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Friday September 29, 2017

Trump Tax Plan
Bloomberg | author | date

Trump's vision for reducing the tax burden on U.S. companies and workers will require deep cuts and hard math. Here's full coverage.

White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said the Trump administration is willing to negotiate on one of the core revenue raisers in the Republican tax overhaul framework -- ending the state and local tax deduction -- potentially exacerbating the deficit impact of the plan.

Cohn told Bloomberg TV on Friday that ending the state and local tax deduction is "not a red line" for the White House in a tax revamp. The GOP plan unveiled Wednesday contains an estimated $5.8 trillion in tax cuts. ... Read more

Note: this section has many more articles on Trump's Tax Plan.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Stuck Taxpayers For $12,000 Charter Flight
HP | Willa Frej | 009/29/17

Commercial travel didn't fit his schedule, a spokeswoman said.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and several staffers chartered an oil company plane for a flight from Las Vegas to Zinke's home state of Montana in June, costing taxpayers $12,375, according to reports.

Zinke's expensive travel puts him on a growing list of Trump administration officials who have been using taxpayer dollars to fly on non-commercial planes.

He and several staffers flew on a Beechcraft King Air 200 from Las Vegas, where Zinke had a speaking engagement, to Montana on June 26, an internal calendar obtained by Politico revealed. The plane, according to The Washington Post, belongs to Nielson & Associates, a Wyoming-based oil-and-gas exploration firm. The Interior Department paid for the charter. ... Read more

Exclusive: Russians Impersonated Real American Muslims to Stir Chaos on Facebook and Instagram
Daily Beast | Ben Collins | 09/27/17

Kremlin trolls stole the identity of an authentic U.S. Muslim organization--first to smear John McCain and Hillary Clinton, then to sing her praises.

The Facebook group United Muslims of America was neither united, Muslim, nor American. Instead, sources familiar with the group tell The Daily Beast, it was an imposter account on the world's largest social network that's been traced back to the Russian government.

Using the account as a front to reach American Muslims and their allies, the Russians pushed memes that claimed Hillary Clinton admitted the U.S. "created, funded and armed" al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State; claimed that John McCain was ISIS' true founder; whitewashed blood-drenched dictator Moammar Gadhafi and praised him for not having a "Rothschild-owned central bank"; and falsely alleged Osama bin Laden was a "CIA agent." ... Read more
Russian Troll Army Impersonating US Muslims On Facebook | TYT | 09/28/17 | 10:47

Machine Intelligence: We Need a National Strategy
TheAtlantic | Emma Kinnucan | current

On Thursday, July 20, China's State Council released the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan. Numbering nearly 40 pages, the plan lays out China's aspirations in impressive detail. It introduces massive investment that aims to position China at the forefront of technological achievement by cultivating the governmental, economic, and academic ecosystems to drive breakthroughs in machine intelligence. To achieve these goals, the Council aims to harness the data produced by more the internet-connected devices of more than a billion Chinese citizens, a vast web of "intelligent things."

The plan also details the strategic situation precipitating the need for a bold new vision: "Machine intelligence [is] the strategic technology that will lead in the future; the world's major developed countries are taking the development of AI as a major strategy... [We] must, looking at the world, take the initiative to plan [and] firmly seize the [technology] in this new stage of international competition. ... Read more

Trump's Nine Russia Scandals (#127) | Keith Olbermann | 09/28/17 | 10:00
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 29 [9:31]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 29 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Coming soon
Trump's Corporate Tax Would Trigger a Global Race to the Bottom | TRNN | 09/29/17 | 10:41
Trump Adviser Struggles To Defend Tax Plan | TYT | 09/28/17 | 14:01
Jet-Setting Tom Price Says He'll Pay Up...Sort Of | TYT | 09/28/17 | 8:07
GOP Tax Myth & Junk Economics | ThomHartmann | 08/28/17 | 11:41
Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 09/29/17 | 1hr
After another unsuccessful attempt at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, the GOP is turning to taxes. The party is pushing a drastic overhaul of the tax code, though, as with healthcare legislative success won't come easily, if at all.

Meanwhile, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has faced scrutiny over his travel habits. People seeking to travel to the United States have new hurdles ahead of them and the president is planning to visit Puerto Rico, where millions of Americans are recovering from devastation brought by Hurricane Maria.
Friday News - International | 1a.org | 09/29/17 | 1hr
The airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, was the target of a rocket attack this week. The Taliban has claimed responsibility and the group says that U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis was intended to be in the crosshairs. Mattis had left the airport by the time the rocket hit and no one was injured.

Meanwhile, we're learning more about how ISIS has devastated the Syrian city of Raqqa and how efforts to reclaim the city from the terror group has resulted in countless fatalities of civilians.

We focus on terror abroad and catch up on international news, including how Chad ended up on the latest version of the Trump administration's travel ban and women behind the wheel in Saudi Arabia.
Republicans To Put Russian Bank Lawyer In Coveted DoJ Position | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/28/17 | 6:25
Will Tom Price Keep His Job? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/29/17 | 8:36
GOP Tax Plan Would Massively Benefit Donald Trump Family | MSNBC All In | 09/29/17 | 2:47
Ken Starr: President Trump Will Be Under Oath Before Russia Probe Ends | MSNBC 11th Hour | 09/28/17 | 6:01
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's Tax Plan Only Sets Us Back $2 Trillion | Stephen Colbert | 09/29/17 | 4:23
Stephen Colbert Becomes Steven Seagal | Stephen Colbert | 09/29/17 | 5:29
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trump Tax Reform Explained | Tevor Noah | 09/27/17 | 14:22
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump Lies About Taxes, Health Care Amid Cabinet Scandals | Seth Meyers | 09/28/17 | 9:54
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee's Sport Roundup | Samantha Bee | 09/27/17 | 5:09

09.29.2017. 11:34

Thursday September 28, 2017

Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades
NYTimes | Julie Hirschfeld Davis | 09/27/17

President Trump on Wednesday began an ambitious push to slash taxes and salvage what remains of his embattled legislative agenda in Congress this year, proposing a politically challenging array of tax cuts for individuals and businesses that would constitute the most sweeping changes to the federal tax code in decades.

Mr. Trump, smarting from the latest defeat this week of his efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, cast the tax plan as an economic imperative and the fulfillment of a promise to his working-class supporters to deliver benefits in the form of lower taxes, better jobs and higher wages. ... Read more
Trump Tax Reform Explained | TYT | 09/27/17 | 14:22

Trump fuming over Price's charter flights
Politico | Josh Dawsey | 09/27/17

'I'm going to look at it. I am not happy about it, and I let him know it,' the president says of the HHS secretary using taxpayer money to fund private jet travel.

President Donald Trump and his top aides are fuming over Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price's use of expensive private jets, with some advisers privately calling for Price's ouster.

Trump rebuked Price in sharp terms Wednesday but declined to bat down speculation that the HHS chief could be fired for his lavish spending of taxpayer dollars. "We'll see," the president told reporters when asked whether Price would stay in his job. ... Read more

Ryan vents over stalled GOP agenda in Senate
Politico | Cristiano Lima | 09/27/17

Equipped with graphs highlighting the disparity between the number of bills passed by the House and the number that have stalled in the Senate, Ryan (R-Wis.) aired his grievances during an interview on Fox News. He cited the upper chamber's inability to convert on the Republican Party's major goals thus far during the Trump administration.

"Is that frustrating for the House? You bet it's frustrating in the House," Ryan told Fox News' Sean Hannity, saying that 274 of the 337 bills that have passed in the House as of Sept. 22 have not made it through the Senate. ... Read more

The 7 most inflammatory things Roy Moore has said
Politico | Nolan D. McCaskill | 09/27/17

Republicans clinging to their thin majority in the Senate are now confronting the question about whether to vigorously support insurgent Roy Moore, the highly controversial former judge who handily beat incumbent GOP Sen. Luther Strange in Alabama's special election on Tuesday night.

Moore, who surged to victory despite President Donald Trump's endorsement of Strange, largely ran on an anti-establishment platform that heavily targeted figures such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. ...

  1. 'Reds and yellows'
  2. 'Maybe Putin is right' with his opposition to gay marriage
  3. 'I was informed' that there are U.S. communities under Sharia law
  4. What is a Dreamer? 'Quit beating around and tell me what it is'
  5. 9/11 may have happened 'because we've distanced ourselves from God'
  6. 'My personal belief' is that Obama wasn't born in America
  7. Rep. Keith Ellison should be prohibited 'from taking the congressional oath'
Read more

Maria's Trail of Destruction in Puerto Rico | Bloomberg | 09/25/17 | article
How the Pittsburgh Penguins Became Trump's Political Pawns (#127) | Keith Olbermann | 09/28/17 | 5:47
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 28 [14:14]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 28 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. French Activist: Emmanuel Macron is "Younger, Prettier" Face of Anti-Worker Reforms & a Police State
  3. As Trump Struggles to Pronounce "Namibia," Meet One of the Country's Best-Known Journalists
  4. Finland's First Female President on Women's Rights, Healthcare & Rise of Far Right in Europe
Trump's Tax Giveaway to the Rich Won't Boost Economy | TRNN | 09/27/17 | 13:25
Candidate Who Beat Trump Is Really Awful | TYT | 09/27/17 | 11:53
Coming To America ... It's Complicated | 1a.org | 09/28/17 | 1hr
The latest version of the Trump administration's travel ban restricts entry for visitors from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad, breaking with the ban's past targeting of majority-Muslim countries.

President Trump says his priority is still protecting Americans from terrorism, but this latest round of changes to the ban has caused further confusion.
Americana: A 400-Year History Of American Capitalism | 1a.org | 09/28/17 | 1hr
Bhu Srinivasan came to this country as a wide-eyed eight-year-old, his head filled with all the possibilities America evoked. His educated parents had found upward mobility to be unachievable in India.

Now an entrepreneur who remains fascinated by American innovation and industry, Srinivasan has written a narrative history of the U.S. economy.
Weak Leadership Leaves Puerto Rico Aid At Port, Undistributed | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/27/17 | 6:27
Expansionist Russia Promotes Division Everywhere Else | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/27/17 | 22:30
Middle Class Will 'Get Nothing' In Tax Proposal: Steve Rattner | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/28/17 | 12:01
Click to zoom in Click to zoom in
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Alabama's Roy Moore: Explained | Stephen Colbert | 09/28/17 | 6:48
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Alabama Votes for Trumpism Without Trump | Trevor Noah | 09/27/17 | 9:48
Late Night with Seth Meyers
What Roy Moore and Donald Trump Have In Common | Seth Meyers | 09/27/17 | 8:17
The AltRight
Breitbart News Daily
Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily | Conservative Citizen | 09/28/17 | 32:39
Sebastian Gorka on Breitbart News Daily | Conservative Citizen | 09/28/17 | 11:54
Roger Stone Discusses His Congressional Testimony | Conservative Citizen | 09/28/17 | 9:52
Alex Jones Show, Wednesday 9/27/17 | Ron Gibson | 09/27/17 | 4:00:02
Steve Pieczenik: War Room 9/27/17 | Info Wars Live | 09/27/17 | 18:46
Mueller Plans To Use IRS To Stop Trump | The Alex Jones Channel | 09/27/17 | 21:19

09.28.2017. 10:34

Wednesday September 27, 2017

The EPA Is Spending $25,000 To Build Scott Pruitt A Private Phone Booth
HP | Nick Visser | 09/27/17

The Environmental Protection Agency is spending nearly $25,000 to build a soundproof communications booth in Administrator Scott Pruitt's office, according to media reports.

... Under Pruitt, the EPA has faced allegations of a lack of transparency throughout the agency. Until recently, the EPA refused to release the administrator's schedule to the public, and media reports say some employees have been told to leave behind cellphones during meetings with him and to not take notes.

Pruitt also has a full-time security detail, something none of his predecessors had requested. The administrator is also one of several Cabinet officials to come under fire for taking costly private flights. ... Read more

LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
*Corporate Consolidation | John Oliver | 09/24/17 | 15:09

Trump hits the road to sell tax plan -- but some worry what he'll say
Politico | Nancy Cook | 09/26/17

President Donald Trump is expected to tout the Republicans' new tax blueprint as one of the biggest tax cuts in recent American history at a Wednesday rally in Indiana -- but Republican lawmakers, lobbyists and others are worried about exactly what he'll say.

Administration officials and top congressional leaders are calling for a 20 percent top rate for corporations. But the president has demanded in multiple meetings that tax negotiators stick with a 15 percent corporate rate even as senior congressional Republicans and members of his own administration including National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn told him such a number wasn't possible without blowing up the deficit.

