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Wednesday November 30, 2016
News Articles

Hightower: The Kochs Are Going to Have a Huge Grip on the Oval Office
AlterNet | Jim Hightower | 11/30/16

The billionaire brothers are training political puppets to push their hateful agenda.

This past January, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, the multimillionaire protege of the Koch brother's Plutocratic Kingdom and American Legislative Exchange Council darling, revealed to a startled nation that he has penned not one but NINE new amendments to the Constitution of the USA. Forget the Bill of Rights, Abbott is proposing a Bill of Sale, effectively transferring the title of our national government from The People to The Plutocrats. The upshot of his "tweaks" would be outlawing government actions that restrain corporate abuse of workers and consumers, while also preventing future Congresses from meeting crucial public needs such as health care, voter rights, and restoration of our national infrastructure.

One could call Abbott and his Founding Father pretentious and ludicrous--which both are--but he's not the force behind this diabolical, ideological tampering with our Constitution and our people's ideals of fairness and justice. ALEC, at the direction of the Kochs and their corporate cohorts, wrote this Bill of Sale. ... Read more

The Podesta Emails
Doctors in Texas will now be required to hire funeral services any time a woman ends or loses a pregnancy

Fake news is modern propaganda: In the Trump era, history repeats itself not as farce but as clickbait
Salon | Nico Lang | 11/29/16

A new article published in The Washington Post alleges that Russia was involved in disseminating fake news designed to get Donald Trump elected.

The article was based on research from two sources: One report, titled "Trolling for Trump: How Russia Is Trying to Destroy Our Democracy," was published in War on the Rocks, an online journal focusing on matters of foreign policy and national security. The other was courtesy of PropOrNot, a nonpartisan research group. Each came to the same conclusion -- that Russian officials deployed a mixture of spambots and human agents to generate and spread false information that would be favorable to the Republican Party.

These tactics proved extraordinarily effective throughout the 2016 election, according to PropOrNot. The group claims that fake stories created by Russian interests were shared more than 213 million times during the race. ... Read more

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Donald Trump's Treasury secretary pick Steve Mnuchin is the "Forrest Gump" of America's financial woes
Salon | Matthew Rozsa | 11/30/16

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, has some choice words about Steven Mnuchin, the former Goldman Sachs executive who President-elect Donald Trump has tapped to be his new treasury secretary.

"Steve Mnuchin is the Forrest Gump of the financial crisis -- he managed to participate in all the worst practices on Wall Street," Warren said in a statement on Tuesday night. "He spent two decades at Goldman Sachs helping the bank peddle the same kind of mortgage products that blew up the economy and sucked down billions in taxpayer bailout money before he moved on to run a bank that was infamous for aggressively foreclosing on families." ... Read more

Household Debt Hits $12.4 Trillion As Subprime Loan Delinquencies Hit Highest In 6 Years: NY Fed
ZeroHedge | author | 11/30/16

The latest household debt data, which shows debt rose to $12.4 trillion in Q3, suggest some notable deterioration in the performance of subprime auto loans. This translates into a large number of households, with roughly six million individuals at least ninety days late on their auto loan payments ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, November 30 [12:43]
*DN | Bernie Sanders Interviewed by Amy Goodman at Philadelphia Free Library (11/29/16) [41:31 ]
*TRNN | Paul Jay and Abby Martin on Trump and 'Fake News' (11/30/16) [24:57]
TRNN | Some 20,000 Syrians have fled rebel-held areas in the past two days, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (11/30/16) [4:37]
*TYT | Trump Picks Establishment Banker For Treasury Secretary (11/29/16) [7:21]
*TYT | Trump Selects "King Of Bankruptcy" As Commerce Secretary (11/29/16) [4:00]
*TYT | Why Trump's "Landslide" Mandate Is Nonsense (11/29/16) [10:37]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | How Journalists Are Rethinking Their Role Under A Trump Presidency (11/30/16) [1hr]
The U.S. media is accustomed to covering a White House that plays by certain rules. But President-elect Donald Trump tweets false information freely and frequently manipulates the media. How journalists are rethinking their role under a Trump presidency.
*DR | "The Master Plan": A New Look At ISIS' Complex Hidden Past (11/30/16) [1hr]
ISIS started capturing America's attention in 2014. At the time it felt to many like the group had popped up suddenly, as a result of the Syrian civil war. But counterterrorism expert Brian Fishman says that's not the right picture. While it may feel new to us, the origins of the group known as the Islamic State go back at least a decade. Because it has overcome numerous obstacles since then, Fishman says, ISIS sees itself as highly resilient, and the U.S. has failed to recognize this in its strategy to combat the group. Fishman and ISIS expert William McCants take us inside the hidden past of the organization, and talk about what the new U.S. administration needs to know about ISIS moving forward.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.30.2016. 13:31

Tuesday November 29, 2016
News Articles

Massive Wildfire Engulfs Tennessee Resort Towns, Forces Evacuations In Gatlinburg And Pigeon Forge
HP | Ed Mazza | 11/29/16

A massive wildfire burning in the Tennessee resort towns of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge has destroyed more than 100 structures, including homes and businesses, authorities said Tuesday.

... Over 14,000 people were evacuated and more than 12,000 power outages were reported, Flener said. He confirmed no fatalities had been reported, though four people were transported to the hospital for burn-related injuries. The TEMA has yet to determine the cause of the fire. ... Read more
Gatlinburg And Pigeon Forge Fires (11/29/16) [1:43]

Democrats Ask Oversight Committee To Investigate Trump's Potential Conflicts Of Interest
HP | Matt Fuller | 11//28/16

"The scope of Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest around the world is unprecedented," the 17 Democrats on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee wrote. "Over the past two weeks, new revelations have raised serious concerns about the intermingling of Mr. Trump's businesses and his responsibilities as president."

Trump's potential conflicts of interest are staggering, with business interests across the globe and no clear firewall between those businesses and the office of the presidency. Trump had said previously that he would enter into a blind trust, which would require him to sell many of his businesses and be unaware of his holdings, but he's backed away from those promises. Trump also said he would step away from his dealings and have his children run day-to-day operations. But several of Trump's children are intimately involved in his political operation ? Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr. are all on the presidential transition team ? and simply handing over the businesses to his children wouldn't disassociate Trump from his enterprises. He still knows what businesses he owns.

Trump's potential conflicts of interest have already raised serious questions about his actions and the actions of foreign governments. Just three days after a phone call between Trump and Argentine President Mauricio Macri, the development company building the $100 million Trump Tower in Buenos Aires said construction could begin as soon as June 2017.

Trump also owes a foreign bank over $300 million, and has foreign diplomats booking hotel reservations at his hotel in Washington, D.C., so they can curry favor with the president. ... Read more

Why Kellyanne Conway hates Mitt Romney
WashingtonPost | Chris Cillizza | 11/28/16

Kellyanne Conway made one thing very clear in her Sunday interview with "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd: She's not a fan of Mitt Romney. Like, at all. ...

... That's a very harsh assessment of a potential pick for secretary of state by the person who led Trump's winning campaign for the White House. Conway is suggesting that Trump is free to pick Romney over former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani (or some other Trump loyalists in the mix) but that, by doing so, he would go directly against the will of the grass-roots base that delivered him the presidency. It's sort of stunning. ... Read more
NBC Meet the Press | Kellyane Conway On Recount & Mitt Romney Meet The Press (11/29/16) [9:13]

Alex Jones Julian Assange Missing (11/28/16) [17:51]
Alex Jones website
WikiLeaks Julian ASSANGE The TIME Has COME ! (11/28/16) [19:02]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, November 29 [10:34]
TRNN | Leo Panitch and Paul Jay discuss: Can Trump's Gangster Capitalism Manage the Global Economy? (11/29/16) [18:23]
TRNN | Col. Larry Wilkerson discusses: Unprecedented Imperial Powers Will Soon Pass into Trump's Hands (11/29/16) [9:25]
TRNN | Glen Ford says: Trumps Taps Billionaire, Betsy Devos, School Privatizer for Education Secretary (11/29/16) [13:59]
TYT | Why Trump's Education Secretary Is So Dangerous (11/28/16) [13:49]
TYT | Trump Tweets HUGE Lie About Election (11/28/16) [10:53]
TYT | Why Top Trump Advisor, Kellyanne Conway, Hates Mitt Romney (11/28/16) [6:57]
TYT | Crazy Pastor Thanks God For Defeating 'Jezebel' Clinton (11/28/16) [6:34]
RT | Keiser Report: Attractive Debts (E999) (11/29/16) [25:45]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | A General Election Recount in Wisconsin and Charges of Election Fraud from President-Elect Trump (11/29/16) [1hr]
It's been nearly three weeks since Donald Trump was declared the winner of the presidential election. But the results are being disputed by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who has petitioned for a recount in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Election officials in Wisconsin confirm a statewide recount will begin on Thursday. And Hillary Clinton's campaign has joined the Wisconsin recount effort. President-elect Donald Trump calls the recounts "ridiculous" and "a scam." And he says he would've won the popular vote were it not for "millions" of illegal voters. Diane and guests discuss recounts, allegations of voter fraud and the 2016 presidential election.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.29.2016. 11:02

Monday November 28, 2016
News Articles

Global warming set to pass 2C threshold in 2050: report
http://phys.org/ | author | 09/29/16

Earth is on track to sail past the two degree Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) threshold for dangerous global warming by 2050, seven of the world's top climate scientists warned Thursday.

"Climate change is happening now, and much faster than anticipated," said Sir Robert Watson, former head of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), the body charged with distilling climate science for policy makers. Since 1990, devastating weather-related events--floods, drought, more intense storms, heat waves and wild fires--due to climate change have doubled in number, Watson and the other scientists said in a report. ... Read more

The Truth About Climate Change.pdf

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins Interview, Part 1 [53:35] (TalkingStick Interviews) & Part 2 [49:01]
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - (FULL AUDIO BOOK)
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.pdf
Many other speeches
also John Perkins on Globalization [52:00]
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins

From the author of the phenomenal New York Times bestseller, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, comes an exposé of international corruption, and an inspired plan to turn the tide for future generations.
With a presidential election around the corner, questions of America's military buildup, environmental impact, and foreign policy are on everyone's mind. Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins goes behind the scenes of the current geopolitical crisis and offers bold solutions to our most pressing problems. Drawing on interviews with other EHMs, jackals, CIA operatives, reporters, businessmen, and activists, Perkins reveals the secret history of events that have created the current American Empire, including: How the defeats in Vietnam and Iraq have benefited big business The role of Israel as Fortress America in the Middle East Tragic repercussions of the IMF's Asian Economic Collapse The current Latin American revolution and its lessons for democracy U.S. blunders in Tibet, Congo, Lebanon, and Venezuela.
From the U.S. military in Iraq to infrastructure development in Indonesia, from Peace Corps volunteers in Africa to jackals in Venezuela, Perkins exposes a conspiracy of corruption that has fueled instability and anti-Americanism around the globe, with consequences reflected in our daily headlines. Having raised the alarm, Perkins passionately addresses how Americans can work to create a more peaceful and stable world for future generations.
Jimmy Dore | Trump ADMITS Global Warming Is REAL! (11/25/16) [7:27]
Jimmy Dore | Bernie Sanders Schools Clueless News Anchor On Why Hillary Clinton Lost (11/25/16) [12:17]

We Have to Face the Major Problem of Acute Financial Stress
AlterNet | Dr. Galen Buckwalter | 11/27/16

Long before the shocking election of Donald Trump, Galen Buckwalter and his colleagues were doing research and thinking hard about the emotional consequences of inequality, credit card debt and the range of financial stress points in people's lives. What they found seems so obvious, yet brilliant at the same time. Tens of millions of people have no savings and live paycheck to paycheck. How can we, as a society, pretend they are not physically and psychologically affected by this constant anxiety and vulnerability? This ends up costing our society hundreds of billions in health care and lost productivity and leads to higher addiction and suicide rates as well as increased domestic violence.

The conclusion is clear: We are out of balance in a way that is endangering our health, and our relationship with money plays an outsized role in a nationwide health epidemic. As a research psychologist studying stress and mental, physical and emotional health, I've spent the last several years examining how we deal with money in an effort to deepen a scientific understanding of how it impacts our health. In the past, I've worked with people in varying states of stress, including Marines and humanitarian workers. Today, I study the presence and effects of what we are calling acute financial stress (AFS), essentially financial PTSD. ... Read more

Ron Paul Tells Trump: "To Really 'Make America Great Again', End The Fed!"
ZeroHedge | author | 11/28/16

Former Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher recently gave a speech identifying the Federal Reserve's easy money/low interest rate policies as a source of the public anger that propelled Donald Trump into the White House. Mr. Fisher is certainly correct that the Fed's policies have "skewered" the middle class. However, the problem is not specific Fed policies, but the very system of fiat currency managed by a secretive central bank.

