...
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India's Brutal Heat Wave Persists, Claiming Over 1,400 Lives.
Financial Insanity Grips The World Rare is the person who is a realist. We collectively live in a world of pretend and extend. Every one of us wants our present civilization to continue, though for countless millions the world has already turned upside down as unemployment has soared and war and terrorism proliferate. The very structure of life in our world is threatened because madmen have undermined the financial system through the creation of debt instead of wealth. We have collectively borrowed against our children's future until their very future is in doubt. ... Read more Military "Accidentally" Sends Live Anthrax To 9 States Via FedEx A week after the 9/11 terrorists attacks that destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, letters laced with anthrax began to pop up across the US. By the end of November, 2001, 17 people had been hospitalized for anthrax exposure and five people were dead from inhalation. A subsequent FBI investigation pinned the entire ordeal on one Bruce Ivins who killed himself in 2008. Fast forward to yesterday and 26 people are now being treated for exposure after live anthrax was sent via FedEx. The culprit: the US military. ... Read more U.S. hopes Chinese island-building will spur Asian response The release last week of the surveillance plane footage - showing dredgers and other ships busily turning remote outcrops into islands with runways and harbors - helps ensure the issue will dominate an Asian security forum starting on Friday attended by U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter as well as senior Chinese military officials. ... The meeting, the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, will be overshadowed by the tensions in the South China Sea, where Beijing has added 1,500 acres to five outposts in the resource-rich Spratly islands since the start of this year. ... Read more On Patriot Act Renewal and USA Freedom Act: Glenn Greenwald Talks with ACLU’S Jameel Jaffer Even in the security-über alles climate that followed 9/11, the Patriot Act was recognized as an extreme and radical expansion of government surveillance powers. That’s why "sunset provisions" were attached to several of its key provisions: meaning they would expire automatically unless Congress renewed them every five years. But in 2005 and then again in 2010, the Bush and Obama administrations demanded their renewal, and Congress overwhelmingly complied with only token opposition from civil libertarians. hat has all changed in the post-Snowden era. The most controversial provisions of the Patriot Act are scheduled to "sunset" on June 1, and there is almost no chance for a straight-up, reform-free authorization. ... Read more John Oliver
The U.S. Just Charged A Bunch Of World Soccer Officials With Corruption. John Oliver Knew All Along.
HBO | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup (06/08/14) [13:13]
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![]() *CNN | Chinese miliary confronts U.S. spy plane (05/20/15) [6:20] CNN | U.S. watching China's island build-up (05/21/15) [2:56] Robert Reich
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![]() TRNN | Michael Hudson says: The Reoccurring Financial Woes of Greece (05/28/15) [15:42] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
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05.28.2015. 09:42

News Articles
China Plans Naval Expansion Amid South China Sea Tensions China outlined a strategy to boost its naval reach on Tuesday and announced plans for the construction of two lighthouses in disputed waters, developments likely to escalate tensions in a region already jittery about Beijing's maritime ambitions. In a policy document issued by the State Council, the Communist-ruled country's cabinet, China vowed to increase its "open seas protection," switching from air defense to both offense and defense, and criticized neighbors who take "provocative actions" on its reefs and islands. ... Read more
Half Of Mozambique's Elephants Were Slaughtered In The Past 5 Years.
With Greece "Nowhere Close" To Deal, Depositors Pull €300 Million From Banks In Single Day Greece is "nowhere close" to a deal with its creditors and will miss a May deadline to strike a compromise ahead of an IMF payment due on June 5. Meanwhile, the ECB tightens the screws on the country's banking sector by refusing to lift the ceiling on the emergency liquidity that until now has helped to offset deposit flight. ... Read more Koch Brothers Plan to Fund 'Several' GOP 2016 Presidential Hopefuls The world's fifth and sixth richest people say they will donate money to multiple Republican presidential candidates in the coming campaign. In a Saturday interview on the Larry Kudlow Show, a nationally syndicated radio broadcast, David Koch let it slip that the roughly $900 million that he and his brother, Charles, plan to lavish on the 2016 presidential race could find its way into the hands of more than one GOP contender. ... Read more ![]() How the TPP Is Really a Forced Deal to Benefit the Rich Senators who voted last week to Fast Track ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) call it a free trade deal, but really, it's forced trade imposed on protesting American workers who have endured its damaging effects for decades. Under the free trade regime, rich and powerful corporate interests have hauled in ever-higher profits as they shipped manufacturing overseas to low-wage, no-environmental-regulation countries. Meanwhile, American workers lost jobs, health benefits, income and all sense of stability. ... Read more ![]() CNBC | 10 questions with Bernie Sanders (05/26/15) [3:31] |
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![]() *DN | Julian Assange on the TPP: Secretive Deal Isn't About Trade, But Corporate Control (05/27/15) [6:26] TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() *TRNN | Michael Hudson says: fast track legislation takes decision-making power out of the hands of the legislators and puts it in the hands of corporate lobbyists (05/27/15) [6:28] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
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In the second half, Max interviews Nick Williamson, CEO of Pythia, about his new product called Credits, which is the first blockchain technology to be used by a government - in this case, the Isle of Man, to register cryptocurrency companies on the island.
Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
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![]() *No to 'Fast Track,' No to Trade Treachery (04/29/15) [9:00] - TradeTreacher.com website ![]() |
05.27.2015. 09:40

News Articles
Texas Flooding Called The Worst Ever By Governor Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Monday likened the ferocity of flash flooding that killed at least three people to a tsunami, and authorities said a dam had given way in a state park. Abbott declared states of disaster in 24 counties and flew over the area south of Austin to assess the damage caused by tornadoes, heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and flooding that forced evacuations and rooftop rescues and left thousands of residents without electricity. ... Read more Four Words That Imperil Health Care Law Were All a Mistake, Writers Now Say They are only four words in a 900-page law: "established by the state." But it is in the ambiguity of those four words in the Affordable Care Act that opponents found a path to challenge the law, all the way to the Supreme Court. How those words became the most contentious part of President Obama's signature domestic accomplishment has been a mystery. Who wrote them, and why? Were they really intended, as the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell claim, to make the tax subsidies in the law available only in states that established their own health insurance marketplaces, and not in the three dozen states with federal exchanges? ... Read more Durable Goods Orders Slide YoY 4th Month In A Row Despite Dramatic Upward Revisions After dramatically upwardly revised data from last month (but following an even more dramatic downward revision to all historical data earlier in the month) - the highly noisy series of Durable Goods Orders printed -0.5% (from +5.1% in March, revised up from +4.0%). Capital Goods Orders (non-defense Ex-Air) beat expectations MoM (printing +1.0% vs 0.3%) and was revised remarkably up from the biggest drop since 2012 to a 1.5% rise in March. Core Capital Goods Orders, however, remains negative YoY for the 4th months in a row. The last time this happened was either a recession, or the Fed unleashed QE3. ...
Read more Chinese State Paper Warns "War Will Be Inevitable" Unless U.S. Stops Meddling In Territorial Dispute Just to confirm that if the US had hoped it could threaten Beijing into submission and force the Politburo into curbing its expanionist appetit, it was dead wrong, the nationalist Global Times, a paper owned by the ruling Communist Party's official newspaper, the People's Daily, said in a Monday editorial that war was "inevitable" between China and the United States unless Washington stopped demanding Beijing halt the building of artificial islands in the disputed waterway. ... Read more How The Saudis Wag The Washington Dog In real democracies, governments would do what the citizens who put them in office want them to do. The United States and other Western democracies make a mockery of that ideal. But, even so, there are limits; governments cannot defy public opinion on matters of great moment indefinitely. Enabling the Saudi ruling class, and the rulers of the other Gulf states, to direct American foreign policy to the extent that they do, and to get away with whatever they please, is hardly the least of it; but neither is it the only cause for concern. ... Read more |
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![]() ![]() ![]() The Look of Silence is Joshua Oppenheimer's - powerful companion piece to the Oscar®-nominated The Act Of Killing. Through Oppenheimer's footage of perpetrators of the 1965 Indonesian genocide, a family of survivors discovers how their son was murdered, as well as the identities of the killers. The Look of Silence by Joshua Oppenheimer website TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() *TRNN | Heidi Garrett-Peltier, assistant research professor at PERI explains: Cost of War and Lost Job Opportunities (05/26/15) [6:47]
Over 350,000 people (more like 1.3 million) have been killed directly from war-related violence (Afghan & Iraq) according to a new study done by Brown University on the cost of war. And of course many more have been killed, directly and indirectly, but the same study states that we have spent almost $4.4 trillion as of 2014 on these wars. But these wars in the long term will likely cost us much more. The question is, to what end? The threats that were stated as the reasons for going to war still exist today.
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![]() *ThomHartmann | End the Bankster's Get Out of Jail Free Card (05/21/15) [5:10] |
05.26.2015. 09:38