"He's the one guy left in Washington who still wants a 15 percent corporate rate," said one person close to the president and the tax reform discussions. ... Read more

Everything you need to know about the Big 6 tax plan
Politico | Brian Faler | 09/27/17

After months of closed-door negotiations, the "Big Six" on Wednesday unveiled its long-awaited plan to rewrite the tax code. The task now is selling the sweeping proposal to rank-and-file lawmakers. Republicans hope to get a bill to President Donald Trump's desk by the end of the year. Here's what you need to know about the plan negotiated by the top Republican lawmakers and administration officials:

For individuals: The big surprise here is that Republicans are backing away from plans to slash taxes on the rich. They are floating the idea of some sort of surtax on the well-to-do, though details are scant. That's a major shift from what Republicans campaigned on in last year's elections, when they proposed steep tax cuts for the wealthy. But they are trying to head off the inevitable attacks from Democrats, and maybe even win some of their support. ... Read more

Trump, GOP tax plan omits details on who pays
Politico | Brian Faler | 09/27/17

The trick is to provide enough detail to satisfy lawmakers whose votes they'll need but not so much that they get eaten alive by lobbyists.

President Donald Trump is heading to Indiana Wednesday to sell a tax-reform plan that glosses over one key question: Who loses? The long-awaited proposal released Wednesday morning by the so-called Big Six is heavy on the GOP's tax cut desires and light when it comes to explaining whose taxes will have to go up to help control costs.

After months of meeting behind closed doors, the Trump administration and the Republican leadership in both chambers announced they want to slash the corporate rate to 20 percent from the current 35 percent, while reducing taxes on unincorporated businesses to 25 percent. They're proposing nearly doubling the standard deduction, expanding a tax credit for having children and creating a special low rate on multinational companies' overseas earnings. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 27 [9:11]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 27 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Profits vs. Puerto Rican Lives: Trump Admin Blocks Aid from Reaching Devastated Island
  3. Yemenis Suffer "Silent Deaths" as Saudi Arabia Refuses Human Rights Probe in Deadly U.S.-Backed War
  4. Nobel Peace Prize Winners Call for U.N. Security Council to Protect Rohingya from Attacks in Burma
  5. Muhammad Yunus on Achieving a World with Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment & Zero Emissions
Wall Street Got a Bailout, Why Not Puerto Rico? | TRNN | 09/27/17 | 13:53
Trump Voter Panel Having Second Thoughts After NFL Comments | TYT | 09/26/17 | 9:58
Scarborough On Trump Supporters: Who Raised These People? | TYT | 09/26/17 | 8:45
**Republican Strategist: Trump Is A Racist | TYT | 09/26/17 | 6:13
Yes, Puerto Ricans Are Americans. | 1a.org | 09/27/17 | 1hr
Millions of Americans are suffering without food, clean water or electricity after Hurricane Maria. But they don't live on the mainland, therefore their struggles are being reported as if the were in a far-off, unrelated nation. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. We'll say it again: Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. And many of them are questioning why the domestic response to the devastation there has been lacking.

How would it be different if Maria had devastated the continental U.S. on the same scale? What are U.S. lawmakers and leaders doing to help the island?
San Juan Mayor Cruz: 'This Is A Big S.O.S. For Anybody Out There' | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/26/17 | 10:08
**Adam Schiff Discusses What House Intel Committee Learned From Roger Stone | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/27/17 | 7:19
Lawrence: In Steve Bannon Vs. Donald Trump, Steve Bannon Wins | MSNBC The Last Word | 09/26/17 | 12:17
Secret Paul Manafort Memo To Trump Revealed | MSNBC Beat With Ari Melber | 09/27/17 | 11:11
Human Services Secretary Tom Price Took $17K Private Flight For 90 Min Of Work | MSNBC Chris Hayes All-In | 09/27/17 | 2:57
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Graham-Cassidy: The Latest TrumpCare Fail | Stephen Colbert | 09/27/17 | 5:29
Trump Calls For An NFL Boycott, Watches The NFL | Stephen Colbert | 09/27/17 | 2:59
'Lock Her Up' Now Applies To Some Trump Officials | Stephen Colbert | 09/27/17 | 0:34
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
All the Clinton Crimes the Trumps Have Also Committed & Making the NFL Great Again | Trevor Noah | 09/26/17 | 6:20
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Hey! Puerto Rico | Seth Meyers | 09/26/17 | 2:16

09.27.2017. 10:43

Tuesday September 26, 2017

Senate Republicans Plan To Sneakily Gut Major Consumer Protection Rule
HP | David Dayen, Ryan Grim | 09/25/17

IN THE MIDDLE of a consequential week for the future of American health care, Senate Republicans are hoping to sneak through a controversial nullification of a key rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Republican leaders are whipping to secure the votes to overturn a rule CFPB finalized in July, which would protect financial companies from class-action lawsuits and deny consumers a day in court. The rule is among the most consequential actions the CFPB has taken since its founding.

An added wrinkle here: Executives for both Wells Fargo and Equifax, both accused of ripping off millions of consumers, will testify in Senate committees next week. Both companies have used arbitration clauses in an attempt to deny consumers access to the courts. By getting the arbitration vote out of the way before the hearings, Republicans can avoid having to hand a gift to financial companies while Wells Fargo and Equifax sit squarely in the public spotlight. With Obamacare repeal sucking up all the oxygen, this week offers a perfect cover. ... Read more

Climate Change
Global Warming Do the Math | Climate State | 09/29/16 | 44:52

Senate won't vote on last-ditch Obamacare repeal bill
Salon | Seung Min Kim | 09/26/17

The GOP made the decision after it was clear the plan would fail.

Senate Republicans do not intend to vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill, putting an end to their Obamacare repeal effort for now. The decision was reached Tuesday after it became clear the bill would fail. Three Senate Republicans had said they would vote against the measure, and the GOP could only afford two defections. ... Read more

Keith Olbermann
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 26 [11:57]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 26 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Puerto Ricans Call for Aid Amid Catastrophe: "We're American Citizens. We Can't Be Left to Die"
  3. Fenceline Communities on Gulf Coast Face Mass Displacement & Toxic Pollution One Month After Harvey
Puerto Ricans Call for Aid Amid Catastrophe: "We're American Citizens. We Can't Be Left to Die" | DN | 09/26/17 | 23:48
Trump Blames Puerto Rico for the Economic Crisis the US Created | TRNN | 09/26/17 | 3:22
Trump Goes To WAR With NFL | TYT | 09/25/17 | 19:49
Donald Trump Dangerous Bellicosity Raises Nuclear War Risk With North Korea | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/25/17 | 17:01
NFL players send message to Trump in national anthem dispute | ABC News | 09/25/17 | 4:05
Robert Redford: I Hope Americans Start To Pay Real Attention | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/26/17 | 7:36
What To Expect From The Roger Stone Testimony | MSNBC | 09/26/17 | 2:09
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's NFL Comments Have Everything To Do With Race | Stephen Colbert | 09/26/17 | 8:58
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
The NFL Takes a Knee in Protest of Trump | Trevor Noah | 09/25/17 | 8:38
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump Attacks Protesting Athletes | Seth Meyers | 09/25/17 | 11:54

09.26.2017. 13:07

Friday September 22, 2017
Bernie Sanders Presents his Foreign Policy Platform | Westminster College | 09/21/17 | 1:24:36
Note: Bernie starts at around 24:00
Bernie Sanders Calls Out 'International Oligarchy' | TRNN | 09/21/17 | 21:30

Trump aides begin looking for the exits
Politico | Nancy Cook | 09/22/17

After a wave of high-profile White House departures this summer, staffers who remained are reaching out to headhunters to discuss their next moves.

A fast-growing number of White House staffers are starting to look for the exits, even though the one-year mark of President Donald Trump's first term is still months away.

Many who joined the administration in January did so with the explicit idea that they'd stay for at least a year, enough to credibly say they'd served. But in the aftermath of a wave of abrupt, high-profile departures over the summer that culminated with former strategist Steve Bannon's ouster in August, aides up and down the chain are reaching out to headhunters, lobbyists, and GOP operatives for help finding their next job. ... Read more

"There is no joy in Trumpworld right now," said one adviser in frequent contact with several staffers. "Working in the White House is supposed to be the peak of your career, but everyone is unhappy, and everyone is fighting everyone else."

How Do Families Around The World Spend Their Vacations?
NYTimes Magazine | Joakim Eskildsen | 09/21/17

In the deciduous forests of southern Estonia, small cabins made of logs layered with moss dot the countryside. These are the smoke saunas -- places to bathe bodies and cleanse spirits. The aromas of alder wood and stripped birch, burning below hot stones, waft through the air. Once the stones reach peak heat, the smoke is vented out with the help, it's said, of a mythical "smoke eater." Inside the cabin, a caretaker whisks visitors' skin, delivering gentle beatings with a bouquet of leaves gathered, as at the sauna in Vorumaa at left, from the surrounding woods as the hot air alleviates the anxiety that comes with living in one of the world's most technologically savvy populations ... Read more

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. - Albert Pine
Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick

Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick website
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. THE VIETNAM WAR features more than 100 iconic musical recordings from greatest artists of the era and haunting original music from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as well as the Silk Road Ensemble featuring Yo-Yo Ma.
Episode 01: Déjà Vu (1858-1961) | PBS | 1:25:51
Note: You will probably have to click 9 or 10 times on the vertical Scrollbar (bottom arrow) to center the video.
Episode 02: Riding the Tiger (1961-1963) | PBS | 1:26:59
Episode 03: The River Styx (January 1964-December 1965) | PBS | 1:58:28
Episode 04: Resolve (January 1966-June 1967) | PBS | 1:57:58
Episode 05: This Is What We Do (July 1967-December 1967) | PBS | 1:28:43
Note: The next set of videos require a login. I will add them as they become available for free.
REPLAY: John O'Neill and What He Knew Before 9/11 | PBS Frontline | old | 1:26:51
As an FBI agent who specialized in counter-terrorism, John P. O'Neill investigated the bombing of the American embassies in Africa, the USS Cole in Yemen, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, and the first attack on the World Trade Center. O'Neill came to believe America should kill Osama bin Laden before Al Qaeda launched a devastating attack, but his was often a lonely voice. A controversial figure inside the buttoned-down world of the FBI, he was forced out of the job he loved and entered the private sector -- as director of security for the World Trade Center.
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 22 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Amnesty International Reveals the Bomb That Killed 16 Civilians in Yemen Was Made in the U.S.A.
  3. "His Laughter was a Battle Cry": Thousands Celebrate Comedian & Human Rights Legend Dick Gregory
  4. Amid Tensions with North Korea, 51 Countries Sign Ban on Nuclear Weapons Despite U.S. Opposition
Neocons and Hollywood Liberals Go to 'War' on Russia | TRNN | 09/22/17 | 14:12
Kilmeade Keeps Getting Dunked On By Kimmel | TYT | 09/21/17 | 13:11
Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 09/22/17 | 1hr
A new push to replace the Affordable Care Act is afoot, and the heaviest debate over the legislation is between its sponsor, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel.

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is feeling even more heat in the Russia investigation.

In the Atlantic, Hurricane Maria continues to move northwest.
Friday News - International | 1a.org | 09/22/17 | 1hr
Many Mexicans are holding onto hope that missing relatives and friends will soon be accounted for among the rubble left by a devastating earthquake this week. Meanwhile, another powerful storm threatens the safety of residents in the Caribbean.

The U.S. doled out more sanctions on North Korea following a fiery speech from President Trump to the U.N. General Assembly that resorted to name calling aimed at Kim Jong Un. Trump has also reportedly made a decision about the future of the Iran nuclear deal ... although he's not revealing his hand yet.

Plus, Germany heads to the polls this weekend and a controversial new statue is unveiled in Russia.
PBS NewsHour full episode September 21, 2017 | PBS | 09/21/17 | 54:30
What you need to know about the GOP's Graham-Cassidy health care bill | PBS | 09/21/17 | 8:21
*President Donald Trump Staffs Government With Political Favors | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/21/17 | 19:34
In Tweet, President Donald Trump Says Kim Jong Un 'Obviously A Madman' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/22/17 | 6:05
Is Senator Lindsey Graham Walking Back Principles For Alaska?' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/22/17 | 6:21
'War Of Words' Between President Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un Continues | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/22/17 | 9:10
Jimmy Kimmel: These Guys Won't Tell The Truth So I Have To | MSNBC Last Word | 09/21/17 | 7:15
Jimmy Kimmel Live
*Round 3 of Jimmy Kimmel's Health Care Battle | Jimmy Kimmel | 09/21/17 | 7:37
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Republicans Can't Defend Their Cruel Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill: A Closer Look | Seth Meyers | 09/21/17 | 11:56
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Hurricane Mueller Storms the Trump Administration | Trevor Noah | 09/21/17 | 8:38
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Deciphers Paul Manafort's Code Word 'Black Caviar' | Stephen Colbert | 09/22/17 | 5:46
Oh The Places You'll Go... In A Private Jet On Taxpayer Money | Stephen Colbert | 09/22/17 | 1:20
10 Things Chuck Grassley Hates About The Healthcare Bill He's Voting For | Stephen Colbert | 09/22/17 | 1:51

09.22.2017. 11:38

Thursday September 21, 2017

John McCain Can Stop This Health Care Bill
HP | Matt Fuller | 09/20/17

The fate of health care for millions of Americans may, once again, come down to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

It was McCain in July who sank Republican hopes of a "skinny repeal," siding at the last minute with Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) to vote against the Senate GOP's scaled down health care bill.