Federal Reserve-generated increases in money supply cause economic inequality. This is because, when the Fed acts to increase the money supply, well-to-do investors and other crony capitalists are the first recipients of the new money. These economic elites enjoy an increase in purchasing power before the Fed's inflationary policies lead to mass price increases. This gives them a boost in their standard of living. ... Read more

Trump Reportedly "Furious" Over Kellyanne Conway's "Rogue" Comments About Mitt Romney
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, November 28 [10:58]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | The Trump Train Is Already Off The Rails (11/23/16) [6:16]
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee | We would have filmed a new Syrian refugee piece, but unfortunately everything is exactly the same. (11/14/16) [6:51]
Samantha Bee | Something That Actually "Existed": Trump Policy Shop (11/09/16) [6:00]
Samantha Bee | New Cabinet Installation, Part 1 (11/14/16) [4:17], Part 2 [4:48]
TRNN | Filmmaker Robbie Martin discusses: Trump's Dark Web of Far Right Militarists Who Want to Attack Iran (11/28/16) [28:50]
TRNN | Col. Lawrence Wilkerson tells: Trump's Existential Threat (11/28/16) [13:26]
TRNN | Thomas Drake discusses: the deep state would've been more comfortable with Clinton; and while they'll do what they're told, many will be concerned that Pence is the new Cheney (11/27/16) [16:13]
TRNN | Interview with Aviva Chomsky: Castro's Legacy for Cuba, Latin America, and the World (08/17/16) [17:00]
TRNN | James Early discuss: Fidel Castro and Political Rights in Cuba (11/27/16) [23:00]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Trump's Secret Weapon... (11/21/16) [12:03]
ThomHartmann | Is Trump Just Using White Nationalists Or Is He Their Savior? (11/22/16) [11:36]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Fidel Castro's Complicated Legacy -- And What's Next For Cuba (11/28/16) [1hr]
Fidel Castro, who ruled Cuba for nearly 50 years, died late Friday at the age of 90. One of the world's longest serving heads of state, Castro began to fade from the public eye in 2006. But he is still both beloved and deeply loathed by generations of Cubans. Castro's death has set off celebration and mourning in his country and around the world, as Cuba begins to look at how to move forward without one of the world's most revolutionary--and polarizing--figures. Diane and a panel remember the personal and political life of Fidel Castro and look at what's next for Cuba.
*DR |What's Ahead For Congress In Its Lame Duck Session--And President Obama's Efforts To Protect His Legacy (11/28/16) [1hr]
Lawmakers are making a final push on issues like spending and mental health care. What Congress can get done in its lame-duck session--and President Obama's efforts to protect his legacy.
Aljazeera | Inside Story - A 'Mr Nobody' for French President? (11/28/16) [25:15]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.28.2016. 14:58

Wednesday November 23, 2016
News Articles
Salon 11/23/16
A political theorist once envisioned the flawed machinery of our democracy giving rise to an authoritarian regime
Chauncey Devega

Is Donald Trump's transition being outsourced to the Heritage Foundation? That's not good news
Former senator Jim DeMint was a Trump skeptic at first, but he may soon hold immense power in the White House
Heather Digby Parton

Robert Reich: How to resist Donald Trump's first 100 days
An agenda for the protester who is ready to take America back
Robert Reich

Donald Trump's transition team doesn't trust him to speak for himself
Reince Priebus and Kellyanne Conway have attempted to shield Trump from the press for fear he will fall apart
Sophia Tesfaye

Donald Trump meets with the "failing" New York Times, takes back much of what he campaigned on
Donald Trump meets on the record with the Times and leaves everyone wondering, What does he actually stand for?
Sophia Tesfaye

Donald Trump likes President Obama because he thinks President Obama likes him
It's easy to sweet talk the president-elect and get him to like you, it seems
Matthew Rozsa

Breitbart is really mad at Donald Trump for his "broken promise" to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump's rabid base is not happy to hear that he has no plans to "lock her up" after all
Sophia Tesfaye

Yada Yada Yada Yada

Today in Donald Trump's transition team: Soon-to-be leader of the free world "got annoyed" with Chris Christie for hogging his spotlight
The president-elect demoted the New Jersey Gov. because he kept "trying to get in shots," according to Yahoo News
Brendan Gauthier

Donald Trump says he won't pursue investigations against Hillary Clinton. This is not a good thing
This isn't a kind gesture by the president-elect, and it should worry you
Matthew Rozsa

Shepard Smith slams Donald Trump for flip-flopping on the issues: "All of those positions are now available"
"We want to hear these statements," the Fox News host said, "be able to ask questions about them where appropriate"
Brendan Gauthier

Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead has surpassed 2 million
Clinton's popular vote win, if it holds, would put her just ahead of Al Gore in 2000 -- both of whom lost
Matthew Rozsa

Donald Trump chooses South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be United Nations ambassador, despite calling her "embarrassing" months ago
She said voting for Trump "turned her stomach." He said the state was "embarrassed" by her
Matthew Rozsa

The swamp won't be drained: Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick will almost certainly oppose campaign finance regulation
Forget Trump's anti-corruption rhetoric -- he's out to stack the courts with judges who love money in politics
Amanda Marcotte

Un-rigging our democracy: The GOP's "unconstitutional political gerrymander" practices finally under fire
Democrats need to focus on redistricting reforms that protect their right to vote, or they'll keep losing
David Daley

Politicizing climate change: Donald Trump's budget could cut climate funding for NASA, other federal departments
Donald Trump, in an effort to cut spending, is likely going to slash some important climate change programs
Brian Kahn

President Obama's overtime rule blocked by federal judge
4.2 million workers would have seen their pay climb on Dec. 1, but won't be able to now
Matthew Rozsa

Washington state youth sue government over climate change
Eight children say their future is not being protect from the effects of climate change
Phuong Le, API

Republicans did everything to stop President Obama, but now want America to back a president who lost the popular vote
Where was all that acceptance of the will of the people when Obama was elected?
Michael Hayne, Alternet

Donald Trump's popularity among the alt-right and new-wave Nazis should bring terrifying flashbacks of the 1930s and 50s
Think Germany. Think McCarthy. Think authoritarian
Steven Rosenfeld, Alternet

It's not just Facebook's news bubble: Why humans are more to blame than the algorithm
Misinformed people with biases are more to blame than Mark Zuckerberg's tech company

BULLSH**TER OF THE DAY: Chris Christie, for his transparently awful attempt to save face
The Garden State Governor just imagineered himself walking away from Donald Trump with his dignity fully intact
Mireia Triguero Roura

Democratic electors are lobbying Republican colleagues to reject Donald Trump. Sad!
Weeks before the electoral college likely confirms Trump's win, Dems are grasping at revolts and recounts

Mike Pence wanted to go to see "Hamilton," not a morality play on the importance of minorities and the LGBT community in the United States
Pence, who rode a working-class wave, took the high road when he was being talked down to VIDEO
Carrie Sheffield

Donald Trump's still not really denouncing racism by the alt-right, despite what he told The New York Times
Don't let the campaign's spin fool you. The president-elect has hardly been a champion of fighting racism VIDEO
Grace Guarnieri

Being led by an outright conspiracy theorist like Donald Trump puts us all in danger
Trump is paranoid and vindictive, and there's a very real threat that his policies will be sculpted by his ego
Amanda Marcotte

Donald Trump's charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, broke IRS rules by self-dealing: report
The Foundation itself announced that it made payments to self-dealing
Matthew Rozsa

WATCH: Donald Trump's "list of executive actions we can take on day 1? is filled with empty platitudes and rhetoric
"Our transition team is moving very smoothly, efficiently, and effectively," the president-elect lied in the PSA VIDEO
Brendan Gauthier

Just how many of president-elect Donald Trump's transition team meetings is Ivanka Trump going to attend?
Ivanka Trump -- who isn't on the transition team and can't hold a White House position -- is pretty visible
Matthew Rozsa

Donald Trump backs out of meeting with New York Times because they wanted to be on the record, announces it on Twitter
UPDATE: It's back on
Matthew Rozsa

For Donald Trump and Republicans, getting rid of Obamacare can lead to a lot of problems
The GOP has issues it needs to consider before going forward with getting rid of the Affordable Care Act
Alan Fram, API

Bernie Sanders: "It is not good enough for someone to say, 'I'm a woman, vote for me.'"
The insurgent who challenged Hillary Clinton said that the party needs to go "beyond identity politics"
Matthew Sheffield

New York City will spend $1 million per day to protect Donald Trump so he can stay in his safe space
Donald Trump feels most comfortable in his apartment palace, so we'll all have to pay for him to stay there
Matthew Rozsa

Donald Trump's swimming in the swamp: Don't expect Republicans to investigate his conflicts of interest
The press? Weak. Democrats? Ineffective. There's one group -- the GOP -- that can check Trump but likely won't
Heather Digby Parton

Donald Trump will "take care of 'the African-Americans'": Will we see a repeat of Redemption, the post-Civil War white backlash?
Trump's appointments make it likely that blacks and other minorities will suffer a broad assault on their rights
Chauncey Devega

More Than 15,000 Lawyers Sign Letter Opposing Steve Bannon's Appointment

Retailers Panic: 63% Of Americans Plan Not To Shop On Black Friday
ZeroHedge | author | 11/23/16

According to a Reuters poll, some 63%, or nearly two-thirds, of US adults did not plan to shop on Black Friday this year. Some 32% said they plan to finish about half of their holiday shopping on that day. As a result "shocked" US retailers are doing everything they can in their scramble for market share. ... Read more

Dems Plead For Government Watchdogs To Keep Trump Honest
Trump Basically Says Conflicts Of Interest Aren't Illegal If The President Has Them

The Naked Truth: Trumpland (10/25/16) [43:20]
They have been called "deplorable" but they have changed the face of presidential politics in 2016. Fusion is uncovering the real people that drive the Trump campaign.

A YouTube Commenter's Comment
Trump dupped these Americans; told them everything and anything they wanted to hear. No policies declared, just words. Now Bannon (a white washed neo-nazi) that may be the scariest , biggest threat to Americans and I PSO facto the world. Now he is king of the United States of America... Our Democratic Republic is now a dictator, checks, and balances? None, all THREE governing branches might as well be one. May we make it out of this? Optimistically, maybe...?
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, November 23 [9:12]
Corbett Report - corbettreport.com
Nomi Prins Explains The Central Bankers' Game of Thrones (11/22/16) [17:34]
Infamous 60 Minutes Piece on Soros Emerges Online - Here are the highlights (11/17/16) [10:40]
Donald Trump : Things you didn't know (11/05/16) [1:44:06]
TRNN | Media Matters' Eric Boehlert says: Donald Trump: 1, The Media: 0 (11/22/16) [9:29]
TRNN | Jewish Activists: No Role for White Supremacy in the White House (11/22/16) [4:04]
TYT | Kleptocracy: Presidential Conflicts Of Interest Are NOT Illegal (11/22/16) [11:06]
TYT | Did Trump Learn A Few Things Since Election? (11/22/16) [6:25]
TYT | Republican Gerrymandering Ruled Unconstitutional (11/22/16) [10:27]
RT | Keiser Report: Trumpocalypse (E996) (11/22/16) [25:45]
Max and Stacy look at what the Democratic party looks like on neoliberalism: collapsing. Is the TPP trade deal over? And was Donald Trump’s ‘craziness’ overblown by the media? In the second half Max interviews former head of the Democratic Party in North Carolina to find out how and why Hillary Clinton lost.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Why Dementia Rates Among Older Americans Have Fallen (11/23/16) [1hr]
A new study shows that dementia rates among people over 65 have declined from 11.6 percent in 2000 to 8.8 percent in 2012--a 24 percent drop. This means one million fewer people than expected suffer from the condition. Researchers say the declines seem to be associated with healthier life styles and higher levels of education. The news is decidedly welcome, but the overall public health challenge remains daunting. Five million Americans are diagnosed with dementia today and that number is expected to triple by 2050. Please join us for an update on new efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat Alzheimer's and other kinds of dementia.
*DR | Teens And Tech: How Digital Communication Impacts Young People And Their Relationships (11/23/16) [1hr]
It's a familiar scene: parents or grandparents turning to their younger family members for help learning the latest technology or social media. (Diane's own teenage grandson introduced her to emojis.) And teens are well-equipped for the job: Young people say they feel the pressure to be "always on" and connected more than ever. But digital communication can facilitate as well as complicate teen relationships, including those with older people. This hour, Diane talks with her grandson Benjamin and two experts about how young people use technology to communicate today and what it means for their relationships, especially with older generations.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.23.2016. 15:02

Tuesday November 22, 2016
News Articles

Donald Trump Cancels Meeting With The New York Times
HP | Michael Calderone | 11/22/16

Trump was scheduled to meet off-the-record with Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and a few other key representatives of the paper before participating in an on-the-record session with the reporters and editorial columnists, a Times spokeswoman told The Huffington Post on Monday. But Trump claimed early Tuesday that the "failing" paper changed the ground rules, prompting him to back out.

A Times spokeswoman told HuffPost on Tuesday that the paper did not change the conditions, but that Trump's team had requested the visit only be off-the-record. ... Read more

Trump Vows To Back Out Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Effectively Killing It
HP | Alana Horowitz Satlin | 11/22/16

Donald Trump plans to pull the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on his first day in office, putting the future of the sweeping trade deal in jeopardy.

The TPP was one of President Barack Obama's most controversial foreign policy moves. The agreement aimed to promote free trade while putting pressure on countries faltering on human rights, but it was widely panned by green and labor rights groups. Critics say the deal favors major corporations and wouldn't improve conditions for vulnerable workers in places like Vietnam and Malaysia. ... Read more

Trump Says Any Conflicts Of Interest Were Priced Into Your Vote
HP | Paul Blumenthal | 11/21/16

WASHINGTON ? Thirteen days after winning the presidential election, Donald Trump announced on Twitter that no one should worry about the potential conflicts of interest he could face over his range of global properties because everyone knew about them when they elected him. He blamed any questions of impropriety on the media for reporting on them.

The evening tweet from the president-elect reads: "Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!" ... Read more

"Emotionally F**king Pissed" Media Blows Embargo And Lashes Out At Trump - "F*ck Him"
ZeroHedge | author |11/22/16

Just yesterday Trump called a summit of all the major mainstream media executives and anchors at Trump Tower. While many expected the meeting to be an oppotunity to ask questions of the president-elect, the media elites apparently got the surprise of their lives when Trump spent the majority of the meeting attacking they're blatant biased coverage the 2016 presidential elections referring to the room as a bunch of "dishonest, deceitful liars." One participant in the meeting described it as a "f--ing firing squad" after "Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said "I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed...." We suspect that was rather less cordial than they expected.