News Articles
Five big banks agree to pay more than $5 billion to settle regulatory charges Five of the world's largest banks have agreed to pay more than $5 billion in fines to settle charges made by regulatory agencies and the Justice Department that the banks had acted in concert to manipulate international interest and foreign currency exchange rates. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch said the banks had engaged in "brazenly illegal behavior .?.?. on a near-daily basis." She added that the deal showed that the government "intends to vigorously prosecute all those who tilt the economic system in their favor [and] who subvert our marketplaces." ... Read more ISIS Planning US Nuclear Attack In Next 12 Months: Report Three weeks after the first supposed attack by Islamic State supporters in the US, in which two ISIS "soldiers" wounded a security guard before they were killed in Garland, Texas, the time has come to raise the fear stakes. In an article posted in the terrorist group's English-language online magazine Dabiq (which as can be see below seems to have gotten its design cues straight from Madison Avenue and is just missing glossy pages filled with 'scratch and sniff' perfume ads ) ISIS claimed that it has enough money to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan and "carry out an attack inside the United States next year." Read more ![]() The Islamic State's (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine. All of the issues of the Islamic State's glossy propaganda magazine 'Dabiq,' named after a key site in Muslim apocalypse mythology can be found here .
Readers Comment
The Islamic world is more worried about this worsening situation. The main targets of Isis are not Israel or non Muslims but majority of the people who they kill are Muslims, Edword snowden already said that thier leader got Training from isreal. May be this is a new weapon of World Powers to carry on War on Terror and this time Middle East is to destructed.
Readers Comment 2
Maybe the trail will lead to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? Bernanke Says "No Large Mispricings In US Securities"; These 5 Charts Say Otherwise Retired central banker, blogger, bond guru and hedge fund consultant Ben Bernanke just uttered the following total rubbish... *BERNANKE: NO LARGE MISPRICINGS IN U.S. SECURITIES, ASSET PRICES ...In an effort to save whoever it is that will pay him $250,000 next for these wise words, we offer five charts. Read more N.S.A. and Other Matters Leave McConnell's Senate in Disarray The sleepy United States senators thought they were done voting. But then, around 1 a.m. on the Saturday before Memorial Day, Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky and presidential candidate, marched spryly to the Senate floor to let it be known that, no, he would not agree to extend the federal government's bulk collection of phone records program. Not even for one day. With that, Senator Mitch McConnell, a fellow Kentucky Republican who only a few hours before was ebullient with the passage of a major trade package, was reduced to ordering his colleagues back to Washington next Sunday to try again to prevent the act from expiring. ... Read more Lake Mead Water Level Mysteriously Plunges After Nevada Quake A 4.8 magnitude earthquake (originally reported 5.4) shook Las Vegas and surrounding areas Friday morning causing roads and bridges to be closed. The quake went little-reported outside of local news (since there was at first glance minimum damage caused) but, since the quake's occurrence, something considerably more worrisome has occurred. In the 36 hours since the quake's occurrence, water levels at Lake Mead have plunged precipitously. While we know correlation is not causation, the 'coincidence' of an extreme loss in water levels occurring in the aftermath of one of the largest quakes in recent Vegas history does raise a suspicious eyebrow - especially when there has been no official word on the precipitous decline. ... Read more |
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An estimated 290,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide in 20 years. Small farms used to be the country's economic backbone, but now owners struggle to make even a meager profit and drown in debt. For some, the pressure is too much. Many blame GMO cotton for the failing farms, having cornered the market and replaced organic crops; they have failed to live up to expectations.
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Pat Mulroy on Lake Mead, Water Scarcity, and Climate Change (04/21/15) [5:21]
NBC | Climate change just hit home (older) [26:15]
05.25.2015. 12:09

News Articles
Senate Debate Reveals Absurd Level Of Trade Deal Secrecy A revealing conversation on the Senate floor Thursday showed precisely how secretive President Barack Obama's pending trade deals are, and the absurdity of arguments to the contrary. Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sponsored a bill that would have required the administration to post a "scrubbed" copy of the trade deals well before Congress gives the president fast-track authority to jam them easily through Congress. ... Read more George Soros Warns "No Exaggeration" That China-US On "Threshold Of World War 3" While admitting that reaching agreement between the two countries will be difficult to achieve, George Soros - speaking at The World Bank's Bretton Woods conference this week - warned that unless the U.S. makes 'major concessions' and allows China's currency to join the IMF's basket of currencies, "there is a real danger China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily, and then it is not an exaggeration to say that we are on the threshold of a third world war." ... Read more ![]() The United States is in the midst of an economic implosion that could make the Great Depression look like child's play. In THE CRASH OF 2016, Thom Hartmann argues that the facade of our once-great United States will soon disintegrate to reveal the rotting core where corporate and billionaire power and greed have replaced democratic infrastructure and governance. Our once-enlightened political and economic systems have been manipulated to ensure the success of only a fraction of the population at the expense of the rest of us. The result is a "for the rich, by the rich" scheme leading to policies that only benefit the highest bidders. Hartmann outlines the destructive forces-planted by Lewis Powell in 1971 and come to fruition with the "Reagan Revolution"-that have looted our nation over the past decade, and how their actions fit into a cycle of American history that lets such forces rise to power every four generations. However, a backlash is now palpable against the "economic royalists"-a term coined by FDR to describe those hoarding power and wealth-including the banksters, oligarchs, and politicians who have plunged our nation into economic chaos and social instability. Although we are in the midst of what could become the most catastrophic economic crash in American History, a way forward is emerging, just as it did in the previous great crashes of the 1760s, 1856, and 1929. The choices we make now will redefine American culture. Before us stands a genuine opportunity to embrace the moral motive over the profit motive-and to rebuild the American economic model that once yielded great success. Thoroughly researched and passionately argued, THE CRASH OF 2016 is not just a roadmap to redemption in post-Crash America, but a critical wake-up call, challenging us to act. Only if the right reforms are enacted and the moral choices are made, can we avert disaster and make our nation whole again. This Aging Oil Pipeline Is In Great Lakes' 'Worst Possible Place' For A Spill Environmental activists say Michigan's tourism slogan -- "Pure Michigan" -- may no longer be accurate unless the state takes stronger action to prevent a 62-year-old oil pipeline from rupturing in a sensitive waterway. The pipeline, called Line 5, is owned by the Canadian energy company Enbridge, carrying nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and natural gas liquids every day. It passes between the state's upper and lower peninsulas, along the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac, which connects Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. East of the pipeline is the iconic Mackinac Bridge, depicted on many of the state's license plates, and Mackinac Island, an historic, no-cars resort area. ... Read more The NSA Plan To Find Bin Laden By Hiding Tracking Devices In Medical Supplies The National Security Agency concocted a plan to find Osama bin Laden by hiding tracking devices in medical supplies, in an attempt to cross what officials called the "non-electronic moat" surrounding the reportedly ailing terrorist leader. The scheme is laid out in a top-secret NSA presentation dated June 2010 and titled "Medical Pattern of Life: Targeting High Value Individual #1," which was among the files provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. ...
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TYT | Governments Lie And The Reality Of Iraq (05/21/15) [2:14]![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
RT | Keiser Report: (E760) (05/21/15) [29:19]Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
![]() RofF | Republicans Fiddle While The Planet Burns (05/21/15) [2:54] Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
TalkingStickTV | Thom Hartmann: The Crash of 2016 (05/02/14) [1:12:19]Click picture to zoom in ![]() ![]() |
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05.22.2015. 10:59

News Articles
Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
It was about two years ago when we summarized all the known and confirmed rigged markets. Since then things have gone from bad to worse for believers in fair and efficient markets, with not only countless more banks now admitting they rigged Libor and FX. It all culminated with yesterday's settlement in which five of the world's biggest banks, including JPM, Citi and Barclays, agreed to plead guilty in a currency-rigging probe. And, to Bloomberg's dismay, the public yawned. ... Read more
Now, by granting waivers allowing lenders (banksters) to keep operating even after a felony plea, the government has managed to punish firms (banksters) while protecting them from fatal consequences.
20 Banks | 650 Fines (over 20yr period) | $246 Billion in Fines... So Who Cares?
How the White House plans to help the humble bee maintain its buzz The humble bee -- nuisance, threat, and linchpin of the American food supply -- has won over the leader of the free world. And now President Obama is intervening on the bee's behalf as its habitat dwindles. On Tuesday, the Obama administration will announce the first National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators, a bureaucratic title for a plan to save the bee, other small winged animals and their breeding grounds. The initiative may feel like the kind of niche interest a second-term president devotes his time to, but scientists say his attention to the busy workforce that sustains many American crops is critical. ... Read more The Hidden 'Betrayal' In Obama's Trade Agenda As Congress prepares to give President Barack Obama expedited powers to "fast-track" trade deals through Congress, many U.S. steel mills and skeptics of Obama's trade agenda are worried about steel dumping, the term commonly used to describe countries selling steel below market price. A "vibrant steel industry," Brown said, is a "national security issue" that is being toyed with because of the failure to crack down on steel dumping and similar practices. "China has more steelmaking capacity than the entire rest of the world combined. They can't keep their steel mills busy, because they don't have that much domestic consumption," he said. "So China is always trying to sell steel at below-market prices -- so-called 'dumping steel' is the term the trade lawyers use." ... Read more ![]() Click picture to zoom in ![]()
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![]() ![]() *DN | Matt Taibbi: on Baltimore, Freddie Gray and How Legal System Covers Up Police Violence (05/21/15) [10:22] DN | Sgt. James Brown, 26, Survived Two Tours in Iraq Only to Die Begging for His Life in Texas Jail (05/20/15) [17:36] ![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
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05.21.2015. 10:46

News Articles
Fall of Ramadi reflects failure of Iraq's strategy against Islamic State, analysts say As Islamic State militants repeatedly attacked ÂRamadi this year, police solicited cash from local families and businessmen to buy weapons, one officer recalled. The Iraqi government didn't pay the police for months, he said. "We begged and begged for more support from the government, but nothing," said Col. Eissa al-Alwani, a senior police officer in the city. The fall of Ramadi amounts to more than the loss of a major city in Iraq's largest province, analysts say. It could undermine Sunni support for Iraq's broader effort to drive back the Islamic State, vastly complicating the war effort. ...
Read more 5 Banks To Plead Guilty To Criminal Rigging Charges, Pay $5.6 Billion For Manipulating Markets As the live webcast from US AG Loretta Lynch indicates, moments ago the DOJ announced five global banks including Citi, J.P. Morgan, Barclays, RBS would plead guilty to criminal charges to conspiring to manipulate FX Prices, and would pay some $5.6 billion in combined penalties to resolve a long running U.S. investigation into whether traders at the banks colluded to move foreign currency rates in directions to benefit their own positions. ... Read more
UBS will pay $545 million, plead guilty to one count of wire fraud, and go on DoJ "Probation" For Rigging $5 Trillion-A-Day FX Market.
Do you know what a Trillion dollars looks like?? National Debt - TILLIONS. The Market's One-Sided Game Of Chicken That the Fed and other central banks have unleashed the speculative furies is an unassailable and baleful reality. What is going on here plain and simple is a one-sided game of chicken. The robo-traders and hedge fund buccaneers on Wall Street press the market higher on virtually no volume or conviction whenever macro-economic weakness presents itself, virtually daring the Fed to maintain is ultra-accommodative stance still longer. The casino gamblers will keep chop, chop choppin' higher until they finally lose confidence that the Eccles building is heaven's door to further riches. Then the machines will sell, sell, sell. There will be no credible Fed speakers to stop them. ... Read more What A Cashless Society Would Look Like "A depression is coming? Let's put interest rates at zero. The economy is still in trouble? Let's have the central bank print trillions in new securities. The banks are not lending? Let's change the accounting rules and offer government guarantees and funds. People are still not spending? Let's have negative interest rates. The economy is still in the tank? LET'S BAN CASH TRANSACTIONS!" ... Read more A 2016 theme emerges: Money, money, money, money, money Despite the blur of activity by innumerable candidates, the 2016 presidential campaign so far is a mostly shapeless enterprise, save for one dominant factor: the prominence of money in the narrative. More than anything, money has been the defining characteristic of the race, highlighted by the political and private activities of the brand names of Clinton and Bush. In their own ways, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush have brought unintentional attention to the role of money in politics and public life, to the intersection of money and political and public influence, and to the general absence of restraints, self-imposed or enforced. ... Read more Every One Should Get a Second Chance
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![]() For the rest of the episodes go here ![]() TRNN | Ali Abunimah, co-founder of The Electronic Intifada says: Illinois House Passes Bill to Stop BDS Campaign Against Israel (05/20/15) [17:41] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
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Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ThomHartmann | Ralph Nader: Return to Sender... (05/19/15) [7:15] ThomHartmann | How Do We Fix Our Trade Problem? (05/19/15) [5:51] ThomHartmann | Why President Obama Really Wants TPP... (05/19/15) [6:31] |
05.20.2015. 11:17