At the time, McCain said he was voting no because of the bad process that Republicans had used to bring up the bill, where they skipped committee hearings, markups and amendments to just put the legislation up for a vote with a less than solid idea of the policy effects.

Now McCain is making a similar argument.

"I want regular order," McCain told HuffPost on Wednesday, a chorus he has repeated over and over again this week.

When asked if that meant he was still a no, McCain said, "I want regular order, is the answer." Read more

Jimmy Kimmel DESTROYS Republican Healthcare Lies | TYT | 09/20/17 | 9:28
Kimmel, not Cassidy, is right on health care, analysts say
Most Terrifying Footage Of Hurricane Maria 175mph Wind Flash Flood Puerto Rico | Che'dele Review | 09/20/17 | 40:11
Position of Hurricane Maria - www.ventusky.com/?p=27.1;-71.6;4&l=wind&m=gfs | ventusky.com | 09/21/17 @ 9:32|

The unlikely group who brought Obamacare repeal back to life
Politico | Jennifer Haberkorn and Rachael Bade | 09/21/17

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Bill Cassidy crafted the bill, while Lindsey Graham played the role of salesman.

Senate Republicans' last-ditch attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare rests on the unlikely collaboration of a veteran senator who can't stand health policy, a wonky freshman who has never passed major legislation and a former senator who lost his seat a decade ago.

Together, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum crafted the latest GOP repeal bill in hopes of delivering on the party's seven-year-old campaign promise to repeal Obamacare.

The trio teamed up this summer to salvage the repeal effort. At first, their idea of replacing much of Obamacare with state block grants went nowhere. But now -- only days before the expiration of the special rule allowing the Senate to dismantle Obamacare with only 50 votes -- the idea has gained enough momentum that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell committed to bringing the measure to the floor next week for a vote. ... Read more

Trump hires campaign workers instead of farm experts at USDA

Paul Manafort offered Kremlin-linked oligarch access to Trump campaign
Salon | Sophia Tesfaye | 09/20/17

The Washington Post reported that Trump's former campaign manager pitched a Russian billionaire "private briefings"

Paul Manafort, the second of Donald Trump's presidential campaign managers, is in serious legal jeopardy. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that during his five-month control of the Trump campaign, Manafort offered a Kremlin-linked Russian oligarch multiple "private briefings" on the status of the U.S. election.

Less than two weeks before Trump clinched the GOP nomination, Manafort wrote an email to an intermediary of aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska to ask if the Basic Element founder would like to be regularly updated on the progress of the campaign. ... Read more

Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable by Jeffrey D. Sachs

With a nation seemingly more divided than ever, many worry that Americans risk losing ground on solving the complex, interrelated problems the country faces--including rising inequality, the specter of climate change, astronomical health care costs, and economic stagnation. The renowned economist Jeffrey D. Sachs offers a practical approach to move America toward a new consensus: sustainable development. Sustainable development focuses on the economy, society, and the environment when shaping policy. A holistic approach emphasizing economic, social, and environmental objectives is key. In focusing too much on economic growth, the United States has neglected rising economic inequality and dire environmental threats. Now, even growth is imperiled.

In this passionate and powerful book -- part manifesto, part plan of action -- Sachs dwells on issues that have captivated the nation and political debate, including infrastructure, trade deals, energy policy, the proper size and role of government, the national debt, and income inequality. Not only does he provide illuminating and accessible explanations of the forces at work in each case, but he also presents specific policy solutions. His argument rises above the pessimism borne of political paralysis, economic stagnation, and partisanship to devise a brighter way forward, achievable both individually and collectively
Why Trump is Always (Always!) the Victim | Keith Olbermann | 09/20/17 | 5:32
This man [Trump] is a walking, talking double standard
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 21 [13:42]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 21 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Environmental Disaster Looms in Puerto Rico, Lashed by Hurricane Maria & Left Without Power
  3. Jeff Sachs Warns "Nuclear War is A Real Threat" as Trump Threatens to "Totally Destroy" North Korea
  4. Economist Jeff Sachs: Americans Who Don't Want War with Iran Must Speak Out Now
  5. Trump Admin Doubles Down on Plans to Withdraw from Paris Deal as UNGA Makes Climate Top Priority
  6. "One Long Night": Writer Andrea Pitzer on History of Concentration Camps & Rise of Intolerance Today
Jeff Sachs Warns "Nuclear War is A Real Threat" as Trump Threatens to "Totally Destroy" North Korea | DN | 09/21/17 | 8:50
Economist Jeff Sachs: Americans Who Don't Want War with Iran Must Speak Out Now | DN | 09/21/17 | 6:38
Trump is Threatening More than Just the Iran Deal | TRNN | 09/20/17 | 18:27
Congress Spars on Healthcare, Unites to Fund War | TRNN | 09/21/17 | 13:28
Entire Country Without Power After Hurricane Maria | TYT | 09/20/17 | 5:32
Earthquake Death Toll Doubles | TYT | 09/20/17 | 6:52
Keiser Report: America's Falling Apart (E1123) | RT | 09/14/17 | 25:45
Paul Manafort In The Middle | 1a.org | 09/21/17 | 1hr
Paul Manafort helped chart Donald Trump's path to White House. But long before the lawyer-slash-lobbyist-turned-campaign chairman was a part of Trump's team, he was a name known to the FBI.

This week, reports emerged that the intelligence agency has been monitoring Manafort for several years, starting with a warrant that allowed the FBI to look into his work as a consultant with the Ukranian government. Ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the FBI wiretapped Manafort, according to CNN. And special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election, appears to have taken a renewed interest in Manafort.

In July, FBI agents raided Manafort's home and Mueller's team could bring charges -- although it remains unclear how or if any of the focus on Manafort connects to the broader probe on Russia and the Trump campaign.

For now, Manafort is a man caught in the middle with a lot to answer for. How did he get there?
Following The Path From Paul Manafort To Robert Mueller | Rachel Maddow | 09/21/17 | 22:00
WSJ: Robert Mueller Office Interviewed Rod Rosenstein On James Comey Firing | Rachel Maddow | 09/20/17 | 5:32
Senator Jeff Flake On Health Bill: I'm Not Responding To Donors | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/21/17 | 10:43
Jimmy Kimmel: Bill Cassidy Lied Right To My Face About Healthcare | MSNBC Last Word | 09/20/17 | 8:56
Mueller Seeks A Long List Of Donald Trump Docs In Growing Russia Probe | MSNBC 11th Hour | 09/20/17 | 7:32
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's UN Speech Advocates For Both Peace And Nuclear War | Stephen Colbert | 09/20/17 | 8:13
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Jimmy Kimmel Fights Back Against Bill Cassidy, Lindsey Graham & Chris Christie | Jimmy Kimmel | 09/20/17 | 10:05
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Is There Any Hope For The Left? | Samantha Bee | 09/20/17 | 6:04
General Kelly v. "Honorable" Omarosa | Samantha Bee | 09/20/17 | 6:37
Freedom(ish) Of Speech | Samantha Bee | 09/20/17 | 7:18
Late Night with Seth Meyers
The Check In: Who the Hell is Dana Rohrabacher? | Seth Meyers | 09/20/17 | 7:14

09.21.2017. 07:08

Wednesday September 20, 2017

Hurricane Maria Slams Into Puerto Rico
HP | Lydia O'Connor | 09/20/17

urricane Maria slammed into eastern Puerto Rico on Wednesday morning as a potentially catastrophic Category 4 storm, threatening the area with vicious winds and dangerous flooding.

The hurricane's eyewall passed over Vieques around 4 a.m. eastern before heading towards the main island, the National Hurricane Center said. The storm made landfall on the eastern part of the island, near Yabucoa, around 6:15 a.m. with wind speeds of up to 155 mph. ... Read more
Ventusky.com website 09/20/17 11:10 est

Everybody still hates Hillary Clinton: But why?
Salon | Conor Lynch | 09/20/17

Clinton is right that sexism played a huge role in her defeat -- but there are other factors she simply doesn't get

Hillary Clinton is back in the public eye to promote her new memoir on the 2016 election, but most Americans would apparently prefer her to just go away. That's according to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, which found that just 30 percent of respondents had a very positive or somewhat positive view of the former Democratic nominee, who seems to be getting even less popular as the 2016 election recedes further into the past.

This poll couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time for Clinton, who attempts to explain last year's election in her aptly titled new book, "What Happened," which caused a stir well before its official publication date after a few passages were leaked online. As the former secretary of state proceeds with her nationwide book tour and several high-profile media appearances, she remains an extremely divisive figure, and 10 months after losing the election she has yet to figure out why. ... Read more

Photos of the Earthquake in Mexico City
TheAtlantic | Alan Taylor | 09/19/17

On September 19, 2017, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook Mexico City, rattling skyscrapers and sending millions into the streets. Reuters is reporting at least 200 deaths across several Mexican states. Coincidentally, Tuesday was the 32nd anniversary of the devastating 1985 Mexico City earthquake, an occasion that led to many first responders and volunteers already being gathered outside, taking part in earthquake-preparedness drills. Below, some early images of the still-unfolding disaster in Mexico City. Updated with new 12 new images on September 20. ... Read more

Donald Trump's Dangerous North Korea Gambit
WiredMagazine| Brian Barrett | 09/19/17

ON TUESDAY MORNING, Donald Trump gave a bombastic speech to the assembled delegates of the United Nations. Pay special attention to how he addressed North Korea and its looming nuclear threat. Unlike most of what Trump said otherwise, its implications are as wide-ranging as they are grim.

"The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea," said Trump. "'Rocket Man' is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime." ... Read more
Trump Speaks To UN, Threatens To Destroy North Korea | TYT | 09/19/17 | 16:03

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 20 [9:27]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 20 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Hundreds Dead in Mexico After Earthquake Strikes on Anniversary of Devastating 1985 Quake
  3. Hurricane Maria Strikes Puerto Rico, Threatening to Be Most Catastrophic Storm in a Century
  4. Senate Republicans Scramble to Secure Votes for Last-Ditch Effort to Repeal Affordable Care Act
  5. Advocates Warn All Rohingya May Be Driven Out of Burma If Military's Ethnic Cleansing Continues
  6. Cuban Lawyer Slams Trump as "Enemy to Most of the World" as He Vows Not to Lift Sanctions
*Phyllis Bennis -> Trump's Threat to 'Totally Destroy' North Korea is Illegal | TRNN | 09/19/17 | 23:21
US Increases Military Budget By $80 Billion | TYT | 09/19/17 | 8:03
Trump Saw France's Military Parade And Now He Wants One | TYT | 09/19/17 | 8:18
The United Nations Without The United States | 1a.org | 09/20/17 | 1hr
President Donald Trump addressed the world Tuesday morning from the United Nations General Assembly, an organization he has criticized in the past.

As expected, the remarks echoed the president's nationalist platform. At the podium, he reminded world leaders, "I will always put America first just like you, the leaders of your countries, should put your countries first." The president called the Iran nuclear deal "embarrassing" and threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea "if forced."
Lawrence: Why Donald Trump's UN Speech Worst, Most Dangerous In History | MSNBC Last Word | 09/19/17 | 9:57
Joe: Once Again, GOP Trying To Pass Terrible Bill | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/20/17 | 5:01
Minus Bombast, President Donald Trump UN Speech Proves Conventional | 09/20/17 | 11:05
Madeleine Albright: The Tone Of Donald Trump's Speech Was 'Really Bad' | 09/20/17 | 10:12
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's UN Speech Advocates For Both Peace And Nuclear War | Stephen Colbert | 09/20/17 | 4:48
Kim Jong-Un Responds To Trump's 'Rocket Man' Nickname | Stephen Colbert | 09/20/17 | 1:24
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
A Trumpian Debut at the United Nations | Trevor Noah | 09/18/17 | 7:50
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Manafort, Rocket Man and the New GOP Health Care Bill: A Closer Look | Seth Meyers | 09/19/17 | 11:43

09.20.2017. 11:48

Tuesday September 19, 2017

Trump Threatens To 'Totally Destroy' North Korea In 'America First' Speech At United Nations
HP | Marina Fang | 09/19/17

Trump also strongly indicated he would not renew the Iranian nuclear deal, in a forceful first speech before the international body.

President Donald Trump forcefully defended the United States and condemned North Korea and Iran in his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly, hailing "strong, sovereign nations" and urging fellow world leaders to "put your countries first," while trying to strike a cordial tone on the international alliances he had previously criticized.

"As president of the United States, I will always put America first," he said. "The United States will always be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies, but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal in which the United States gets nothing in return." ... Read more

Scott Pruitt shifts on climate change: "How much do we contribute to it?"
Salon | Jarrett Lyons | 09/19/17

The head of the EPA says that humans may be responsible for climate change

On Fox News Tuesday morning, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt finally admitted that humans contributed to climate change, but is still skeptical about to the degree to which human activity affects the environment.