Despite the conversation being completely off the record, many of the "emotionally fucking pissed" media anchors have decided to blow their embargoes and lash out at Trump. According to one source interviewed by the New Yorker, the meeting at Trump Tower was "fucking outrageous." The same source also questioned how he could remain impartial after the meeting saying "How can this not influence coverage?"...yes, because coverage was so impartial up until yesterday. ... Read more

A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump (11/21/16) [2:37]
Jon Stewart on President-elect Trump, hypocrisy in America (11/17/16) [5:56]
TYT | DAPL's Worst Nightmare: Big Oil EXPOSED By Whistleblower (11/21/16) [14:38]
HELPPA website
Energy Transfer Partners: (214) 981-0700
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: (202) 761-0010; (202) 761-0014
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#NODAPL Enbridge Lies and I have the video PROOF. HELPPA.org John Bolenbaugh (10/25/16) [47:34]
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, November 22, Part 1 [10:26],
DN | Part 1: "Heil Victory!" Alt-Right Groups Emboldened by Trump's Election & Steve Bannon (11/22/16) [2:49 ], Part 2 [5:35]
DN | Immigrants Fighting for Sanctuary Cities & Campuses to Protect Millions from Trump Deportation Push (11/22/16) [14:11]
DN | Sweeping New Rutgers Report Reveals University's Ties to Slavery & Displacement of Native Americans (11/22/16) [21:14]
*TRNN | Wilkerson: If Trump Moves U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, A Sign War Against Iran Could Come (11/21/16) [13:25]
*TRNN | Rob Johnson: Trump Considering Man Who Rigged the Economy for Treasury Secretary (11/22/16) [15:54]
TRNN | Police Unleash Water Cannons and Rubber Bullets Against Water Protectors in Standing Rock (11/21/16) [2:00]
*TYT | Alt-Right Leader's Speech Ends With Nazi Salutes (11/21/16) [17:48]
*TYT | Bernie Sanders Yells At Reporter (11/21/16) [15:30]
TYT | BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia (11/21/16) [4:02]
RT | Cosmic panorama: RT pioneers 360 video from Intl Space station (11/21/16) [3:39]
First-ever 360 content from space website
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | How China Could Emerge As The World's Global Leader During The Trump Administration (11/22/16) [1hr]
Some say President-elect Trump's rejection of the Trans Pacific Partnership and threats to pull out of the Paris climate accord would hand global leadership over to China. Diane and a panel of guests discuss how China's global role could expand during the Trump presidency.
*DR | The Personal Story Behind One Of America's Most Famous Home Movies (11/22/16) [1hr]
Fifty-three years ago, Abraham Zapruder stepped out of his office in Dallas, video camera in hand, to catch a glimpse of President John F. Kennedy. Zapruder was a Jewish immigrant who had come from nothing but was living the American dream with his own dress-making business, and a middle class family. He was not a likely candidate to change the course of history but when he captured the assassination of JFK on film, his name became inseparable from the event -- and the video at the center of controversy and conspiracy that would continue to this day. In a new memoir, his granddaughter, Alexandra Zapruder, sets out to better understand the film and her family's relationship with it. She is the author of the new book "Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film."
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.22.2016. 18:04

Monday November 21, 2016
News Articles

Donald Trump's Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount
HP | Paul Blumenthal | 11/19/16

When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the first foreign head of state to meet in person with President-elect Donald Trump, a photograph taken of the official event at Trump Tower in Manhattan showed a curious attendee: Trump's daughter Ivanka.

The appearance of Ivanka Trump, who is executive vice president of development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization, raises alarm bells for those concerned about the unprecedented potential for conflicts of interest involving the incoming president.

With her two brothers, Don Jr. and Eric, Ivanka has taken the reins of her father's vast global business empire through a so-called blind trust. (It is not a blind trust.) At the same time, the three adult children are on Trump's transition team, giving him advice and, apparently, meeting with dignitaries from countries where they could do business in the near future. ... Read more

*Fox | Vice President Elect Mike Pence: I Wasn't Offended by Message from Hamilton Cast (11/20/16) [3:00]

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises
HP | Paul Blumenthal | 11/19/16

Exactly a week after winning the presidential election, Donald Trump took time out to meet with Indian business partners and his three eldest children at Trump Tower in Manhattan. The meeting came despite the president-elect's assurances that he was handing off his business to his children in a "blind trust" to avoid potential conflicts of interest while serving in the nation's highest office.

Trump held the talks with business partners Sagar Chordia, Atul Chordia and Kalpesh Mehta on Tuesday, the Indian newspaper The Economic Times first reported. Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump, who attended the meeting, are supposed to be heading the trust, managing their father's assets and business portfolio. They also sit on the executive committee of the presidential transition team. ... Read more

Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
AlterNet | Noam Chomsky |11/20/16

On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump managed to pull the biggest upset in U.S. politics by tapping successfully into the anger of white voters and appealing to the lowest inclinations of people in a manner that would have probably impressed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels himself.

But what exactly does Trump's victory mean, and what can one expect from this megalomaniac when he takes the reins of power on Jan. 20, 2017? What is Trump's political ideology, if any, and is "Trumpism" a movement? Will U.S. foreign policy be any different under a Trump administration?

Some years ago, public intellectual Noam Chomsky warned that the political climate in the U.S. was ripe for the rise of an authoritarian figure. Now, he shares his thoughts on the aftermath of this election, the moribund state of the U.S. political system and why Trump is a real threat to the world and the planet in general. ... Read more

*Massachusetts Peace Action | Noam Chomsky: After the Electoral Extravaganza (05/15/16) [1:26:30]

6 Despicable Things President-Elect Trump Has Done This Week
AlterNet | Janet Allon | 11/19/16

It has been one of the longest weeks in human history and the Trump presidency has not even begun yet. Any notion that reasonable, well-intentioned people should give him a chance--hey, maybe he was just kidding about all that hateful, bigoted stuff he spewed on the campaign trail--was immediately dispelled. One of his first official acts was to name Steve Bannon, the anti-Semitic mastermind of the racist, "alt-right," fake-news website Breitbart, to chief propagandist and horse's ass whisperer. The president-elect dodged the media, regained control of his Twitter account and proceeded to confirm all of our worst fears about him.

  1. He tapped Jeff Sessions as U.S. attorney general.
  2. His surrogate floated the Muslim registry idea and justified it by citing one of the most shameful eras in American history.
  3. He tapped insanely Islamophobic General Michael Flynn (Ret.) for top national security post.
  4. He invited his daughter Ivanka to a meeting with the Japanese prime minister.
  5. He took credit for the fact that a Ford factory is not moving to Mexico when it was never moving to Mexico.
  6. He demanded an apology from the "Hamilton" cast.
Read more

Click to zoom in
Tiny huts to enjoy the basics in Swedish spartan rural lodge (05/22/16) [28:40]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, November 21 [11:38]
*DN | Jeremy Scahill: Mike Pence Has "Militant Agenda" Against Women, the Poor, Immigrants, LGBTQ People (11/21/16) [17:05]
*DN | Neocons, War Criminals & White Nationalists: Jeremy Scahill on Trump's Incoming Advisers & Cabinet (11/21/16) [15:15]
*DN | Jeremy Scahill: TigerSwan Security, Linked to Blackwater, Now Coordinates Intel for Dakota Access (11/21/16) [10:48]
*TRNN | Phyllis Bennis and Paul Jay discuss: None of Trump's Foreign Policy Appointments Match Campaign Rhetoric (11/20/16) [15:53]
*TRNN | Max Blumenthal discuss: Is War with Iran in the Cards with the Trump Foreign Policy Team? (11/21/16) [19:12]
*TRNN | PERI's James K. Boyce breaks down: Who Were the Biggest Polluters in 2016? (11/21/16) [17:43]
*TRNN | Michael Hudson on How Taxes Were Shifted off the Donald Trump's of the World and onto Homeowners (11/21/16) [10:23]
*TYT | We MUST Fight Trump AND Corporate Democrats (11/20/16) [5:14]
*TYT | Trump Chief Strategist's Role Models: Cheney, Darth Vader, SATAN (11/20/16) [12:41]
*TYT | Trump Overwhelmed By How Presidency Works (11/20/16) [9:59]
*TYT | It's The Hottest Year Ever. Again. And Again... (11/20/16) [9:30]
TYT | The Emails Mike Pence Doesn't Want You To See (11/20/16) [4:54]
RT | Keiser Report: Meme Wars (E995) (11/19/16) [25:47]
They talk meme wars, the medium as the message and the failure of modern journalistic technique. Max interviews award-winning independent journalist and groundbreaking social media and mobile technology as journalism pioneer Tim Pool about the role of the media and meme wars in getting Trump elected.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | The Electoral College: How It Works And Why Some Want To Abolish It (11/21/16) [1hr]
For the second time in 16 years, a candidate has taken the presidency by winning the electoral vote, but not the popular vote. The Electoral College is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. But critics have long said it's an antiquated, even undemocratic system. At various points in history -- including after the Gore-Bush election -- there have been attempts to abolish the College. Bills to do that were introduced last week in the House and Senate. Few believe they will succeed. Defenders of the Electoral College say abolishing it would have a devastating effect on our constitutional form of government. ... Understanding the Electoral College -- and prospects for changing it.
*DR | President-Elect Donald Trump's Business Empire And Possible Conflicts Of Interest (11/21/16) [1hr]
Donald Trump touted his business successes on the campaign trail. Now, as President-elect, his far-flung corporate empire has raised red flags for ethics watchdogs. Trump tried to address this by handing management of his company over to his children -- and vowed to keep them out of his political life. But critics say the move hardly addresses the conflicts of interest that could arise in office. And concerns deepened after his daughter Ivana Trump attended a meeting with the Japanese prime minister last Friday, which was Trump's first face-to-face with a head of state. Diane and guests discuss questions about Donald Trump's corporate empire as he prepares for the presidency.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.21.2016. 13:32

Friday November 18, 2016
News Articles
TRNN | Sanders and Nurses Join Forces to Fight Trump and Establishment Democrats (11/17/16) [4:35]

Trump Offers Jeff Sessions Attorney General Job
HP | Ryan J. Reilly | 11/18/16

President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly offered Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions ? who was rejected as a federal judge in 1986 due to allegations of racist comments ? the position of attorney general.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, 69, would serve as the nation's top law enforcement official if nominated by Trump and confirmed by his fellow members of the Senate. Sessions, an early Trump backer, is an immigration hard-liner who has been in the Senate since 1997 and previously served as attorney general for the state of Alabama. ... Read more

HP | REPORT: Trump Selects Mike Flynn As National Security Adviser | article | 11/18/16
HP | Meet Ret. General Michael Flynn, The Most Gullible Guy In The Army | article | 11/18/16
HP | John Bolton, Top Contender For Secretary Of State, Calls For Regime Change In Iran | article | 11/18/16
HP | Mitt Romney Also Under Consideration | article | 11/18/16
*TYT | Republicans To Kill Elizabeth Warren's Greatest Accomplishment (11/17/16) [7:30]
Senate Republicans are gearing up for an assault on one of the trademark populist achievements of the Obama administration, vowing to take on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The agency, the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren, back when she was a law professor, was enacted as part of the 2010 Wall Street reform bill. Since then, it has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who'd been victims of one predatory scam or another. More than 1 million consumer complaints have been filed with the agency.

Targeting the CFPB would seem to be a strange move under President-elect Donald Trump, a populist who won the White House on the back of deep economic anxiety, promising to break the hold the rich and powerful have on Washington.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), formerly chairman of the Banking Committee, told HuffPost he wanted to see the agency eliminated. "My top priority is either to bring the consumer agency under appropriations" ? which would give Congress the power to shrink its budget, or bar it from spending money on certain activities ? "or abolish it. But we'll see what we can do," he said. "I think it's been a nightmare, to a lot of businesses, small business. Unbridled power, arrogance."
TDC | Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Brilliant Speech on President-elect Trump (11/10/16) [17:02]
'Cosmonaut experience': RT launches 'Space360' project
The breathtaking beauty of Earth opens up in RT's new project "Space 360" through a stunning 360° video from the International Space Station (ISS). The unprecedented footage, filmed by a Russian cosmonaut, will give an immersive experience of life in orbit.
RT | Space 360: First-ever panoramic video shot at International Space Station (11/18/16) [1:27]
First-ever 360 content from space website

*How Jared Kushner, Like Donald Trump, Used His Rich, Privileged Upbringing to Get to the White House
AlterNet | Brendan Gauthier / Salon | 11/17/16

There's an unqualified rich kid about to have unimaginable political influence -- and his name isn't Trump.

Federal anti-nepotism law mandates, "A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official."

Kushner, 35, is President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law (considered a "relative" under the aforementioned U.S. code). But the New Jersey native is now eyeing a more legally ambiguous "special counsel" role, according to The Wall Street Journal. Assuming an informal advisory role in Trump's White House would allow Kushner, sans paycheck, to both skirt anti-nepotism law and maintain his businesses: Kushner Properties and Observer Media.