News Articles
Original Iraq War Skeptics Find The Rekindled Debate Maddening For those lawmakers who actually voted against the war, and those journalists who reported skeptically before the attack, this is misleading at best and self-serving at worst. Watching the revisionist story take hold 13 years after they opposed the invasion is reviving the frustration and marginalization they felt back then. "I was amazed, absolutely amazed at how people were supporting going to war on the basis of things that just weren't so," said former Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), one of a handful of members who opposed the invasion. "It was clear as it could be. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. None of the intel suggested they had anything to do with 9/11 and the whole rationale for WMD [weapons of mass destruction] was just very, very thin for anybody who read the intelligence reports." As for the 2016 candidates' comments, he said: "It is just a rewriting of history in an attempt for everybody to cover their extraordinary mistake; probably one of the most serious mistakes in the military and diplomatic history of the United States, and they were all complicit." ... Read more ![]() An international bestseller, banned in Switzerland by the bin Laden family, Forbidden Truth by Jean-Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie shows how US national security in Afghanistan was disastrously compromised by corporate oil interests & Saudi Arabia. Brisard wrote the 1st intelligence report on the bin Laden financial networks which was used to close down fraudulent Islamic charities funding terrorism, a report that President Jacques Chirac handed to George Bush on his visit to the US in the wake of 9/11. Forbidden Truth reveals that French intelligence gave the FBI unambiguous information that the so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias Massaoui, was tied to Al Qaeda, a story Brisard broke to Salon magazine before Special Agent Coleen Rowley came out publicly to say the FBI stifled the investigation. John O'Neill the former head of the FBI's antiterrorism division--who perished in the World Trade Center--told Jean-Charles Brisard in 7/01, "All of the answers, all of the clues allowing us to dismantle Osama bin Laden's organization, can be found in Saudi Arabia." The result of three years of investigation by a leading French intelligence expert & investigative journalist, Forbidden Truth is the untold story of the Clinton & Bush attempts to stabilize Afghanistan so that US energy companies could build a pipeline. In particular, it details the secret hazardous diplomacy between the Bush administration & the Taliban from February to August 2001--a story still untold in the US media--talks that ultimately led the US to make threats via Pakistani intermediaries to the Taliban in 7/01 that they were going to bomb Afghanistan if the Taliban didn't comply. Osama Bin Laden -- The Truth Be Told Sy Hersh's revelations about the systematic misrepresentation by the Obama administration of how it brought Osama bin-Laden to bay are causing a stir. Justifiably so. For they puncture the carefully constructed myth of how America revenged itself and renewed itself through this act of righteous justice. Moreover, the account of unsavory chicanery in high places once again spotlights the deceit that now is the hallmark of how our government works. A year or so after the event, I wrote a piece in The Huffington Post about the CIA-sponsored film Zero Dark Thirty which has entrenched a cartoon version of this mythic story in the popular American mind. That commentary lays out some of the logical contradictions and false notes in the official story on which the film is based. I have incorporated a condensed, slightly modified version, in the belief that it could help serve as a primer for following the argument that the Hersh reporting has triggered. ... Read more Original article (good)-> London Review of Books | The Killing of Osama bin Laden by Seymour M. HershWhat The Snowden Files Say About The Osama Bin Laden Raid The U.S. has long maintained that the raid was conducted without the knowledge of the Pakistani government, and that the critical intelligence that led to bin Laden's location came from a years-long effort by U.S. analysts and operatives to trace the path of an Al Qaeda courier. The Intercept is publishing a number of documents from the Snowden archive related to the Abbottabad raid and the hunt for bin Laden, which neither explicitly prove nor disprove any aspect of Hersh's account. However, the documents reference a number of things that are relevant to the debate, including the tracking of Al Qaeda couriers in Pakistan and the existence of intelligence gathered from the Abbottabad compound, as well as the impact of the raid on U.S.-Pakistani counterterrorism partnerships.... Read more
A New Design for Antarctic Research
The new Halley VI Antarctic Research Station, the first fully-relocatable research station, launched this year and was designed by Hugh Broughton Architects with AECOM for British Antarctic Survey (BAS). ![]()
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Three peace activists who infiltrated a nuclear weapons site have been freed from prison after their convictions were overturned. In 2012, the self-described Transform Now Plowshares broke into the Y-12 nuclear facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Known as the "Fort Knox of Uranium," the complex holds enough uranium to make 10,000 nuclear bombs. The activists cut holes in the fence to paint peace slogans and threw blood on the wall, revealing major security flaws at the facility, which processes uranium for hydrogen bombs. The break-in sparked a series of congressional hearings, with The New York Times describing it as "the biggest security breach in the history of the nation's atomic complex." The three were convicted of damaging a national defense site. After two years behind bars, a federal appeals court recently vacated their convictions, saying the prosecution failed to prove the three intended to "injure the national defense." All three were released this weekend until their resentencing on a remaining charge of damaging government property. They have likely already served more time than they are set to receive under their new sentencing. We are joined by two of the activists -- Sister Megan Rice, an 85-year-old Catholic nun, and Michael Walli -- as well as their attorney, Bill Quigley.
DN | With House Passage of Extreme 20-Week Abortion Ban, GOP Continues Assault on Reproductive Rights (05/19/15) [13:03]Jon Stewart
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TRNN | Robert Scheer & Chris Hedges: They Know Everything About You, Part 4 (05/17/15) [20:44]
TRNN | Robert Scheer & Chris Hedges: They Know Everything About You, Part 5 (05/18/15) [20:50] For earlier versions, Part 1 - 3
To get a better sense of the history Robert Scheer and Chris Hedges is talking about watch earlier episode of "The Untold History Of The US" by Oliver Stone.
The Untold History Of The US by Oliver Stone![]() ![]() TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() TYT | Police Have Their Toys Taken Away (05/18/15) [9:01] RT - http://www.rt.com/
Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ThomHartmann | A Day in the Life of a Black Man... (05/15/15) [3:01] |
Future Military Robots & Repercussions () [5:58]
05.19.2015. 10:55

News Articles
Antarctic Ice Shelf Is A Few Years From Disintegration: NASA LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The last intact section of one of Antarctica's mammoth ice shelves is weakening fast and will likely disintegrate completely in the next few years, contributing further to rising sea levels, according to a NASA study released on Thursday. The research focused on a remnant of the so-called Larsen B Ice Shelf, which has existed for at least 10,000 years but partially collapsed in 2002. What is left covers about 625 square miles (1,600 square km), about half the size of Rhode Island. ... Read more Washington's Shadowy Energy Partnership With Azerbaijan Exposed Ten Members of the U.S. Congress -- along with 32 of their staff members -- received secret payments from Azerbaijan's state-owned oil company to travel to Baku in 2013, to cover the cost of travel, including souvenirs of "silk scarves, crystal tea sets and Azerbaijani rugs." ... Read more ![]() ![]() This is the story of the corporate vultures that feed on the weak and ruin our planet in the process-a story that spans the globe and decades. For Vultures' Picnic, investigative journalist Greg Palast has spent his career uncovering the connection between the world of energy (read: oil) and finance. He's built a team that reads like a casting call for a Hollywood thriller-a Swiss multilingual investigator, a punk journalist, and a gonzo cameraman-to reveal how environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill, the Exxon Valdez, and lesser-known tragedies such as Tatitlek and Torrey Canyon are caused by corporate corruption, failed legislation, and, most interestingly, veiled connections between the billionaires of financial industry and energy titans. Palast shows how the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, and Central Banks act as puppets and bandits for Big Oil. With Palast at the center of an investigation that takes us from the Arctic to Africa to the Amazon, Vultures' Picnic shows how the big powers in the money and oil game slip the bonds of regulation over and over again, and simply destroy the rules that they themselves can't write-and take advantage of nations and everyday people in the process. 12 Years of Bush Presidencies = 747,000 Net New Private Sector Jobs As former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) flails about trying to use his family name to attract financial and elite support while also desperately trying to distance himself from his brother's disastrous record, there is another problem he cannot run away from: The 12 Bush years were the worst on record for net new private sector job creation. Not just the worst, but no one has even come close to being the second worst. Not just the worst, but no one has even come close to being the second worst. That's it. Less than 1 million new private sector jobs in 12 years of Bush presidencies. President Obama creates as many new private sector jobs in 3-4 months as the Bushes did in 12 years. To understand this more fully, the Bushes averaged 5,190 new jobs per month for 12 years. No, not 51,000 that would be considered terrible, awful and devastating. But one-tenth of that, 5,190. There are no words to describe how abysmal that is. ... Read more David Stockman: "We Are Entering The Terminal Phase Of The Global Financial System" "What happened in each of those episodes was a short-run break in the system, collapse of confidence and flight to gold. What I think we are facing now is a terminal phase of a monetary system that isn't viable, stable or sustainable. Therefore gold has but one characteristic - massive upside in the years ahead." ... Read more This Is What A $240/Share AAPL Would Look Like In Context If Carl Icahn, whose $6.8 billion in AAPL holdings makes him nearly a 6x bigger holder of the stock than the Swiss National Bank, is correct and AAPL is truly worth $240/share today, or about $1.4 trillion, roughly equivalent to 9% of US GDP, then this is how AAPL would rank if it were a sovereign nation (and yes, we know comparing market cap to GDP is idiotic, but so is everything else these days). For the purists, at $240/share, AAPL would be 2.2x larger than the entire market cap of the Italian or Swedish stock market, 1.9x larger than all Spanish public companies combined, it would be almost the same size as the market cap of all Swiss companies, and is just about 70% of the market cap of Germany or France.
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![]() DN | Death Penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Anti-Execution State Brings Complications, Not Closure (05/18/15) [10:03] John Oliver
![]() Pam Geller's Islamification of America! (humor)
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TRNN | Robert Scheer & Chris Hedges: They Know Everything About You, Part 4 (05/17/15) [20:44]
For earlier versions, Part 1 - 3 TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TYT | Sam Harris & Noam Chomsky Trade Nasty Emails Until A Winner Emerges... (05/15/15) [18:26] RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() ![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
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As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Osama Bin Laden Raid Documentary (06/03/14) [43:53]
AlexJones | Bin Laden hoax (11/21/11) [2:34:34]
The Empire Of Oil () [35:51]
05.18.2015. 11:22