"No one questions that the climate changes. No one questions that we contribute to it in some way. That's not the question overall." Pruitt said in the interview. "The question is as we look as this issue, how much do we contribute to it, and what can we do about it," he said. ... Read more

Petro Dollar Breaking Down
*Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar? | CorbettReport | older, but timely 01/01/16 | 17:09

New study: White people lack empathy across the socioeconomic spectrum
Salon | Sophia Tesfaye | 09/19/17

Apparent empathy gap among white Americans shows up on questions of both race and economics, study finds

Since the election of Donald Trump, the hunt to figure out what's the matter with White America has pitted racism against economic anxiety as if those things existed in separate and competing silos, forcing a narrow debate about the future of identity politics that seemingly goes nowhere. Instead of a post-racial America, two terms of America's first black president left many voters -- and a large majority of political pundits -- ill-equipped to discuss what it means to be white in America at precisely the time when whites have reasserted their collective identity in this nation. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 19 [9:07]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 19 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Naomi Klein Warns Europe May Water Down Paris Accord to Win Support from Trump
  3. Naomi Klein: We Are Seeing the Shock Doctrine in Effect After Hurricanes Harvey & Irma
  4. No Is Not Enough: Naomi Klein on Bernie's Medicare-for-All Bill & Future of Democratic Party
*Col. Larry Wilkerson -> Trump a 'Diplomatic Fiasco' at the UN | TRNN | 09/18/17 | 22:22
*TRNN SPECIAL: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science | TRNN | 09/18/17 | 32:05
Keiser Report: RIP, Petrodollar? (E1121) | RT | 09/09/17 | 25:48
Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg: Global Trade Will Help Boost Our Economy | 09/19/17 | 8:58
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Profiles in Tremendousness - Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin | 09/18/17 | 7:17

09.19.2017. 14:15

Monday September 18, 2017

Twitter Man vs. Rocket Man
Politico | Susan B. Glasser | 09/18/17

What the heck is happening with North Korea? I asked two people who actually know, and they are as scared of Trump as of Kim Jong Un.

Back in July, President Donald Trump was already escalating his rhetoric against North Korea as it became clear the rogue state was on the brink of a major breakthrough in its nuclear program, development of a ballistic missile capable of striking the continental United States. Still, he insisted, “I don’t draw red lines,” and wouldn’t be sucked into doing so.

But that was before North Korea conducted its largest nuclear weapon test ever and sent missiles flying directly over Japan. And before Trump threatened “fire and fury” and declared a North Korean bomb capable of reaching the United States “unacceptable.” And before Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, his national security adviser, warned on Friday that, all talk to the contrary, “there is a military option.”

All of which means that, whether he calls it one or not, Trump now has a red line – a move that a number of U.S. national security hands I’ve spoken with recently consider to be a serious and even “self-inflicted” escalation of what has become a genuine crisis with North Korea. ... Read more

“A single point of failure in the U.S. government-collateralized repo market, which is huge and is essentially the liquidity engine for the country, is a little bit unnerving just in itself,” said Adam Dean, managing director at Square 1 Asset Management. “It’s not an ideal situation.”

Wall Street’s Trillion-Dollar Monopoly Has Repo Traders on Edge
Bloomberg | Liz McCormick | 09/17/17

Come mid-2018, just one entity -- the Bank of New York Mellon Corp. -- will be responsible for ensuring almost two trillion dollars of securities financed by so-called repurchase agreements are cleared and settled each and every day. With its lone longtime rival, JPMorgan Chase & Co., exiting the business, BNY Mellon began the process of moving over clients this summer.

... It’s hard to overstate how important the repo market is to modern American finance. The short-term loans, which dealers usually get by putting up U.S. government debt as collateral, serve a crucial role in day-to-day trading on Wall Street. Not only do repos support liquidity in the $14.1 trillion Treasury market, but the financing they provide also helps grease the wheels of trading in assets as varied as stocks, corporate bonds and currencies. ... Read more

Trump Leaves CNN Panel Dumbfounded with a Tweet that Shows Him Hitting Hillary Clinton with a Golfball
AlterNet | David Edwards / Raw Story | 09/17/17

Pundits on CNN were caught speechless on Sunday after President Donald Trump retweeted a video of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golfball.

“The president of the United States retweeted that this morning,” CNN host John King noted. “Why?” “He’s a disrupter,” New York Times reporter Julie Hirschfeld Davis explained. “He has these impulses, he enjoys engaging on social media. You hear him talking about that, that is so important to his identity. People want to hear from him.” ... Read more
John King: Trump tweet of him hitting Hillary with golfball is 'insane' | RawStory | 09/17/17 | 5:02

The Storm after the Storm
60Minutes | author | 09/03/16

FEMA administrator Brock Long has warned the recovery will be a "slow and frustrating process." Assessing the property loss and repairing or replacing homes and businesses will take years. And it will cost tens of billions of dollars in insurance settlements. The victims are relying on it.

But, as we first reported some two and a half years after Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the East Coast, Sandy's victims were hit by another disaster -- we called it "the storm after the storm."

Many people said they were cheated out of their insurance claims. Thousands of claims remained unresolved for years, and there was evidence that many homeowners were victims of apparent wide-scale fraud -- where original damage reports were later changed to make it look like the damage wasn't as bad. ... Read more

As Hurricane Harvey survivors face a difficult future, 60 Minutes looks back at Hurricane Sandy and why so many families didn't get the help they deserve | 60Minutes | 09/03/17 | 13:23
Note: You might have to click 4 times on the vertical scrollbar and 1 click on the horizonatal scrollbar to center the video.
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, September 18 [13:38]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, September 18 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Naomi Klein Warns Europe May Water Down Paris Accord to Win Support from Trump
  3. Naomi Klein: We Are Seeing the Shock Doctrine in Effect After Hurricanes Harvey & Irma
  4. No Is Not Enough: Naomi Klein on Bernie's Medicare-for-All Bill & Future of Democratic Party
Propaganda In Your Politics | 1a.org | 09/18/17 | 1hr
Americans are free to believe anything they want -- even what’s reported on a cable news channel funded by the Kremlin. The U.S. federal government considers Russia Today (RT) propaganda and wants it to register as a foreign agent.

But RT says there’s no difference between it and the BBC in the UK, and that many of the stories they report -- like the Seth Rich murder conspiracy -- also receive coverage on Fox News.

How is Russia influencing what we know? And will we see more propaganda popping up on-air and online soon?
The Vietnam War by Ken Burns with Lynn Novick, 18 hours of the miniseries (which are spread across 10 parts)

The brilliant, infuriating, boring, hypnotic Ken Burns documentary The Vietnam War
Vox | Todd VanDerWerff | 09/08/17

... The Vietnam War, the filmmaker’s latest, which he co-directed with Lynn Novick, reflects the present in ways that can be uncomfortable. It’s about an unpopular president — actually, two unpopular presidents — who stews about unfair treatment from the press and protesters. It’s about a country that seems on the brink of fracturing over very different ideals of what that country should be. And it’s about the rise of a movement that believes “law and order” is more important than any other fundamental right. ... Read more
Episode 01 | Déjà Vu (1858-1961) - After a century of French occupation, Vietnam emerges independent but divided. | PBS | 09/18/17 | 1:25:46 |

After a long and brutal war, Vietnamese revolutionaries led by Ho Chi Minh end nearly a century of French colonial occupation. With the Cold War intensifying, Vietnam is divided in two at Geneva. Communists in the north aim to reunify the country, while America supports Ngo Dinh Diem’s untested regime in the south.
Episode 02 | Riding the Tiger (1961-63) - President Kennedy inspires idealistic young Americans to serve their country and wrestles with how deeply to get involved in South Vietnam. As the increasingly autocratic Diem regime faces a growing communist insurgency and widespread Buddhist protests, a grave political crisis unfolds.
The Vietnam War debuts Sunday, September 17 at 8 pm Eastern on PBS in most markets. You should, as is always the case with PBS, check your local listings. Further episodes will air through Thursday, September 28, taking Friday, September 22 and Saturday, September 23 off. The first five episodes will be available to stream on PBS’s website on Sunday, September 17, and the last five episodes will be available Sunday, September 24.
The Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick website
New York Times Uncovers Russia's 21st Century Propaganda Machine | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/18/17 | 7:58
'This is wrong': Trump retweets golf ball animation | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/18/17 | 9:31
Reporter: Find Me An Enthusiastic Rex Tillerson Advocate In White House | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/18/17 | 4:40
A 'Controversial Option' That May Work In North Korea? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/18/17 | 8:01
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Life After Hate | Samantha Bee | 09/13/17 | 7:02

09.18.2017. 12:09

Friday September 15, 2017

Trump's tweet on London attack draws ire from U.K. officials
Politico | Nolan D. McCaskill | 09/15/17

'These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!' Trump tweets.

Donald Trump implied that authorities were monitoring those responsible for setting off explosives in the London subway early Friday morning, drawing rebukes from officials in the United Kingdom as they respond to the attack.

Prime Minister Theresa May reproached Trump for his rhetoric. “I never think it’s helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation,” she said. “As I’ve just said, the police and security services are working to discover the full circumstances of this cowardly attack and to identify all those responsible.” ... Read more

Mnuchin: Honeymoon plane request was 'not about convenience'
Politico | Madeline Conway | 09/14/17

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday defended his request to take a government plane on his honeymoon, insisting that it was about national security, and “not about convenience.”

Reports that Mnuchin had asked to take a government plane with his new wife, actress Louise Linton, to Europe for their honeymoon this summer prompted immediate criticism on Wednesday. ... Read more
Mnuchin Tries To Bill Taxpayers For Honeymoon | TYT | 09/14/17 | 5:42

The Loneliest President
Politico | Michael Kruse | date

He’s increasingly isolated in the White House, but for Donald Trump, being alone is not a liability. It’s where he’s most comfortable.

SOLATED?” read the subject line. “Friend,” Donald Trump wrote recently to supporters in a fundraising email. “The fake news keeps saying, ‘President Trump is isolated.’ … They say I’m isolated by lobbyists, corporations, grandstanding politicians, and Hollywood. GOOD! I don’t want them,” he fumed, employing italics for emphasis.

Sent on August 28, two days after Hurricane Harvey inundated Houston, Trump’s defiant appeal acknowledged the mounting perception that nearly eight months into his first term -- and in the aftermath of his racially divisive response to the violence in Charlottesville -- he’s never been politically more lonely. He’s at odds with Congress -- including leaders and members of his own party -- and his deal-making with Democrats is angering some of his most ardent conservative supporters. He’s been abandoned and censured by art leaders, business leaders and world leaders. His Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is bleeding bookings. And he’s losing favored aides due to the actions of his own chief of staff, General John Kelly, who restricts access to the president with the diligence of a border guard. Last week, the New York Times described Trump as a “solitary cowboy,” reminding readers he once called himself “the Lone Ranger.” ... Read more

The Occupation of the American Mind, narrador Roger Waters of Pink Floyd "The Occupation of the American Mind": Documentary Looks at Israel's PR War in the United States | DN | 09/14/17 | 19:22
The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (1/3) | TRNN | 05/13/16 | 24:10
It’s Now Dawned on Trump: People Hate Him (#122) | Keith Olbermann | 09/14/17 | 6:44
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 15 [13:20]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 15 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Deregulated & Unaccountable: For-Profit Nursing Homes in Florida Face Scrutiny After Irma Deaths
  3. The Forgotten Americans: Why Did U.S. Media Ignore U.S. Virgin Islands Devastated by Irma?
  4. South Asia: 1,300 Dead, 40 Million Impacted in Climate Change-Linked Flooding
Pink Floyd Founder Roger Waters: BDS is One of "Most Admirable" Displays of Resistance in the World | DN | 09/14/17 | 11:07
Thomas Frank, author of 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' and 'Listen, LIberal,' talks about his journey from being an enthusiastic supporter of the Vietnam War and Ronald Reagan to embracing Franklin Roosevelt and socialist Bernie Sanders (5/6) | TRNN | 09/15/17 | 22:31
Racists FURIOUS At Superman | TYT | 09/14/17 | 5:17
Trump Flip-Flops On DACA | TYT | 09/14/17 | 9:57
Right Wing HEARTBROKEN Over Trump Deal | TYT | 09/14/17 | 8:12
Sean Hannity Struggling With Trump Defense | TYT | 09/14/17 | 5:06
Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 09/15/17 | 1hr
Donald Trump has found new bargaining partners on Capitol Hill. After meeting over a meal, the president and Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are close to a deal that would continue the protections of the Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. Many Republicans aren’t happy about the talks. The president is now in Florida surveying damage from Hurricane Irma. Meanwhile, wildfires continue to burn in the West and Northwest.