NBC News reported on Wednesday that Trump had requested Kushner "receive top-secret clearance to join him for his Presidential Daily Briefings, which began Tuesday." Trump designated Kushner and retired lieutenant general Mike Flynn "his staff-level companions for the briefings going forward," sources told NBC. ... Read more

Q&A session with Edward Snowden hosted by PEN International in Oslo (11/18/16) [43:00]
Click to see more graphics
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, November 18 [13:19]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | President-Elect Trump Is Tweeting To Relieve The Pressure (11/17/16) [7:32]
Stephen Colbert | Cartoon Trump And Cartoon Putin Make First Joint Public Appearance (11/17/16) [6:17]
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trevoe Noah | President-Elect Trump's Prospective Cabinet of Deplorables (11/17/16) [9:48]
*TRNN | Michael Hudson: Donald Trump Wants to Make the 1% Even Richer (11/18/16) [18:19]
*TRNN | Even if the U.S. Does Not Pull Out of Paris Agreement, We're Still in the Worst Possible Climate Change Scenario (11/17/16) [12:35]
*TYT | Trump Strategist: There Are Too Many Asian CEOs (11/17/16) [7:51]
TYT | Why Defeating ISIS Is So Complicated (11/17/16) [8:32]
TYT | Trump Voter's Starbucks Tantrum (11/17/16) [9:12]
RT | Keiser Report: Making America Great Again (E994) (11/17/16) [25:47]<
In this special US Election Day episode of the Keiser Report from New York City, Max and Stacy discuss making America great again... or at least giving it a greater number of states. Will the US soon have a 51st state? Keiser Report looks at the latest election news from Puerto Rico to find out. In the second half, Max interviews Cate Long about the latest on the island's debt crisis.
RT | CrossTalk: Donald and Vladimir (11/18/16) [23:25]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (11/18/16) [1hr]
President-elect Donald Trump selects senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be the new Attorney General--this as Trump begins to gather his personal team, making Stephen Bannon his Chief strategist and Reince Priebus Chief of Staff. Hillary Clinton makes her first public address since conceding the White House last week, urging supporters to stay motivated. Senate Democrats pick Senator Chuck Schumer of New York as their next leader. The Affordable Care Act sees a sharp uptick in enrollment, amid fears the law could be repealed under Trump. And veteran broadcast journalist Gwen Ifill passes away at the age of 61. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (11/18/16) [1hr]
President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly asked Michael Flynn, a retired Lieutenant General with a record of controversial statements about Muslims, to be his national security adviser. Barack Obama meets with German Chancellor Merkel and addresses a divided Europe on his last overseas trip as president. Syrian government airstrikes resume in Aleppo. Russia moves to withdraw from the International Criminal Court. And Japan's prime minister meets with Trump. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.19.2016. 08:35

Thursday November 17, 2016
News Articles
*Charlie Rose | Bernie Sanders interview (11/15/16) [25:26]

Normalizing the Abnormal: NPR Begins Its Whitewashing of Breitbart's Racism
AlterNet | Kali Holloway | 11/16/16

If you are curious about how racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric, and organizations dedicated to propagating the same are able to slip into the mainstream, do yourself a favor and listen to NPR's Wednesday morning interview with Breitbart senior-editor-at-large Joel Pollak.

NPR apparently felt the need to invite on a Breitbart mouthpiece to put in a good word for Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's newly announced senior policy adviser. Bannon previously led Breitbart, a publication beloved by the so-called alt-right, a loose coalition of white nationalists, "identitarians," neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, racists, and misogynists who were ecstatic over Bannon's appointment. Pollak's segment was a master class in obfuscation and a primer on how to flip the script and turn totally justified accusations of bigotry, misogyny and anti-Semitism into "reverse racism." ... Read more

China To Trump: Climate Change Is Not A Chinese Hoax
*VICE | Our Rising Oceans (VICE on HBO: Season 3, Episode 1) (01/11/16) [43:51]
TIME | A Trump Presidency And The Future Of Climate Change (11/15/16) [2:35]
HP | White House Unveils Bold Climate Change Plan Before Trump Takes Over | article | 11/17/16
HP | Big Business Demands Trump Keep U.S. In Paris Climate Pact | article | 11/17/16

After Running On Economic Populism, Republicans Want To Destroy The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
HP | Ryan Grim | 11/17/16

Senate Republicans are gearing up for an assault on one of the trademark populist achievements of the Obama administration, vowing to take on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The agency, the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren, back when she was a law professor, was enacted as part of the 2010 Wall Street reform bill. Since then, it has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who'd been victims of one predatory scam or another. More than 1 million consumer complaints have been filed with the agency. Targeting the CFPB would seem to be a strange move under President-elect Donald Trump, a populist who won the White House on the back of deep economic anxiety, promising to break the hold the rich and powerful have on Washington. ... Read more

*VICE | Countdown to Extinction | We the People (VICE on HBO: Season 3, Episode 3) (01/15/16) [29:46]
Lewandowski: FBI Decision To Re-Open Clinton Investigation Swung Election | article | 11/17/16
Tells Protesters To 'Respect' Trump's Election Victory | article | 11/17/16
Megyn Kelly Opens Up About Trump, Misogyny During Election | article | 11/17/16
Details Disturbing Trump Threats | article | 11/17/16
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, November 17 [14:21]
The Jimmy Dore Show
Jimmy Dore | TRUMP & Republicans Are Killling TPP!! (11/15/16) [3:56]
*Jimmy Dore | The Neo-liberal Bubble Has Popped! -Jordan Chariton from TYT Politics (11/15/16) [17:23]
TRNN | Michael Hudson on the Orwellian Turn in Contemporary Economics (11/16/16) [15:22]
TYT | Bernie Sanders Gets New Leadership Role (11/16/16) [12:10]
TYT | The One Cool Trick That Could Still Make Hillary Clinton President! (11/16/16) [4:24]
TYT | Trump's Plans For Muslims Are Terrifying (11/16/16) [21:20]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | President-Elect Donald Trump's Turbulent Transition And Who's In The Running For Top Positions (11/17/16) [1hr]
President-elect Donald Trump is selecting members of his cabinet. But the transition has been turbulent. Who's in the running for top positions and what Trump's choices could say about how he will lead the country.
*DR | A Conversation With Bestselling Author John Grisham (11/17/16) [1hr]
Author John Grisham has sold nearly 300 million books worldwide. And nine of his novels have been made into movies. But Grisham wasn't always a famous writer: The son of a Mississippi cotton farmer, he became a country lawyer and served in the state legislature. But at night he wrote fiction, and in 1989, published "A Time to Kill." Grisham followed this two years later with "The Firm," which was later made into a hit movie starring Tom Cruise. His latest novel is about a crooked judge, an Indian casino and a young female lawyer determined to get justice. It's already hit number one on the New York Times' best-seller list. Please join us for Diane's conversation with author John Grisham.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.17.2016. 14:20

Wednesday November 16, 2016
News Articles

Donald Trump's Transition Team, Or Lack Thereof, Is Causing Real Panic
HP | Sam Stein | 11/15/16

The self-proclaimed government outsider is having trouble finding people to run the government.

The primary cause, according to multiple sources, is the revamped leadership structure at Trump's transition offices ? the demotion of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie from the top post and his replacement with Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

On Tuesday morning, for example, the Obama administration alerted the press that it had not yet received a memorandum of understanding signed by Pence, which would legally allow the old and new administrations to begin discussions on how to hand off critical government functions. That document still hadn't arrived by 4:30 p.m., and only later in the evening did a White House official confirm it had been received. The official noted that the language signed by Pence was identical to a memo signed by Christie, making the holdup all the more peculiar. ... Read more

There Is No Trump Pivot - Stomach-Turning Staffing Possibilities
HP | Marina Fang | 11/15/16

Just as they did during his campaign, Republicans insist that President-elect Donald Trump will "pivot" and moderate his proposals and rhetoric when he takes office. But so far, Trump has provided little evidence that confirms this wishful thinking. In the week since his election, he has done more to affirm his core campaign promises than assuage concerns about his presidency, and even his deviations from his campaign platform are not providing solace for his opponents.

Nowhere is that more apparent than in the stomach-turning list of potential Trump Cabinet officials and senior staffers. His pledge to "drain the swamp" has resulted in a slew of lobbyists angling for administration positions, former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin rumored as a candidate for treasury secretary and billionaire investor Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary, drawing the ire of progressives like Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). ... Read more

*TYT | Trump's Team Fighting Each Other (11/15/16) [17:35]
Click to zoom in
*TYT | Did Trump Try To Give His Kids Top Secret Clearance? (11/15/16) [5:25]
*TYT | Trump To Appoint Complete Lunatic To EPA (11/15/16) [11:34]
TYT | Republicans Grovel At Trump's Feet (11/15/16) [8:11]

Donald Trump's Trying to Give His Kids Top Secret Security Clearance, Making Sure His Conflicts of Interest Are Extra Bold
AlterNet | Simon Maloy / Salon | 11/15/16

We're not even a week into the still-indigestible reality of President-elect Donald Trump and the incoming administration is already up to its armpits in conflicts of interest, internal squabbling, heavy-handed recriminations, and absurdist incompetence.

To pick out just one representative example of all this is difficult given that the Trump transition is predictably shaping up to be a vast substrate for corruption and scandal, but if forced, I'm going to have to go with the report that Trump wanted to give his adult children top secret security clearances. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, November 16 [10:34]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*Stephen Colbert | Bernie Sanders: The Democrats Have To Become A Grassroots Party, Part 1 (11/15/16) [5:20], Part 2 [5:38]
Stephen Colbert | Steve Bannon And Reince Priebus Are The New Odd Couple (11/15/16) [1:10]
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
*Trevor Noah | Trevor Noah: South African President Jacob Zuma Provides Hints For Trump Administration (11/15/16) [11:40]
TRNN | Democratic Party Sabotoged Sanders, Best Chance to Beat Trump (11/15/16) [8:19]
*TRNN | Filmmaker Greg Palast says: Presidential Polls Were Off the Mark Because of Voter Suppression (11/16/16) [19:48]
TRNN | "White Supremacist, Anti-Semitic, Islamophobe" Stephen Bannon as Trump's Chief Strategist (11/14/16) [10:12]
TYT | Elizabeth Warren Goes On Warpath Against Establishment (11/15/16) [8:29]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Trump: A Nightmare Scenario for Progressives & the Country (11/15/16) [12:05]
ThomHartmann | Did Americans Just Vote Away Our Safety Net? (11/15/16) [9:02]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | The Power Of Fake News And Personalized Social Media Feeds (11/16/16) [1hr]
Some say the deep divisions among voters in the 2016 campaign were exacerbated by fake news and personalized social media feeds: The demise of civic information and new efforts to build a better environment for news.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.16.2016. 09:47

Tuesday November 15, 2016
News Articles

American Empire in Chaos: Is Trump the Ultimate Blowback From Our Never Ending Wars?
AlterNet | Tom Engelhardt / TomDispatch | 11/13/16

The one thing you could say about empires is that, at or near their height, they have always represented a principle of order as well as domination. So here's the confounding thing about the American version of empire in the years when this country was often referred to as "the sole superpower," when it was putting more money into its military than the next 10 nations combined: it's been an empire of chaos.

Back in September 2002, Amr Moussa, then head of the Arab League, offered a warning I've never forgotten. The Bush administration's intention to invade Iraq and topple its ruler, Saddam Hussein, was already obvious. Were they to take such a step, Moussa insisted, it would "open the gates of hell." His prediction turned out to be anything but hyperbole -- and those gates have never again closed.

From the moment of the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, in fact, everything the U.S. military touched in these years has turned to dust. Nations across the Greater Middle East and Africa collapsed under the weight of American interventions or those of its allies, and terror movements, one grimmer than the next, spread in a remarkably unchecked fashion. Afghanistan is now a disaster zone; Yemen, wracked by civil war ... Read more

What President Elect Donald Trump's EPA Transition Team Leader Thinks About Climate Change

Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff
Lucian Read Video: Mni Wiconi ("Water is Life" in the Sioux language) (11/15/16) [8:26]

This Gorgeous Short Film Takes Us to the Heart of the Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff
MotherJones | Wes Enzinna | 11/15/16

... Premiering here, Read's latest short film, Mni Wiconi: The Standing at Standing Rock, turns a camera on the plight of Native Americans, a group that has been neglected and wronged perhaps more than any other in this nation. "We were thinking of ways to continue the America Divided project with groups that weren't included in that series," Read says. "And I'd especially been thinking about poverty and inequality in Indian country." ... Read more

Chomsky: Trump's Win Puts Govt in the Hands of the 'Most Dangerous Organization in World History'
AlterNet | Tom Boggioni / Raw Story | 11/14/16

Chomsky warns of a president who "could exploit the fear and anger that has long been boiling in much of the society, and who could direct it away from the actual agents of malaise to vulnerable targets."

In an interview with TruthOut, political theorist Noam Chomsky warned the choice of Donald Trump will put the world at risk, saying the policy-adverse president-elect may let the Republican party run amok.