News Articles
As Chicago Pays Victims of Past Torture, Police Face New Allegations of Abuse at Homan Square More victims have come forward to detail recent abuse inside Homan Square, a secret compound used by Chicago police for incommunicado interrogations and detentions which some have described as the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site overseas. Exclusive video obtained by The Guardian shows a Chicago man named Angel Perez being taken inside a "prisoner entrance." Perez says police handcuffed his right wrist to a metal bar and then sexually assaulted him with a metal object, believed to be a handgun barrel. Perez says the officers also threatened to "go after" his family members, including his father who is battling cancer. Perez is now the 13th person to describe his detainment at the secret police site to The Guardian. Like many detainees, he apparently was never formally arrested -- neither booked, nor permitted access to an attorney, nor charged. Now, Perez and four others have filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department. We are joined by the reporter who broke the Homan Square story, Spencer Ackerman, national security editor at The Guardian. We Are Seneca Lake: Josh Fox & Fracking Opponents Fight Natural Gas Storage Site in Upstate NY On Wednesday, Josh Fox, director of "Gasland," the documentary which exposed the harms of the fracking industry, was arrested along with 20 other people after forming a human barricade at a natural gas storage facility in upstate New York. The action was part of a long-standing campaign against plans by Crestwood Midstream to expand gas storage in abandoned salt caverns at Seneca Lake, a drinking water source for 100,000 people. We speak to Fox and air his new documentary short, "We Are Seneca Lake.
We never really should have built massive, sprawling cities such as Las Vegas and Phoenix in the middle of the desert. But the 20th century was the wettest century for western North America in about 1,000 years, and we got lulled into a false sense of security.
The Greatest Water Crisis In The History Of The United States What are we going to do once all the water is gone? Thanks to the worst drought in more than 1,000 years, the western third of the country is facing the greatest water crisis that the United States has ever seen. Lake Mead is now the lowest that it has ever been since the Hoover Dam was finished in the 1930s, mandatory water restrictions have already been implemented in the state of California, and there are already widespread reports of people stealing water in some of the worst hit areas. But this is just the beginning. Right now, in a desperate attempt to maintain somewhat "normal" levels of activity, water is being pumped out of the ground in the western half of the nation at an absolutely staggering pace. Once that irreplaceable groundwater is gone, that is when the real crisis will begin. If this multi-year drought stretches on and becomes the "megadrought" that a lot of scientists are now warning about, life as we know it in much of the country is going to be fundamentally transformed and millions of Americans may be forced to find somewhere else to live. ...
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"We're only at 38 percent full. Lake Mead hasn't been this low since we were filling it in the 1930s," said a spokeswoman for the US Bureau of Reclamation in Las Vegas.
![]() In 1869, John Wesley Powell led a small party down the Green and Colorado Rivers in a bold attempt to explore the Grand Canyon for the first time. After their monumental expedition, they told of raging rapids, constant danger, and breathtaking natural beauty of the American landscape at its most pristine. Jon Waterman combines sheer adventure and environmental calamity in this trailblazing cautionary account of his 2008 trip down the overtaxed, drying Colorado. Dammed and tunneled, forced into countless canals, trapped in reservoirs and harnessed for electricity, what once was untamed and free is now humbled, parched, and so yoked to human purposes that in most years it trickles away 100 miles from its oceanic destination. ![]() ![]() Russia and WWII
![]() ![]() Deaths by Country during WWII
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![]() ![]() *DN | As Chicago Pays Victims of Past Torture, Police Face New Allegations of Abuse at Homan Square (05/15/15) [14:51] Bernie Sanders
![]() Environment - Fracking
![]() Gasland 2010 () [1:42:56] TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
TRNN | Robert Scheer & Chris Hedges: They Know Everything About You, Part 1 [21:12]
TRNN | Robert Scheer & Chris Hedges: They Know Everything About You, Part 2 [18:32] ![]() Original article (good)-> London Review of Books | The Killing of Osama bin Laden by Seymour M. Hersh TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() ![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
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05.15.2015. 15:23

News Articles
Thirty Million Gallons Under the Sea One morning in March of last year, I set out from Gulfport, Mississippi, on a three-week mission aboard the U.S. Navy research vessel Atlantis. The 274-foot ship, painted a crisp white and blue, stood tall in the bright sunlight. On its decks were winches, cranes, seafloor-mapping sonar, a machine shop, and five laboratories. Stowed in an alcove astern was Alvin, the federal government's only manned research submarine. "Research vessel Atlantis outbound," A. D. Colburn, the ship's captain, reported into the ship radio. The water was calm and the bridge crew quiet as they steered us into open water. For the next fourteen hours, we would sail toward the site of BP's Macondo well, where, in April 2010, a blowout caused the largest offshore-drilling oil spill in history. Once there, Atlantis's crew would launch Alvin and guide it to the bottom of the ocean, reaching depths as great as 7,200 feet below the surface. Over the next twenty-two days they would send the submersible down seventeen times, to gather animal, plant, water, and sediment samples. Their goal was to determine how BP's spill had affected the ocean's ecosystem from the seabed up. I would get the chance to join them in the submarine as they went closer to the Macondo wellhead than anyone had gone since the blowout. ...
Sorry I can't get to the whole article.
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Jeb Bush Confronted By College Student: 'Your Brother Created ISIS' A college student told likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday that his brother, former President George W. Bush, was to blame for the rise of the Islamic State. The heated confrontation took place at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada, according to The New York Times. Ivy Ziedrich, 19, a student at the University of Nevada, approached the former Florida governor to question him about comments he had made during the event. Bush had argued that the Obama administration's weak foreign policy was responsible for the rise of the terrorist group, also known as ISIS, in the Middle East. ... Read more
Senate Cuts Deal To Pass Obama's Secretive Trade Bills...
The $60 Billion Question: Can Afghanistan Take The Taliban And ISIS On Its Own? American taxpayers have spent $62.5 billion on Afghanistan's military and police forces since the U.S. invaded that country in 2001. It could all go to waste -- or, worse, to extremists -- if the Afghan and U.S. governments don't increase their vigilance, according to the top watchdog for U.S. efforts in Afghanistan. "The evidence strongly suggests that Afghanistan lacks the capacity -- financial, technical, managerial or otherwise -- to maintain, support and execute much of what has been built or established during more than 13 years of international assistance," said John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, in an address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on Wednesday. ... Read more *Why There Has Been No Recovery (In One Simple Chart): A Harvest Of Corruption
The following graph is an older one and has been talked about for a while. But, it does a good job of illustrating that Corporations have been making bigger and bigger profits, while off-shoring jobs and paying lower wages here in the US. And they still complain of high taxes!
"The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy."
Read moreWill Rogers, Nov 26, 1932 "Trickle-down theory - the less than elegant metaphor that if one feeds the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows." John Kenneth Galbraith "It is no exaggeration to say that since the 1980s, much of the global financial sector has become criminalised, creating an industry culture that tolerates or even encourages systematic fraud." Charles H. Ferguson "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair Click picture to zoom in ![]()
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Who Is The Biggest Energy Company in the World? PetroChina just surpassed Exxon Mobil to become the largest energy company in the world, on a market cap basis. Now the question becomes: can PetroChina retain its status as the world's largest energy company? ...
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![]() ![]() <<- See article in the left column. *DN | 30 Million Gallons Under the Sea: Five Years After BP Disaster, New Drilling OK'd by Spill Site (05/14/15) [11:17] AJPlus - COMPLETE Surveillance
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![]() AJ+ | Journalist Says Osama bin Laden Raid Is A Lie (05/11/15) [1:11] ![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() ![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ThomHartmann | America's infrastructure continues to fall apart (05/13/15) [7:50] Jon Stewart - Daily News
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05.14.2015. 10:59