In the Senate, many Democrats are signing on to Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for all plan.
Friday News - International | 1a.org | 09/15/17 | 1hr
More than 12,000 troops from Russia and Belarus are engaged in war games that have prompted Ukraine’s capital city Kiev to ramp up border security. Is this massive joint military exercise anything to worry about?

Plus, the long process of rebuilding has begun in the Caribbean after Hurricane Irma while residents are on edge that another big storm could strike the already devastated islands.

And we’ll have an update on the growing refugee crisis in Myanmar.
Rachel Maddow Hillary Clinton Full One-on-One Interview | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/14/17 | 43:19
NYT: Donald Trump Tried To Oust 'Idiot' Sessions Over Russia | MSNBC Ari Melber | 09/14/17 | 4:47
Is Everything Fine Now With Sessions And President Donald Trump? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/15/17 | 5:03
Morning Joe Panel Debates Ben Shapiro And Free Speech On Campuses | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/15/17 | 16:01
How Russian Social Media Impacted The Election | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/15/17 | 11:47
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
A Dreamer Is A Wish Your Trump Takes | Samantha Bee | 09/14/17 | 7:11
What’d We Miss: Tuggin’ Ted, Hurricanes & Humanity | Samantha Bee | 09/14/17 | 6:17
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trump Supporters Sour Over a Bipartisan DACA Deal | 09/14/17 | 6:51
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump and Democrats Discuss a DACA Deal | Seth Meyer | 09/14/17 | 8:54

09.15.2017. 11:18

Thursday September 14, 2017

Donald Trump Denies DACA Deal, But Doesn't Dispute Its Key Points
HP | Willa Frej | 09/14/17

... Trump's Thursday comments followed a dinner he held the previous evening with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.). Following the meeting, they announced that the president agreed to a border security plan that would offer protections to the 800,000 Dreamers, and that the wall was not part of the deal. ... Read more
Did Chuck Schumer And Nancy Pelosi Roll Donald Trump On DACA? | MSNBC Last Word | 09/13/17 | 9:53

How the Bernie Sanders Plan Would Both Beef Up and Slim Down Medicare
NYTimes | Margot Sanger-Katz | 09/13/17

In his big new single-payer health care bill, Senator Bernie Sanders says he wants to turn the country's health system into "Medicare for all." But his bill actually outlines a system very different from the current Medicare program.

The Sanders plan envisions changing Medicare in two important ways. First, it would make it more generous than it has ever been, expanding it to cover new types of benefits and to erase most direct health care costs for consumers. Those changes would tend to make it more expensive.

But it also would put the Medicare program on the sort of diet it has never attempted. Those changes, still in sketch form in the legislation, are in many ways the heart of its long-term overhaul plan. The changes are intended to make the health care system more affordable, but the details could have big effects on what sorts of care might be developed and made available. ... Read more

Bannon's Oligarch Cage Match Worries GOP
AlterNet | Adele M. Stan / The American Prospect | 09/13/17

Backing primary challengers to Republican senators, Bannon is pitting his patron, Robert Mercer, against the Koch brothers.

Stephen K. Bannon, current Breitbart News CEO and former White House strategist, is everywhere these days, it seems--on your TV, college campuses, and smack in the middle of the midterm congressional elections.

The day his blustery interview with Charlie Rose aired on the September 10 edition of CBS's 60 Minutes, word spread of Bannon's intervention in campaigns for upcoming U.S. Senate campaigns; he's backing primary challengers to sitting Republican Senators Jeff Flake of Arizona, Luther Strange of Alabama, and Dean Heller of Nevada. It's not his own money he's spending, of course. For this project, as for most recent Bannon escapades, the money is coming from Robert Mercer, the reclusive hedge-fund billionaire, according to Alex Isenstadt of Politico. Also under consideration for the Bannon treatment, Politico reports, is Roger Wicker of Mississippi, and Bob Corker of Tennessee. Their sin? Insufficient loyalty to President Donald J. Trump. ... Read more

The Media Doesn't Understand What Trump is Doing (#121) | Keith Olbermann | 09/13/17 | 6:24
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 14 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Pink Floyd Founder Roger Waters: BDS is One of "Most Admirable" Displays of Resistance in the World
  3. "The Occupation of the American Mind": Documentary Looks at Israel's PR War in the United States
  4. Roger Waters Criticizes Senate Bill Criminalizing BDS & Radiohead's Recent Concert in Tel Aviv
Bernie Sanders' Medicare-For-All Bill EXPLAINED | TYT | 09/13/17 | 10:56
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) unveiled Wednesday a new version of his plan to give everybody government-run health insurance, potentially opening a new chapter in the ongoing debate over how to make health care in the U.S. more affordable and available.

The plan calls for an overhaul of American health insurance with a souped-up, more generous version of Medicare replacing nearly all private health insurance ? and government exerting far more control over the cost of medical care. It would arguably be the most ambitious social welfare initiative in U.S. history, but Sanders told HuffPost in an interview Tuesday that he believes America is ready for it.

"The American people are catching on to where the Republicans are coming from, they see the limitations of the Affordable Care Act and they're looking at the alternatives," Sanders said. "And this is a rational alternative."

Sanders has been waging a frequently lonely crusade for this kind of universal health care since the early 1990s, when he first came to Congress. In 2013, when he introduced a previous iteration of the bill, he had no support from his colleagues. But in a clear sign of the idea's increasing popularity, as well as Sanders' influence within progressive politics, 16 Democratic senators are co-sponsoring the bill."
Single-Payer Gains Support In Congress, And In The Public | 1a.org | 09/14/17 | 1hr
Senator Bernie Sanders' new bill creating a "Medicare for all" system in the United States isn't the first piece of legislation to propose a single-payer system in the United States. But it could become the most popular. More than a dozen Senate Democrats support Sanders' bill. And in the House, most Democrats support a similar measure.

For years, single-payer was a non-starter in Congress, but that may no longer be the case, as public support continues to climb for a single national health care plan.
PBS NewsHour full episode, September 13, 3017 | PBS NewsHour | 09/13/17 | 53:51
Katy Tur Talks With Chuck Todd About 'Unbelievable', Covering Donald Trump And More | MSNBC | 09/13/17 | 1:16:41
President Donald Trump Gets Things Done By Not Talking To GOP | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/14/17 | 14:49
What Everyone Missed In The Donald Trump Jr. Emails | MSNBC All In | 09/12/17 | 8:47
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Violent Buddhists Target Muslims in Myanmar | Trevor Noah | 09/13/17 | 6:07
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Mueller Goes for the Kill, Trump Pushes Tax Cuts: A Closer Look | Seth Meyers | 09/13/17 | 8:30

09.14.2017. 09:38

Wednesday September 13, 2017

*Bernie Sanders To Introduce Single-Payer Bill With Major Support In Senate
HP | By Daniel Marans | 09/13/17

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will introduce on Wednesday a new version of his plan to give everybody government-run health insurance, potentially opening a new chapter in the ongoing debate over how to make health care in the U.S. more affordable and available.

The plan calls for an overhaul of American health insurance with a souped-up, more generous version of Medicare replacing nearly all private health insurance ? and government exerting far more control over the cost of medical care. It would arguably be the most ambitious social welfare initiative in U.S. history, but Sanders told HuffPost in an interview Tuesday that he believes America is ready for it.

"The American people are catching on to where the Republicans are coming from, they see the limitations of the Affordable Care Act and they're looking at the alternatives," Sanders said. "And this is a rational alternative." ... Read more

We know that the U.S. military is the largest consumers of fossil fuel. And is therefore one of the greatest contributors to CO2 levels in the world, not only here in the United States but because they have bases around the world, and they're fighting in various wars, like in Syria, they are one of the greatest contributors.

Purged Facebook Page Tied to the Kremlin Spread Anti-Immigrant Bile
NYTimes | Scott Shane | 09/12/17

The notice went out on Facebook last year, calling citizens of Twin Falls, Idaho, to an urgent meeting about the "huge upsurge of violence toward American citizens" by Muslim refugees who had settled there.

The inflammatory post, however, originated not in Idaho but in Russia. The meeting's sponsor, an anti-immigrant page called "Secured Borders," was one of hundreds of fake Facebook accounts created by a Russian company with Kremlin ties to spread vitriolic messages on divisive issues.>/p>

Facebook acknowledged last week that it had closed the accounts after linking them to advertisements costing $100,000 that were purchased in Russia's influence campaign during and after the 2016 election. But the company declined to release or describe in detail the pages and profiles it had linked to Russia. ... Read more

At the Apple Keynote, Selling Us a Better Vision of Ourselves
NYTimes | author | 09/12/17

This year is the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. It's also the 10th anniversary of the Apple keynote at which Steve Jobs announced the original device. The first one was a tour de force, Mr. Jobs leading a rapt audience as he asked them to imagine an iPod, a phone and a pocket internet device all in one.

Mr. Jobs, who died in 2011, loomed over Tuesday's nostalgic presentation. The Apple C.E.O., Tim Cook, paid tribute, his voice cracking with emotion, Mr. Jobs's steeple-fingered image looming as big onstage as Big Brother's face in the classic Macintosh "1984" commercial. Mr. Cook even revived Mr. Jobs's patented "One more thing ..." line, but reverentially: "We have great respect for these words, and we don't use them lightly." ... Read more
Steve Jobs introduces iPhone in 2007 | Apple | 2007 | 10:19

Aftermath of Hurricane Irma
Drone footage reveals staggering damage in Florida Keys | FoxNews | 09/12/17 | 4:45
New Drone Footage Shows Devastation in Nanny Cay after Hurricane Irma | | 09/12/17 | 10:10
Aerial Footage of Hurricane Irma Damage in Florida Keys | WeatherNation | 09/12/17 | 1:28
Robert Mueller is Zeroing in on Trump's Cover Up (#120) | Keith Olbermann | 09/12/17 | 9:21
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 13 [12:16]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 13 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. "Pivotal Moment in American History": Sen. Sanders Unveils Medicare-for-All Bill with 15 Co-Sponsors
  3. Background Checks for Voting?: Inside the Trump Election Commission's Contentious Second Meeting
  4. "Will the 9/11 Case Finally Go to Trial?": Andrew Cockburn on New Evidence Linking Saudis to Attacks
*Col. Larry Wilkerson Interview -> Is the Military Prepared for Climate Crisis? | TRNN | 09/11/17 | 13:46
Democrats Follow Bernie Sanders' Lead on Single-Payer | TRNN | 09/11/17 | 12:26
Did CBS Try To Make Steve Bannon Look Bad? | TYT | 09/12/17 | 4:20
Sheriff Apologizes For "All Lives Splatter" Facebook Meme | TYT | 09/12/17 | 6:10
The Islands After Irma | 1a.org | 09/13/17 | 1hr
Reports of severe devastation have been pouring in from the Caribbean since Hurricane Irma slammed into the islands last week. Communities have been all but destroyed. Food and water are scarce. And local economies that rely on a constant flow of tourist dollars could tank.

We take a virtual visit to the Caribbean to see how residents are faring in the aftermath of the storm and we hear how conversations about rebuilding the islands are taking shape.
Senator Jeff Flake's Reality Check For Republicans | 1a.org | 09/13/17 | 1hr
When Arizona Senator Jeff Flake released his book, "Conscience of a Conservative" this summer, he knew he'd have to be ready to joust with the most powerful person in his Republican party: President Donald Trump.

Flake's message that the GOP has lost its way "in a race to the bottom to see who can be meaner and madder and crazier" did get a rise out of the president. But it also spoke to Republicans who want to see their party return to traditional conservatism as upheld by Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.

Flake discusses what he thinks is missing from today's conservative leadership and what could heal the ever-widening rift within the Republican Party.
Facts And Friction | 1a.org | 09/13/17 | 1hr
There's no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts - by Donald Trump surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes 2016

Many, many people disagree. America, circa 2017, may be a land of fantastical thinking and "fake news" (whatever that is), but fact checking is big business.

Whether with Truth-O-Meters or Pinocchios -- which the president says he doesn't like -- news organizations have become ever-vigilant in monitoring for any sign of fire around political pants. Even Snopes, a website that once mostly dealt in debunking urban legends and bizarre Internet claims, is now a player in serious journalism.