"On November 8, the most powerful country in world history, which will set its stamp on what comes next, had an election," Chomsky said. "The outcome placed total control of the government -- executive, Congress, the Supreme Court -- in the hands of the Republican Party, which has become the most dangerous organization in world history." ... Read more

Breitbart's Greatest Hit (Pieces): Some Of The Website's Most Disgusting Headlines
HP | Willa Frej | 11/14/16

... Read more

The VIX Is Dead: According To The BIS, This Is The New "Fear Indicator"
ZeroHedge | author | 11/15/16

Over the past few years, one of the recurring themes on this website has been an ongoing discussion of how the VIX has lost its predictive value as a market risk indicator. This culminated recently with a note by Russel Clark who explained in clear term why the "VIX is now broken." Today, in a fascinating note Hyun Song Shin, head of research at the Bank for International Settlements, the "central banks' central bank" has agreed with the increasingly prevailing conventional wisdom that the VIX is no longer the world's fear barometer. Instead, Shin believes that the world's most traded currency is now the true fear gauge: the US Dollar. ... Read more

Click to see more
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, November 15 [11:36]
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
"Donald Trump is assembling a White House staff, now that Barack Obama has told him that's a thing, Part 1 (11/14/16) [4:17], Part 2 [4:48]
Interview with Jon Stewart
Live Taping of "The Axe Files" with Jon Stewart, hosted by David Axelrod (11/09/16) [1:16:48]
28:00 Stewart absolutely nails the problem Hillary had in interviews, speeches and debates. She was trying to be something she isn't, and it showed. It doesn't matter how much you're right about the issues - if you come across as inauthentic people are less likely to trust you.
53:48-56:16 Q&A
TRNN | Students Stage Walkouts to Join Growing Trump Protests Nationwide (11/14/16) [2:48]
TYT | Trump To Appoint White Supremecist To Made-Up Post (11/14/16) [15:30]
RT | CrossTalk: Trumponomics (E993) (11/15/16) [25:45]
Max and Stacy address the policy vacuum of the President-elect by guessing what his policy toward fracking might be. If he wants to 'save coal', as he claims, it is fracking (a policy pushed by Hillary Clinton) that hurt coal mining more than environmental regulations. They also look at the false promise of genetically modified crops. In the second half Max continues his interview with Dr. Michael Hudson about what went wrong for Hillary.
RT | Putin, Trump hold first phone conversation since election (11/14/16) [8:18]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*ThomHartmann | Economist Dr. Richard Wolff Says: Will Trump Stand Up To Big Business, GOP, Dems & China on Trade? (11/14/16) [11:48]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | A Look At What Trump Can And Cannot Do On His Signature Campaign Promises (11/15/16) [1hr]
The president of the United States has a lot of authority over the government. Selecting cabinet members, signing executive orders, nominating Supreme Court justices. But the president also faces constraints from Congress, the Constitution, the courts and existing laws. In the next hour, we look at some of president-elect Donald Trump's signature campaign promises and explore what he can and cannot do. He could direct the Department of Homeland Security to ramp up deportations, for example. But building a wall along the Mexican border would require funding from Congress. Guest host Susan Page and a panel of guests discuss executive authority and its limits.
*DR | The Future Of The Republican Party (11/15/16) [1hr]
In January a Republican president -- Donald Trump -- will assume office and Republicans will keep control of the House and Senate. But some analysts warn that the future of the GOP is in jeopardy. The campaign exposed deep fissures within the party. Several leading Republicans declared they would not vote for Trump. He lost the popular vote. His base contains a large share of disaffected voters who rallied around his promise to "make America great again." Whether Trump can fulfill that promise could determine if they stick with him. Join guest host Susan Page for a look at what's ahead for the Republican Party.
*Aljazeera | TechKnow - From a monster El Nino to climate change, TechKnow investigates the cause and effect of the current climate chaos. (11/13/16) [23:37]
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.15.2016. 11:15

Monday November 14, 2016
News Articles
*60 Minutes | President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country (11/13/16) [39:42]
DN | From the First African-American President to One Supported by the Ku Klux Klan: Trump Wins in Upset (11/09/16) [6:00]
CNN | Michael Moore Says Bernie Sanders Would Be President If Democrats Had Listened To The People! (11/10/16) [12:27]
*RT | Peter Lavelle interviews Dr. Ron Paul (11/11/16) [22:06]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | The Future Of The Affordable Care Act In A Trump Administration (11/14/16) [1hr]
Republicans in Congress have voted more than 50 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act without success. Now, they have an ally in President-elect Donald Trump, who promised on the campaign trail to "repeal and replace" the law. But over the weekend, Trump seemed to soften his stance. He told the Wall Street Journal he would consider leaving in place some provisions, including one that prohibits insurers from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Guest host Susan Page and guests discuss the future of President Obama's signature legislation in a Trump administration and with a Republican congress.
*DR | After A Trump Victory, What's Next For The Democratic Party? (11/14/16) [1hr]
This weekend, Hillary Clinton blamed her surprising election loss in part on FBI Director James Comey. Days before the election, he had revived an inquiry into her use of a private email server while secretary of state. But analysts see a more fundamental problem. They say the Democratic Party has lost touch with white working class voters--the group that ultimately lifted Donald Trump to the White House. Now, Democrats need to reach out to alienated Americans and champion causes like jobs and trade they say could help the party win the White House in 2020.

Donald Trump's Transition Team Is a Sordid New Swamp of Lobbyists, Donors, Family and Republican Retreads
AlterNet | Gary Legum / Salon | 11/14/16

Trump's transition team is revealed as a brand-new bog of cronyism and influence peddling.

One could almost feel sorry for Chris Christie, if that dignity train had not left the station months ago. Tapped to lead Donald Trump's transition team after he was passed over in favor of Mike Pence for the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket, Christie was replaced as head of the transition team on Friday by ... Mike Pence.

The move is unsurprising for two reasons: For one, Pence is a former congressman who served with some of Capitol Hill's current leaders. The New York Times reported that, with the campaign -- along with most of the rest of the civilized world -- caught somewhat off-guard by Trump's surprise win, there was a need to ramp the process up quickly. That means letting Pence and his closest aides tap contacts throughout Washington for help, contacts that Christie likely lacks. ... Read more

The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power
AlterNet | Thom Hartmann | 11/14/16

Get ready for a media shitstorm. Steve Bannon, Michael Savage and Alex Jones (among others) are now in the cockpit of national power, while the nation's major newspapers and television networks are doing their very best to "normalize" avowed bigot and fascist (using Mussolini's definition of the word) Donald Trump. Bannon is Trump's chief adviser. And as Salon reports, even the right-wing sympathists at AIPAC are "apopleptic" about Trump working with a man who as editor of the alt-right Breitbart "news" site called "conservative commentator Bill Kristol ... a 'renegade Jew' and Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum... 'a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned.' ... Bannon's ex-wife has even testified in court that Bannon has 'said he doesn't like Jews' and didn't want his children to go to school with Jews." Read more

Click to zoom in
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, November 14 [14:39]
LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
*John Oliver | President-Elect Trump (11/13/16) [29:00]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*Stephen Colbert | Trump And Obama, Sitting In DC, A-W-K-W-A-R-D (11/11/16) [15:09]
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
*Samantha Bee | We've been through all the stages of grief in the past 24 hours. Next up: nasty women assemble. (11/10/16) [7:41]
Samantha Bee | Trump had a policy shop? Yeah, we didn't believe it either. (11/10/16) [6:00]
60 Minutes
*60 Minutes | President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country (11/13/16) [39:42] *TRNN | Climate Scientist Michael Mann: Trump's Policies Are 'Game Over' for Our Climate (11/13/16) [13:45]
TRNN | Repeal of Obamacare Could Leave 20 Million Americans Without Insurance (11/13/16) [15:42]
TRNN | Historian Gerald Horne Interview: Trump Foreign Policy Team will Target Iran (11/13/16) [21:39]
*TYT | Cenk Explaining The Forces Behind The Election A Week Ahead Of Time (11/13/16) [5:15]
TYT | Trump Eyes Bush-Era Torture Architect For CIA Head (11/13/16) [6:55]
TYT | The Very Real Threat Of A Trump Dictatorship (11/11/16) [7:01]
TYT | Obama About To Declare Open Season On Standing Rock Water (11/11/16) [9:20]
RT | Keiser Report: Winners & Losers (E991) (11/10/16) [25:50]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.14.2016. 11:25

Friday November 11, 2016
News Articles
Donald Trump Didn't WIN the Presidency, Hillary Clinton LOST It.
No, Trump Can't Appoint His Kids To His Cabinet

Donald Trump's Proposed Cabinet Would Bring Some Fringe Figures In From The Cold
HP | Amanda Terkel | 11/10/16

Not to mention his potential appointees are pretty much all white men.

So far, the names being floated for a Donald Trump administration largely have one thing in common: They're men. And for the most part, they're white men. BuzzFeed obtained one list of 41 names under consideration for Cabinet and top White House positions. Of those, only six are women. In other news stories listing potential appointees, no women are named.

Many of them are also fringe figures -- people who have never been in government or who have been out of government for some time and are itching to get back in.
Read more

*List of Potential Trump Cabinet Nominees:
Attorney General:
Gov. Chris Christie
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Secretary of Commerce:
Former Nucor CEO Dan DiMicco
Businessman Lew Eisenberg
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee
Sen. David Perdue
Former Sen. Jim Talent

Agriculture Secretary:
Gov. Sam Brownback
Nat Council of Farmer Coop Chuck Conner
Gov. Dave Heineman
Texas Agricultural Comm Sid Miller
Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue

Secretary of Education:
Ben Carson
Hoover Institution fellow William Evers

Secretary of Energy:
Venture Capitalist Robert Grady
Businessman Harold Hamm

Secretary of Health and Human Services:
Former New Jersey state Sen. Rich Bagger
Ben Carson
Newt Gingrich
Gov. Rick Scott

Secretary of Homeland Security:
Sheriff David Clarke
Secretary of the Interior:
Gov. Jan Brewer
Gov. Mary Fallin
Oil Executive Forrest Lucas
Rep. Cynthia Lummis
Former Gov. Sarah Palin

Secretary of Defense:
Former Gen. Mike Flynn
Stephen Hadley
Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr.
Former Sen. Jim Talent

Secretary of State:
John Bolton
Sen. Bob Corker

Treasury Secretary:
Rep. Jeb Hensarling
Businessman Carl Icahn
Banker Steven Mnuchin

Chief of Staff:
Reince Priebus

Director of Office of Management and Budget:

Secretary of Labor:
EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic

Veterans Affairs:
Rep. Jeff Miller

White House Counsel:
Donald McGahn

As Obama Spoke On Trump's Win, The Faces Of White House Staffers Said It All
HP | JamesMichael Nichols | 11/10/16

On Wednesday, however, the White House staff, along with the rest of America, listened as Obama discussed the election results in a televised address. And their faces said it all. ... Read more

*Jimmy Dore & TYT | Donald Trump Defeats Hillary Clinton -- Why She Lost & What's Next? (11/09/16) [14:30]

The Democratic Party Has Exploded
HP | Zach Carter | 11/11/16

The Democratic Party exploded Tuesday night. There will be months of finger-pointing and internal reprisals over exactly what Democrats should have done differently. But the shocking thoroughness of the defeat is plain. Donald Trump ? a man who opened his presidential campaign by calling Mexicans "rapists" ? bested Mitt Romney's share of the Latino vote by 8 percentage points. He performed better among black voters than his 2012 predecessor, and he swept four Rust Belt states that President Barack Obama carried twice ? Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin ? under a harsher economy than we face today. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which should matter, but does not. ...

... Obama also glued together two otherwise hostile ideological factions within the Democratic Party. Time magazine hailed him as the second coming of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, while he declared himself a member of the corporate-friendly, free-trading New Democrat coalition. Millions of Americans who love Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) also love Obama. So do well-heeled technocrats who admire President Bill Clinton and economist Larry Summers. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, November 10 [9:50]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, November 11 [9:19]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | Don't Move To Canada Just Yet (11/09/16) [16:22]
Showtime Stephen Colbert | Signs Off on the 2016 Presidential Election (11/08/16) [9:32]
Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah | The 2016 Election Wrap-Up (11/10/16) [6:39]
*TRNN | Why Did So Many Workers Join the Wealthy in Voting for Trump? (11/10/16) [40:42]
*TRNN | Chris Hedges: Trump Will Crush Dissent With Even Greater Violence and Savagery (11/10/16) [8:45]
TRNN | Chris Hedges: The Surrender of the Liberal Left to Neoliberalism Gave Us Proto-fascism (11/10/16) [11:07]
TYT | Russia Brags About Influencing Election (11/10/16) [6:34]
TYT | Trump IMMEDIATELY Backpedals On Wall And More... (11/10/16) [9:16]
RT | Keiser Report: Winners & Losers (E991) (11/10/16) [25:50]
Max and Stacy report from outside the Javits Center, where Hillary Clinton took the stage at the event that she and most pollsters and media thought would celebrate her victory. What went wrong? Former North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Randy Voller tells Keiser Report that Hillary failed to bring in the working class vote. Author and former banker Mitch Feierstein suggests it was her alleged corruption. And credit analyst and Trump supporter Chris Whalen says that, in the end, Hillary just didn't have the message that resonated with voters and it was Trump who had momentum and message.
RT | "There was movement towards WWIII with Russia": World awaits Trump's future policy on Middle East (11/10/16) [10:26]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (11/11/16) [1hr]
The Friday News Roundup: Donald Trump defeats Hillary Clinton in one of the biggest political upsets in American history. Republicans keep control of the House and Senate. And Democrats try to understand the populist wave that led to their defeat.
*DR | Friday News - International (11/11/16) [1hr]
World leaders convey congratulations after Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election -- but also uncertainty over the potential impact on alliances and trade pacts. China has moved to hinder two pro-democracy legislators from taking their seats in Hong Kong. A top Chinese security official was elected president of Interpol, the global police agency. And this evening Venezuela's government and opposition rivals are set to resume Vatican-mediated talks on the nation's ongoing crisis. A panel of journalists joins guest host Tom Gjelten for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.11.2016. 10:50

Thursday November 10, 2016
News Articles
Donald Trump Didn't WIN the Presidency, Hillary Clinton LOST It.
*TYT | What Trump Will Do In His First Hundred Days (11/09/16) [8:14]
TYT | Trump Team Already Bragging About Enemies List (11/09/16) [4:30]

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
TheIntercept.com | Glenn Greenwald | 10/09/16

THE PARALLELS BETWEEN the U.K.'s shocking approval of the Brexit referendum in June and the U.S.' even more shocking election of Donald Trump as president last night are overwhelming. Elites (outside of populist right-wing circles) aggressively unified across ideological lines in opposition to both. Supporters of Brexit and Trump were continually maligned by the dominant media narrative (validly or otherwise) as primitive, stupid, racist, xenophobic, and irrational. In each case, journalists who spend all day chatting with one another on Twitter and congregating in exclusive social circles in national capitals -- constantly re-affirming their own wisdom in an endless feedback loop -- were certain of victory. Afterward, the elites whose entitlement to prevail was crushed devoted their energies to blaming everyone they could find except for themselves, while doubling down on their unbridled contempt for those who defied them, steadfastly refusing to examine what drove their insubordination. ... Read more

TheIntercept.com | Jon Schwarz | 10/09/16

It's not hyperbole to say the United States, and in fact the world, will need some luck to get out of this one alive. So let's concentrate on making our own luck.