News Articles
Amtrak Train Derails In Philadelphia, Killing At Least 6 At least six people were killed -- and eight individuals remain in critical condition -- after an Amtrak train traveling from Washington to New York City derailed in Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter described the wreckage and dangerous debris from the six overturned cars as an "absolute disastrous mess." "I have never seen anything like it in my life," Nutter said. ... Read more Senate Democrats Knock Down Obama's Trade Bill (Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP) Senate Democrats dealt a stinging blow to President Barack Obama Tuesday by blocking legislation that would grant him authority to fast-track international trade deals. Democrats, including several who favor Obama's trade agenda, banded together to prevent the Senate from considering legislation that grants the president so-called Trade Promotion Authority, which would bar Congress from amending or filibustering trade agreements negotiated by the administration. Fifty-two senators voted to start debate on the bill, short of the 60 needed to overcome a Democratic filibuster. Forty-five senators voted against the plan. ... Read more The Detail in Seymour Hersh's Bin Laden Story That Rings True ... But others, including top Pakistani generals, insisted that this was not the case. American officials at first said Bin Laden resisted the SEALs; the Pakistanis promptly leaked that he wasn't armed. Then came differing stories from the SEALs who carried out the raid, followed by a widening stream of new details from government reports -- including the 336-page Abbottabad Commission report requested by the Pakistani Parliament -- and from books and interviews. All of the accounts were incomplete in some way. ... Read more Brig Usman Khalid informed CIA of Osama's presence in Abbottabad ISLAMABAD: Pulitzer prize winning American journalist Seymour Hersh's most recent claim that a former Pakistani intelligence official had actually informed the Americans about the Abbottabad hideout of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden (OBL), has given credence to the notion that a former ISI official provided the information about Osama's location in exchange of US$ 25 million bounty as well as the US citizenship with a new identity. ... Read more The Killing of Osama bin Laden by Seymour M. Hersh It's been four years since a group of US Navy Seals assassinated Osama bin Laden in a night raid on a high-walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The killing was the high point of Obama's first term, and a major factor in his re-election. The White House still maintains that the mission was an all-American affair, and that the senior generals of Pakistan's army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) were not told of the raid in advance. This is false, as are many other elements of the Obama administration's account. The White House's story might have been written by Lewis Carroll: would bin Laden, target of a massive international manhunt, really decide that a resort town forty miles from Islamabad would be the safest place to live and command al-Qaida's operations? He was hiding in the open. So America said. ... Read more ![]() They Know Everything About You is a groundbreaking exposé of how government agencies and tech corporations monitor virtually every aspect of our lives, and a fierce defense of privacy and democracy. The revelation that the government has access to a vast trove of personal online data demonstrates that we already live in a surveillance society. But the erosion of privacy rights extends far beyond big government. Intelligence agencies such as the NSA and CIA are using Silicon Valley corporate partners as their data spies. Seemingly progressive tech companies are joining forces with snooping government agencies to create a brave new world of wired tyranny. Life in the digital age poses an unprecedented challenge to our constitutional liberties, which guarantee a wall of privacy between the individual and the government. The basic assumption of democracy requires the ability of the individual to experiment with ideas and associations within a protected zone, as secured by the Constitution. The unobserved moment embodies the most basic of human rights, yet it is being squandered in the name of national security and consumer convenience. Robert Scheer argues that the information revolution, while a source of public enlightenment, contains the seeds of freedom's destruction in the form of a surveillance state that exceeds the wildest dream of the most ingenious dictator. The technology of surveillance, unless vigorously resisted, represents an existential threat to the liberation of the human spirit. The US Is In Recession According To These 7 Charts The evidence continues to mount... "Most since Lehman" has become the new meme for macro-economic data in the US as day after day brings another lacklustre superlative to be dismissed with some excuse by the cognoscenti of sell-side economists...
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![]() ![]() DN | As Internal Docs Show Major Overreach, Why Is FBI Spying on Opponents of Keystone XL Pipeline? (05/13/15) [10:06] Jon Stewart - Daily News
![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() <<- see book information in the left column TRNN | Verizon Buys AOL, Now Owns HuffPost (05/13/15) [8:27] TRNN | Union Activist Frank Hammer says: Senate Democrats Block Obama's Fast-track Authority for Trade Pacts (TPP) (05/13/15) [13:16] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ThomHartmann | Why are Republicans Sticking it to our Troops? (05/12/15) [3:44] |
05.13.2015. 13:32

News Articles
Greece Effectively Defaults To IMF Using SDR Reserves To "Repay" Fund; 1 Month Countdown Begins Greece tapped emergency reserves in its holding account at the IMF in order to make a 750 million euro payment to the Fund on Monday meaning that, as predicted, the IMF is now paying itself. Athens has one month to replenish the account. Meanwhile, the Fund has indicated it wants no part of another Greek bailout. And just to confirm how terminal the situation for Greece is, MarketNews just reported that Greece now has a paltry €90 million in cash reserves left. The end of the world's most drawn out tragicomedy is finally nigh. ... Read more
Central Planning + HFT = Global Bond Crash.
Seymour Hersh's Bin Laden Raid Bombshell Draws White House, Media Pushback Hersh's 10,000-word article, published in the London Review of Books, prompted pushback from the White House and from journalists, who rebutted his claims online, on cable news, and on Twitter. Hersh on Monday brushed off the criticism in an interview with The Huffington Post. "If I worried about the reaction to what I write, I'd be frozen," he said. Hersh said that journalists "should be very skeptical of someone who says what goes against what every newspaper and magazine believed." ... Read more ![]() Seymour Hersh Article Alleges Cover-Up in Bin Laden Hunt Four years after a Navy SEAL team killed Osama bin Laden in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, lingering questions remain about the raid and what led up to it. Now, in a 10,000-word article in The London Review of Books, the journalist Seymour M. Hersh challenges nearly every facet of the semiofficial narrative that has emerged over the years, alleging a vast cover-up that involves hundreds, possibly thousands, of people and goes all the way to President Obama himself. ... Read more Pope Warns "Powerful People Don't Want Peace Because They Live Off War ... The Pope has a rather depressing message for the world's children: the world's most powerful people don't want peace:
Many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war," the Pontiff said as he met with pupils from Rome's primary schools in the Nervi Audience Hall.
Read moreTalking to children during the audience organized by the Peace Factory Foundation, he explained that every war has the arms industry behind it. "This is serious. Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms and sell them to one country for them to use against another country," the Pope was cited by AGI news agency as saying. The head of the Catholic Church labeled the arms trade "the industry of death, the greed that harms us all, the desire to have more money." "The economic system orbits around money and not men, women," he told 7,000 kids present at the audience. Despite the fact that wars "lose lives, health, education," they are being waged to defend money and make even more profit, the Pope said. Click picture to zoom in ![]() War Games
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![]() ![]() ![]() DN | "Kill Anything": Israeli Soldiers Say Gaza Atrocities Came from Orders for Indiscriminate Fire (05/06/15) [] CBS | Face the Nation
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![]() Why Aren't the "Job Creators" Creating Jobs? (05/11/15) [1:46] |
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
HooverInstitute | WSJ: Arkansas Senator Thomas Cotton on events in Iraq, negotiations with Iran, and life in the US Senate (04/08/15) [39:11]
05.12.2015. 11:25

News Articles
Seymour Hersh: Obama's Entire Account Of bin Laden's Death Is One Big Lie; This Is What Really Happened The last time famed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made news in the global media was with his massive, 5000-word expose from December of 2013 "Whose sarin?" revealing the true motives behind the Syrian near-war of 2013 including what we had said from the very beginning: the very professionally created YouTube clips showing the consequences of what was said to have been an Assad poison gas attack, were nothing but a fake (subsequent reports identified the propaganda source as Rami Abdul Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose entire operation has been funded by an unidentified European country.) Fast forward to today when in a report whose word count doubles his previous record for the London Review of Books, Hersh targets a topic near and dear to the hearts of many Americans: the story of the capture and death of Osama bin Laden. Or rather the completely false and, according to Hersh, fabricated story, one made up entirely by the US president and spoon fed for popular consumption with the aid of a Hollywood blockbuster whose entire plot line is, if Hersh is correct, one big lie as well. ... Read more *Seymour Hersh Claims Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid It's been four years since a group of US Navy Seals assassinated Osama bin Laden in a night raid on a high-walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The killing was the high point of Obama's first term, and a major factor in his re-election. The White House still maintains that the mission was an all-American affair, and that the senior generals of Pakistan's army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) were not told of the raid in advance. This is false, as are many other elements of the Obama administration's account. The White House's story might have been written by Lewis Carroll: would bin Laden, target of a massive international manhunt, really decide that a resort town forty miles from Islamabad would be the safest place to live and command al-Qaida's operations? He was hiding in the open. So America said. ... Read more
HP | Jeb Bush: I'd Have Invaded Iraq, Too! (05/10/15) (article)
Note: to Jeb Bush. Most of the World leaders think that George W. Bush, and many top figures in his administration, should be brought up for War Crimes. Heck, George W. Bush's administration 1) dropped the ball on terrorism (9/11), 2) went after the wrong people, and created the mess we are in now, and then 3) dropped the ball on our Economy (2008 crash). What else could they have fucked up, and got away with????
Note: the value in our economy is being Extracted Congress Tells Court That Congress Can't Be Investigated For Insider Trading In a little-noticed brief filed last summer, lawyers for the House of Representatives claimed that an SEC investigation of congressional insider trading should be blocked on principle, because lawmakers and their staff are constitutionally protected from such inquiries given the nature of their work. The legal team led by Kerry W. Kircher, who was appointed House General Counsel by Speaker John Boehner in 2011, claimed that the insider trading probe violated the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branch. In 2012, members of Congress patted themselves on the back for passing the STOCK Act, a bill meant to curb insider trading for lawmakers and their staff. "We all know that Washington is broken and today members of both parties took a big step forward to fix it," said Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, upon passage of the law. ... Read more F.E.C. Can't Curb 2016 Election Abuse, Commission Chief Says The leader of the Federal Election Commission, the agency charged with regulating the way political money is raised and spent, says she has largely given up hope of reining in abuses in the 2016 presidential campaign, which could generate a record $10 billion in spending. "The likelihood of the laws being enforced is slim," Ann M. Ravel, the chairwoman, said in an interview. "I never want to give up, but I'm not under any illusions. People think the F.E.C. is dysfunctional. It's worse than dysfunctional." ... Read more ![]() ... All the Presidents' Bankers sheds new light on pivotal historic events--such as why, after the Panic of 1907, America's dominant bankers convened to fashion the Federal Reserve System; how J. P. Morgan's ambitions motivated President Wilson during World War I; how Chase and National City Bank chairmen worked secretly with President Roosevelt to rescue capitalism during the Great Depression while J.P. Morgan Jr. invited Roosevelt's son yachting; and how American financiers collaborated with President Truman to construct the World Bank and IMF after World War II. Prins divulges how, through the Cold War and Vietnam era, presidents and bankers pushed America's superpower status and expansion abroad, while promoting broadly democratic values and social welfare at home. But from the 1970s, Wall Street's rush to secure Middle East oil profits altered the nature of political-financial alliances. Bankers' profit motive trumped heritage and allegiance to public service, while presidents lost control over the economy--as was dramatically evident in the financial crisis of 2008. ... The Latest Outrageous Example of the Pentagon, DEA and Private Companies Conspiring to Track Everything You Do Guess what the malware software is really for? ... A report published by Privacy International as well as an article posted by Vice Motherboard clearly show that both the DEA and the United States Army have long-standing relationships with Hacking Team, an Italian company that's notorious for selling malware to any number of unsavory characters. Federal records indicate that the DEA and Army purchased Hacking Team's Remote Control System (RCS) package. RCS is a rootkit, a software backdoor with lots of bells and whistles. It's a product that facilitates a covert foothold on infected machines so intruders can quietly make off with sensitive data. The aforementioned sensitive data includes encryption keys. ... Read more ![]() |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() John Oliver
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![]() RT | Keiser Report: UK Election Aftermath (E755) (05/11/15) [23:39] Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Bernie Sanders: TPP Will Be a Disaster! (05/08/15) [1:42]ThomHartmann | TPP Would Mean Layoffs for Maine Shoe Company... (05/08/15) [2:33] The Meatless Monday Winner Even Carnivores Will Love
Bucatini with Sautéed Chard and Vegetarian Sausage, 4 to 6 servings
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2 pre-cooked Italian vegetarian sausages (we like Field Roast), cut into 1/3 to 1/2-inch round slices (you can also use seitan slices if vegetarian sausage is not available) Kosher salt 1 pound bucatini (or spaghetti) 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 large bunches chard (Swiss, red, rainbow or a combination) leaves cut into 1 inch wide strips, ribs and tender stems roughly chopped (discard the thicker part of the stems) 4 cloves garlic, minced 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste 3 tablespoons chopped Italian (flat-leaf) parsley Freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (optional) Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sausage in one layer; cook undisturbed until browned, 2 to 4 minutes. Using tongs, flip and cook on the other side for an additional 2 to 4 minutes. Set the sausage aside in a dish or bowl. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Add the pasta to the pot of boiling water and cook until al dente, about 1 minute less than the directions on the package. Reserve 1/4 cup of the pasta water and drain the pasta in a colander. Meanwhile, wipe down the skillet with paper towels, set it over medium heat, and add the oil. When the oil is shimmering add the chard stems and sauté for 2 minutes. Stir in the garlic, red pepper flakes, and 2 tablespoons of the parsley, and cook for 1 minute. Add the chard and sauté, stirring until wilted, 7 to 9 minutes (you can cover the skillet with a large lid but continue to stir.) Season with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper. Add the drained pasta to the skillet with 3 tablespoons of the reserved pasta water and cook, stirring, until the pasta is coated, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the pasta to a serving bowl, and sprinkle with the remaining parsley, and Parmesan cheese (if desired). Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve hot. |
05.11.2015. 11:46