But how do they tell truth from fiction, and claims from opinions? And who fact-checks the fact checkers?
PBS NewsHour full episode Sept. 12, 2017 | PBS | 09/12/17 | 55:03
Donald Trump Exposed For Lie About Sketchy Business Partner, Russia Deal | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/12/17 | 8:50
*Sketchy Donald Trump Deal Eyed For Ties To Iran | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | older 03/06/17 | 23:10
*Donald Trump Nativist Speech Follows Dark US Pattern | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | older 09/01/16 | 16:22
*Donald Trump Get-Rich-Quick Scheme Exposed | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | older 07/01/16 | 13:40
Which Direction Will President Donald Trump Go On Tax Reform? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/13/17 | 11:03
Senate To Vote On Senator Rand Paul's War Powers Repeal Proposal | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/13/17 | 6:17
Household Income Hits New High But Inequality Still Wide | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/13/17 | 3:11
Keeping Track of the Alt Right - Alex Jones
Roger Stone: Why Did Donald Trump's Body Guard/Best Friend Resign? | Infowars | 09/12/17 | 14:46
Exclusive: President Trump Being Drugged Ahead Of Coup, Sources Claim | Infowars | 09/12/17 | 18:03
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's Pick To Head NASA Has No Background In Science | Stephen Colbert | 09/10/17 | 3:03
Stephen Watched Trump's Ivanka Comments So You Don't Have To | Stephen Colbert | 09/08/17 | 6:50
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
President Trump: America's S**ttiest Miss America Contestant | Trevor Noah | 09/12/17 | 6:58

09.13.2017. 11:38

Tuesday September 12, 2017
Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP | 60Minutes | 09/10/17 | 27:18
Note: You might have to click 4 times on the vertical scrollbar and 1 click on the horizonatal scrollbar to center the video.

Steve Bannon, Trump's ex-chief strategist, tells 60 Minutes why he's out at the White House and criticizes the GOP for not supporting the president. "They're gonna be held accountable," he says.

Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency?
TheAtlantic | Jack Goldsmith | 10/ /17

He disdains the rule of law. He's trampling norms of presidential behavior. And he's bringing vital institutions down with him.

onald trump is testing the institution of the presidency unlike any of his 43 predecessors. We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office, so openly mendacious, so self-destructive, or so brazen in his abusive attacks on the courts, the press, Congress (including members of his own party), and even senior officials within his own administration. Trump is a Frankenstein's monster of past presidents' worst attributes: Andrew Jackson's rage; Millard Fillmore's bigotry; James Buchanan's incompetence and spite; Theodore Roosevelt's self-aggrandizement; Richard Nixon's paranoia, insecurity, and indifference to law; and Bill Clinton's lack of self-control and reflexive dishonesty. ... Read more

Harvard psychiatrist Lance Dodes: Donald Trump is a "sociopath" and "a very sick individual"
Salon | Chauncey Devega | 09/12/17

Harvard professor and psychoanalyst on the "antiquated" Goldwater rule and our president's "serious mental illness"

The president of the United States is a global celebrity whose every action is endlessly commented upon and dissected for meaning by the news media, foreign powers (both friends and foes alike) and the public.

In the age of television and now the internet, there are hundreds of thousands of hours of video and audio footage of every president widely available. There are also rumors and leaks from within the White House and other branches of government that can help paint a picture of a given president's moods, desires, thoughts and other behavior. What is to be done if this evidence collectively suggests that the president of the United States is mentally ill? ... Read more
Harvard psychiatrist Lance Dodes: Donald Trump is a "sociopath" and "a very sick individual" | Salon | 09/12/17 | 1:50

Naomi Klein -> Shock Doctrine
The Shock Doctrine (2009)
An investigation of "disaster capitalism", based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.
Naomi Klein: How to Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine | TheIntercept | 06/13/17 | 8:54
Naomi Klein: The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump, So We Must be Ready for Shock Politics | DN | | 23:14
No is Not Enough.org website
Storm Surge from Tropical Storm Irma Floods Downtown Charleston, SC | WeatherNation | 09/11/17 | 0:35
Residents In Florida Assess Hurricane Irma Damage | CBS | 09/11/17 | 5:39
Donald Trump Calls Into WWOR/UPN 9 News on 9/11 | Fox5NY | | 9:55
Keith Olbermann
How Did Trump Remember 9/11? (#119) | Keith Olbermann | 09/11/17 | 4:49
Trump Will Soon Be the Ex-POTUS (#118) | Keith Olbermann | 09/08/17 | 5:46
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 12 [10:32]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 12 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. After Irma, a Look at Why Cubans are 15 Times Less Likely to Die from Hurricanes Than Americans
  3. Austerity, Divestment & Irma: Juan González on Why 300,000 in Puerto Rico are Without Power
  4. A Storm of Silence: Study Finds Media Is Largely Ignoring Link Between Hurricanes and Climate Change
  5. Special Report: How Decentralized Mutual Aid Networks Are Helping Houston Recover from Harvey
A Storm of Silence: Study Finds Media Is Largely Ignoring Link Between Hurricanes and Climate Change | DN | 09/12/17 | 12:34
Steve Bannon: What Built America Was Economic Nationalism (60 Minutes Interview) | TYT | 09/11/17 | 5:39
Steve Bannon On Trump Firing Comey (60 Minutes Interview) | TYT | 09/11/17 | 5:07
Credit Check: Equifax And Your Financial Future
Ever bought a car? Applied for a job? Checked your credit score? Then you're probably in the system. The U.S. credit system.

Three of the biggest credit bureaus -- TransUnion, Experian and Equifax -- have data on millions of Americans. And some of that data, including addresses, Social Security numbers and driver's license numbers, have now been compromised in a cyberattack on Equifax. An estimated 143 million people could be affected by the breach.

Why do three companies have control of so much private information? Who's minding the credit bureaus? And is there anything consumers can do to protect personal data from future hacks?
Must-See Political TV | 1a.org | 09/11/17 | 1hr
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon sat down for his first big interview since leaving the Trump administration. Bannon's list of talking points on CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday included the removal of Confederate monuments, his continued support of President Trump's agenda and the president's "enemies."

One of those enemies, Trump's former opponent Hillary Clinton, was also on TV over the weekend. She gave her first interview about her new book "What Happened" to CBS Sunday Morning.
Donald Trump White House Aides Lawyer-Up In Face Of Robert Mueller Query | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/11/17 | 5:24
Steve Bannon Thinks Donald Trump Made A Big 'Mistake' Firing James Comey | MSNBC 11th Hour | 09/11/17 | 10:10
Lawrence On 'Sheer Madness' Of Steve Bannon's Epic 60 Minutes Interview | MSNBC Last Word | 09/11/17 | 10:17
Katy Tur: What Made Covering President Donald Trump So 'Unbelievable' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/12/17 | 7:34
Hillary Clinton: I'm 'Convinced' Donald Trump Associates Helped Russia | MSNBC 11th Hour | 09/12/17 | 6:21
Looking at the Alt Right - Alex Jones
Roger Stone: Bombshell! Alex Jones 9/11/17 Infowars | Infowars | 09/11/17 |44:45
Roger Stone, Never Sleeps..! 9/11/17 Alex Jones | Infowars | 09/11/17 |36:51
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Joe Arpaio: Donald Trump issued his first presidential pardon to the last person who should get one. | John Oliver | 09/11/17 | 14:17
Late Show's Alter Egos IV: The Swamp | Stephen Colbert| 09/01/17 | 2:35
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Steve Bannon Confirms Everyone's Worst Suspicions About Him on "60 Minutes" | 09/11/17 | 5:38
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump Responds to Hurricane Irma, Bannon Speaks Out | 09/11/17 | 12:26

09.12.2017. 11:54

Monday September 11, 2017
Breitbart's Bannon declares war on the GOP | 60Minutes | 09/10/17 | 27:18
Note: You might have to click 4 times on the vertical scrollbar and 1 click on the horizonatal scrollbar to center the video.

Steve Bannon, Trump's ex-chief strategist, tells 60 Minutes why he's out at the White House and criticizes the GOP for not supporting the president. "They're gonna be held accountable," he says.

Breitbart uses photo of gang members in El Salvador to smear DACA recipients
ThinkProgress | aaron Rupar | 09/06/17

Breitbart's accompanying piece discusses how 2,139 DACA recipients have had their protected status revoked because of alleged criminal activities over five years. But there are currently about 800,000 people enrolled in DACA, so the percentage of DACA recipients involved in criminal behavior ends up being roughly 0.3 percent, which is extremely low in comparison to the national rate of people with felony convictions (over 8.5 percent) or people who are arrested by age 23 (roughly 30 percent). ... Read more
Breitbart: The Fakest Of Fake News | TYT | 09/10/17 | 3:42

Ken Burns Never Knew How Wrong He Was About the Vietnam War
Mother Jones | Phil Klay | 09/ /17

The series, which relies on the latest historical accounts, scores of participants, and a wealth of archival materials, gives voice to Vietnamese combatants and civilians in addition to the usual American experts, policymakers, veterans, and protesters. The result is a work of dramatic sweep and shocking intimacy--interspersing, for example, a US pilot's frank description of bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail with the recollections of a Vietnamese woman who evaded a fiery death, or contrasting the last recorded words of a young draftee with snippets of private presidential conversations. The soundtrack includes classic songs of the era, plus new recordings by Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble and Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross--whose menacing theme music underscores the mayhem. As a veteran of the Iraq War who has written about the experiences of returning soldiers, I jumped at the chance to speak with Burns about his most formidable project to date. ... Read more
The Vietnam War by Ken Burns (trailer) | 60Minutes | next week 09/17/17 | 0:30

Hearts and Minds (Vietnam) (1973) | Peter Davis | 1973 | 1:52:01
Sir No Sir (2005) | | 2005 | 49:27
My Father's Vietnam (2015) | | 2015 | 1:18:42
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, September 11 [9:35]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, September 11 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Elizabeth Kolbert: An Honest Conversation About Climate Change Is Needed in Wake of Irma & Harvey
  3. Scientists: Climate Change May Wipe Out Third of World's Parasites, With Disastrous Ripple Effects
  4. Irma Destroys Haitian Farmland as Recovery Goes On from Recent Natural Disasters & Cholera Outbreak
  5. Oaxacan Residents Plead for Water & Food After Mexican Earthquake Kills Over 90 People
Scientists: Climate Change May Wipe Out Third of World's Parasites, With Disastrous Ripple Effects | DN | 09/11/17 | 19:20
It's The End Of The World As We Know It | TYT | 09/08/17 | 12:18
Earthquake DEVASTATES Mexico | TYT | 09/08/17 | 4:42
What's behind world's recent extreme weather events? | Aljazeera: Inside Story | 09/08/17 | 25:15
PBS NewsHour full episode Sept. 8, 2017 | PBS | 09/08/17 | 53:53
Special Counsel Robert Mueller Turns Attention To White House Staff | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/08/17 | 6:18
Barbuda, Destroyed By Irma, Faces Jose Next | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/08/17 | 7:29
President Donald Trump And The First Lady Lead Moment Of Silence | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/11/17 | 3:07
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's Pick To Head NASA Has No Background In Science | Stephen Colbert | 09/09/17 | 3:03
Don Jr. Knows How To Make An Entrance (Without Being Seen) | Stephen Colbert | 09/09/17 | 2:40

09.11.2017. 12:09

Friday September 08, 2017
Hurricame Irma | Climate Change
Click to zoom in Or
Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing by Tim Shorrock

In Spies for Hire, investigative reporter Tim Shorrock lifts the veil off a major story the government doesn't want us to know about -- the massive outsourcing of top secret intelligence activities to private-sector contractors.

Running spy networks overseas. Tracking down terrorists in the Middle East. Interrogating enemy prisoners. Analyzing data from spy satellites and intercepted phone calls. All of these are vital intelligence tasks that traditionally have been performed by government officials accountable to Congress and the American people. But that is no longer the case.

Starting during the Clinton administration, when intelligence budgets were cut drastically and privatization of government services became national policy, and expanding dramatically in the wake of 9/11, when the CIA and other agencies were frantically looking to hire analysts and linguists, the Intelligence Community has been relying more and more on corporations to perform sensitive tasks heretofore considered to be exclusively the work of federal employees. This outsourcing of intelligence activities is now a $50 billion-a-year business that consumes up to 70 percent of the U.S. intelligence budget. And it's a business that the government has tried hard to keep under wraps.

The Deep State Is Real
Politico | Michael Crowley | 09/ /17

At a conference in mid-July, Barack Obama's CIA director, John Brennan, remarked that executive branch officials have an "obligation ... to refuse to carry out" outrageous or anti-democratic orders from President Donald Trump. The comment quickly caught the attention of Rush Limbaugh, who saw nothing short of a threat to the republic. "He practically called for a coup!" the radio host bellowed on the air a few days later, warning of a plot orchestrated by "embeds in the deep state at the Pentagon, State Department, various intelligence agencies."

... The deep state entered America's national discourse in 2017 with the feeling of an already familiar character, ready to assume a starring role as hero or villain--depending on how you feel about Trump. It's easy to dismiss the idea as the breathless complaint of a frustrated president who hasn't learned to work the system. But it's not that simple: There really is a kind of cabal that operates independently of elected officials in Washington--even if it's not quite what Trump or his conservative allies think it is.