The people who run America have constructed a political system that's like a glitchy killer robot, one even they can't control anymore.

Working as designed it murders African Americans and pregnant women and opioid addicts. The Iraq War was a minor hiccup that caused it to obliterate a country, several thousand Americans, and hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. The housing bubble was a more serious bug that liquidated hundreds of thousands more from the poorer half of the rich world.

But with Donald Trump, for perhaps the first time, the robot totally ignored the commands of its creators and now has everyone in its crosshairs. ... Read more

Is This the Death of the Democratic Party? The Death of the Liberal Media? And by the Way, Bernie Would Have Won.

*In Donald Trump's Cabinet From Hell, Corporatism and Cronyism Run Rampant -- and Sarah Palin May Be There, Too
AlterNet | Brendan Gauthier / Salon | 11/09/16

President-elect Donald Trump started hinting at his cabinet picks long before he received the Republican nomination. This past weekend, sources gave NBC News a teaser list of potential front-runners. NBC News reported:

Among the names being considered, according to conversations with three campaign advisers who requested anonymity to speak freely: Rudy Giuliani for attorney general, Newt Gingrich for secretary of state, retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn for defense secretary or national security adviser, Trump finance chairman Steve Mnuchin for Treasury secretary, and Republican National Committee finance chair Lew Eisenberg for commerce secretary. ... Read more

Trump Said To Consider Jamie Dimon For Treasury Secretary; Dimon Not Interested
ZeroHedge | author | 11/10/16

According to CNBC, in addition to former Goldman and Soros employee, Steven Mnuchin, Trump advisors are also considering JPM CEO Jamie Dimon for the Treasury post ... Read more

Rudy Giuliani Addresses Hillary Pardon - "President Obama Should Leave It To The System"
ZeroHedge | author | 11/10/16

"I don't like to see America become a country in which we prosecute people, you know, about politics. On the other hand, there are deep and disturbing issues there in which if you don't investigate them..." ... Read more

Click to see more
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, November 09 [14:30]
DN | Lee Fang: Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration (11/09/16) [2:40]
Donald Trump may have run as an economic populist, but journalist Lee Fang examines how he has surrounded himself by corporate lobbyists. Fang reports in The Intercept that Trump's transition team includes Michael Catanzaro, a lobbyist for Koch Industries and the Walt Disney Company; Eric Ueland, who previously lobbied for Goldman Sachs; and William Palatucci, whose lobbying firm represents Aetna and Verizon.
DN | In Trump White House, Will Mike Pence Become the Most Powerful Vice President in History? (11/09/16) [15:17]
According to The New York Times, Donald Trump's son called John Kasich's adviser before the Republican National Convention asking if the governor wanted to be "the most powerful vice president in history." Kasich was told he would be in charge of both domestic and foreign policy. As for Donald Trump's role, his son reportedly said he would be simply "making America great again." What does this mean for Mike Pence's role as VP? We look at his record as Indiana governor.
DN | If Bernie Won Democratic Primary, Would We Now Be Looking at a Sanders Presidency? (11/09/16) [6:14]
On election night, Republican Donald Trump claimed victories in battleground states where Democrat Bernie Sanders's campaign found enthusiastic support during the primary. We speak with The Intercept's Lee Fang and Linda Sarsour, Muslim Democratic activist and former Bernie Sanders campaign surrogate, on the outcome of Tuesday's election if Sanders had won the Democratic nomination.
TRNN | Nomi Prins discuss: How Neoliberalism Helped Create Trumpism (11/09/16) [17:09]
TRNN | Tom Ferguson discusses: 'Wall Street Plus Identity Politics' Formula is Over for the Democrats (11/09/16) [12:12]
TYT | ALMOST Everyone Was Wrong About The Election (11/09/16) [9:55]
RT | John Pilger: 'The truth is... there was no one to vote for' (11/09/16) [28:12]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
How Liberals Got It So Wrong (11/09/16) [28:29]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | From Populist Wave To The White House: Deep American Divisions And The Transition Ahead (11/10/16) [1hr]
Exit polls say around 62% of the electorate thinks America is on the wrong track. As a populist wave sweeps the country, a look at the presidential transition ahead.
*DR | What Trump's Victory Might Mean For America's Place In The World (11/10/16) [1hr]
Promises to upend international engagement, U-S trade and immigration policy were central to Donald Trump's campaign. What Trump's win may mean for America's role in the world.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.10.2016. 10:59

Wednesday November 09, 2016
News Articles
TYT | Trump's Victory Speech. (11/09/16) [15:35]
TYT | Who Will Be In Trump's Cabinet (11/09/16) [6:59]
TYT | We Just Gave America To A Fascist (11/09/16) [12:54]
TYT | Establishment Never Saw It Coming (11/09/16) [7:32]
Trump supporters break into chants of "lock her up" at New York Hilton party

Stunned Global Markets Wake Up To President Trump
ZeroHedge | author | 11/09/16

As it dawned on markets that they had been caught dead wrong for the second time in half a year, first with Brexit and then with the historic election of Donald Trump, their reaction was identical: a slow selloff at first, followed by a furious dump, which led to a limit down halt in NASDAQ and Emini future trading. However, turbulence calmed as investors reassessed the effects of Donald Trump's surprise victory in the U.S. presidential election. ... Read more

Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims.

Now That Trump Won: 10 Plagues Unearthed by This Election We Need to Face
AlterNet | Don Hazen, Kali Holloway, Steven Rosenfeld, Adele M. Stan, Janet Allon, Jan Frel | 11/09/16

The clash between Trump and Clinton slit open the underbelly of America, out of which has oozed a toxic stew. Old, familiar race hatred and anti-Semitism have reemerged, newly swathed in the cloak of the "alt-right." Misogyny has proved its enduring electoral strength. Anti-immigrant hysteria, ironically, has given validity to anti-American policy proposals. With Trump at the lead, all this has been married with old-fashioned fear-mongering, racial profiling, and contempt and disdain for the "other" -- be they Muslims, people of color, the handicapped or journalists just trying to do their jobs.

The U.S. was a divided and traumatized place before the election, but the coarseness of this campaign has made the environment more polluted. White Christians and working-class white men feel threatened by a world they see as passing them by. Their fear and anger has made them easy pickings for extreme right-wing media outlets including Breitbart, Alex Jones and far worse actors. Trump, whose presidential aspirations were built on the lies of his "birther" claims, embraced a number of their wildest conspiracies. ... Read more

FBI Director James Comey Had Trump-Pence Campaign Sign in Front of His House in Connecticut
More News

  2. Trump Surges to Stunning Victory (WSJ)
  3. Trump takes the White House in stunning upset (Reuters)
  4. Trump Pledges to Rebuild America (WSJ)
  5. 'Deplorables' Rise Up to Reshape America (WSJ)
  6. Trump, as Outsider, Broke Every Rule on Road to Victory (WSJ)
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | Stephen Colbert hosted a live election night "Late Show" on ShowTime (11/09/16) [9:30]
Stephen Colbert | Trump Begins: The Dawn Of The Donald (11/09/16) [3:51]
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah | tries to make sense of Donald Trump's surprising lead over Hillary Clinton. (11/09/16) [11:11]
TRNN | Panelists join Paul Jay to discuss: A Wake Up Call For People in America (11/09/16) [10:15]
TRNN | Panelists join Paul Jay to discuss: the future of independent politics under a Trump presidency (11/09/16) [10:40]
RT | CrossTalk: Trump's Triumph! (11/09/16) [24:07]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | 2016 Election Analysis: Donald Trump Wins The Presidency (11/09/16) [1hr]
Donald Trump was elected the nation's 45th president last night. What exit polls and results by region suggest about priorities and challenges for the next administration.
*DR | Analysis Of The 2016 Congressional Election Results (11/09/16) [1hr]
Analysis of the 2016 House and Senate election results. Diane and a panel of guests discuss key races across the country, and what the balance of power in Congress means for the new president and Washington gridlock.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

11.09.2016. 10:49

Tuesday November 04, 2016
News Articles
TYT | The Young Turks Election Day Coverage 2016 (LIVE) (11/08/16) []
TYT | Did Trump Target Jewish People In His Last Ad? (11/07/16) [7:25]

50 Far-Right-Wing Proposals from the 2016 GOP Platform That Would Be on Trump's Desk If Elected President
AlterNet | Steven Rosenfeld | 11/06/16

Most voters have heard enough about Donald Trump's plans for the presidency, but what about the rest of the Republican Party?

Before Trump turned the Republican nominating contest into a battle of boasts and bullying, right-wing extremists had dominated the party. Their platform, not surprisingly, goes even further to the right than what's even been heard from Trump as he promises to build a wall along the Mexican border and embrace the religious right's long-held tenets opposing abortion, LGBT rights and more. The GOP 2016 platform would make Christianity the official American religion, English the official American language, replace sex education with abstinence-only advice for teenagers, privatize almost all areas of federal services, cut taxes and regulations for the rich and titans of industry, and impose a belligerent foreign policy and military build-up. ...

  1. Tax cuts for the rich
  2. Deregulate the banks
  3. Stop consumer protection
  4. Repeal environmental laws
  5. Shrink unions and union labor
  6. Privatize federal railway service
  7. No change in federal minimum wage
  8. Cut government salaries and benefits
  9. 10. Appoint anti-LGBT and anti-Obamacare justices
  10. Legalize anti-LGBT discrimination
  11. Make Christianity a national religion
  12. Loosen campaign finance loopholes and dark money
  13. Loosen gun controls nationwide
  14. Pass an anti-choice constitutional amendment
  15. End federal funding for Planned Parenthood
  16. Allow states to shut down abortion clinics
  17. Oppose stem cell scientific research
  18. Oppose executive branch policy making
  19. Oppose efforts to end the electoral college
  20. Require citizenship documents to register to vote
  21. Ignore undocumented immigrants when drawing congressional districts
  22. No labeling of GMO ingredients in food products
  23. Add work requirements to welfare and cut food stamps
  24. Open America's shores to more oil and gas drilling
  25. Build the Keystone XL Pipeline
  26. Expand fracking and burying nuclear waste
  27. No tax on carbon products
  28. Ignore global climate change agreements
  29. Privatize Medicare, the health plan for seniors
  30. Turn Medicaid, the poor's health plan, over to states
  31. No increasing Social Security benefits by taxing the rich
  32. Repeal Obamacare
  33. Give internet service providers monopoly control
  34. Make English the official U.S. language
  35. No amnesty for undocumented immigrants
  36. Build a border wall to keep immigrants out
  37. Require government verification of citizenship of all workers
  38. Penalize cities that give sanctuary to migrants
  39. Puerto Rico should be a state but not Washington DC
  40. Support traditional marriage but no other families
  41. Privatize government services in the name of fighting poverty
  42. Require bible study in public schools
  43. Replace traditional public schools with privatized options
  44. Replace sex education with abstinence-only approaches
  45. Privatize student loans instead of lowering interest rates
  46. Restore the death penalty
  47. Dramatically increase Pentagon budget
  48. Cancel Iran nuclear treaty and expand nuclear arsenal
  49. Reaffirm support for Israel and slam sanctions movement
Read more
Repulican Platform 2016.pdf
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert | Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for a timely reminder of the importance of casting your vote (11/07/16) [11:25]
Stephen Colbert | Cartoon Donald Trump Can No Longer Tweet (11/08/16) [1:11]
Stephen Colbert | Anthony Weiner's Penis Might Destroy Two Political Careers (11/01/16) [11:03]
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee | Sam traveled to Russia to see the future of American journalism. (11/07/16) [7:05]
Samantha Bee | Samantha Bee officially endorsement of the baddest bitch ever to run for president. (11/07/16) [7:48]
Samantha Bee | Samantha Bee Interviews Russia's Own Trump. (11/07/16) [4:57]
Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah | ELECTION DAY 2016: FEEL THE RUSH (11/07/16) [1:01]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, November 08 [11:49]
LastWeekTonight by John Oliver
John Oliver | Multilevel Marketing (11/07/16) [31:57]
*TRNN | Bruce Dixon and Bill Curry debate whether Trump or Clinton is the greater danger (11/07/16) [30:00]
*Is Pence the Next Cheney? (11/07/16) [16:30]
Allan Nairn says that Trump's VP Pence was a close ally of Cheney in Congress and holds the same foreign policy views; Amber Stearns says Pence is allied with the religious right in Indiana and is a climate change denier.
*TYT | Clinton Foundation Received BIG Check From This Qatar. (11/07/16) [7:14]
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.

Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.
TYT | Trump Loses His Main Weapon (11/07/16) [3:36]
TYT | Veteran On Backlash From Viral Letter To Trump (11/07/16) [7:09]
RT | Picking next 'tin-pot' for America (E990) (11/08/16) [25:47]
Max talks to the people of New York by visiting Times Square and finds not only a divided electorate but a colourful and . . . sometimes angry one. In the second half Max talks to Chris Whalen about his reasons for voting for Trump and whether or not a Clinton 2.0 would actually be a Nixon 2.0.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Comey... The Man Everyone Hates (11/07/16) [12:06]
ThomHartmann | Has the FBI/Comey Been in Contact w/Trumpland? (older 11/04/16) [12:05]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | How Misinformation Has Shaped The 2016 Presidential Race (11/08/16) [1hr]
In this presidential election, we've had more access to information than ever before. Eighty-one percent of all adults get some of their news online; 72 percent from their phones, according to Pew Research. But in many ways, it's also become more difficult to discern fact from fiction. Today's media landscape is littered with fake news sites, hyper-partisan Facebook pages and unverified Twitter accounts. They've fooled even seasoned journalists into reporting information that is false. And on social media, what we watch, hear and read increasingly comes from self-curated spaces that reflect views of like-minded social networks. How much do voters still care about the facts? And how does the media defend them? Diane and a panel discuss how misinformation has shaped this presidential race.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

11.08.2016. 13:54

Monday November 07, 2016
News Articles

Trump Vs. Clinton: A Review Of The Latest Polls Heading Into Election Day
ZeroHedge | author | 11/07/16

With voting set to get underway in less than 24 hours, we thought it appropriate to provide a recap of where the final polls stand nationally and in the key swing states across the country. While it's unclear what impact Comey's latest announcement to clear Hillary, yet again, will have on the election results, here's what the latest polls predict prior to factoring in the latest FBI news which, if anything, would provide a positive impact for Hillary. The latest national polls are mixed with the ABC / Washington Post poll showing a 4-point lead for Hillary. Read more

TYT | "It's Time to Grab America by the Pussy and Make it Great Again" (11/05/16) [3:38]
*TYT | The REAL Reason For War In Syria (11/06/16) [6:05]

Syria: Another Pipeline War
EcoWatch | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | older 02/25/16)

A Pipeline War !

... In their view, our war against Bashar Assad did not begin with the peaceful civil protests of the Arab Spring in 2011. Instead it began in 2000 when Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion, 1,500km pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. ...

... Of course, the Russians, who sell 70 percent of their gas exports to Europe, viewed the Qatar/Turkey pipeline as an existential threat. In Putin's view, the Qatar pipeline is a NATO plot to change the status quo, deprive Russia of its only foothold in the Middle East, strangle the Russian economy and end Russian leverage in the European energy market. In 2009, Assad announced that he would refuse to sign the agreement to allow the pipeline to run through Syria "to protect the interests of our Russian ally." ... Read more
Click to zoom in

*TYT | Are the critics right, is Goldman Sachs actually evil? (11/06/16) [9:17]
Click to zoom in
CNN Anderson Cooper | Anderson Cooper interviews Kellyanne Conway, Calls her AND Trump out on Hypocrisy (11/06/16) [13:46]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, November 07 [12:41]
*DN | Michael Moore: If Elected, Donald Trump Would Be "Last President of the United States" (11/07/16) [10:20]
To see an hour of the above interview look at DemocracyNow for Friday 11/04/16.
*TRNN | The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta (Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager) (11/05/16) [23:50]
TYT | Donald Trump's Dirty Laundry (11/06/16) [12:06]
*TYT | Elizabeth Warren For Treasury Secretary! (11/06/16) [8:51]
TYT | Poll: Vast Majority Think Media Is Biased Toward One Candidate (11/06/16) [5:48]
TYT | 2016 Election PREDICTION. What Will Happen After? (11/06/16) [6:28]
RT | Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (full) (11/05/16) [24:52]
Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of Clinton emails released by WikiLeaks this year.
GoingUndergroundRT | Interview of Afshin Rattansi and Julian Assange (08/06/16) [47:58]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | How The U.S. Government Is Supposed To Work And Why Many Think The System Is Broken (11/07/16) [1hr]
Our government was set up with three discrete branches -- executive, legislative and judicial. America's founders wanted no one branch or person to become too powerful. They also sought to create a government that would help our nation flourish. But many have begun to wonder if our system is broken. In President Obama's first term, Republican leaders vowed to block him at every turn. Most recently Congress succeeded in doing that by refusing to even consider the president's Supreme Court nominee. The president, in turn, has been criticized for not doing more to forge compromise with members of Congress. Diane leads a discussion on how our government is supposed work
*DR | Why Election Day Could Be A Tipping Point For Legal Marijuana (11/07/16) [1hr]
Tomorrow, a record number of Americans will vote on legalizing marijuana in various forms. Five states, including California and Florida, could make recreational marijuana legal. And four more could approve it for medical use, which would make medical marijuana legal in nearly thirty states. A recent poll found nearly 60% of Americans now favor legalizing marijuana. But the sale or possession of marijuana remains a federal crime, even for medical use. And questions remain about the public health implications of legalizing an intoxicating drug. Diane and guests discuss changing attitudes toward legalizing marijuana and whether Election Day could be a tipping point.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
*MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes | Michael Moore: Trump could win Michigan (11/05/16) [8:04]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

11.07.2016. 11:27

Friday November 04, 2016
News Articles
Some of Today's Headlines
Mrs. Trump Mourns: 'Our Culture Has Gotten Too Mean'... FLASHBACK: Trump Said Megyn Kelly Had 'Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever'... Attacked Gold Star Mother Ghazala Khan... Mocked NYT Reporter With Disability... Called Alicia Machado's Weight Gain A 'Real Problem'... Joked About Hillary Clinton Being Shot... YESTERDAY: Reporter Vilified By Trump At Rally Escorted To Car By Secret Service... The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter...

Peak Propaganda: Fox News Creates an Alternate Reality, Then CNN Perpetuates It
Salon | Chauncey DeVega / Salon |11/04/16

Sean Hannity & Co. will not abandon the upside-down zone of disinformation, which the mainstream media amplifies.

In the United States, the right-wing news-entertainment complex has constructed an alternate reality for conservatives that functions like a political version of the Upside-Down from the hit Netflix show "Stranger Things."

Fox News sits at its center. New Suffolk University polling data shows how Fox News viewers (and those respondents who identify as "conservative" and "very conservative") are much more critical of President Barack Obama, are afraid of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and have a much more negative attitude about the future of the United States than the general public. Fox News viewers are also much more likely to believe that the presidential election will somehow be manipulated or subjected to fraud and that the American news media is conspiring against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. ... Read more

*TYT | How Bad Is It For Hillary Clinton? (11/03/16) [6:51]
TYT | Susan Sarandon Interview with Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks (11/03/16) [21:12]
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) interviews Academy Award winning actress, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and longtime progressive activist Susan Sarandon. Susan recently returned from North Dakota where she joined with native groups, as well as TYT Politics host Jordan Chariton, to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline.
TYT | Joss Whedon Interview with Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks (11/03/16) [37:51]
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) interviews Emmy award-winning screenwriter, director, producer, comic book author, composer and super PAC creator Joss Whedon. Earlier this year Joss launched the Save the Day super PAC to apply his filmmaking talents to encouraging Americans to get out and vote, in particular to vote for Hillary Clinton. Save the Day videos viewable at http://www.SavetheDay.vote
Hey, Melania Trump, Have You Met Your Husband?
*Jeremy Scahill on 2016 Presidential Politics (10/16/16) [34:34]
Note: a YouTube Commenter says - need to watch the whole video. The first 9 minutes are sort of a preamble regarding the problems with Trump. But everything after 9:00 until about 24:00 is an elaboration on how Hillary Clinton has extremely nefarious ties with the military-industrial complex. This is one of the most impartial analyses I've heard regarding the current election. He gets it right; both candidates are charlatans.?

Obama's Pentagon Is Using a 'War on Terror' Slush Fund to Bankroll Dangerous Military Buildup Near Russian Border
AlterNet | Sarah Lazare | 11/01/16

The Overseas Contingency Operations fund allows the military to sidestep budget caps and political debate.

The Pentagon is planning to pull billions of dollars from a slush fund earmarked for the war on terror to finance a major mobilization of tanks, troops and arms near the Russian border, as part of NATO's largest military buildup in eastern Europe since the Cold War. ...

... The U.S. is not acting alone. Britain also announced that it plans to mobilize fighter planes to Romania, with Germany, Canada and other countries that are members of NATO also promising forces. "From early 2017, NATO will have four multinational battalions in the eastern part of the Alliance," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said last week. "This is credible deterrence. Not to provoke a conflict, but to prevent conflict. Concrete proof that NATO can and will deploy thousands of forces to support our Allies." ... Read more

Since 2014 The US Has Added 547,000 Waiters And Bartenders And Lost 36,000 Manufacturing Workers

US Warns Of Possible Al-Qaeda Terrorist Attack On Monday Targeting NY, Texas And Virginia
ZeroHedge | author | 11/04/16

CBS reports that U.S. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al-Qeada could be planning attacks in three states for Monday. According to sources, it is believed New York, Texas and Virginia are all possible targets, though no specific locations are mentioned. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, November 03 [12:16]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, November 04 [6:07]
*DN | "Michael Moore in TrumpLand": Filmmaker on Donald Trump, White Men & the Sound of Dying Dinosaurs (11/04/16) [11:26]
*DN | Michael Moore: How I Moved from Supporting Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton for President, Part 1 (11/04/16) [22:52], Part 2 [15:21]
With the U.S. election only days away, Michael Moore has released a surprise new film about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton titled "Michael Moore in TrumpLand." Democracy Now! sat down with the Academy Award-winning filmmaker and talked about how he moved from supporting Bernie Sanders during the primary to now supporting Hillary Clinton. "My hope was that on Tuesday we would have the great decision ... between the socialist and the billionaire," Moore says. On Clinton, he notes: "She is a hawk. She is to the right of Obama. That's the truth. ... We're going to have to be active."
*TRNN | Journalist John Pilger tells: Whether Clinton or Trump, Tensions Will Escalate with China and Russia Under Next U.S. President (11/03/16) [21:26]
*TRNN | Greenpeace's Jesse Coleman warns: Re-routing Dakota Access Pipeline Won't Make it Less Dangerous to the Environment or Climate (11/03/16) [10:35]
TYT | Doctor's Life-Saving Research DESTROYED By Republicans (11/03/16) [13:12]
RT | John Pilger | 'Trump won't be permitted to win' - Assange interview (11/04/16) [4:59]
RT | John Pilger | 'Clinton & ISIS funded by same money' - Assange interview (11/04/16) [2:46]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Friday News - Domestic (11/04/16) [1hr]
Polls show the presidential race tightening in the final days of the campaign. President Obama criticizes the FBI's handling of a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. And the Chicago Cubs win the World Series for the first time since 1908. A panel of journalists joins Diane for analysis of the week's top national news stories.
*DR | Friday News - International (11/04/16) [1hr]
Britain's High Court throws a wrench into the government's Brexit plans. The leader of ISIS urges followers to fight to the death in Mosul. And Syrian rebels reject Russia's call for fighters and civilians to leave Aleppo. A panel of journalists joins Diane at the Newseum for analysis of the week's top international news stories.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

11.04.2016. 13:53

Thursday November 03, 2016
News Articles
Donald Trump Rally in Michigan
*TYT | Reporter Eric Byler spoke to attendees of Donald Trump rally in Grand Rapids, MI. (11/02/16) [2:59]

The Dakota Access Pipeline Map Everyone Should See
HP | Carl Sack | 11/01/16

When I decided to become a cartographer, I didn't just want to make pretty and useful maps. I became a cartographer to make maps that change the world for the better. Right now, no situation needs this kind of map more than the current drama unfolding around the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline's crossing of the Missouri River.

Thousands of Native Americans and their allies have gathered on unceded Sioux land delimited by the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie to try and stand in the way of the "black snake" that could poison the Standing Rock Reservation's water supply. Many have noted that the pipeline corridor was repositioned from its original route north of Bismarck after white citizens spoke up against the threat a spill would pose to their drinking water ? a threat duly recognized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Yet the Corps failed its federal mandate for meaningful consultation with the Standing Rock Tribe before signing off on a route that moved the pipeline to their doorstep. ... Read more
Click to zoom in

*TYT | Dakota Access was told by the federal government not to drill close to the Missouri River. Well guess where they're drilling. Will the Obama administration step in? (11/02/16) [19:06]
Mark Twain quote of "If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it."
TRNN | Prof. Michael Hudson on Hillary Clinton and the US Elections (11/02/16) [13:18]
Henry Ford guote: "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Mitch McConnell Breaks His Silence On Donald Trump
magazine | Marina Fang | 11/02/16

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday finally broke his silence on Donald Trump after months of trying to distance himself from his party's presidential nominee.

Addressing a rally in Georgetown, Kentucky, McConnell urged the crowd that "we need a new president, Donald Trump, to be the most powerful Republican in America," ...