News Articles
Watch Bernie Sanders Explain In 30 Seconds Why Elites Love Voter Apathy American voter turnout has long lagged behind that of most countries. A new Pew survey released this month found that among developed countries the United States had higher voter turnout in the last national election than only Japan, Chile, and Switzerland: This lower voter turnout has consequences -- it is a well-established fact that the groups of people that do not vote tend to have more progressive views. Thus lower voter turnout tends to benefit conservative political parties. ...
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Old Workers Hit New All Time High As All April Jobs Go To The "55 And Older".
Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93,194,000 In what was an "unambiguously" unpleasant April jobs payrolls report, with a March revision dragging that month's job gain to the lowest level since June of 2012, the fact that the number of Americans not in the labor force rose once again, this time to 93,194K from 93,175K, with the result being a participation rate of 69.45 or just above the lowest percentage since 1977, will merely catalyze even more upside to the so called "market" which continues to reflect nothing but central bank liquidity, and thus - the accelerating deterioration of the broader economy. ...
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Part-Time Jobs Soar By 437,000; Full-Time Jobs Tumble, Stay Firmly Under Pre-Recession Highs.
There Will Be More Silence in the Face of Tyranny if We Continue to Look the Other Way We will see more murders like the public beheading of the American freelance journalist James Foley, more messengers detained like the Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian who is being held on trumped up accusations in a Tehran prison simply for reporting the story of a changing Iran, and there will be more horrific attacks like the one at Charlie Hebdo in Paris. This dark vision for the future will be our own fault if we allow the attack on journalism around the world to go unchecked for another decade, if we continue to look the other way and ignore how killing the messenger erodes democracy and threatens a free, open society. ... Read more Man Loses Leg To Flesh-Eating Bacteria After Stepping In Gulf Of Mexico When Zach Mody stepped into the Gulf of Mexico last month to take a photo of the sunset, the water splashed over his foot, which had a small cut on it. "I didn't think anything about it," he told local ABC-7 affiliate WZVN. A physician assistant who spoke with WZVN offered a description of Mody's symptoms that closely matches an infection known as necrotizing fasciitis. It's not clear what specific type of bacteria Mody was exposed to, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, several types of bacteria can cause necrotizing fasciitis. Most commonly, the infection is caused by group A Streptococcus. Most cases of necrotizing fasciitis "occur randomly and are not linked to similar infections in others," the CDC explains. ... Read more |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() *DN | As Obama Admin Seeks More Funding for Charter Schools, Questions Raised over Billions Already Spent (05/08/15) [16:21] Bloomberg News
I don't like Larry Summers, because I think he was one of the causes for the 2008 crash. But, I did find this interview interesting, because he kept talking about the underlining problems not being addressed.
![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() For interviews 1-9 go here ![]() ![]() ![]() TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
05.08.2015. 10:46

News Articles
Deutsche Bank's Head Of Global Credit Strategy Explains Why "This Is Not Capitalism" "... part of the problem today is that over the last 15-20 years, capitalism has been propped up every time it's about to go through one of the cyclical creative destruction phases. Compounded up that's left us with a big mess to clear up across the globe and a lot of sub optimal resource allocation. So across a lot of the Western World we're left with too much debt, too much inequality, low real wage growth, limited conventional tools to help the economy to de-lever, QE and ZIRP and a political backlash against the mainstream." ... Read more NSA Phone Surveillance Not Authorized, U.S. Appeals Court Says A federal appeals court on Thursday said a National Security Agency program that collected the records of millions of Americans' phone calls was not authorized by Congress. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a lower court judge erred in dismissing a lawsuit challenging the program's constitutionality, and returned the case to the judge for further proceedings. It also upheld the denial of a preliminary injunction to block the collection of phone records under the program. ... Read more ![]() From the perspective of a Boeing 767 captain and former "special activities" contract pilot, Philip Marshall straps the reader into the cockpits of hijacked commercial airliners to tell the story of the most sophisticated terrorist attack in history. Based on a comprehensive ten-year study into the murders of his fellow pilots on 9/11, he explains how hijackers, novice pilots at the controls of massive guided missiles, were able to beat United States Air Force fighters to iconic targets with advanced maneuvering, daring speeds and a kamikaze finish. But, as Marshall explains, the tactical plan was so precise that it rules out car-bombers and shoe-bombers known as al Qaeda, KSM and Osama bin Laden. So then, who was it? That's what you are about learn. Backed by official NTSB, FAA and black box recordings, Marshall finds the most capable and most documented group of conspirators buried deep within a Congressional Inquiry's report and retraces their work in gripping detail. Fasten your seatbelt--- the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. This is a game changer that will finally set the record straight on the most horrific crime in US history. ... ![]() From the flight deck of a Boeing 767, airline captain Philip Marshall pulls back the veil of deception surrounding the 911 attacks. In gripping, authoritative detail he recreates the hijacked flights, including all their technical challenges, exploding the myths behind official accounts of pilot training and tactical planning. His finding: the mission could not have been carried out by any known terrorist group. Explaining for the first time the hijackers' mysterious trips to Las Vegas, where and how they could have been trained, and the document that actually states a political motive for the attacks, he finds abundant evidence implicating a nexus of Saudi officials, American contractors and, most unthinkably, members of the Bush administration. Analyzing 911 in terms of its original tactical plan, Marshall concludes that the attack partially failed, and that its failures could ultimately serve to bring the creators of the Post 911 World to light, if not to justice. You Can't Point A Finger At Saudi Arabia, And Not Have 5 Fingers Pointing Back To The U.S. For this article, I'm going to skip the partnerships between the CIA, Saudi Arabia, and the Pakistani ISI during the Afghanistan/Russia War to support the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union. Instead, I'm going to move past that time, and into the 90's where a lot of interesting things took place. First, we'll take a look at what was called "Vulgar Betrayal" In 1996, "the most significant US government investigation into terrorist financing before 9/11, is launched. This investigation grows out of investigations Chicago FBI agent Robert Wright had begun in 1993, and Wright appears to be the driving force behind Vulgar Betrayal. ... Read more
Does Russia Really Own 20% Of The US' Uranium Reserves?
Guess Who Owns $1.1 Billion In Apple Stock The Swiss National Bank had a rough quarter in Q1 as the decision to abandon the increasingly unsustainable EURCHF floor (an event which marked an implicit admission that central banks are not all-powerful after all) blew a $32 billion hole in the central bank's euro reserves. More interesting than the massive loss was the line item in the SNB's balance sheet which shows that 18% of the bank's assets are held in foreign stocks. ...
Read more The Texas Job Recession Is Now Literally "Off The Chart" On one hand, the government's Department of Labor reported earlier today that in the past week just 265K people were laid off: the lowest number since early 2000. On the other, private data aggregator Challenger reported that in April, there were a whopping 61,582 job cuts, a 68% surge from March, and up 53% from a year ago. This was the highest monthly total since May 2012 and the highest April total since 2009! ...
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DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() Jon Stewart - Daily Show
Jon Stewart | The Daily Show Looks At The Legend Of 'El Jebe' Jeb Bush (05/07/15) [5:06]Open Secrets in Hollywood
![]() AnOpenSecretFilm.com website Philip Marshall - was he killed for his books?
![]() CIA at War.pdf
Wikileaks Exposes 9/11 Conspirators!!! () [15:00]
AlienScientist website Exposing the fraud of 9/11 in 22 minutes () [22:08] babylonrisingbooks.com website davidraygriffin.com | Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11? (article) Patriots for 9/11 website John McMurtry: 9/11 - Why the Facts of 911 are Suppressed () [51:25] TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
TRNN | Bill Black: Why UK Election is a Win-Win for Banksters (05/07/15) [7:17]TRNN | Economists John Weeks and Susan Himmelweit say: Brits Head to Polls, But Will Either Party Take on Income Inequality? (05/07/15) [12:00] TRNN | New Democratic Party Defeats 43 Year Conservative Domination in Alberta (05/07/15) [10:01] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() TYT | How To Avoid Online Surveillance (05/06/15) [2:41] - Surveillance Self-Defense website - Electronic Frontier Foundation website ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ThomHartmann | Why isn't the Media Talking About the Trade Deficit? (05/06/15) [1:22] ![]() |
Commander Kolstad adds, "I was also a Navy fighter pilot and Air Combat Instructor and have experience flying low altitude, high speed aircraft. I could not have done what these beginners did. Something stinks to high heaven!"
He points to the physical evidence at the Pentagon impact site and asks in exasperation, "Where is the damage to the wall of the Pentagon from the wings? Where are the big pieces that always break away in an accident? Where is all the luggage? Where are the miles and miles of wire, cable, and lines that are part and parcel of any large aircraft? Where are the steel engine parts? Where is the steel landing gear? Where is the tail section that would have broken into large pieces?"
05.07.2015. 11:06