Political scientists and foreign policy experts have used the term deep state for years to describe individuals and institutions who exercise power independent of--and sometimes over--civilian political leaders. They applied it mainly to developing countries like Algeria, Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey, where generals and spies called the real shots in nominally democratic societies and replaced elected leaders when they saw fit. (Turkey and Egypt have recently moved to more overt security-state dictatorships, in which the deep state is the only state.) ... Read more

Charlie Rose on Steve Bannon's "60 Minutes" interview | CBS News | 09/07/17 | 9:30

Bannon: McConnell, Ryan 'trying to nullify the 2016 election'
Politico | Louis Nelson | 09/08/17

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told CBS this week that Washington's "Republican establishment," including the top GOP leaders in both houses of Congress, "is trying to nullify the 2016 election." That more traditional Republicans are looking to undermine President Donald Trump, Bannon said, is as "obvious as night follows day."

"The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. That's a brutal fact we have to face," Bannon said in an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" that will air this Sunday. Bannon's interviewer, CBS anchor Charlie Rose, responded by asking the former White House adviser to name names.

"I think Mitch McConnell, and to a degree, Paul Ryan. They do not want Donald Trump's populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented," Bannon replied. "It's obvious as night follows day is what they're trying to do." ... Read more

Trump Will Soon Be the Ex-POTUS (#118) | Keith Olbermann | 09/07/17 | 8:24
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 08 [13:30]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 08 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Dave Zirin: Stand with NFL Star Michael Bennett, Who Refused to Be Silent About Racial Profiling
  3. Texas Prisoners Are Facing Horrid Conditions After Hurricane Harvey & Retaliation for Reporting Them
  4. Nikole Hannah-Jones: How Wealthy White Communities Are Resegregating Alabama's Public Schools
*"Talks Can Work": As Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula, Advocates Call for Demilitarization | DN | 09/07/17 | 16:27
*Professor Michael Mann discusses -> a new study showing that the IPCC has underestimated global warming in the industrial era | TRNN | 09/07/17 | 17:59
Hey New York Times: The Left BURIES The Right On YouTube | TYT | 09/07/17 | 10:21
Paul Ryan Struggles To Explain Trump's Deal With Democrats | TYT | 09/07/17 | 4:02
Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 09/08/17 | 1hr
Congress is back! Now what? The legislature's first major deal with the White House this session was steered by... Democratic leaders.

Meanwhile, just days after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) would end next year, President Trump tweeted assurance for those affected by DACA, called DREAMers.
Friday News - International | 1a.org | 09/08/17 | 1hr
The island of Barbuda has been effectively wiped out by the record-breaking Hurricane Irma, which also devastated many other island locales, including Anguilla and Saint Martin. And more storms are on the way. How much destruction will this hurricane season bring to the Caribbean?

Speaking of destruction, North Korea seemed to up the ante this week with a supposed hydrogen bomb test that prompted an urgent response from the U.N. and conflicting messages from President Trump.

We'll also have the latest on the refugee crisis in Myanmar as more than 140,000 Rohingya Muslims flee the country under treacherous conditions.

And Facebook owns up to selling $100,000 in political ads to fake accounts that originated in Russia.
Sec. Price, FEMA officials brief about Hurricane Irma | PBS | 09/08/17 | 14:20
New Russia Contact Revelations In Donald Trump Jr. Senate Interview | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/07/17 | 15:02
After Deal, President Donald Trump Sees New Path For Bipartisanship | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/08/17 | 15:46
Freedom Caucus Member Mark Meadows: No Plan To Remove House Speaker Paul Ryan | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/08/17 | 12:43
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush: People Must Prepare For A Devastating Storm | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/08/17 | 3:46
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*The Worst Part Of Steve Bannon's First Interview: Steve Bannon | Stephen Colbert | 09/08/17 | 4:59
The Democrats Actually Won Something! | Stephen Colbert | 09/08/17 | 7:20
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump Waffles on DACA, Responds to Hurricane Irma: A Closer Look | Seth Meyers | 09/07/17 | 9:30

09.08.2017. 11:33

Thursday September 07, 2017
Hurricane Irma
Aerial View of Barbuda - Survivors tell Irma Story | Climate State | 09/06/17 | 6:39
This incredible video shows conditions on the island of St. Martin during Hurricane #Irma this morning.| AccuWeather | 09/06/17 | 0:41
*Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet by Bill McKibben

Twenty years ago, with The End of Nature, Bill McKibben offered one of the earliest warnings about global warming. Those warnings went mostly unheeded; now, he insists, we need to acknowledge that we've waited too long, and that massive change is not only unavoidable but already under way. Our old familiar globe is suddenly melting, drying, acidifying, flooding, and burning in ways that no human has ever seen. We've created, in very short order, a new planet, still recognizable but fundamentally different. We may as well call it Eaarth.

That new planet is filled with new binds and traps. A changing world costs large sums to defend -- think of the money that went to repair New Orleans, or the trillions it will take to transform our energy systems. But the endless economic growth that could underwrite such largesse depends on the stable planet we've managed to damage and degrade. We can't rely on old habits any longer.

Our hope depends, McKibben argues, on scaling back--on building the kind of societies and economies that can hunker down, concentrate on essentials, and create the type of community (in the neighborhood, but also on the Internet) that will allow us to weather trouble on an unprecedented scale. Change -- fundamental change -- is our best hope on a planet suddenly and violently out of balance.

Republicans Begrudgingly Swallow Fiscal Deal They Clearly Don't Like
HP | Matt Fuller | 09/06/17

Republicans were caught by surprise Wednesday after Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed dealmaker president, took the first offer from Democrats on a short-term spending agreement to keep the government funded and raise the debt ceiling with no strings attached.

Over the objections of the GOP congressional leadership, Trump quickly accepted terms from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to fund the government (but not a border wall with Mexico) and to raise the debt limit (without any sort of spending reforms) for three months. ... Read more

Always Good to Get Other Points of View
Sarah Sanders, Mike Huckabee CLASH with "The View" Over Donald Trump | ABC | 09/06/17 | 17:58

China sees new world order with oil benchmark backed by gold
asia.nikkei.com | Damon Evans | 09/01/17

Yuan-denominated contract will let exporters circumvent US dollar

DENPASAR, Indonesia -- China is expected shortly to launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuan and convertible into gold in what analysts say could be a game-changer for the industry.

The contract could become the most important Asia-based crude oil benchmark, given that China is the world's biggest oil importer. Crude oil is usually priced in relation to Brent or West Texas Intermediate futures, both denominated in U.S. dollars. Read more
China's New World Order: Gold-backed oil benchmark on the way | CorbettReport | 09/05/17 | 9:37

Why We Must Talk About Trump's Mental Health (#117) | Keith Olbermann | 09/06/17 | 9:30
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 07 [11:11]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, September 07 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. "We Have Never Had Anything Like Them": Bill McKibben on Floods, Winds & Fires Devastating U.S.
  3. "Talks Can Work": As Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula, Advocates Call for Demilitarization
  4. Is the Burmese Military Carrying Out a Genocide Against Rohingya, World's Most Persecuted Minority?
*"We Have Never Had Anything Like Them": Bill McKibben on Floods, Winds & Fires Devastating U.S. | DN | 09/07/17 | 14:46
In the Caribbean, at least 10 people have died as the historic Category 5 Hurricane Irma barrels across the Atlantic Ocean and toward the U.S. coast. Hurricane Irma is the most powerful storm ever recorded over the Atlantic Ocean. On Barbuda, 90 percent of all structures were destroyed. The prime minister, Gaston Browne, has declared Barbuda is "practically uninhabitable." This comes as Houston, the fourth-largest city in the U.S., is beginning to rebuild from Hurricane Harvey, one of the most powerful hurricanes in U.S. history. Wide swaths of the Pacific Northwest are also on fire, as uncontrollable wildfires burn hundreds of thousands of acres across Oregon, Montana and Washington state. For more on climate change and extreme weather, we're joined by Bill McKibben, co-founder of 350.org, from his home in Vermont. He's the author of several books, including "Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet."
*Climate Scientist Michael Mann Explains -> Are Irma-like Super Storms the 'New Normal'? | TRNN | 09/06/17 | 14:08
Fox Warmonger: Korean Lives Don't Matter | TYT | 09/06/17 | 9:33
Trump's New Chief Of Staff: Hardest Job I've Ever Had! | TYT | 09/06/17 | 16:54
Raqqa in ruins: Drone footage of destroyed Syrian city amid continued fighting | RT | 09/04/17 | 2:00
Journalist fired for exposing how CIA ran weapons to terrorists | RT | 09/01/17 | 6:24
Anticipating Irma | 1a.org | 09/07/17 | 1hr
With winds in excess of 180 miles per hour, Hurricane Irma is one of the strongest Atlantic storms ever recorded. Evacuations have begun in Florida as Irma hits eastern Caribbean islands and Puerto Rico.

This comes as Congress is debating sending billions to the Gulf Coast for Harvey relief. Now, the nation is bracing for another storm and its aftermath.
Hurricane Irma could be catastrophic. Here's how officials are preparing | PBS | 09/06/17 | 15:01
Reversing Denials, Facebook Admits Russia-Tied Election Ad Buy | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/06/17 | 19:49
Think Most Americans Are Happy Over This Deal | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/07/17 | 18:51
Nicolle Wallace: Not Surprising Donald Trump Threw GOP Under The Bus | MSNBC 11th Hour | 09/07/17 | 1:31
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Watched Trump's Ivanka Comments So You Don't Have To (Vomit) | Stephen Colbert | 09/07/17 | 6:50
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Thanks to Hurricane Harvey, the "Dealmaker President" Finally Makes a Deal | 09/06/17 | 8:36
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Trump Kids Come Out in Support of DACA | 09/06/17 | 2:30

09.07.2017. 12:22

Wednesday September 06, 2017

Here's What You Need To Know About Hurricane Irma
HP | Hayley Miller | 09/05/17

One of the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricanes ever barreled through the Caribbean, making landfall early Wednesday less than two weeks after Hurricane Harvey first hit Texas.

Hurricane Irma was upgraded to an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 hurricane on Tuesday, with maximum sustained winds reaching 185 miles per hour, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm made landfall in Barbuda around 2 a.m. on Wednesday, cutting off phone lines and battering the nearby island of Antigua with heavy rains and wind before heading toward St. Martin. ... Read more
This incredible video shows conditions on the island of St. Martin during Hurricane #Irma this morning.| AccuWeather | 09/06/17 | 0:41

Rush Limbaugh Uncorks a Wild New Conspiracy Theory About Hurricane Irma
AlterNet | Alexander Nazaryan / Newsweek | 09/06/17

On Monday, the right-wing radio personality delivered a customarily freewheeling monologue in which he seemed to suggest that hurricanes were a liberal conspiracy intended to convince the public that climate change is real.

... "The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works," Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. "Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic." ... Read more

China's New World Order: Gold-backed oil benchmark on the way | CorbettReport | 09/05/17 | 9:37

Trump Sides With Democrats on Interim Debt-Limit Fix, Harvey Aid
Bloomberg | Erik Wasson | 09/06/17

President Donald Trump sided with Democrats on adding a three-month extension of the U.S. debt limit and government spending to a hurricane-relief bill over the arguments of fellow Republicans, who pressed for a longer debt extension.

Trump, after meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday at the White House, told reporters on Air Force One that the deal with Democrats would be "very good."

"We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred -- very important -- always we'll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it," the president said. ... Read more
Trump Sides With Democrats on Interim Debt-Limit Fix, Harvey Aid | Bloomberg | 09/06/17 | 2:34

This High-Tech Vertical Farm Promises Whole Foods Quality at Walmart Prices
Bloomberg | Selina Wang | 09/06/17

SoftBank-backed Plenty is out to build massive indoor farms on the outskirts of every major city on Earth.

The growing room looks like a strange forest, with pink and purple LEDs illuminating 20-foot-tall towers of leafy vegetables that stretch as far as you can see. It smells like a forest, too, but there's no damp earth or moss. The plants are growing sideways out of the columns, which bloom with Celtic crunch lettuce, red oak kale, sweet summer basil, and 15 other heirloom munchables. The 50,000-square-foot room, a little more than an acre, can produce some 2 million pounds of lettuce a year. ... Read more

Trump DACA Decision is a Grim Turning Point (#116) | Keith Olbermann | 09/05/17 | 6:39

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 06 [8:46]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, September 06 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Meet Cesar Espinosa: After Surviving Harvey, He's Fighting for his Future as Trump Rescinds DACA
  3. Reclaiming Gotham: Juan González on Cities Leading the Revolt Against Trumpism & Neoliberal Policies
Will Houston's Post-Harvey Recovery Exacerbate Inequities or Build a More Just City? | DN | 09/05/17 | 15:25
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on US Confrontation with North Korea | TRNN | 09/05/17 | 42:55
A Nation Of Immigrants, 'A Nation Of Laws' | 1a.org | 09/06/17 | 1hr
President Trump's statement Tuesday formally announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, will come to an end early next year. DACA protects about 800,000 people called DREAMers -- who were illegally brought to the U.S. as children by their parents -- from deportation and allows them work permits if they meet certain requirements.