... McConnell, like House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other GOP leaders, has walked a tightrope between condemning their party's presidential nominee for his litany of offensive remarks and controversies, and continuing to endorse him. ... Read more

Trump Wants Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee To Serve As Treasury Secretary

Julian Assange Ends The Suspense: "The Source Of Hacked Emails Is Not Russia"
ZeroHedge | author | 11/03/16

With countless hours of media accusations that the source of hacked Wikileaks Democratic emails including the Podesta files, is none other than Russian president Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange has decided to settle this particular loose end once and for all, and as RT reports, the Wikileaks founder "has categorically denied that the troves of US Democratic Party and Clinton emails released this year have come from the Russian government." ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, November 03 [12:16]
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*Stephen Colbert | Anthony Weiner's Penis Might Destroy Two Political Careers (11/01/16) [11:03]
TRNN | 3 Recent Wikileaks Revelations You Should Know About (11/02/16) [3:16]
*Jimmy Dore Show
TYT | KKK Officially Endorses Donald Trump (11/02/16) [7:33]
TYT | Bundys: "The Goverment Should Be Scared" (11/02/16) [5:34]
TYT | Hit The Panic Button Hillary Supporters (11/02/16) [3:16]
RT | Keiser Report: Max and Stacy discuss the 3/5ths compromise as people become 'chattel' on corporate balance sheets. (E988) (11/03/16) [25:47]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Wow! The Difference Between the Arctic Ice Cap is 1984 & Now (11/02/16) [12:20]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | Reports Of Lower Early Voting Turnout Among African-Americans (11/03/16) [1hr]
In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, black voters turned out in record numbers for Barack Obama. But with early voting underway in more than a dozen states, there are reports that African-American turnout might be lower than the previous two elections. Black voters have historically supported Democrats but some are expressing disillusionment and despair at the choices in this election. And others say new voting restrictions in key battleground states are suppressing black and minority votes. Diane and guests discuss what we know about African-American voters based on early election returns, and what it could mean for the outcome of the presidential race.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
PBS NewsHour (full) (11/0116) [53:53]
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/

11.03.2016. 08:53

Wednesday November 02, 2016
News Articles

Adelson pours $25 million into White House race, more may be coming
magazine | Ed Henry | 10/31/16

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson just committed $25 million to an anti-Hillary Clinton Super PAC to try and help tilt the presidential race and down ballot House and Senate races to Republicans, Fox News learned Monday. There are indications the casino magnate will pony up even more by the end of the week.

Two senior Republican sources familiar with the donation described it to Fox News as a "massive" amount of money to be spent during the final week of the presidential race and a sign that Adelson, who has largely been on the sidelines after initially suggesting he would give $100 million to help Donald Trump, is now going all in on the Republican nominee. ... Read more
TYT | Guess Which Religion Trump Is Coming After Now? (11/01/16) [14:06]

TYT | Why People Don't Trust Hillary Clinton (11/01/16) [12:00]
TYT | Hillary Clinton Should Be Very Worried (11/01/16) [6:53]

*Halloween's Over, But Record-Breaking Heat Horror Continues
HP | Dominique Mosbergen | 11/02/16

Trick-or-treating was a steamier-than-usual affair for millions of Americans this Halloween. Forecasters say the heatwave will not let up this week.

Several cities across the country saw record-high Halloween temperatures on Monday. Among them: New Orleans, Louisiana, (89 degrees), Dodge City, Kansas, (90 degrees), Asheville, North Carolina, (81 degrees), Hunstville, Alabama, (88 degrees), Tallahassee, Florida, (90 degrees), Fort Smith, Arkansas, (89 degrees) and Colorado Springs, Colorado, (80 degrees). Atlanta, Georgia, also set a new heat record at 86 degrees, a temperature nearly 20 degrees above average, WTVM.com reports. It was the latest day in the year that the city has ever been that warm. ... Read more
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NatGeo | Years of Living Dangerously, Wednesday at 10/9c

Inside 'Bill Clinton Inc.': Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income
WashingtonPost | Rosalind S. Helderman | older 10/23/16

When top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the Clinton family and its charity.

In doing so, Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president. ... Read more
TYT | Wikileaks BOMBSHELL Exposes Extent Of Clinton Corruption (11/01/16) [18:46]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, November 02 [10:01]
TRNN | The Empire Files: Demolitions of Palestinians' Homes Surge for Illegal Settlements (11/02/16) [24:11]
*TRNN | Breaking Through Power: William Lazonick on Stock Buybacks and Executive Pay (11/02/16) [21:37]
Click to zoom in
*TRNN | Larry Wilkerson: A Solution for Syria Will Require the United States to Concede on Assad (11/02/16) [11:35]
TYT | Breaking Down The American Monopoly. Part 1 (11/01/16) [5:18], Part 2 [7:53]
RT | CrossTalk: Hillary Clinton and her never-ending scandals. The FBI's decision to continue its investigation into her use of emails ... (11/02/16) [24:25]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
*ThomHartmann | Dr. Richard Wolf - Treachery At The Fed? (11/01/16) [12:20]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | What Constitutes Dangerous Political Speech And How It Can Incite Violence (11/02/16) [1hr]
Reports from Trump rallies in recent days echo a common theme: if their candidate loses there will be anger, despair, even revolution. Trump supporters site the election as being rigged -- of which there is no evidence -- and a corrupt system. It's language the presidential candidate himself uses. While political reporters note most Trump supporters are not calling for "revolution" the words from the campaign this season have many asking what constitutes dangerous political speech and how it can incite people to act. We get perspectives from a political scientist, a reporter and legal scholars.
*DR | Environmental Outlook: Where The Presidential Candidates Stand On Energy Policy, The Environment And Climate Change (11/02/16) [1hr]
During the presidential debates, energy and environment issues got very little attention. But many voters -- particularly millennial voters -- care deeply about climate change and the environment. These issues highlight some of the starkest differences between the candidates. Donald Trump has tweeted that climate change is a hoax. He says he will "cancel" the Paris agreement on global warming and bring back the coal industry. Hillary Clinton has called climate change an urgent threat. She proposes spending billions on renewable energy. For this month's Environmental Outlook: Diane and a panel of guests discuss where the presidential candidates stand on climate, energy and other environmental policies.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

11.02.2016. 12:08

Tuesday November 01, 2016
News Articles

Don’t Sweat The Election. The Next Crisis Is Already Baked Into The Cake
ZeroHedge | author | 11/01/16

From here on out politics are only relevant at the extremes - major war, corruption scandal, martial law etc. Short of that, the fiat currency/fractional reserve banking world has such institutional momentum that it really won’t matter whether Trump is picking on bankers and building his wall or Clinton is protecting Wall Street and raising taxes. Debt will keep soaring as it has under every president since Reagan and jobs will disappear as machines replace people, thus bringing the end of the current system inexorably closer. ...

... These three things – soaring Chinese debt, disruptions in the money market, and the end of the auto loan bubble -- matter vastly more than which party runs what part of the government. ... Read more

The Doubt Machine: Inside The Koch Brothers' War on Climate Science?
Narrated by esteemed actor Emma Thompson, the documentary "The Doubt Machine: Inside the Koch Brothers' War on Climate Science" reveals how the Koch Brothers have used their vast wealth to ensure the American political system takes no action on climate change, and are attempting to buy the 2016 Congressional elections
TRNN | The Doubt Machine: Inside The Koch Brothers' War on Climate Science (full) (11/01/16) [30:00]
The Real News Network is Building a Global Climate Change Bureau
2014 and 2015 each set the record for hottest calendar year since scientists began measuring surface temperatures over 150 years ago, and 2016 is shaping up to be even warmer. This will be the first time that we've seen three consecutive years with record-breaking temperatures.

A temperature increase of two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels will now be reached much sooner than earlier predicted according to a report by seven leading climate scientists.

"The 1.5°C target could be reached by the early 2030's and the 2°C target by 2050" says the report that included Sir Robert Watson, former Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The scientists say that even if all the pledges made by the signatory countries to the Paris agreement are fully implemented, climate will pass this dangerous mark in 34 years.

This is a threshold that most scientists have warned cannot be crossed without dire consequences, including a rise in sea levels of several feet that would flood many coastal cities in the U.S., longer droughts, more intense heat waves that cause a major disruption in the world's food supply, and large migrations of people from countries of the global south.

It is also a point where it becomes far more difficult to reverse the warming trend. Some scientists suggest temperatures by the end of the century could rise as much as 4-6°C above pre-industrial levels.

The report titled The Truth About Climate Change says, "Much of the public believes that climate change is only going to happen by the end of the century," and that this is a misunderstanding of the urgency. Unless there is a dramatic change in current public policy, most people alive today will live to see the 2°C threshold crossed. ... Read more

All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power by Nomi Prins

All the Presidents' Bankers is a groundbreaking narrative of how an elite group of men transformed the American economy and government, dictated foreign and domestic policy, and shaped world history.

Culled from original presidential archival documents, All the Presidents' Bankers delivers an explosive account of the hundred-year interdependence between the White House and Wall Street that transcends a simple analysis of money driving politics -- or greed driving bankers.

Prins ushers us into the intimate world of exclusive clubs, vacation spots, and Ivy League universities that binds presidents and financiers. She unravels the multi-generational blood, intermarriage, and protégé relationships that have confined national influence to a privileged cluster of people. These families and individuals recycle their power through elected office and private channels in Washington, DC.

All the Presidents' Bankers sheds new light on pivotal historic events--such as why, after the Panic of 1907, America's dominant bankers convened to fashion the Federal Reserve System; how J. P. Morgan's ambitions motivated President Wilson during World War I; how Chase and National City Bank chairmen worked secretly with President Roosevelt to rescue capitalism during the Great Depression while J.P. Morgan Jr. invited Roosevelt's son yachting; and how American financiers collaborated with President Truman to construct the World Bank and IMF after World War II.

Prins divulges how, through the Cold War and Vietnam era, presidents and bankers pushed America's superpower status and expansion abroad, while promoting broadly democratic values and social welfare at home. But from the 1970s, Wall Street's rush to secure Middle East oil profits altered the nature of political-financial alliances. Bankers' profit motive trumped heritage and allegiance to public service, while presidents lost control over the economy -- as was dramatically evident in the financial crisis of 2008.

This unprecedented history of American power illuminates how the same financiers retained their authoritative position through history, swaying presidents regardless of party affiliation. All the Presidents' Bankers explores the alarming global repercussions of a system lacking barriers between public office and private power. Prins leaves us with an ominous choice: either we break the alliances of the power elite, or they will break us.

Trump Raises Specter Of Crisis If Clinton Wins The White House
Reuters & HP | author | 10/31/16

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called Democratic rival Hillary Clinton a threat to the country on Monday, saying that if she is elected a probe into her emails could shadow her entire term in office, as the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Clinton's lead narrowing slightly.

"The investigation will last for years. The trial will probably start," Trump told a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Nothing will get done. I can tell you, your jobs will continue to leave Michigan. Nothing's going to get done." ... Read more

All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power by Nomi Prins


There has been an enormous upward redistribution of income in the United States in the last four decades. In his most recent book, Baker shows that this upward redistribution was not the result of globalization and the natural workings of the market. Rather it was the result of conscious policies that were designed to put downward pressure on the wages of ordinary workers while protecting and enhancing the incomes of those at the top. Baker explains how rules on trade, patents, copyrights, corporate governance, and macroeconomic policy were rigged to make income flow upward.

"With clarity, facts, and force, Dean Baker explains how the U.S. economy is rigged and how the privileged class convinced majorities that this is just the way things have to be. Baker then thoroughly debunks such inevitability, providing what amounts to a powerful de-rigging manual to the growing number of us who want a global economy that works for everyone."
-- Jared Bernstein, Former Chief Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden

"This is an important and compelling book about how the rules governing the American economy have been rigged in favor of those with the wealth and political clout to rig them. Baker shows why and how the nation's staggering inequality has been the consequence of staggeringly unequal political influence."
-- Robert B. Reich, Former Secretary of Labor
Aljazeera | Inside Story - Where do the two US presidential candidates stand on the Middle East? (11/01/16) [24:50]
DN | The October Surprise: Michael Isikoff on the FBI's Clinton Email Investigation That Could Jolt Race (10/31/16) [15:12]
DN | Democrats Sue Trump & GOP Under 1871 KKK Act for Threatening Voters of Color (11/01/16) [6:50]
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee | Trump says Russia isn't influencing our election, and so do these Russian trolls who are being paid to influence our election. (10/31/16) [6:15]
Samantha Bee | "People Are Saying." You'll never believe what they're saying. (10/31/16) [8:35]
TRNN | Nomi Prins says: Wall Street Saddles Up for a Hillary Clinton Presidency (10/31/16) [14:44]
TRNN | FBI Special Agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley says: FBI Director Comey's Catch-22 (11/01/16) [18:17]
TRNN | Henry Giroux and Paul Jay discuss: A Tear in the Fabric of America's Political Theater (11/01/16) [11:36]
TYT | FBI Director Faces Backlash From Hillary Letter (10/31/16) [13:41]
TYT | Clinton Foundation Investigation Sends FBI Into Turmoil (10/31/16) [7:19]
TYT | Not All Trump Supporters Are Nazis, But... (10/31/16) [8:31]
TYT | Trump's Brand Is In Serious Trouble (10/31/16) [4:29]
RT | Keiser Report: North Carolina, the Battlefield State (E987) (11/01/16) [25:47]
Max and Stacy discuss the significance of battleground state, North Carolina. Max chats to four time former mayor of Pittsboro, NC about Obamacare, Bernie's role in a Hillary Clinton administration and more. In the second half Max interviews author and journalist, Tim Shorrock, about the 'Asia Pivot' and Hillary's North Korea policy.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Dean Baker: How Globalism is Rigged To Make the Rich Richer (10/31/16) [11:57]
Note: sometimes I have to post my News Page before all the links are available. This happens most noteably for the Diane Rehm Show. If the pop-up links don't work, just go to The Diane Show website and click the links there.
*DR | The Ongoing Firestorm Surrounding The FBI And Its Investigation Into Hillary Clinton's Emails (11/01/16) [1hr]
FBI Director James Comey is facing widespread criticism for announcing an investigation into more of Hillary Clinton's emails just days before the presidential election: The latest on the investigation and the political firestorm it's created.
NPR (National Public Radio) - www.npr.org/
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) - pbs.org/
MSNBC - Maddow/Hayes - www.msnbc.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across

11.01.2016. 12:02

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Newer Documentaries You Might Not Have Seen

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Good YouTube Documentaries

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Good YouTube Docs. (big | full screen)

Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about. 
But I have a modest standard of living so I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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