News Articles
We no longer have capitalism, Fair Trade, or a Democracy anymore. We have One-Dollar-One-Vote, Free Tade (for some), and an Oligarchy (rule by the few) for a government.
IL Governor Rauner's Pal Made $625,000 Per Hour Last Year and Then Gave $10 Million to Rauner Campaign to Attack Unions and Cut Worker Pay The New York Times reported yesterday that Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner's chief political backer, Ken Griffin, made $1.3 billion last year as manager of the hedge fund Citadel Capital. Griffin made as much personally as 26,000 average Americans making the median wage. He made as much as 16,000 civil engineers. Griffin made $625,000 per hour. By the way, he also benefited from the federal tax law that allows hedge fund managers to pay a maximum of 20 percent tax rate on their income. That means that Griffin probably paid a lower income tax rate than his secretary. Not only did Griffin donate $2.5 million to Rauner's campaign for governor. He also contributed millions to right-wing Super-PACs -- including one controlled by the notorious Charles and David Koch. And he contributed $10 million -- half of a $20 million campaign war chest -- that Rauner plans to use to run opponents against members of the legislature who dare to oppose his policies that are aimed at destroying unions and cutting worker wages and pensions. Read more Bernie Sanders To Introduce Bill To Break Up The Big Banks Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist U.S. senator who has launched a bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said on Tuesday he will introduce a bill to break up the biggest banks, a position far to the left of the party's front runner, Hillary Clinton. Calls for Wall Street's largest firms to be cut down were numerous after taxpayers spent billions of dollars to prevent the financial system from collapse during the 2007-09 financial crisis, but they have since gradually died down. Under the Sanders proposal, regulators on the existing Financial Stability Oversight Council would compile a list of institutions that are 'too big to fail' and implicitly rely on government support during a crisis. ... Read more
California Adopts "Unprecedented" Restrictions On Water Use As Drought Worsens.
On Flash Crash Anniversary Scapegoat Sarao Says "I Did Nothing Wrong Apart From Being Good At My Job" While the rest of the world, or at least 1% of it, is enjoying the ongoing "wealth effect" propping up the increasingly more rickety "markets" built on the backs of $22 trillion in central bank assets, or more than the GDP of the US and Japan combined, earlier today Nav was fighting if not for his life then certainly his freedom when he told a London court he had done nothing wrong, the Flash Crash was not his fault, and was just good at his job. "I've not done anything wrong apart from being good at my job. How is this allowed to go on, man?" Sarao said at Westminster Magistrates' Court. ... Read more Samples of Israeli Horrific Brutality and War Criminality in Gaza The Israeli group Breaking the Silence issued a report this morning containing testimony from Israeli soldiers about the savagery and criminality committed by the Israeli military during the attack on Gaza last summer. The Independent has a good article describing the report's findings: "The Israeli military deliberately pounded civilian areas in the Gaza Strip with incessant fire of inaccurate ordinance" and "was at best indifferent about casualties among the Palestinian population." At best. This should surprise nobody who paid any attention to the brutal Israeli destruction of Gaza or, for that matter, countless Israeli attacks before that. The U.N. has said that 7 out of 10 people killed by the Israelis were civilians, "including 1,462 civilians, among them 495 children and 253 women"; video of Israelis killing four Gazan boys as they played on a beach sickened anyone decent. ... Read more Surveillance
Electronic Frontier Foundation | Stop Watching Us () [3:25]ReasonTV | Edward Snowden, v 1.0: NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells All (01/10/14) [50:11] HarvardLawSchool | Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden (10/23/14) [1:03:01] Climate Change | The Sixth Extinction
DN | The Sixth Extinction: Elizabeth Kolbert on How Humans Are Causing Largest Die Off Since Dinosaur Age (02/11/14) [12:45]The Sixth Extinction () [50:27] History of Earth and Extinction () [2:08:40] |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() DN | After Palestine Overcomes U.S.-Israeli Pressure and Joins ICC, Will Gaza's Victims See Justice? (05/06/15) [13:55] *'Breaking Silence': IDF soliders speak out on Gaza operation (05/05/15) [11:35] Alan Grayson on TPP & TTIP
![]() Jon Stewart
![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() For interviews 1-8 go here TRNN | Attorney A. Dwight Pettit and law professor Byron Warnken discuss: Did States Attorney Mosby Overcharge the Six Baltimore Police? (05/06/15) [7:35] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
![]() Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Reaganism is Literally Killing Us! (05/05/15) [8:27]ThomHartmann | DNC Announces 6 Presidential Debates... (05/05/15) [1:25] |
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
05.06.2015. 10:55

News Articles
*Why the Trans Pacific 'Trade Deal' Is a Terrible Deal for American Workers Have we learned nothing from thirty years of failed trickle-down economics? By now we should know that when big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy get special goodies, the rest of us get shafted. The Reagan and George W. Bush tax cuts of 1981, 2001, and 2003, respectively, were sold to America as ways to boost the economy and create jobs. They ended up boosting the take-home pay of those at the top. Most Americans saw no gains. In fact, the long stagnation of American wages began with Reaganomics. Wages rose a bit under Bill Clinton, and then started plummeting again under George W. Bush. Trickle-down economics proved a cruel hoax. The new jobs created under Reagan and George W. Bush paid lousy wages, the old jobs paid even less, and we ended up with whopping federal budget deficits. ... Read more *US Trade Deficit Soars To Worst Since Financial Crisis; Will Push Q1 GDP Negative After shrinking notably in Feb, March's US Trade deficit exploded. Against expectations of a $41.7bn deficit, the US generated a $51.4bn deficit - the worst since Oct 2008 and the biggest miss on record. Exports rose just $1.6bn while imports soared $17.1bn with the goods deficit with China soaring from $27.3bn to $37.8bn in March. Ironically, just as the "harsh winter" was found to lead to a GDP boost due to a surge in utility spending, so the West Coast port strike which was blamed for the GDP drop, was actually benefiting the US economy as it lead to a plunge in imports. In March, however, the pipeline was cleared, and US imports from China soared by over $10 billion to $38 billion. End result: prepare for upcoming Q1 GDP downgrades into negative territory. .... Read more Greek Deal In Limbo After "Serious Disagreement" Between EU, IMF On the heels of Monday's news that the IMF may demand a write-off of Greek debt by European creditors before the organization will disburse its portion of a €7.2 billion aid tranche to Athens, it now appears the situation has deteriorated further with unnamed Greek officials reporting "serious disagreements" between the IMF and the EU which may make a compromise "impossible" by the critical May 12 deadline. ... Read more The Obscene Amounts of Money the 10 Highest-Paid Hedge Fund Managers Just Made Alpha Magazine has released its "Rich List," the annual rundown of the Unites States' highest-earning hedge fund managers and there's an interesting development. The top earners underwent a 45% drop in earnings during 2014, which prompted the magazine to invoke, "harsh memories of the global financial crisis [that] pervaded Wall Street." Yes, the top hedge fund managers only pulled down a "paltry" $11.62 billion combined in 2014, around the same amount they were able to bag in 2008 and only a little more than half of what they generated in 2013. Head of Appaloosa Management David Tepper fell from Number 1 to 11th, taking in a "mere" $400 million. "In total, it was a rough year for hedge fund industry honchos," Jeff Cox wrote at CNBC.
How The NSA Converts Spoken Words Into Searchable Text Top-secret documents from the archive of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden show the National Security Agency can now automatically recognize the content within phone calls by creating rough transcripts and phonetic representations that can be easily searched and stored. The documents show NSA analysts celebrating the development of what they called "Google for Voice" nearly a decade ago. Though perfect transcription of natural conversation apparently remains the Intelligence Community's "holy grail," the Snowden documents describe extensive use of keyword searching as well as computer programs designed to analyze and "extract" the content of voice conversations, and even use sophisticated algorithms to flag conversations of interest. ... Read more |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() *DN | Emails Show American Psychological Association Secretly Worked with Bush Admin to Enable Torture (05/05/15) [8:39] Alan Grayson on TPP & TTIP
![]() Jon Stewart
![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
TRNN | Baltimore Youth on Being Called Thugs (05/05/15) [10:23]TRNN | Baltimore Police Admit camera presence during interaction with young man prevented arrest. (05/05/15) [5:02] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
RT | Keiser Report: Royal 'Cramdowns' (E753) (05/05/15) [23:47]Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
![]() Ring of Fire | Tell Americans The Truth About TPP: Quit Hiding (05/01/15) [10:42] Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() ![]() |
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
05.05.2015. 11:41