This is not amnesty, this is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It's not a permanent fix. This is a temporary stopgap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. -President Barack Obama
PBS NewsHour full episode Sept. 5, 2017 | PBS News hour | 09/05/17 | 55:06
US Anti-Immigrant Policy Has Roots In Racist Eugenics | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/05/17 | 16:32
Will Congress Actually Grapple With DACA? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/06/17 | 8:54
Business Leaders Step Up To Defend Dreamers | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/06/17 | 8:38
Anderson Cooper's Brilliant Reaction To Trump Ending DACA - 'The Art Of The Punt' | CNN/Jon Snow | 09/06/17 | 18:19

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump's First Disaster Response Was A Disaster | Stephen Colbert | 09/06/17 | 5:13
Hey POTUS: Cutting DACA Won't MAGA | Stephen Colbert | 09/06/17 | 5:34
'North Korea Is In The News' Is Never A Good Thing | Stephen Colbert | 09/06/17 | 3:37
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trump Has No Idea How to Handle North Korea | TheDaily Show | 09/05/17 | 6:05
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump Ends DACA, Responds to Hurricane Harvey: A Closer Look | Seth Meyers | 09/05/17 | 9:31

09.06.2017. 14:20

Tuesday September 05, 2017

Hurricane Irma Strengthens Into Category 5
NYTimes | Matthew Haag | 09/04/17

Hurricane Irma, fresh on the heels of Hurricane Harvey, strengthened early Tuesday into a Category 5 storm with maximum winds of 175 miles per hour, as Florida started to prepare for its potential landfall over the weekend.

... "Hurricane Irma is a major and life-threatening storm, and Florida must be prepared," Mr. Scott said in a statement. The last hurricane to hit Florida was Matthew last October, which brushed up along its east coast before making landfall in South Carolina as a Category 1 storm. ... Read more
Website URL: https://www.ventusky.com/?p=30.9;-67.8;3&l=wind

Appalled Kelly Says Nobody Has Spoken to Him Like Trump in His 35-Year Career
AlterNet | Noor Al-Sibai / Raw Story | 09/02/17

The unmoored Trump lashes out at anyone nearby.

During a recent "dressing down" by President Donald Trump, new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told aides he's never been spoken to like that in his entire military career.

According to a report by the New York Times, Kelly told sources close to a fight between the president and his chief of staff in August that he won't tolerate such behavior again. When staffers "gently suggested [Trump] refrain from injecting politics into day-to-day issues of governing after last month's raucous rally in Arizona," he lashed at Kelly, who happened to be "the most senior aide in his presence." ... Read more

Trump's populist message on taxes comes with heavy dose of corporate rate cuts
Politico | Bernie Becker | 08/30/17

President Donald Trump kicked off his efforts to sell a big tax package to voters on Wednesday, calling for a "pro-American" system that would cut tax rates for businesses and offer a boost to the middle class.

Trump maintained that a new tax system was crucial to ushering in a new prosperity in the U.S., in a speech that White House officials acknowledged beforehand would be light on policy details.

The president laid out several principles for tax reform, including cleaning the code of tax breaks and offering tax relief to middle-class families. But in a speech meant to put a populist polish on tax reform, Trump also spoke repeatedly about the need to lower the statutory corporate tax rate -- which, at 35 percent, stands among the highest in the industrialized world -- and to give companies more opportunity to bring back profits they've stashed offshore. ... Read more
Trump Lies In Tax Speech | TYT | 09/03/17 | 8:42

Brutal Memes Mock Joel Osteen Over His Hurricane Harvey Response
HP | Ed Mazza | 09/02/17

The Houston pastor is now the poster boy for how not to act in a crisis.

Pastor Joel Osteen has gone viral in all the wrong ways. The Houston megachurch leader has seen his name trend repeatedly in the days since Hurricane Harvey brought floods to the city, in large part because his 16,500-seat Lakewood Church wasn't open to those seeking shelter. ... Read more

Fox News Poll of 1,006 registered voters was conducted Aug. 27-29, and had a margin of error of 3 points.

  1. 56 percent of respondents said Trump was "not at all" presidential,
  2. 55 percent said he was "not at all" a moral leader,
  3. 53 percent said he was "not at all" compassionate or steady and
  4. 50 percent said he was "not at all" honest.
  5. 33 percent selected "extremely" unstable
  6. 39 percent chose "extreme" bully

Fox News Poll.pdf | FoxNews | 08/31/17 | poll

Click to zoom in
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, September 05 [9:26]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, September 05 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Petro Metro: A Toxic Tour of Houston from Refineries to Superfund Sites in Wake of Harvey
  3. Will Houston's Post-Harvey Recovery Exacerbate Inequities or Build a More Just City?
Jeremy Scahill on Trump Team: A Cabal of Religious Extremists, Privatization Advocates & Racists | DN | older | 32:41
Jeremy Scahill: Mike Pence Has "Militant Agenda" Against | DN | older | 17:06
Arctic Ice Specialist David Barber says -> Greenland Ice Sheet Melting 600 Percent Faster Than Predicted by Current Models | TRNN | older, 02/03/17 | 13:16
Institute for Policy Studies, Phyllis Bennis says -> Hezbollah's Victory Over ISIS Undermined as US Bombs Evacuation Route | TRNN | 09/01/17 | 20:09
DACA Could Be Next Target For Trump's War on Immigrants | TRNN | 09/02/17 | 3:31
Trump Lies In Tax Speech | TYT | 09/03/17 | 8:42
Keiser Report: Economic war with China? (E1118) | RT | 09/02/17 | 25:40
In this special double-header episode, Max and Stacy discuss Germany repatriating €24 billion worth of gold from New York and the US administration finally realizing it is already at economic war with China. They also discuss 'enlightened' Silicon Valley sorts who 'feel' they are inclusive despite the data proving they are not.
Keiser Report: The bizarre decade (E1117) | RT | 09/01/17 | 25:58
Max and Stacy discuss 'the bizarre decade' on the markets engineered by central banks and the 'red flags' in the shale industry. In the second half, Max interviews Mitch Feierstein, author of Planet Ponzi, to discuss central banks' collective $15 trillion in assets. How will this Ponzi turn out?
Welcome Back, Congress | 1a.org | 09/05/17 | 1hr
When we last left Congress, they were preparing to take an August recess without having passed any of the president's key agenda items.

It hasn't been a quiet vacation. Lawmakers -- including some in the president's own party -- have been critical of White House leadership, and President Trump hasn't been shy about telling Senators what he thinks about them.

Now, lawmakers are heading back to work with a number of unanswered questions. Will the president's hopes for tax reform pass? Will the feuding between the legislative and executive branches calm down? And are efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act really dead?
Republican Party's Racism Problem Predates President Donald Trump | MSNBC Rachel Maddows | 09/04/17 | 14:11
Jeff Sessions Announces End of DACA | NYTimes | 09/05/17 | 13:18
CNN Panel - ANGRY Reaction To Trump's "CRAZY" Plans To End DACA | CNN/Jon Snow | 09/05/17 | 14:15
Trump expected to announce fate of so-called DREAMers | ABC | 09/05/17 | 3:33
How climate change makes hurricanes worse | Vox | 08/30/17 | 3:22
Why fact-checking can't stop Trump's lies | Vox | 08/30/17 | 7:10
Comedians have figured out the trick to covering Trump | Vox | older, 04/03/17 | 6:53

09.05.2017. 11:12

Friday September 01, 2017
Bernie Sanders Talks About Hurricane Harvey In An Interview With Chris Cuomo | CNN | 09/01/17 | 14:49

Trump fatigue comes early
WashingtonPost | Joe Scarborough | 08/31/17

... Former allies on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal and Washington Examiner now criticize Trump for leadership failures and his abuse of power. Republicans on Capitol Hill more frequently call out the president's aberrant behavior. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) questions the president's ability to survive. The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee questions Trump's stability.

By now, the president's low poll numbers rarely raise an eyebrow. Newspapers have repeated ad nauseam that Trump is saddled with the worst approval ratings in U.S. history at this stage of his presidency. But this week, those lame approval ratings collapsed to a new low of 34?percent. A Fox News poll released Wednesday found that nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe Trump's presidency is "tearing America apart." And only 20 percent of younger voters now support the 71-year-old former reality television star. ... Read more

Are Trump's Generals on the Verge of Committing the Biggest Blunder of His Presidency?
AlterNet | David Klion | 08/30/17

Arming Ukraine has always been a bad idea. It was a bad idea when it was first proposed by the Brookings Institution in early 2015 and it's a bad idea now that Defense Secretary James Mattis is reviving it. It was a bad idea under Barack Obama, before Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and it's a bad idea today, with Donald Trump in the White House.

Mattis, who visited Kiev last Thursday to mark the country's independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, says he is only proposing that the U.S. send Ukraine "defensive" weapons, like Javelin anti-tank missiles ... Read more

Kushners' China Deal Flop Was Part of Much Bigger Hunt for Cash
Bloomberg | David Kocieniewski & Caleb Melby | 08/31/17

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and top adviser, wakes up each morning to a growing problem that will not go away. His family's real estate business, Kushner Cos., owes hundreds of millions of dollars on a 41-story office building on Fifth Avenue. It has failed to secure foreign investors, despite an extensive search, and its resources are more limited than generally understood. As a result, the company faces significant challenges.

Over the past two years, executives and family members have sought substantial overseas investment from previously undisclosed places: South Korea's sovereign-wealth fund, France's richest man, Israeli banks and insurance companies, and exploratory talks with a Saudi developer, according to former and current executives. These were in addition to previously reported attempts to raise money in China and Qatar. ...

... It was 2006--the height of the real-estate market boom--when Kushner Cos. agreed to buy 666 Fifth Avenue for $1.8 billion, then a record for a Manhattan building. All of it was borrowed except for $50 million. The company still holds half of a $1.2 billion mortgage, on which it hasn't paid a cent. The full amount is due in February 2019. ... Read more

Hurricane Irma Just Hit Category 3
TheAtlantic | Marina Koren | 08/31/17

As Harvey moves on from southeastern Texas and floodwaters start to recede, meteorologists are tracking another storm brewing in the eastern Atlantic Ocean that they say could potentially approach the United States in the coming weeks.

Irma became a Category 3 hurricane late Thursday afternoon, making it the season's second major hurricane. The hurricane now packs maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour, with stronger gusts. ... Read more
Models show BIG CAT 5, Tropical Storm IRMA, to form in Atlantic and threaten the East Coast by next Friday 09/08/17

Could Trump Try to Pardon... Everyone? (#115) | Keith Olbermann | 08/31/17 | 9:07
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 01 [13:18]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, September 01 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Should Texas Residents Know the Chemicals They're Breathing After the Arkema Plant Explosion?
  3. Texas Republicans Pushed to Kill Safety Regulations for Arkema Chemical Plant Before Explosion
  4. Greenpeace & Indigenous Water Protectors Respond to Lawsuit Accusing DAPL Activists of Eco-Terrorism
*James Hansen Hails Landmark Youth Climate Lawsuit: We Can't Rely on Our Politicians to Do Anything | DN | 08/31/17 | 19:44
Houston Refinery Explosion Will Endanger Local Communities | TRNN | 08/31/17 | 3:48
*Police Officer: Relax, We Only Kill Black People | TYT | 08/31/17 | 6:37
*Neil DeGrasse Tyson SLAMS Climate Deniers After Harvey | TYT | 08/31/17 | 4:24
Fukushima Releasing 770,000 Tons Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific | ThomHartmann | 08/26/17 | 11:54

Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 09/01/17 | 1hr
Harvey dominated the news this week. What's estimated to be the costliest storm ever dropped trillions of gallons of water on Texas and Louisiana, leaving Houston and many other cities badly flooded.

The storm has shut down oil refineries, and raised concerns about potential chemical leaks.

The storm also led to the suspension of a ban on sanctuary cities in Texas, and questions over how best to help those in Harvey's path. And, it wouldn't be a disaster without hoaxes. Harvey has inspired plenty, from social media pranks to outright scams. But the floating fire ants you've seen on Facebook? Those are real.
Friday News - International | 1a.org | 09/01/17 | 1hr
North Korea's latest missile test -- this time over Japan -- sparked a condemnation from the United Nations Security Council, and this tweet from President Trump.

PBS NewsHour full episode, August 31, 2017 | PBS | 08/31/17 | 52:05
As White House Cracks Show, Are Rex Tillerson and Gary Cohn Headed Out? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 09/01/17 | 10:12
IRS 'Specialized, Secretive Investigative' Unit Aiding Robert Mueller | MSNBC The Last Word | 09/01/17 | 6:47
Should 'Explosive' Donald Trump Dossier Be Made Public? | MSNBC AM Joy | 08/28/17 | 9:29
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Antagonists of the Alt-Right | TheDaily Show | 08/31/17 | 7:08
LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
Companies that purchase debt cheaply then collect it aggressively are shockingly easy to start. We can prove it! | John Oliver | 2016 | 20:50
Payday loans put a staggering amount of Americans in debt. | John Oliver | older | 16:31

09.01.2017. 10:40

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Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about. 
But I have a modest standard of living so I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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