News Articles
Bill Gross: "This Is All Ending" "When does our credit based financial system sputter / break down? When investable assets pose too much risk for too little return. Not immediately, but at the margin, credit and stocks begin to be exchanged for figurative and sometimes literal money in a mattress." We are approaching that point now as bond yields, credit spreads and stock prices have brought financial wealth forward to the point of exhaustion. A rational investor must indeed have a sense of an ending, not another Lehman crash, but a crush of perpetual bull market enthusiasm. ... Read more
US Factory Orders Drop YoY For 5th Consecutive Month.
![]() An HBO production, amazing actors, superb dialog. A bomb-making expert from Iraq attempts entry to the U.S. without a visa. He states he's leaving Iraq for political asylum in the U.S. The INS agent questions him a bit, looks over his fishy looking passport. She approaches her superior with the asylum application and urges that "he should be detained". "Jails are full. You want to take him home?" her boss retorts. The film shows just how these terrorists jumped through about any and every loophole in the system under the guise of religious freedom. Bomb-making right in the apartment. Operating right under the nose of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Anti-American propaganda tapes found in an apartment which, truth be told, is not against the law. And of course there was the chilling prophetic line at the end: "Next time we'll bring them both down." ... Read more How to Solve America's Biggest Problems with Bernie Sanders!
The Town Hall Meeting discussion items includes:
How to . . .
Ben Carson Is Running for President. Read These 6 Stories About Him Now. The doctor is in: Conservative darling Dr. Ben Carson officially announced that he's running for president on Sunday in interviews with TV stations in Ohio and Florida. On Monday, he's expected to address supporters in his hometown of Detroit. He will be the fourth Republican to officially enter the race, joining Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Carson's candidacy is the culmination of months of fundraising and advocacy by grassroots activists anxious for him to run for president. Carson, a former head of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University whose unlikely rise was the subject of a cable TV movie, has never before held elected office. He is popular among DC-loathing tea partiers and Christian conservatives, but his political inexperience and past gaffes will likely make it difficult for him to win over the GOP establishment. ... Read more Future President Ben Carson Wrote 6 Books. We Read Them So You Don't Have To. Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson rallied Republicans at the Iowa Freedom Summit on Saturday, stirring up speculation once more that the conservative activist will seek his party's presidential nomination next year. Carson has never run for office and only recently registered as a Republican, but as the author of six books over more than two decades, he does have a considerable paper trail--and it's starting to get him into trouble. ... Read more Climate Change
![]() Climate Desk | Using the Bible to Resist Climate Action (older, but sad) [1:31] NatGeo | Six degrees could change the world (older, but informative) [1:36:06] |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() DN | "The Army Knew": New Investigation Unravels Mexican Govt. Account of How 43 Students Disappeared (05/04/15) [10:57] John Oliver
![]() False Flag Videos
*HBO | Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the (1993) World Trade Center Bombing () [1:34:17]TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
*TRNN | John Kiriakou: Iraq War a War Crime - Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs and CIA, Part 7 (04/30/15) [17:56]
TRNN | What Conditions Gave Rise to the Baltimore Uprising? (05/04/15) [25:33]TRNN | John Kiriakou: A Sea of Blood, Part 6 (04/28/15) [28:49] For the other interviews go here TRNN | Was Baltimore's Curfew a Dress Rehearsal for Martial Law? (05/04/15) [39:36] TRNN | Over 5,000 Students Call For Change From the Top in Baltimore (05/04/15) [5:01] TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() TYT | Can Bernie Sanders Appeal To Middle America? (05/03/15) [5:09] RT - http://www.rt.com/
![]() Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Caller: End of Times Republicans Don't Want Mideast Peace... (05/01/15) [3:17]![]() |
- Boston Marathon bombing kills 3, injures over 140 | Jimmy Golen | AP (04/16/13)
- When Drills Go Live? Marathons -- A Tale of 2 Cities and the Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event
- Marathons -- A Tale of 2 Cities and the Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event.pdf
- Fox19 | Did the FBI know about Boston bombing beforehand? (04/16/13) [3:44]
- Storyleak | Anthony Gucciardi: Boston Marathon Witness, Alastair Stevenson, Interview: Police Told Us Bomb Drill Was 'Training Exercise' (04/16/13) [4:09]
- Britain's Largest Terror Attack Likely "Mossad/MI-5? Operation | veteranstoday.com | Anthony John Hill (05/18/11) (article)
- 7/7 Ripple Effect 2 () [2:22:22]
- BBC Documentary on London 7/7 bombings () [58:58]
- Mike Ruppert | 9/11 - The Truth And Lies Of 911 (2004) [2:23:58]
- Webster G. Tarpley on the 46 Drills of 9/11 (03/30/12) [58:56]
- FBI 100 | First Strike: Global Terror in America (02/26/93) (article)
- Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing () [1:34:17]
- 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Documentary [44:30]
- OKC Bombing Star Witness Reveals Staged Government Terror Attack (04/19/12) [1:01:33]
- A Noble Lie (04/19/95) [2:00:52]
05.04.2015. 12:13

News Articles
16 Signs That The Economy Has Stalled Out And The Next Economic Downturn Is Here If U.S. economic growth falls any lower, we are officially going to be in recession territory. On Wednesday, we learned that U.S. GDP grew at a 0.2 percent annual rate in the first quarter of 2015. That was much lower than all of the "experts" were projecting. And of course there are all sorts of questions whether the GDP numbers the government feeds us are legitimate anyway. According to John Williams of shadowstats.com, if honest numbers were used they would show that U.S. GDP growth has been continuously negative since 2005. ...
Brace for a flood of foreclosures when boom-era HELOCs turn 10 Millions of Americans will soon see monthly bills shoot up on home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) taken out during the housing boom, because HELOCs are going to start making homeowners pay both interest and principal, not just interest. That's bad news because many consumers are already underwater, meaning they owe more than their places are worth, a RealtyTrac study shows. "A lot of people were using their homes as ATMs during the bubble, and that -- coupled with the fact that home values have since gone down -- has backed a lot of them into a corner," says Daren Blomquist of RealtyTrac, which recently analyzed home equity lines of credit on millions of properties. ... Read more
US Manufacturing Weakest In 2 Years As Construction Spending Plunges.
How Shale Is Becoming The Dot-Com Bubble Of The 21st Century As I review the financials of one of the largest shale producers in the United States, Whiting Petroleum (WLL), I can't help but notice the parallels to the .COM era of 1999 which, to some extent, has already returned to the technology and biotech sectors of today. Back then, the faster you burned cash to capture customers regardless of earnings to drive your topline, the higher your valuation. The theory was that after capturing the customers (in energy today, it is the wells) spending would slow and so would customer additions allowing companies to generate cash. By the way, a classic recent case is none other than Netflix (NFLX) which, in the past was exposed for accounting gimmicks that continue even today. What is worse is WLL continues to grow production even though prices have collapsed and cash generation is in decline. In fact, year over year cash generated from operations fell 30% despite production growing some 70% plus percent. Does this sound like a company you want to invest in or like one that is run efficiently? So, let's review: .com companies did the same and the majority went bankrupt so if WLL and other E&P companies continue to spend cash well above their operation capacity, not because they want to but because they have to, it will lead to the same result as it did in 2000... POP! ... Read more The Uncounted; World Bank-Backed Energy Giant Threatens A Way Of Life The Tata group, one of India's largest conglomerates, promised to be a good neighbor when it took on the job of building the nation's first "ultra mega" coal-fired power plant. ICIJ and The Huffington Post estimate that 3.4 million people have been physically or economically displaced by World Bank-backed projects since 2004. For email updates on our investigation, sign up below. The plan was to build the plant along the Gulf of Kutch, an inlet of the Arabian Sea that provides a living for fishing clans that harvest the coast's rich marine life. Tata assured the World Bank Group, which was putting up $450 million to help finance the project, that there was little reason to worry about the giant plant's impact on people living and working nearby. Tata reported that "the fishing potential of the Gulf of Kutch is significant," but there were "no local fishing activities in the coastal waters fronting the project." The "nearest small fishing community," it said, was located "outside the project area." ... Read more Chernobyl At Risk
Chernobyl: Massive forest fire inches closer to abandoned nuclear plant, Ukraine (04/29/15) 0:58]Chernobyl 25 Years Later: Soviet dream turned nuclear nightmare (04/26/11) [3:00] ![]() |
DemocracyNow - http://www.democracynow.org/
![]() ![]() Alan Grayson on TPP & TTIP
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral rules-based trade bloc in North America. The agreement came into force on January 1, 1994. More at wikipedia TPP The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty. As of 2014, twelve countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region have participated in negotiations on the TPP: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. The nine Trans-Pacific Partnership countries announced that the TPP intended to "enhance trade and investment among the TPP partner countries, to promote innovation, economic growth and development, and to support the creation and retention of jobs." Some global health professionals, internet freedom activists, environmentalists, organised labour, advocacy groups, and elected officials have criticised and protested the negotiations, in large part because of the proceedings' secrecy, the agreement's expansive scope, and controversial clauses in drafts leaked to the public. More at wikipedia TTIP The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States. Proponents say the agreement would result in multilateral economic growth, while critics say it would increase corporate power and make it more difficult for governments to regulate markets for public benefit. The American government considers the TTIP a companion agreement to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. After a proposed draft was leaked in March 2014. More at wikipedia TAFTA A Transatlantic Free Trade Area (TAFTA) is a proposal to create a trans-atlantic free-trade area covering Europe and North America. Such proposals have been made since the 1990s and since 2013 an agreement between the United States and European Union has been under negotiation: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Once complete, if combined with free trade agreements with Canada, Mexico and the European Free Trade Association it could form a free trade area covering a large portion of the two continents. More at wikipedia ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TRNN News - http://therealnews.com/
![]() TYT News - http://www.tytnetwork.com/
![]() ![]() ![]() RT - http://www.rt.com/
Ring of Fire - http://ringoffireradio.com/
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
![]() |
05.01.2015. 10:40
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Documentaries (big | full screen)
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Good YouTube Docs. (big | full screen)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
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The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.
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AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.
The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.
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An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.
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Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".
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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.
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Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.
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Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.
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Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay
The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB
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A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.
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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.
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Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
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Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.
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Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)
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Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.
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